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09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019310 Bogan, Sandra Operating Supplies 248.27 !0019313 Bryant, William D T Ragin 721 23rd Pl SW, Vero B 750.00 !0019316 Delgadillo, Robert A Reimbursement for purchase of 10.37 Reimbursement for purchase of 8.49 Reimbursement for purchase of 93.12 CHECK TOTAL: 111.98 !0019319 Eugene, Christian M Destine 3920 SW Wycoff PSL A 900.00 !0019321 Givens, Stacy Graphic Design and Website Cre 885.00 !0019323 Henry-Gordon, Sandy W Henry-Gordon/In County Mileage 27.09 !0019325 Kirchhoff, Valerie Teachers, Instructors And Prof 600.00 !0019330 McPhall, Darius Continuing Education/ Grand Wr 59.00 !0019331 Olivo, Mariela L S.Powell 416 N 24th St Apt A F 1,650.00 !0019336 Russ, Hassie M Parker 1102 N 17th Street FP 550.00 !0019338 Walls, Gerald J Nature Programs 180.00 !0019340 A Great Fence Inc Fence Installation And Repair 490.00 !0019343 Caldwell Pacetti Edwards Schoe CONTRACT C10-04-144 - PROFESSI 725.00 !0019345 CDA Solutions Inc Service call, Repair Front Gat 266.00 !0019354 Famoso Inc Temporary / Non-Clerical Posit 754.72 Clerical / Educational Assista 146.51 Assistance ERD Office 200.88 CHECK TOTAL: 1,102.11 !0019356 Ft Pierce Utility Authority 14000001-150572 Central Svcs 30,631.12 14000001-150572 Central Svcs 4,984.21 CHECK TOTAL: 35,615.33 !0019364 Life Safety Systems Inc of the Semi Annual range hood fire su 75.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 90.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 125.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 85.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 75.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 130.00 CHECK TOTAL: 580.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019369 Nabors Giblin & Nickerson PA CONTRACT NO. C07-10-541 - LEGA 191.75 !0019373 Plug & Pay Technologies Credit Card, Charge Card Servi 15.00 slclincoln 15.00 slcsavanna 15.00 slcaquariu 29.55 slclinpool 15.00 slclakepool 15.00 slcportpoo 15.00 slcoxbowec - credit card month 15.00 slcregiona-Credit Card Monthly 15.00 slcskatepa-Credit Card Monthly 15.00 slcvenue - credit card process 15.00 slcfairgro - credit card proce 15.00 CHECK TOTAL: 194.55 !0019377 Romex Corp Other Contractual Services - 280.00 !0019380 Sheriff St Lucie County Refund - Marriott Business Svc 550.00 !0019384 St Lucie County Tax Collector TRICO Insurance Co - Refund Du 1,424.98 !0019389 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services 400.00 !0019392 Walsh Environmental Services I Testing And Monitoring Service 150.00 Testing And Monitoring Service 152.00 Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op 76.00 Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op 70.00 Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op 140.00 Wastewater Treatment Plant, Op 76.00 CHECK TOTAL: 664.00 09834747 Fla Dept of Management Service Agency: A34 FY 2016 - 2017 378.72 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 19179-52481 ERD 62.73 99585-52342 Oxbow 351.46 CHECK TOTAL: 414.19 09834753 Forrest, Link Omekia Burks-Reeves 5013 Sanib 756.51 09834755 Foundation for Affordable Rent Dorico Tyree 840 5th Couret,Ap 983.00 09834763 Hepburn, Asheley Hepburn/Orlando/FBC Meeting 71.52 09834764 Heritage Contracting Services Concrete Construction Services 4,978.00 09834767 Johnnie Franklin Deposit Refund Res #1181 PP2 9 50.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834773 Make It Happen Real Estate Inc Evelyn Shell 2658 SE Export Av 1,900.00 09834782 Sarasota County Board of Count Invoice for GovMax service 62.50 09834784 Shanelle Benjamin FRS Refund 57.69 09834791 Treasure Coast Lawns Inc Mowing Contract $2,000 per cyc 2,299.06 Mowing Contract $2,000 per cyc 2,299.06 CHECK TOTAL: 4,598.12 09834792 Treasure Coast Regional Planni Registration Economic Developm 50.00 09834796 Vineyard Church Deposit Refund RES #1171 - PPI 50.00 C0013705 DeAngelo Brothers Inc Weed And Vegetation Control 80.00 Weed And Vegetation Control 800.00 CHECK TOTAL: 880.00 C0013708 Lewis Longman & Walker PA Contract No. C00-06-391 Profes 3,245.00 C0013709 Miracle Recreation Equipment C Grounds Maintenance & Repair 4,113.86 Grounds Maintenance & Repair 1,585.01 CHECK TOTAL: 5,698.87 C0013713 Scripps NP Operating LLC ST LUCIE COUNTY ATTORNERYS OFF 2,394.67 C0013714 Sentry Industries Inc Swimming Pool Maintenance (Inc 498.75 Swimming Pool Maintenance (Inc 283.50 Swimming Pool Maintenance (Inc 472.50 Swimming Pool Maintenance (Inc 173.25 Swimming Pool Maintenance (Inc 446.25 CHECK TOTAL: 1,874.25 C0013716 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Overage Charges On Copier Mete 12.92 Copy Machine Rentals 108.88 Copier Rental/Lease 87.72 Copies 70.98 Copies 75.70 Copier Rental/Lease 338.95 CHECK TOTAL: 695.15 C0013717 Yates Funeral Home LLC Payment for Disposition of Mil 500.00 H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 368.15 8/16 Sales Tax 25.99 8/16 Sales Tax 1,379.19 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0003423 - Continued 8/16 Sales Tax 38.02 8/16 Sales Tax 26.21 CHECK TOTAL: 1,837.56 H0003424 St Lucie County Tax Collector 8/16 Resort Tax Savannas 283.19 V0007682 AmeriGas Propane LP Generator Maintenance And Repa 151.52 V0007689 City of Port St Lucie 075946407546/2410 SE Morningsi 44.56 V0007690 City of Port St Lucie 0874055027122/1 E Prima Vista 10.34 V0007691 City of Port St Lucie 0874055205957/1664 SE Walton R 683.95 V0007692 City of Port St Lucie #0874055287868/500 E Prima Vis 17.06 V0007694 Comcast of Colorado/Florida In #01710 274043-01-2 250.83 V0007697 Comcast of Colorado/Florida In Access Services, Data 240.82 V0007698 Dell Marketing LP Dell 27" Monitor 260.39 Dell 7040 Computers (2) 176.88 Dell 7040 Computers (2) 1,786.10 CHECK TOTAL: 2,223.37 V0007704 MailFinance Inc For Lease on IN-700 Mail Machi 519.00 V0007706 Ricoh USA Inc Copy Machine Rentals 122.66 V0007707 Ricoh USA Inc Copies 152.13 V0007709 Ricoh USA Inc Color copies 36.41 V0007710 Reed Elsevier Inc C13-10-149 - ONLINE LEGAL RESE 745.00 V0007712 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Finance 192.28 FUND TOTAL: 85,593.93 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001461- RCMP 2017 -002 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019385 St Lucie Title Services Inc Title Search for Various RCMP 75.00 FUND TOTAL: 75.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001550- HUD Shelter Plus Care CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019318 Eloizin, Jean Young, Calvin 128 N 28th St Ft 512.00 09834727 Affordable St Lucie LTD Mattice, Beth 4665 NW Cove Cir 276.00 09834731 Bergamino, Steven J Hanna, Martha 1926 18th Ave Un 750.00 09834743 Courtyard Villas of Vero LLC Jackson, Dawna 1055 Royal Palm 565.00 Lewis, Lachon 1055 Royal Palm 650.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,215.00 09834761 Hatfield, James E Shiver, Michael 1001 N 7th St 351.00 09834762 Helping Hands Real Estate & In Best, Robert 1720 19th St Vero 775.00 Best, Robert 1720 19th St Vero 775.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,550.00 09834769 Key West Island Holdings LLC Spittler, Janet 746 18th St Ap 523.00 09834774 MISS Inc of the Treasure Coast Hall, Ashley 4454 SE Cleckly W 700.00 09834776 Palmetto Property Management C Gourley, Lynn 5310 SE Ebbtide 639.00 09834783 Schlitt LC, Ed Pullen, Terry 1928 9th Ave Apt 750.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,266.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001574- CSBG 2016 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019348 Community Transit Monthly Bus Passes 300.00 !0019362 Housing Authority of the City CSBG/Deposit Melissa Morals Co 429.00 !0019368 Mustard Seed Ministries of Ft Jessica Murat Furniture and Ho 500.00 !0019371 Okeechobee Board Of County Com Family And Social Services 2,170.00 09834757 Georgia Department of Public H Birth Certificate for A. Green 25.00 FUND TOTAL: 3,424.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001579- Farm to Fly Biofuels Study CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834798 Wenck Associates Inc Florida's Farm2Fly BioFuels Fe 506.80 FUND TOTAL: 506.80 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001580- Section 112/MPO/FHWA Plan FY16/17 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019314 Buchwald, Peter Buchwald/Charleston/Tools of T 130.20 !0019317 Ding, Yi Ding/In County Mileage 16.20 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 33975-58358 TPO 433.30 C0013700 American Prestige Group LLC Background Checks 72.25 FUND TOTAL: 651.95 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001583- Continuum of Care Vets CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019315 David, Walgrave Perdue, Yvette 3105 Ave T Ft P 700.00 !0019318 Eloizin, Jean Joseph, Minocles 124 N 28th St 466.00 !0019331 Olivo, Mariela L Louidor, Durvat 416 N. 24th St 525.00 !0019332 Parish, Florence M Brifil, David 1209 Ave L, Ft P 269.00 !0019356 Ft Pierce Utility Authority Auguste, Micheline 107 S. 16th 136.28 !0019361 Hinkley Investments Inc Clark, James 431 SW 7th St Uni 399.00 !0019393 Woodrow Jackson Jr Estate McWilliams, Mary 1917 Royal Pa 748.00 09834735 Carone, Paul F Stern, Benjamin 1956 18th Ave 631.00 09834744 Deep Real Estate Inc Little, Barbara 2401 S 25th St 342.00 Tarquinio, Eugene 2401 S 25th 406.00 CHECK TOTAL: 748.00 09834758 GNS Real Estate Holdings LLC Pelletier, Kennith 706 Royal P 512.00 09834759 Hanna, Lorenzo L Auguste, Micheline 107 S. 16th 525.00 09834770 Lozada, Joseph McGriff, Tyetta 570 13th Place 537.00 09834772 Madison Vines LLC Clarke, Jeffery 955 Tumblin Kl 604.00 09834777 Pinnacle Grove Cidlowski, Sylvia 1820 Woodlan 310.00 Desir, Janie 1870 Woodland Cir 554.00 Scholtes, Jayme 1830 Woodland 406.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,270.00 09834781 Sandpiper Apartments LTD Doiron, Daniel 2403 S. 25th St 662.00 09834786 Sparks, David Spearman, Shalonda 241 6th Ave 750.00 FUND TOTAL: 9,482.28 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001584- Continuum of Care Chronic CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019318 Eloizin, Jean Doreus, Patrick 126 N 28th St 550.00 !0019324 Hoffman, Dolores R Harper, Joanne 781 SW Gardens 444.00 !0019333 Patterson, Michael B Tomasovic, Maria 1780 W Midwat 261.00 !0019334 Rahla, Charles Duke, William Cody 868 SW Amet 1,039.00 !0019339 Williams, Andrew J Chavez, Vanessa 2253 2nd St SW 588.00 !0019362 Housing Authority of the City Nolen, Melinda 1116 Sunrise Bl 641.00 Wright, Tracy 1116 Orange Ave 465.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,106.00 !0019365 Maxiplex LLC Williams, Judy 3210 Louisiana 652.00 09834730 Baer, Mark Gonzalez, Juan Carlos 715 19th 281.00 O'Neal, James 716 19th Pl #2 V 456.00 Roscheck, George 736 19th Pl # 482.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,219.00 09834744 Deep Real Estate Inc Lifhred, Tammie 2401 S 25th St 530.00 09834746 Earring Point Properties LLC Meadows, Mary-Ann 1905 21st Av 356.00 09834754 Foundation for Affordable Rent Cabral, Russell 525 8th Manor 426.00 09834758 GNS Real Estate Holdings LLC Huffman, Daniel 706 Royal Palm 430.00 09834772 Madison Vines LLC O'Brien-Fetzner, Laurie 955 Tu 440.00 09834795 Vero Beach Place LLC Ferris, Randall 550 13th Pl #3 568.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,609.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0013716 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Rental/Lease 240.60 Copies 71.88 CHECK TOTAL: 312.48 FUND TOTAL: 312.48 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101002- Transportation Trust/80% Constitut CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019349 DGC Environmental Services Inc Subdivison 2 Mowing 10,392.00 !0019351 Duval Motor Company Truck 84,063.00 !0019367 Mow 4 Less LLC Mowing and Median Maintenance 5,300.00 09834751 Florida East Coast Railway LLC Crossing and License Agreement 13,229.09 09834768 Kelly Tractor Co Parts and Service 1,003.67 Parts and Service 10,015.69 CHECK TOTAL: 11,019.36 FUND TOTAL: 124,003.45 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101003- Transportation Trust/Local Option CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007684 Ardaman & Associates Inc Compaction testing 1,399.00 V0007685 Ardaman & Associates Inc Compaction testing 439.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,838.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101004- Transportation Trust/County Fuel Tx CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007700 Gerelco Traffic Controls Inc Signal Maintenance 12,145.75 Signal Maintenance 53,555.58 CHECK TOTAL: 65,701.33 FUND TOTAL: 65,701.33 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019309 Balcer, Benjamin Balcer/Tampa/Pruning PLUC Trai 25.00 !0019312 Brunson, Kevin L Cut,weed,edging & remove all d 250.00 !0019326 Landry, Bonnie C Landry/Tampa/APA Conference 221.27 !0019337 Waite, Diana Waite/Tampa/APA Conference 211.17 !0019363 Humane Society of St Lucie Cou Other Contractual Services 125.00 Other Contractual Services 70.00 CHECK TOTAL: 195.00 09834728 Asha Planning Consultancy Inc Contract C15-02-281 Work Autho 5,500.00 09834771 M. Carroll Collins/Janet L. Co Refund of Pre-Applicatiom Fee( 250.00 09834793 Tri-County Animal Hospital Other Contractual Services 70.00 Other Contractual Services 90.00 Other Contractual Services 90.00 Other Contractual Services 70.00 Other Contractual Services 70.00 Other Contractual Services 70.00 CHECK TOTAL: 460.00 V0007708 Ricoh USA Inc COPIES 110.12 FUND TOTAL: 7,222.56 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 102001- Drainage Maintenance MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019342 Bowman Consulting Group Ltd In Engineering 7,110.00 !0019353 Environmental Land Development Swale Maintentenance 16,742.00 C0013702 Ciklin Lubitz Martens & O'Conn Engineering 375.50 V0007683 Ardaman & Associates Inc Compaction testing 1,063.00 FUND TOTAL: 25,290.50 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 102300- FDEP - Paradise Park 4 Phase 5 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019353 Environmental Land Development concrete work 750.00 FUND TOTAL: 750.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 104 - Grants & Donations Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019380 Sheriff St Lucie County Local Dollar Funds Training Ex 115,000.00 FUND TOTAL: 115,000.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019356 Ft Pierce Utility Authority 71227000-155436 Sheriff 374.38 63859000-155436 Sheriff 35,490.30 71225542-155436 Sheriff 1,106.33 10006607-155436 Sheriff 183.19 71226490-155436 Sheriff 21.22 14000012-224476 Central Svcs 2,270.94 14000012-224476 Central Svcs 2,642.99 14000001-150572 Central Svcs 44,075.48 CHECK TOTAL: 86,164.83 !0019364 Life Safety Systems Inc of the Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 485.50 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 125.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 130.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 225.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 75.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 75.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 75.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 85.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 750.00 Fire Sprinkler Testing & Monit 600.00 CHECK TOTAL: 2,625.50 !0019370 New Horizons Of Treasure Coast Jail Diversion - Provides serv 47,086.99 !0019376 Reliant Fire Systems Inc Card Access Security Services 4,212.60 !0019380 Sheriff St Lucie County Family Protection Act Fund req 34,997.00 09834778 Ricardo Pellot FRS REFUND 9.92 09834788 State Attorney 19th County Acc County Obligations for State A 57.41 County Obligations for State A 762.49 CHECK TOTAL: 819.90 H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 4.29 V0007701 I-Con Systems Inc Toilets for County Jail per qu 4,791.72 V0007705 Pemica Inc EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, RECONDI 1,850.00 FUND TOTAL: 182,562.75 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834729 AT&T 561 N10-0064 064 - Public Saft 2,647.75 V0007703 Language Line Services #9020903027 277.52 FUND TOTAL: 2,925.27 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107003- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834729 AT&T 561 N10-0009 009 295.56- 561 N10-0028 028 1,273.32 561 N10-0020 020 2,475.19 CHECK TOTAL: 3,452.95 09834775 Pallans Associates Professional Services 1,761.33 FUND TOTAL: 5,214.28 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund-Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019346 CDW Government Inc Credit Invoice 116.00- CPI Cube-It wall mount cabinet 185.50 CHECK TOTAL: 69.50 !0019359 Gerelcom Inc Cabling 435.00 !0019366 Mentis Technology Solutions LL ePortal Return Intergration An 4,000.00 !0019394 Bank of America N.A. P-Card Statement/Acct 47152900 290.55 P-Card Statement/Acct 47152900 5,994.00 P-Card Statement/Acct 47152900 1,749.92 CHECK TOTAL: 8,034.47 09834788 State Attorney 19th County Acc County Obligations for State A 1,419.02 County Obligations for State A 56.40- CHECK TOTAL: 1,362.62 C0013716 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 26.54 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 11.43 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 43.37 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 87.43 Maintenance & Copies 25.37 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 28.05 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 20.20 Copier Rental 138.53 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 9.20 Maintenance for Copiers 7.91 Maintenance & Copies 16.77 Copier Rental 138.53 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 13.42 Maintenance & Copies 72.15 Copier Rental 138.53 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 55.89 Maintenance & Copies 32.42 Copier Rental 138.53 CHECK TOTAL: 2,251.04 FUND TOTAL: 16,152.63 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 113 - Harmony Heights 3 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 63274-23023 Eng 233.66 FUND TOTAL: 233.66 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 114 - Harmony Heights 4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 63284-21059 Eng 573.65 FUND TOTAL: 573.65 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 116 - Sunland Gardens Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 63214-20074 Eng 626.70 FUND TOTAL: 626.70 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 117 - Sunrise Park Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 63124-23038 Eng 143.59 FUND TOTAL: 143.59 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 119 - Holiday Pines Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 63114-25000 Eng 835.41 FUND TOTAL: 835.41 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 123 - Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 63254-29071 Eng 390.80 FUND TOTAL: 390.80 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 127 - Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 26390-79421 Eng 511.41 FUND TOTAL: 511.41 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 128 - Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 00955-92549 Eng 630.68 FUND TOTAL: 630.68 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 130116- FTA 5312 VTCLI-II FY14 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834732 Bernier, Jeff M Filming and editing five TV co 7,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,500.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 136 - Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 63424-23016 Eng 2,344.95 FUND TOTAL: 2,344.95 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 138 - Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834752 Florida Power & Light Company 78922-20349 Eng 319.97 FUND TOTAL: 319.97 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019354 Famoso Inc Contract Labor 243.80 !0019357 Fuller Armfield Wagner Apprais Professional Services 1,700.00 H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 3,725.56 FUND TOTAL: 5,669.36 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 140001- Port Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 148.80 FUND TOTAL: 148.80 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 140375- FDOT- Construction Customs Facility CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019341 ANATOM Construction Company Buildings 107,982.00 Buildings 11,998.00 Credit Retainage 11,998.00- CHECK TOTAL: 107,982.00 FUND TOTAL: 107,982.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019381 Southeastern Aerial Crop Servi Aerial Larviciding Services 1,526.00 09834789 Stewart Materials Inc Coquina for Impoundment Projec 1,645.53 V0007711 Verizon Wireless #723709239-00001 90.30 FUND TOTAL: 3,261.83 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 150 - Impact Fee Collections CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834736 Community Land Title & Researc Seven Ownership & Encumbrances 175.00 09834737 Community Land Title & Researc Seven Ownership & Encumbrances 175.00 09834738 Community Land Title & Researc Seven Ownership & Encumbrances 175.00 09834739 Community Land Title & Researc Seven Ownership & Encumbrances 175.00 09834740 Community Land Title & Researc Seven Ownership & Encumbrances 175.00 09834741 Community Land Title & Researc Seven Ownership & Encumbrances 175.00 09834742 Community Land Title & Researc Seven Ownership & Encumbrances 175.00 C0013703 Culpepper & Terpening Inc Consultanting Services 8,165.25 FUND TOTAL: 9,390.25 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 181 - SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834748 Florida Association of Local H Membership Dues/Katherine Barb 500.00 FUND TOTAL: 500.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 182 - Environmental Land Acquisition Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 79.22 FUND TOTAL: 79.22 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019359 Gerelcom Inc Cabling 2,825.00 Cabling 2,825.00 CHECK TOTAL: 5,650.00 !0019394 Bank of America N.A. P-Card Statement/Acct 47152900 239.64 09834729 AT&T #561 N10-0039 039 852.20 09834747 Fla Dept of Management Service Agency; D86 FY 2016-2017 3,012.68 C0013707 Interstate Express Courier Services for 19th Judi 287.80 V0007693 Comcast of Colorado/Florida In #01643 380122-01-8 315.99 FUND TOTAL: 10,358.31 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 183001- Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019329 Maxfield, Donald J Mediation Sessions 1 @ $20.00 20.00 09834760 Hanner, Walter O Mediation Sessions - 4@$20.00 80.00 FUND TOTAL: 100.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 183004- Ct Admin.- Teen Court CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019320 Givans, Pamela Intake Assessments 75.00 !0019335 Ruiz, Jacquelyn Intake Assessments 150.00 FUND TOTAL: 225.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019311 Bouchard, Richard Bouchard/Naples/FSBPA Conferen 203.18 FUND TOTAL: 203.18 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184001- Artificial Reef Program CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019378 Sea Rover Services Inc Artificial Reef Deployment 13,400.00 FUND TOTAL: 13,400.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184111- Fish & Wildlife Artifical Reef CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019378 Sea Rover Services Inc Artificial Reef Deployment 8,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 8,500.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184221- S SLC Beach Restoration & Monit CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019358 G.E.C. Inc So. Co. Beach & Dune Rest. Pro 25,032.00 FUND TOTAL: 25,032.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184222- Ft Pierce Shore Protection Project CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019386 Taylor Engineering Inc Ft. Pierce Shore Protection Pr 48,448.00 FUND TOTAL: 48,448.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184225- South Beach Feasibility Study CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019358 G.E.C. Inc So. Co. Beach Restoration Proj 7,492.00 FUND TOTAL: 7,492.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 185017- FHFA SHIP 2016/2017 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019372 One Construction Services Corp Emergency repair -4211 Ave Q F 9,125.00 Emergency Repair-181 SE Lucero 5,510.00 CHECK TOTAL: 14,635.00 FUND TOTAL: 14,635.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 52 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 189110- Home Consortium 2014 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019328 Matsoukas, Beverly E TBRA Assistance For Jasmine No 754.00 FUND TOTAL: 754.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 53 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019354 Famoso Inc Tradition Field 480.60 !0019373 Plug & Pay Technologies Tradition Field 15.00 !0019377 Romex Corp Tradition Field 180.00 !0019380 Sheriff St Lucie County Tradition Field 1,317.50 !0019382 St Lucie County Fire District Tradition Field 6,142.50 !0019390 Triple K Plumbing of the Treas Tradition Field 1,354.77 09834749 Florida City Gas Co 00222327 535.58 C0013704 Custom Welding Tradition Field 1,040.00 H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 89.26 FUND TOTAL: 11,155.21 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 54 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 310001- Impact Fees-Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019347 Cengage Learning Inc Books 25.59 Books 24.79 Books 55.18 CHECK TOTAL: 105.56 !0019352 Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Archi Professional Architectural Ser 948.90 C0013701 Brodart Company Books 2,367.61 Books 2,545.41 Books 29.10 Books 289.15 Books 1,955.02 CHECK TOTAL: 7,186.29 FUND TOTAL: 8,240.75 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 55 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 310006- Impact Fees-Transportation CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007686 Ardaman & Associates Inc Engineering 29,879.00 FUND TOTAL: 29,879.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 56 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 316001- 5th Cent Fuel-Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019375 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt 129.88 Asphalt 720.12 Asphalt 510.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,360.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,360.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 57 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 37007 - NOA MSBU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834766 Janet M Mackey NOA MSBU- Refund Property Owne 1,595.69 09834779 Richard E Watson NOA MSBU- Refund Property Owne 1,595.69 FUND TOTAL: 3,191.38 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 58 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 37008 - Jenkins Park/Starcher MSBU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834734 Carol Jo Dost Jenkins Park/Starcher MSBU - R 586.11 09834745 Earl Gaines Jenkins Park/Starcher MSBU-Ref 586.11 FUND TOTAL: 1,172.22 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 59 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 382 - Environmental Land Capital Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 99.30 FUND TOTAL: 99.30 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 60 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019354 Famoso Inc day labor 1,618.53 contract labor 10,423.59 CHECK TOTAL: 12,042.12 !0019356 Ft Pierce Utility Authority deep well O&m 646.99 !0019392 Walsh Environmental Services I parts & labor as needed 1,203.40 parts & labor as needed 646.41 parts & labor as needed 599.50 CHECK TOTAL: 2,449.31 09834756 Gardner Bist Wiener Wadswor Professional/ Legal Services 3,510.00 C0013710 Nature's Keeper Inc bahai sod installed 5,590.00 C0013711 Pace Analytical Services Inc water quality monitoring 9,687.00 water quality monitoring 1,800.50 CHECK TOTAL: 11,487.50 C0013712 Palmdale Oil Company Inc bulk oil product only as neede 6,709.11 V0007699 D & D Garage Doors of Port St repair 444.00 V0007712 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Solid W 551.10 FUND TOTAL: 43,430.13 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 61 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019360 Glover Oil Co Inc Petroleum 533.10 Petroleum 397.42 CHECK TOTAL: 930.52 !0019373 Plug & Pay Technologies slcproshop - Credit card month 15.00 !0019374 PNC Bank NA Golf Cart Lease 5,560.00 !0019392 Walsh Environmental Services I Sewer Maintenance And Repair 52.50 Sewer Maintenance And Repair 52.50 CHECK TOTAL: 105.00 H0003423 Florida Department of Revenue 8/16 Sales Tax 2,868.52 FUND TOTAL: 9,479.04 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 62 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 451 - S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019379 Severn Trent Environmental Ser Wastewater,Treatment & Collect 4,483.96 V0007712 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Utiliti 96.14 FUND TOTAL: 4,580.10 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 63 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019379 Severn Trent Environmental Ser Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 4,071.48 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 3,072.68 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 102.04 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 312.16 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 300.52 CHECK TOTAL: 7,858.88 !0019388 The Balmoral Group LLC Consulting and Professional Se 9,150.00 C0013706 Greenberg Traurig PA Legal Services 3,253.75 V0007681 AT&T #772 V10-2140 140 349.11 #772 V10-2140 140 36.48 #772 V10-2140 140 87.38 CHECK TOTAL: 472.97 V0007712 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Utiliti 96.14 FUND TOTAL: 20,831.74 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 64 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007702 International Code Council Inc Annual Membership #5203873 370.00 V0007712 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Plannin 192.28 FUND TOTAL: 562.28 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 65 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019344 CareHere LLC Professional Services 85,578.02 Medical Supplies 18,690.86 Other Contractual Service 1,560.86 CHECK TOTAL: 105,829.74 !0019355 Fidelity Security Life Insuran SEPTEMBER 2016 VISION 253.79 SEPTEMBER 2016 VISION 4,937.75 CHECK TOTAL: 5,191.54 !0019356 Ft Pierce Utility Authority 14000001-150572 Central Svcs 638.55 !0019395 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of BCBS 08/16 INV#1000035713 782,027.54 BCBS 08/16 Inv#1000035713 318,714.28 CHECK TOTAL: 1,100,741.82 09834750 Florida Combined Life September 2016 Dental 3,539.54 September 2016 Dental 5,283.89 September 2016 Dental 54,857.44 CHECK TOTAL: 63,680.87 09834780 Ricoh USA Inc Copies 9.42 Copier Rental/ Lease 293.29 CHECK TOTAL: 302.71 09834790 The Hartford September 16 AD&D Insurance 2,797.90 C0013715 Shred-it USA LLC Certified Moblie Destruction o 44.80 V0007695 Comcast of Colorado/Florida In Cable TV for Employee Health 0 69.95 FUND TOTAL: 1,279,297.88 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 66 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019327 Landry, George Landry/Naples/RIMS Conference 219.56 C0013700 American Prestige Group LLC Pre-employment Background Scre 827.50 FUND TOTAL: 1,047.06 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 67 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019322 Hardison, Tayler Hardison/Orlando/FL Governors 22.00 !0019350 Downs & St Germain Research 2016 Visitor Research StudyApr 10,000.00 V0007687 Bright House Networks LLC Bright House Summer 2016 Fishi 1,613.30 V0007688 Bright House Networks LLC Bright House Summer 2016 Fishi 7,144.93 FUND TOTAL: 18,780.23 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 68 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 625 - Law Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007696 Comcast of Colorado/Florida In Ownership & Encumbrance 168.89 Ownership & Encumbrance 178.39 CHECK TOTAL: 347.28 FUND TOTAL: 347.28 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 69 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 650 - Agency Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019382 St Lucie County Fire District August/ 2016 Impact Fees 6,508.80 August/ 2016 Impact Fees 4,545.43 CHECK TOTAL: 11,054.23 !0019383 St Lucie County School Board August/2016 Impact Fees 53,412.48 FUND TOTAL: 64,466.71 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 70 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0019387 Teamsters Local Union #769 SEP 16 Teamsters Local Union#7 2,657.99 !0019391 United Way Of St Lucie County United Way 912.16 !0019396 HealthEquity Inc Flexible Spending and Dep Care 641.81 Flexible Spending and Dep Care 9,986.66 CHECK TOTAL: 10,628.47 09834733 CACH LLC Richard Hagerhorst #56-2010 SC 75.00 09834765 Internal Revenue Service Beverly Davis # 50.00 CHECK TOTAL: 235.00 09834785 Social Security Administration #59150935819951219 10.00 09834787 Sprechman & Fisher P.A. Keith Santrock 562010CC01752 F 246.46 09834794 US Department of Education T. Kelley-McCloud # 136.35 09834797 Weiner, Robin R Wendy Parent 1234053EPK 274.35 H0003425 Fla Dept of State Child Support 5,460.23 FUND TOTAL: 20,636.01 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 11101 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 1,909.60 11102 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 1,976.80 11103 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 2,044.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 23.08 11104 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 2,050.40 11105 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 1,740.80 1210 512000 Salaries 100 24,256.73 514000 Overtime 100 56.70 515000 Special Pay 100 900.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 36.92 1225 512000 Salaries 100 7,025.80 514000 Overtime 100 213.78 515000 Special Pay 100 300.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 60.00 1301 512000 Salaries 100 14,702.95 514000 Overtime 100 56.46 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 1320 512000 Salaries 100 6,707.20 1330 512000 Salaries 100 15,421.65 515000 Special Pay 100 270.00 1350 512000 Salaries 100 2,251.20 1410 512000 Salaries 100 25,668.80 515000 Special Pay 100 300.00 1420 512000 Salaries 100 2,685.60 1920 512000 Salaries 100 2,040.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 1925 512000 Salaries 100 6,637.60 514000 Overtime 100 22.42 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 36.92 1926 512000 Salaries 100 672.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 100 9,322.58 514000 Overtime 100 69.39 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 9.23 1929 512000 Salaries 100 11,768.00 514000 Overtime 100 509.27 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 1930 512000 Salaries 100 22,173.07 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 23.08 19301 512000 Salaries 100 14,496.99 514000 Overtime 100 28.18 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 55.38 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1955 512000 Salaries 100 70,368.18 514000 Overtime 100 338.89 515000 Special Pay 100 300.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 295.37 2360 512000 Salaries 200 5,379.20 2510 512000 Salaries 200 3,964.34 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 18.46 2920 512000 Salaries 200 6,615.20 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 200 1,483.36 514000 Overtime 200 701.04 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 200 955.68 3715 512000 Salaries 300 12,142.97 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 300 1,166.90 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 36.92 3716 512000 Salaries 300 5,379.12 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 18.46 3720 512000 Salaries 300 1,736.00 3920 512000 Salaries 300 11,453.52 514000 Overtime 300 12.18 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 300 389.76 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 92.30 3921 512000 Salaries 300 4,408.80 514000 Overtime 300 13.59 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 18.46 5310 512000 Salaries 500 9,177.36 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 500 1,822.48 514000 Overtime 500 5.41 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 500 18.46 5420 512000 Salaries 500 2,176.74 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 500 18.46 6420 512000 Salaries 600 13,138.99 515000 Special Pay 600 300.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 36.92 7110 512000 Salaries 700 65,277.62 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 3,766.75 7210 512000 Salaries 700 32,271.39 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 3,243.49 514000 Overtime 700 313.84 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 700 342.76 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 64.62 72101 512000 Salaries 700 10,352.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 18.46 7215 512000 Salaries 700 33,983.32 512000 Salaries 7102 2,692.00 512000 Salaries 7106 2,864.97 512000 Salaries 7220 1,487.20 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7215 512000 Salaries 7270 1,393.60 512000 Salaries 7910 548.00 512000 Salaries 7914 1,892.00 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7102 2,669.84 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7914 401.38 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 7106 1,727.14 514000 Overtime 700 514.83 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 700 99.50 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 18.46 7511 512000 Salaries 7420 5,468.00 512000 Salaries 7510 5,642.40 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 105.78 514000 Overtime 700 153.00 514000 Overtime 7510 196.22 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 7510 36.92 7912 512000 Salaries 700 4,811.52 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 36.92 FUND TOTAL: 529,442.86 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001461- RCMP 2017 -002 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 93.07 FUND TOTAL: 93.07 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001463- FCTD Planning Grant FY16/17 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 100 1,180.37 FUND TOTAL: 1,180.37 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001512- Neighborhood Stabilization Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 809.52 FUND TOTAL: 809.52 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001563- HUD CDBG FY 2013 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 3,445.78 FUND TOTAL: 3,445.78 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001574- CSBG 2016 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 600 2,078.11 FUND TOTAL: 2,078.11 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001575- Metropolitan Planning / Sec 5305d ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 100 1,080.82 FUND TOTAL: 1,080.82 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001576- Support Services for Veterans ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5310 512000 Salaries 500 1,574.90 514000 Overtime 500 14.86 FUND TOTAL: 1,589.76 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001580- Section 112/MPO/FHWA Plan FY16/17 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 100 10,548.11 515000 Special Pay 100 500.00 FUND TOTAL: 11,048.11 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001583- Continuum of Care Vets ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 600 488.70 FUND TOTAL: 488.70 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001584- Continuum of Care Chronic ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 600 488.70 FUND TOTAL: 488.70 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001826- SAFER St Lucie Disaster Education ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2510 512000 Salaries 29503 1,680.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,680.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4115 512000 Salaries 400 41,288.19 FUND TOTAL: 41,288.19 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101001- Transportation Trust Interlocals ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4115 512000 Salaries 400 1,381.60 FUND TOTAL: 1,381.60 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101002- Transportation Trust/80% Constitut ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4110 512000 Salaries 400 43,491.98 514000 Overtime 400 26.10 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 400 55.38 FUND TOTAL: 43,573.46 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101003- Transportation Trust/Local Option ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4108 512000 Salaries 400 15,659.28 FUND TOTAL: 15,659.28 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 101004- Transportation Trust/County Fuel Tx ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4109 512000 Salaries 400 10,594.58 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 400 63.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 400 41.54 4117 512000 Salaries 400 7,766.40 515000 Special Pay 400 300.00 FUND TOTAL: 18,765.52 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1510 512000 Salaries 100 25,545.45 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 15101 512000 Salaries 100 7,847.17 2415 512000 Salaries 200 13,867.60 514000 Overtime 200 251.22 3920 512000 Salaries 1924 2,178.88 512000 Salaries 300 3,452.28 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 1924 18.46 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 18.46 6240 512000 Salaries 600 5,425.68 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 600 722.04 514000 Overtime 600 498.84 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 23.08 FUND TOTAL: 59,867.62 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 102001- Drainage Maintenance MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3725 512000 Salaries 300 11,253.95 514000 Overtime 300 612.91 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 55.38 7912 512000 Salaries 700 773.60 FUND TOTAL: 12,695.84 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 102300- FDEP - Paradise Park 4 Phase 5 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3725 512000 Salaries 103608 4,990.25 FUND TOTAL: 4,990.25 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1940 512000 Salaries 100 13,179.12 514000 Overtime 100 235.63 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 2120 512000 Salaries 200 81,120.56 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 200 2,682.43 514000 Overtime 200 17,603.35 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 200 8,440.07 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 55.38 2360 512000 Salaries 200 19,274.87 512000 Salaries 2053 5,043.44 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2054 1,284.30 712 512000 Salaries 1645 3,917.60 512000 Salaries 1647 2,520.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 1647 7,987.76 514000 Overtime 1645 218.56 514000 Overtime 1647 69.38 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 1647 27.69 FUND TOTAL: 163,679.40 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 200 1,050.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 9.23 FUND TOTAL: 1,060.03 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107002- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 200 1,050.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 9.23 FUND TOTAL: 1,060.03 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund-Court Related Technology ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 6000 10,535.42 FUND TOTAL: 10,535.42 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 400 2,303.78 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 400 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 2,322.24 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 130119- FTA 5307 FY13 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 400 1,428.80 FUND TOTAL: 1,428.80 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4210 512000 Salaries 400 11,461.60 514000 Overtime 400 235.62 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 400 238.80 FUND TOTAL: 11,936.02 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 140001- Port Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4310 512000 Salaries 400 3,304.71 FUND TOTAL: 3,304.71 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6230 512000 Salaries 600 7,265.32 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 36.92 6233 512000 Salaries 600 13,403.66 512000 Salaries 6905 166.80 514000 Overtime 600 906.64 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 600 401.40 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 23.08 6234 512000 Salaries 600 11,753.56 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 600 4,750.07 514000 Overtime 600 391.23 FUND TOTAL: 39,098.68 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 160 - Plan Maintenance RAD Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2570 512000 Salaries 200 2,928.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 2,946.46 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 6002 4,989.78 FUND TOTAL: 4,989.78 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 183004- Ct Admin.- Teen Court ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 689 512000 Salaries 6000 3,275.73 FUND TOTAL: 3,275.73 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3710 512000 Salaries 300 3,472.00 FUND TOTAL: 3,472.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 184001- Artificial Reef Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4117 512000 Salaries 39003 1,645.60 FUND TOTAL: 1,645.60 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 185016- FHFC SHIP 2015-2016 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 286.23 FUND TOTAL: 286.23 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 189110- Home Consortium 2014 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 89.28 FUND TOTAL: 89.28 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 189203- Hardest Hit fund Advisor Services ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 72.98 FUND TOTAL: 72.98 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7210 512000 Salaries 75201 20,612.81 514000 Overtime 75201 914.52 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 75201 34.00 FUND TOTAL: 21,561.33 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3410 512000 Salaries 300 54,293.21 512000 Salaries 39011 25,573.57 514000 Overtime 300 4,806.37 514000 Overtime 39011 11,875.03 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 300 1,420.42 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 39011 2,284.31 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 73.84 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 39011 41.54 FUND TOTAL: 100,368.29 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7250 512000 Salaries 700 7,455.20 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 2,760.53 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 700 106.07 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 36.92 7260 512000 Salaries 700 4,433.60 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 2,522.46 514500 Overtime-Holiday Pay 700 224.95 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 17,558.19 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 451 - S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3604 512000 Salaries 300 6,397.61 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 52.79 FUND TOTAL: 6,450.40 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 458 - SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3510 512000 Salaries 300 1,194.27 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 0.37 FUND TOTAL: 1,194.64 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3604 512000 Salaries 300 9,358.28 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 56.12 FUND TOTAL: 9,414.40 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 478 - Water & Sewer District R&R ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries 300 955.64 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 0.37 3602 512000 Salaries 300 855.20 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 0.37 FUND TOTAL: 1,811.58 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 479 - Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries 300 641.38 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 0.37 3602 512000 Salaries 300 965.98 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 0.37 FUND TOTAL: 1,608.10 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2415 512000 Salaries 200 33,617.56 514000 Overtime 200 48.26 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 33,684.28 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1330 512000 Salaries 100 327.80 1331 512000 Salaries 100 2,913.97 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 16.61 FUND TOTAL: 3,258.38 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 505002- Health Insurance Administration ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1330 512000 Salaries 100 3,104.00 515000 Special Pay 100 30.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 1.85 FUND TOTAL: 3,135.85 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5210 512000 Salaries 500 4,102.56 514000 Overtime 500 23.30 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 500 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 4,144.32 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 85,593.93 529,442.86 001461 RCMP 2017 -002 75.00 93.07 001463 FCTD Planning Grant FY16/17 0.00 1,180.37 001512 Neighborhood Stabilization Program 0.00 809.52 001550 HUD Shelter Plus Care 7,266.00 0.00 001563 HUD CDBG FY 2013 0.00 3,445.78 001574 CSBG 2016 3,424.00 2,078.11 001575 Metropolitan Planning / Sec 5305d 0.00 1,080.82 001576 Support Services for Veterans 0.00 1,589.76 001579 Farm to Fly Biofuels Study 506.80 0.00 001580 Section 112/MPO/FHWA Plan FY16/17 651.95 11,048.11 001583 Continuum of Care Vets 9,482.28 488.70 001584 Continuum of Care Chronic 8,609.00 488.70 001826 SAFER St Lucie Disaster Education 0.00 1,680.00 101 Transportation Trust Fund 312.48 41,288.19 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 0.00 1,381.60 101002 Transportation Trust/80% Constitut 124,003.45 43,573.46 101003 Transportation Trust/Local Option 1,838.00 15,659.28 101004 Transportation Trust/County Fuel Tx 65,701.33 18,765.52 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 7,222.56 59,867.62 102001 Drainage Maintenance MSTU 25,290.50 12,695.84 102300 FDEP - Paradise Park 4 Phase 5 750.00 4,990.25 104 Grants & Donations Fund 115,000.00 0.00 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 182,562.75 163,679.40 107001 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur 2,925.27 1,060.03 107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 0.00 1,060.03 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 5,214.28 0.00 107006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 16,152.63 10,535.42 113 Harmony Heights 3 Fund 233.66 0.00 114 Harmony Heights 4 Fund 573.65 0.00 116 Sunland Gardens Fund 626.70 0.00 117 Sunrise Park Fund 143.59 0.00 119 Holiday Pines Fund 835.41 0.00 123 Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund 390.80 0.00 127 Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU 511.41 0.00 128 Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting 630.68 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 0.00 2,322.24 130116 FTA 5312 VTCLI-II FY14 7,500.00 0.00 130119 FTA 5307 FY13 0.00 1,428.80 136 Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund 2,344.95 0.00 138 Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund 319.97 0.00 140 Airport Fund 5,669.36 11,936.02 140001 Port Fund 148.80 3,304.71 140375 FDOT- Construction Customs Facility 107,982.00 0.00 150 Impact Fee Collections 9,390.25 0.00 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 0.00 2,946.46 181 SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund 500.00 0.00 182 Environmental Land Acquisition Fund 79.22 0.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 10,358.31 4,989.78 183001 Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat 100.00 0.00 183004 Ct Admin.- Teen Court 225.00 3,275.73 184001 Artificial Reef Program 13,400.00 1,645.60 184111 Fish & Wildlife Artifical Reef 8,500.00 0.00 184221 S SLC Beach Restoration & Monit 25,032.00 0.00 184222 Ft Pierce Shore Protection Project 48,448.00 0.00 184225 South Beach Feasibility Study 7,492.00 0.00 185016 FHFC SHIP 2015-2016 0.00 286.23 185017 FHFA SHIP 2016/2017 14,635.00 0.00 189110 Home Consortium 2014 754.00 89.28 189203 Hardest Hit fund Advisor Services 0.00 72.98 190 Sports Complex Fund 11,155.21 21,561.33 310001 Impact Fees-Library 8,240.75 0.00 310006 Impact Fees-Transportation 29,879.00 0.00 316001 5th Cent Fuel-Capital 1,360.00 0.00 37007 NOA MSBU 3,191.38 0.00 37008 Jenkins Park/Starcher MSBU 1,172.22 0.00 382 Environmental Land Capital Fund 99.30 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 43,430.13 100,368.29 418 Golf Course Fund 9,479.04 17,558.19 451 S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund 4,580.10 6,450.40 458 SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund 0.00 1,194.64 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 20,831.74 9,414.40 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 0.00 1,811.58 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 0.00 1,608.10 491 Building Code Fund 562.28 33,684.28 505 Health Insurance Fund 1,279,297.88 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 1,047.06 3,258.38 505002 Health Insurance Administration 0.00 3,135.85 611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 18,780.23 4,144.32 625 Law Library 347.28 0.00 650 Agency Fund 64,466.71 0.00 801 Bank Fund 20,636.01 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 2,447,963.29 1,164,470.03 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 3,261.83 39,098.68 GRAND TOTAL: 3,261.83 39,098.68 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 203.18 3,472.00 GRAND TOTAL: 203.18 3,472.00 09/23/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 51- 17-SEP-2016 TO 23-SEP-2016 FUND: 001574- CSBG 2016 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09834479 Georgia Department of Public H 25.00 FUND TOTAL: 25.00