HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing SCOPE OF WORK sabatello construction of florida, Inc. E Alan and Julie Norsworthy OCT 11 Z-016 10137 Spyglass Lane Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Lucie lT unty, August 30, 2016 St. Lucie County, i L A. GENERAL INTERIOR: Remove existing windows and doors listed below, and replace with PGT Series 700 SH, and Series 701 Fixed Glass and Series 770 Sliding Glass Doors, Impact Resistant glass with white aluminum frame: 1. Remove existing windows and doors listed below, and replace with Impact Resistant glass with white aluminum frame as follows: a) Bathroom —One (1) single hung window, PGT Series 700 SH b) Front Entry Arched Transom — One (1) fixed glass arched window, PGT Series 720 Fixed Glass c) Garage — Convert arch over horizontal roller to one piece Fixed glass with arch, PGT Series 720 Fixed Glass d) Breakfast Room —One (1) sliding glass door, PGT Series 770 sliding glass doors e) Family Room —One (1) sliding glass door, PGT770 sliding glass doors f) Bathroom, garage, and front entry transom are gray tinted Solar Ban 70 Low E glass g) Sliding glass doors are Solar Ban 70, and no gray tint PATH ----- (1 20) d 23 31 O 12 BREAKFAST NOOK: $ $ PGT Series 770, Sliding Glass MASTER BATH: SPA Doors 72x118, bypass,2P2T PGT Series 700 Single Hung Window (297 ) 26.5x38.375, H33,STD,1/27 FL 40 9A.8 (2656) 4 7 i 6 61 1 1 ` 11 22 (AA 550)25 FAMILY ROOM: PGT Series 770, Sliding Glass Doors 96x96, 8080 Bypass 2P2T FRONT ENTRY ARCHED TRANSOM: GARAGE: PGT Series ARC720 Fixed Glass PGT Series 7 Fixed Glass 73.25x32.1-/2 FL 53x64.5XX,1/2"FL 9002 Burma Road • Suite 100 •Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418 Telephone (561) 626-7600 • Facsimile (561) 775-9117 www.sabatellocompanies.com www.sabatelloenvironmental.com CG-CO12501 BOUNL7AR'Y � IJRVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTIO}: ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES-: Lot 1.2 in POD 26 of SET = Set 5/8" iron rebor With 1, Unless otherwise noted only plotted easements AT THE RESERVE PHASE ONE yellow cap marked "PSI 5543" 111 CYPRESS POINT ore shown hereon. FD=Found b 8 Iron Rebar according to the plat thereof F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevation 2• No underground utilities or improvements Were as recorded in Piot Book 36 OH—OH—OH-- Over Head Wires located unless otherwise shown. pages 1,, 1A through 1C of the X—X--X-= Chain Link Fence 3• This site- lies Within Flood Insurance Rote }dap 'Public Records at St. Lucie R.O.W. = Right of Way Zone X. County, Florida. 0--0--0—= W6od Fence 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation W= FPL Transformer Pod' by the surveyor and 'is. provided as a courtesy. PL=Vbiue as platted The flood zone should be verified by o R = Radius of curve determination agency. L - Length of curve 9 H 5. Beorings shown hereon ore based on the South 6EEAS. _ �feosured Deltp of Curve line of Lot 12 as being 44'00'12" M � CONC. = Concrete according to the Plot described hereon. C.P,= Conctpte Pod 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drdinage ®= y�oter .Meter Easement. = Power Pole 7. Ali Lot dimensionssholyn are per plot unless = Utility Box othe.rWise shown. ®= Well R ED r; E 'i , OCT 1 1 2016 N PERMIT?II\IG St, Lucie County, 1=L � � s r , �•tA co �. C' � •�' 5.10�/O, ° r r `Q, 00+ O C� Q •ro �� � OGS O' s�. Cj Z§ OCT 1 1? Z55 PERWI?TIVG N w - SP.Lucie County,FL O Z Z w OAJill (AF --4 O 7 O tP•••A' i d1 '- ORIDPzz .•'l1��� WIND CALCULATIONS w m WIND PRESS CALCULATED FROM ASCE 7-10 AND FED 2014 Z w 00 O ROOF CHARACTERISTICS: w Z A BASIC WIND SPEED: 17o m 05 . EXPOSURE: C 0 CoLL O BUILDING RISK CATEGORY: II.E dcmd w(n } EDGE STRIP: A"91L K6: o'85 >(�U Kd: 0.85 }J O KZC 1.0 IL ❑ VEL.PRESSURE ON 63.6 PSF O(n I"-' ZZs CO K6 KZI Kd VEL(.q—d: �V) y GC: - (— ZONE4: VARIES BASED ON AREA �DO ZONE 5: VARIES BASED ON AREA 0-0 Z a DESIGN PRESSURE: P=Ox%GC -GCPQ XDAW"63.5 PEP ZONEI: ROOF OZONEROOF 6 ZONE&3: ROOF WINDOW LAYOUT WINDOW SCHEDULE PSF PSF 1/6"=1'-O" MARK ID NOA ZONE SF AREA SIZE(WXH) CALC. PRES. DESIGN PRES. 1s taz 9/12/2016 1 160629,06 4 59 6,x 9'10" (+)33 (-136.3 (+)60 (-)60 9/16/2016 2 16-0629.06 5 64 8'x 8' (+)33 (-)42.7 (+)60 (-)60 3 16-0629.14 4 24 53"x 65" (+)36.3 (-)39.5 (+)87.5 �().)7 r 4 16-0218.03 4 16 73"x 32" (+)36.3 (-)41.1 (+)72.5 1 5 16-0714.06 4 7 26.5"X 38.4" (+)37.9 (-)41.1 (+)80 Q