HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) 8/29/2016 Florida Building Code Orlline .t } BCIS Home - Log In I User Registration Hot Topics i Submit Surcharge ( Stats&Facts ( Publications FBC Staff 1305 Site Map ( Links I«,Search FIGr'da , N Product Approval .USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detall s, R* FL# FL242-1120 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer PGT Industries Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive North Venice, FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 22318 druark@pgtindustries.com Authorized Signature Jens Rosowski jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Technical Representative Jens Rosowski Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis, FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 21140 Irosowski@pgtindustries.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Horizontal Slider Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Miami-Dade BCCO-CER Validated By Miami-Dade BCCO-VAL Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201, 202, 203 1994 Equivalence of.Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 03/15/2016 Date Validated 03/22/2016 https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app!N.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquUsDrhuM3DGCgL7x9PPaiMYtX5xTYbjGo%3d 1/4 8/29/2016 Florida Building Code ONine Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 03/22/2016 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 242.1 HR-210(Non-Impact) Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R20 C CAC 15-0609.05.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 04/05/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R20 II 15-0609.05.odf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details,and anchor type,size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.2 HR- 510(Impact) WlnGuard Vinyl Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R20 C CAC 15-0612.14.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 02/17/2021 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miaml-Dade County Notice of FL242 R20 II 15-0612.14.odf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details, and anchor type,size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.3 HR-610(Non-Impact) WinGuard Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R20 C CAC 15-0519.10.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 07/27/2021 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R20 II 15-0519.10.odf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance Information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details, and anchor type,size,and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.4 HR-710(Impact) WinGuard Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R20 C CAC 15-0519.09.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/21/2021 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R20 II 15-0519.09.odf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance Information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details, and anchor type,size,and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.5 HR-810(Large Missile Impact) Multi-Story Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R20 C CAC 14-0320.04 LM.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 11/01/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R20 II 14-0320.04 LM.odf Acceptance (NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details,and anchor type,size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.6 HR-810(Small Missile Impact) Multi-Story Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R20 C CAC 15-0609.04 SM2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:-Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 11/01/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R20 II 15-0609.04 SM2.odf Acceptance (NCA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details, and anchor type,size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. https:/ANww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app o.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquUsDrhuM3DGCgL7x9PPa!MYt)(5xTYajGo%3d 214 MIAMF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY rowt 1 PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OA www.miamidade.gov/economy PGT Industries,Inc. 1070 Technology Drive North Venice,FL 34275 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami—Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami—Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami--Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance,if it is determined by Miami—Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone.- DESCRIPTION:Series"HR-510 Vinyl" White PVC Horizontal Rolling Window—L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 5191-2, titled "Vinyl Horiz. Roller Window, Impact-resistant", sheets 1 through 10 of 10, dated 08/12/09,with revision C dated 05/29/15,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami.—Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, modellseries, and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA#11-1114.06 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez,P.E. NOA No. 15-0612.14 MIAMI-DADEcouNTY Expiration Date: February 17,2021 Approval Date: July 30 2015 7 f 27 l Page 1 PGT Industries,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE. EVIDENCE:SUBMITTED A.. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer'sdie drawings and sections. (Submitted under."NOA No. 09-0901.07) 2. Dzawing No: 5101-22, titled "Vinyl Horiz. Roller Window,Impact-resistant", sheets 1. through 10 of 110, dated 08112/09, with revision_, C dated 05/29/15, prepared by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Anthony'Lynn Miller,P.E. B. TESTS I. Test reports,on; 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC,TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 :4)Large Missile Impact:Test per FBC,TAS 201.94 5):Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC.TAS 203-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC2411,3.2.1,and TAS 202-94 along.with maiked-up drawings and installationdiagram of.aseries HR-51.0 vinyl horizontal sliding window (OX), .prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory;.Inc., Test Report No. FTL-5916, dated 06/18/09,signed and sealed by Julio E. Gonzalez, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 09-0901.07) C. CALCULATIONS 1. .Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis,,complying with FBC-Ste Edition'(2014),dated 06/05/15,prepared by manufacturer; signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,PA 1. Glazing complies with ASTM,E1300-04 D. QUALITY.ASSURANCE -1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). Manuel _.Pe P.B. Product Contfol_ xa iner NOA!40:15-. 612.14 Exp rafion Date: Februaryl7,2021 ApprovaMate: July 30 2015 E-.l. PGT Industries,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: 'E'VIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1.. Notice of:Acceptance No. 14-0916.11 issued.to Kuraray America,Inc.for their "SentryGlas® (Clear and White) Glass Interlayers dated 06/25/15,expiring-on 07/04/18. 2. Notice.of Acceptance No. 12-1017.02 issued to Quanex Build ng Produets,Inc.,for their"White Rigid.PVC Exterior Extrusions for Windows and Doors"dated 02/07/13, expiring on 12/26116. F, STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance,.complying with FBG-5"Edition(2014),dated June.5, 2015, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed-by Anthony;Lynn Miller;P.E., 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated June 5, 2015; issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-1114.06,issued to PGT Industries for their Series "HR-510" White PVC Horizontal Roller Window,-L.M.I."approved on 02/.09/12:and expiring on 02/17/16. Manuel PeyAi P.E.. Product,Control AmIniner NOA.No.15=0612'.14 Expiration Date: February 17,2021. ,ApprovalDate:: July`302Q15' E-2 ®IMPACT-RESISTANT HORIZONTAL ROLLER r2 518"MAX.TYP. 4"O.C.MAX.TYP. 21/4"MAX. I� ® Design Pressure Rating Impact Rating L TYP. act BOX FRAME AND INTEGRAL FIN WINDOWS t00/-7Q PSF Largean.t p—all Ml.Wvt'issile mp) • rmwnw�ro.e.na•�•a.�m.w x«or +60 f-70 PSF Large Mlssiielmpact Only (' "wYp en'"usebJ alabpLwmP) GENERAL NOTES: 1.GLAZING OPTIONS: A:7/8"IG -5116"H/H-SG+71*'-AIR+118"A CAP ~x - B.7/8")G -5/16"H/H-SG+7116"- AIR+1/81T CAP O J / / J p.NOA DRAWING TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.CONFIGURATIONS:XO AND OX. O a. O w SHEET o GENERAL NOTES....................................1 3.DESIGN PRESSURES:+601770 PSF(ALL GLASS TYPES LISTED) ILL ELEVATIONS............................................1 A.NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON TESTED PRESSURE qg co a GLAZING DETAILS...................................2-3 AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E 1300. v cj a LO SECTIONS,I.F.FRAME............................4 B.POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON WATER TEST O `' `O SECTIONS,BOX FRAME.........................5 PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E 1300. ` a ' a PARTS LIST..............................................6 EXTRUSIONS.. ... .7 4.SHUTTERS ARE NOT REQUIRED.FOR INSTALLATION OF UNITS ANCHORAGE SPACING,BOX FRAME...8 30'ABOVE GRADE IN THE HVHZ,THE EXTERIOR CAP OF ANCHORAGE DETAILS,BOX FRAME.....9 INSULATED GLASS UNITS MUST BE TEMPERED. © X ANCHORAGE DETAILS,.I.F.FRAME.......10, 5. ANCHORAGE:.ANCHOR SHALL BE AS LISTED AND SPACED AS o SHOWN ON DETAILS.ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO.THE 33'113% 32 314 VENT.DLO WIDTH 32 9/18 FIXED DLO WIDTH _ INTEGRAL FIN STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEEN USED W THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT.MATERIALS,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL 73"MAX: MAX.SIZE=T"X'62" SCREWS,THAT COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR 761/4"FRAME O.D. — — MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE.APPROVED ANCHORS:1,3116"ELCO ULTRACON) 2,#10 STEEL SCREW(G5)AND 3.(.120)X 1-1/2"ROOFING NAIL FOR A 73"MAX. FIN. —► 32 9/16 FIXED DLO WIDTH 6.REFERENCES:TEST REPORTS.FTL-5918;ELCO TEXTRON NOA 32 314 VENT-DLO WIDTH ANSI/AF&PA;NDS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION;ADM ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL;QUANEX BUILDING PRODUCTS(WHITE RIGID PVC EXTERIOR EXTRUSIONS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS) 7.THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED&TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDABUILDINGCODE, INCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ). i 8.SHIM EACH ANCHOR LOCATION WHERE THE PRODUCT IS NOT 0 n © P2ooucraGvr9BD O � AS complying with the Elnt1& FLUSH TO THE SUBSTRATE,USING SHIMS CAPABLE OF fa BuilAingCgdo TRANSFERRING APPLIED LOADS. / X iv Acccpranw No.l�'0�12 nap¢�e1 Z u- fO - E irauon Dnto - !-H+r+l 9.ADHESIVE SEALANT SHALL BE USED BETWEEN SUBSTRATE 'O r AND FLANGE OR FIN.OVERALL SEALING/FLASHING STRATE M By MiaOri adePrOdudCrnr FOR WATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE G *- DONE BY OTHERS. 10.MATERIALS USED FOR ANCHOR EVALUATIONS WERE SOUTHERN PINE(G=0.55),CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS OCOMPLYING WITH ASTMNCRETE(MIN.3.5 KSI) NC 90., B 112" X o ���LYhN (y1�W. � 6114" a BOX FRAME 4 3l4"—�- -x-15"MAX.O.C. �— TC; 410.rti705 A SEE SHEET 8 FOR MAX.SIZE=73"X 62" "SG"=SENTRYGLAS®BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC. ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS Df 6112"Max. fV3 +C 1111w Mw Rmw,c0 },� SC 05/29/15 C EDIT NOTES FOR FBC 20141REVISE MAX HEIGHT ELEVATIONS&i4NCH Fcc,Rtio?;•'�`' ei' onb: 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE i x\ J J. 10/17/11 FBC 2010 CODE CHANGE N.VENICE,FL 34275 Vinyl Horiz.Roller Window Impact-resistant �''�;cSSI O N J.R. 01/18/10 A Added DP/!m ecYbox frame,changed title above note P.O.BOX 1620 ® ,t,,.,d� p,,,,,,M R•,= A.L�rf4 Ni L'94. E. moo„ Ow: �61 D w NONOMIS.FL 34274 HRS10 NTS 1 d 10 510-2 C P.E#58705 J.R. 011/12109 FL Con 629296 ® 7/8"OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 5/16"LAMI GLASS NOMINAL 118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 7/18"AIRSPACE 090"SENTRYGLAS®BY" 118"ANNEALED OR KURARAY AMERICA,INC. TEMPERED GLASS 118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 1/2"NOM. 29 GLASS BITE 32' 39 r-- 37 28 29 EXTERIOR 35 O PRODUCT REVISED. ns:cnmplying tiAlh tho plodds I3uilding,Codo 2 Acceplancc4: �D OPTIONAL ExpirationFLANGE Miami nd illlrr, 7/8" LAMI I.G. GLAZING DETAIL WITH 5/16 LAMI GLASS AND 1/8 CAP ;Tic.1 No.58705 7IT S. rET4!ey. can:SG 05/29/15 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET I` ; a c r RvvkW: 1070 TECHNOLOGY.DRIVE - GLAZING DETAILS-BOX OR FLANGE FRAME �; F r FCliltlo►� ��'.� J.J. 10/17/11 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE.FLUM Tft Wh l Horiz.Roller Window Im act-resistant '�i'11f/VNA 'J.R. 01/18/10 A Changed lass make up,dra)i title. PD.BOX 1620 ' rI�t1 I r% BY: qfK wn: NOKOMIS.FL34274 ® °i �"" e� p.�vNa R'"' A.LYNNMII.I.E.R.P.E. J.R. 08112/08FCCOA g28z8G HR510 1:1 2 or 10 5191-2 C PXX$8705 718"OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 6116"LAMI GLASS NOMINAL 118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 7116"AIRSPACE .090'SENTRYGLAS0BY 116"ANNEALED OR KURARAYAMERICA,INC.. TEMPERED GLASS .« !8"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 112"NOM. 29v GLASS BITE 32. 0 39 37 28 29 EXTERIOR 35 O PRODUCT REVISED as complying with tlto Ftmtdo Building codo Acceplance No 15-061Z14- OPTIONAL 14- OPTIONAL Exp imllonDmi'7.t-"`"'} FLANGE Ey Mi. ii tdo,Pr " t 7/8" LAMI i.G:GLAZING DETAIL . oNa LYNN WITH 5/16" LAMI GLASS AND 1/8"CAP ` .1GCN •f��', 'i No.58705 Nmear 1002 Ric U ;L SC 05123/15 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET °"°� n.,rrom GLAZING DETAILS-INTEGRAL FIN MWE, -p. �ATE r ���1 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE - i F ,�.; J.J.1 10117111 8 NO CHANGETHIS SHEET lrtmzpN.VENICE,Ft aaz7s * ., p„ C arzty ` ' rz, VIn Horiz,Roller V14ndow, Im act resistant `� "OA E J.R, 01/18/10 A Changed less make up,drawing title. p.o.aoxl5zs ��� lAt r8r or: > NotcoMls,FLaaz7t SS o1r�rR51 a'.- at"'r or`"laK' m'° At.Y.E.058105,\P.E. J.R. OA/i7/09 FL COA tt292a0 NR6f0 1:1 3 a 10 5151-2 C: P.E.N 58105 19: 18 13. 1 SEE NOTE 1—\ SEE NOTE 4 DETAIL D SEE NOTE 1 14 15 16 HEAD SECTION .1 1 >J SEE NOTE 3 29 0 29 11. EXTERIOR SEE NOTE 2 5 29 4 21.22 . DETAIL A DETAIL B DETAIL C LEFT JAMB SECTION MEETING RAIL.SECTION RIGHT JAMB.*SECTION EXTERIOR NOTES: 1.#6)c 112 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4112" FROM EACH END AND AT 16.O.C.. 2.#6 x 318 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4112" FROM EACH END AND AT 16"O.C. 1 3.#6 x 112'FL SMS,,LOCATED AT 4112" SEE'NOTE 21 FROM EACH END. 4.CAM LOCKS: 2922 (2)AT 7"EACH END ruutu IyInvtseo ;�s compplying withthoPlosida de 5:WEEPHOLES ARE'1"X 3116".SEE Iluildfng N et SHEET I FOR LOCATIONS. =- -- HOTpirpal u�n D e(rJ-Oro{'lam k 21 WELD by SEE NOTE:5 Mi i ndeProduel 10 DETAIL E o SILL SECTIONEN `\1�.�p�1y LYNN Rf1�� i�it HOT WELD CORNER ASSEMBLY 1 (INTEGRAL FIN) 1 No.58705 Rm08F awc pMWnn °10' O. Or SC 05/29115 C NO CHANGE 7741S SHEET CROSS SECTIONS-INTEGRAL FIN �z a ay: ms pMymc 1070TEC.HNOLOGYORIVE J.J. 10/17/11 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N,VENICE,FL 34276 Pow pe+Mw Vinyl Horiz. Roller'Window, Impact-resistant J.R. 01/18/10 A No changes this sheet, P.O.Box N �,,, , a+,wNa A��MR MILaAk P.E. �a�r.Debt �"y ate: NOXOMIS,FL34274 1iR610 1:2 4 d 10 5191-2 c P.E.058705 J.R. 08117/09 FL COA#29290 1.9 13 SEE NOTE 1 18 2 14 SEE NOTE 4 DETAIL Q SEE NOTE 1 15 16 HEAD.SECTION 2 . 2 o © o SEE°NOTE 3 EXTERIOR ° 29 . 29 11. EXTERIOR SEE`NOTE 2 4 5 29 21 22. DETAIL A DETAIL B DETAIL C LEFT JAMB.SECTION MEETING RAIL SECTION RIGHT JAMB SECTION EXTERIOR. NOTES: 1.#6 x 112 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 41/2" FROM EACH END AND:AT 16"O,C. 2.#6 x 318 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4112" FROM EACH END AND AT 16"O.C. �JT 3..#6 x 1I2 FL SMS,'LOCATED AT 411.2" SEE NOTE 21 FROM EACH END. 4.CAM LOCKS; 29 (2)AT 7"EACH ENDHOT PRODUCT REVISED as complying with the Florida WELD Uuilding;Code 1Z.: 5.WEEPHOLES ARE 1"X 3116".SEE AcUptaucc No SHEET I FOR LOCATIONS. - - Bx utiflo Date 2421, 2 uy: Miami ado Product SEE NOTE-6 1Q DETAIL E SILL SECTION ��•�``\��� LvtvN rt1��''�. HOT WELD CORNER ASSEMBLY Enis� (BOX FRAME) 2 �' Nn:50705 ww o;QsinPFs .. A SCS 05/29/15 C NO CHANGE TMS SHEET CROSS SECTIONS-BOX FRAME tc ` J.J. 10117/11 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET 797N.VENICE`FL 342 50 7ECHOGY NE nw a_--f J.R. 01/16/10 A A No changes(his sheet. P.O.Box asz9. IW Horiz Roller Window, Impact-resistant 1/1 ��OpJ/��_ n.rney: V.* NOKOM18,FL34274. ® Sir o�VNa R�'' ALS'IJN.MJLLtV} P.E. J.R. 0@H2/08 FLCOAN29296 NRtifO 1:2 5 10 5191^2 C P.E.066705 ITEMDW(i.NO. PART# DESCRIPTION ION 6168 65169 FRAWHFAD.SLLAND JAM3S(FWONLY) 2 5189 65189 FRAME HEAD,SILL AND JAMBS(BOX OILY) 21 4 5162 85102 FDSEDME7=11NSiRAIL 13 5 6123 65123 FO{ED MEEnNCi RAIL_ALUMMM RBNF. 6 76X1FPAW 8 x1"FH TECH(CAM LOCK,KE.EM31). 29' / 16 8 7OX312PPABX SCR:8X31lr PP7YPEAB(MED W) 15'; 9 71669SP 330025 ALUM SCREW SUPPORT.ELATES 10 5136 65138 ROLLERTRACK 11 6136 65138 ANTI LIFT .8, 12 71038W NSTALLAMON HOLE FLOGS BOX ONLY) 34: 13 6105 :65105 SASH INTERLOCK RAL ;6 1.4 6114 65114. TTTERLOCKRAIL-ALUNM/MRBNF: 1 15 70208SLAW CAM SWEEP LOCKS 4 18 76133SLKW CAMSWEEPLOCKKEPER 21 11. 17 1644 61644W VvSTP.A87x 274FNSEAL 18 6137 65137 SASHSIDERAD 19 5114 e5114 SUE RAIL,ALUMINMRHNF. 20 1844 01644W WSM A07x.270 FW SEAL 21 6106 65108 SA SHTOMBOTTOMRAIL 22 6114 65114 TOP&BOTTOM RAIL-ALUMINUM REINF 24: 23 1644 61844W. W87R.187x-:270 FN SEAL 24 2264 42112HD ROLLER HOUSING 25 7BRWHL2 BRASS VVF aS 25 26 7612FW 6 X W FH PHIL 02Pr S/D/S 27 7638FW' Tx 31B FH PHL#2PT 808 28A 6SWGK716 7/10'SUPE}-SPACER 288 6SMK30 318'SUPERrSPACER 29A 5112 65112 GLAZNGBEAD;1-LITE .32A 716'LAM I.G:GLASS:118"TESD (NSVT - OUTBOARD-.AIRSPACE-1/8'ANNEALED-.090 USED) PV5 WERLAYER-V8'ANNEALED(5116`LAM) 32B 7/8'LAM1.G.GLASS:1/8"ANNEAL (NOT OUTBOARD-AIRSPACE::-1/8'ANNEALED-:090 USED) PJB WERLAYER-i/$'ANNEALED(6M6•LAM) IlRODUt."f iLEI'3SGD ns complyingtvlthlhe tlorld� 34 S( ! _ . RuildittgCudo 't5-o6�2..1 Zti 36 WEEPGOVERS. Acceptancctla. T;x irationDul�. 37 SETING BLOCK 39 SLICONE DOW 1199 0 y �iiiuni Me Product CO 40 10 NOTE: ALL EXTRUDED VINYL.MANUFACTURED BY QUANEX BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. `\���QSyy LYNN',, No.:G870�, 05/28/16 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET' A s o 15 G- BOM�EXPLODED VIEW `�` 1090 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE r�. �ORK) \ J.J.` 10/17111 B_ NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N VENICE.FU34276 _... �j � ��C 7MQW Sa J.R. 01/18/10 A Removed 3/4" lass and beadle P.6.8ox 1529 from BOM. Vinyl Horl2:RRoller;Window, Impact-resistant ��,;pNAL t , ' QMw a.4 AW NOKOMt$.FL34214 �' eaLL Mrrt u..rpNs' � A.LY�7�lM1V�ILLER.0 J.R. 00112109 FL CoA 429M 11R610 NTS 6 d 10 5191-2 C P.E.#6879s REMOVE- REMDVEABLE NAIL FIN ABLE 1.x35 FLANGE Ls47-�{ .07o 1,250 .083 606jo .080 1.440DOE .005 .174 .065 4.000 L -T 1.410 FIXED MEETING RAIL_. FIXED MEETING RAIL. REINFORCEMENT 06o ) DWG#5102 � DWG#5123 SASH INTERLOCK RAIL. RIGID PVC G) At 6005-T6 DWG#.5105 13; RIGID PVC -••-1s47 .080 1.180—{ 3.250 I.FFRAME O DWG#5116 .870060 1160 °B5 065 RIGID PVC Lo-- 1.022 IF.060 - SASH INTERLOCK RAIL REINFORCEMENT SASH SIDE RAIL SASH TOMBOTTOM RAIL 2.375 14 {9 22 DWG#5114 18. DWG#65137 21 DWG°#65106' PRODUCT REVISED us'complying%vllhYhc Fladdn Al 6063-T6 RIGID PVC RIGID PVC Auilding Cabo �r n kccepl�ueNa [3-bwL.}4. r.060 1.305 By. Miwni ade PmdutCC0td7 .060 803-►1 .210 660 3.250 .035 —►{'t--.065, ��N*{ 1.YN1� BOX FRAME ,� o 1aGLNSF F� O DWG#5189 I.G. BEAD ROLLER TRACK/ANTI LIFT >e RIGID PVC 9 DWG:#5112 1� DWG#5138 No.$8705 ` zj DUAL PVC O RIGID PVC SG 05%29/15 n�C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET EXTRUSION CROSS SECTIONS �-� Tear '\ 10707ECHNOLOGYDRIVE eetiqu: - � (� CORID`�• 1.� J.J. 10117111 a NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,,FL 34275 ���SSS naw. Vin 1 Horiz Roller Window, Impact-resistant ��,,�ON�I_�,�0 J.R. 01/18%10 A Added wall Thickness to as oxhuslons,removed boading hxW glass. P.O.BQX 1529 ® ar..e p„�y p,x A[VAIN MILL��,P.E. NONOMIS,FL 34274 J.R. X11108 0. FL con a2e2aa HR510 1:1 7 - 10 5191-2 G P.E.a507a5 HEAD,SILL AND JAMB ANCHOR QUANTITIES FOR DESIGN PRESSURES OF+601-70 PSF OR LESS ANCHORAGE NOTESFORBOX"FRAME:. WINDOW HEIGHT(in) (1. ANCHORTYPES: 1.-3116"ULTRACONSBYELCO'(FOR MASONRY SUBSTRATES). 24 30 36 42' 48 54 60: 162 MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE OF 1". _ 2-#10 SM SCREWS,GRADES.(FOR'METAL AND'WOOD'SUBSTRATES) WINDOW ANCHOR' MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE OF 318". WIDTH(in LOCATION #'OF.ANCHORS REQUIRED(TYPE 1 OR 2) 2.�ANCHOR LOCATIONS ARE BASED ON THE FdGLOWI ING."DIMENSIONS. Head and Sill 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6.5"MAX::FROM ALL CORNERS •24 JAMBS-18.3125"MAX:O.C. Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 HEAD/SILL-VP MAX.&d. Head and Sill 3 3 3 3' 3 3 3 3 a•INSTALL-PER THE ADJACENT TABLE.ANCHCR: 36 QUANTITIES USING THE DiMENSIONALCRITERiAOF Jamb 2: 3 3 .3 4 4 5 5 4.ANCHORAGE-SHOWN FOR BOX.FRAME WITH OR WITHOUT Head'and Sill 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 OPTIONAL FLANGE. 42 S.FOR INTEGRAL NAIL.FIN FRAME ANCHORAGE,SEE SHEET 1&10. Jamb 2 3 3 .3 .4 4 5 5 Head and Sill 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 48 Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 Head and Sill 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :54 Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 Head and Sill 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Jamb. 2. 3 3 3 4 4 5 Head and Sill 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 r tv0VCTRavlsr:.D os{orgplying w0h;thq,Florida, 4. Head and Sill 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 Acte l..". o ) Aaupin�ueD[o -a 12•`l�i It,40l ou Uate� i 72 : Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 -M1 M1 12.4a &Pro&efC+ma Head and Sill 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 73 11 1 Jamb' 2 3 3 3 4 4 .5 5 0 LYiti'Pd No M705 rF*SC n rtMdanr 05/29115 C' CHANGEMAXHEIGHT INANCHORTABLE w+"r 'O cco ltrW veto: ++.+> 1orbT�cHNowovti�vt ANCHOR CHARTS ,�•�`'` ficoR�n� J.J 10117111 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET rt:vewlce,FG3a27TAr KftWW. cowVinyl Horiz Roller Window,Impact-resistant � S,�� J.R.a0�1116110 A Added additionatanchorinformation' NO.O.B BOX 1529 7a. w s"" 8"°` """'°"` ""` <r�A,�N Ar� �hke• LR. 08112109 FLCOA 0292 UR510 NTS S ,a 10 5191-2 C P. . 5e705 w #10 SCREW,SEE #10 SCREW,SEE 1 3fe"MIN, w1l2"MIN.:EDGE SHEET 8 FOR SPACING SHEET 8 FOR SPACING 114"MAX.SHIM—►I z _ 4� ~- - 13/8"MIN, —� -- Inllmnl' -........... f 1/4„ REMOVEABLE f FLANGE 114 1 SHIM MAX, SHIMJE � �� 410 SCREW,SEE. --— � i 3/8"MIN. NOTE:INSTALLATION aSHEET 8 FOR SPACING REMOVEABLE C TO THE SUBSTRATE FLANGE --�'� OF 1x OR 2x WOOD BUCKS TO BE REMOVEABLE FLANGE—/ �- —►}-112"MIN.EDGE ENGINEERED BY JAMB W/BOX FRAME HEAD W/BOX FRAME SILL W/BOX FRAME OTHERS THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD 1318"MIN.EMBED 3.5 KSI MIN.CONCRETE EDGE DIST. APPROVED MASONRY OR 1.5 KSI MIN..CMU ANCHOR,SEE.SHEET 8 1!4"MAX:SHIM--1 F-- P• 4 0: d' '!' FOR SPACING EDGE DISTANCE +. ` + + • 1318"MIN.EMBED .• � e — ��-. ..ate MAX. REMOVEABLE 114"� _FSHIM FLANGE MAX._ U IE SHIM --�-- ' .. ' APPROVED MASONRY ANCHOR,SEE SHEET 8 REMOVEABLE FOR SPACING FLANGE ;a. , 1-318'EMBED REM O 3.5 KSI CRETE APPROVED MASONRY OR 1.5 KS1 MIN.C ANCHOR,SEES 3.5 KSI MIN.COPYCkETE SPACING OR 1,5 KSI MIN.CMU - EDGE DIST. PROD,UC'i'R[iViSED JAMB W/BOX FRAME HEAD W/BOX FRAME SILL W/BOX FRAME nsco�nrlyingwhhthoflofida Quiidiug Codo THROUGH FRAME INTO CONCRETE THROUGH FRAME INTO CONCRET T ROUGH FRAME INTO CONCRETE cccccc 01 n.t4- M Irulion Due 1x BUCK OPTIONAL 1x BUCK OPTIONAL 1x BUCK OPTIONAL II N O Mieml ad e Product Cogtt 1. FOR CONCRE LICATIONS IN MIAMI-DA NTY,USE ONLY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED.3116"U CON,'EMBED, 318" MIN., DISTANCE FROM ANCHO TO CONCRETE EDGE IS 2. FOR WOOD APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE#10SYkEL SCREW,EMBEDED 1$/8"MIN 3. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED IN THE SECTIONS:ON THIS PAGE AS ix,ARE.PUCKS WHOSE"TO KNESS IS LESS THAN 1 1/2".ix WOOD BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT `�� ( LTNIV CAN BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO SOLID CONCRETE:WOOD BUCKS DEP. x:ARE i 112"THICK;OR GREATER.INSTALLATION TO THE.SUBST.RATE OF WOOD i 4,cENS, F. BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS ORAS APPROVED BY-AUTHORITYHAVING JURISDICTION. `z 4. FORATTACHMENT TO ALUMINUM:THE MATERIAL SHALL BE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 6063-T5 AND A.MINIMUM OF 1/6'THICK:THE ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBER r+ '' Nor587C5 fr SHALL BE OF A SIZETO PROVIDE.FULL SUPPORT TO THE WINDOW FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN INTHESE DETAILS FOR'2x WOOD BUCKS,THE ANCHOR SHALL 5.E A#i0 SHEET METAL SCREW WITH.FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUMINUM.IF THESE CRITERIA'ARE MET,THE RESPECTIVE DESIGN PRESSURES AND ANCHORAGE ; SPACING FOR ULTRACONS MAY BE USED. t7 .1 tsRn,d . 0 '. TE F �: DMaawunac °i1bU'" SC 05129/15 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET INSTALLATION DETAILS-BOX/FLANGEFRAMEF40RIO `' (j,p ••,...... Br. DW: M.4W+a: - 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE J.J. 10/17/11 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34275 ". Vinyl Horiz.Roller Window, Impact-resistant J.R. 01/18/10 A No changes this sheet. P.O.]d.FL3 s �„00,R Sow p,.m„, asr NOKOMI$,FL 34274 ® A.LYNN#60705„P.E. Q J.R. &12/09 ' FL COA 029290 HRSfO 1:.2 9 d 10 5191=2 C' P.E.q 58705 112"MIN.EDGE 114"MAX,SHIM---­12-.— (.120") HIM---I I-.— (.120")DIA.x 11/2"ROOFING NAIL, 1,430"MIN EMBED ©® SEE SHEET'1 112'MIN.EDGE FOR SPACING C z REMOVEABLE—/j114" 1.557 ` FLANGE MAX NOTE:INSTALLATION v, SHIM TO THE SUBSTRATE L41OF 1x OR 2x WOOD BUCKS TO BE. ENGINEERED BY (.120")DIA.x'1 1/2"ROOFING NAIL, OTHERS. REMOVEABLE FLANGE ©®SEE SHEET 1 FOR SPACING JAMB W/NAIL FIN HEAD W/NAIL FIN. THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING THRU NAIL FIN INTOMOOD FRAMING a 114" MAX. REMOVEABLE SHIM FLANGE (.120")DIA.x 1 1/2"NAIL, _ ! ®® SEE SHEET 1 FOR SPACING 1/2"MIN.EDGE 1.430"MIN EMBED SILL W/NAIL FIN PRODUCTREVISED ns complying with the Florida THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING Bullaingcode Acceptance No rJ- f 4j-- iSt irotion Ih" Byl NOTES:®Q Miami ode Pnxlnci Control 1. FOR INTEGRAL FIN APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE (.120")DIA.x 1 112" ROOFING NAIL. 2. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED IN THE SECTIONS ON THIS PAGE AS 1x ARE BUCKS WHOSE TOTAL THICKNESS IS LESS THAN 1112". 1x WOOD BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT CAN BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO.SOLID CONCRETE. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 2x ARE 11/2"THICK.OR GREATER. INSTALLATION TO THE SUBSTRATE OF WOOD BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS OR AS APPROVED BY AUTHORITY HAVING \�N' N� 1.YN.V JURISDICTION. �Q�O NsC (�4, �� 3. FOR ATTACHMENT TO ALUMINUM:THE MATERIAL SHALL BE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 6063 T5 AND A MINIMUM OF 118'THICK.THE ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBER SHALL BE OF A SIZE TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT TO THE WINDOW FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN IN No.58105 ; THESE DETAILS FOR 2x WOOD BUCKS. THE ANCHOR SHALL BE A#10 SHEET METAL SCREW WITH FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUMINUM. _ IF THESE CRITERIA ARE MET,THE RESPECTIVE DESIGN PRESSURES AND ANCHORAGE SPACING FOR ULTRAC.ONS MAY BE USED. = j Dow DO-0- Se 05/29/16 C CHANGED ANCHOR T0.120 ROOFING NAIL INSTALLATION DETAILS-INT.FIN FRAME '.:'�\ �torilvP.•' ppR g�p,x 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE _ �l��s •�'+•••, "`• J.J. 10/17/11 R B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE.FL 3427e Vinyl HOrizs Roller Window, Impact-resistant ';�s/1O�N/�G J.R. !)1/18110 A Corrected nail!en th fo 2-1/2;added dla.in decimal P.o.sox 1529 ® s.a wee torr emae e,..r prxi a. n.LYNN IAiiiJR,P.E. Vm ax ops: 5 Pa NOKOMIS,FL 34274 HR510 1.2 10 'f 10 5191-2 C P.E.#66705 J.R. 081=9 FL COA#29296