HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALLAPPLICA劇膿!NFOMu訂BECOMPし陣EDFORAPPしICJITIONTO畷ACCPTED Dat。:/0/生[/4,        ,。m軸。m。。r: 麗藷蓮露藷墜 BuildingPerm itApp書ication P同原njngondDe唯庇肋enでSg「い融資                                         ( j  ′ ′ ● ′ タ′・’・′ ′ ′ ′   ● 2300Ⅵ増血細AvきれuらFb鷹Pjg咋e軸34982 Phone:(772)462-1553Fax:(772)462-1578  Commercial    Resident融やxxxx 中MITAPPしICrmONFOR:lbSeIectfromdrophox.clickarowat伽eendofIine  l一 PROPOSED ̄lMPROVEM王NTroCAmON: Addr。SS:霊夢 //」「ルcf在J #/レク                 「 l                            〈 しegalDescription:                     l PropertyTax-D#:L/∫cL上でも/一C,二手Cリー(ンC,C/弓  LotNo」鵜__ SitePIanName:      BlockNo. PrQjectName: Setbacks Fron    」    Back:鵜RightSide:   LeftSide: lD恥しEDDESCRI珊ONOFWORK:            ! 伽戸i寝 食I’∫打つi∫レ・か叩∴即とfナナ と少のらc レIそ句lレピル looNS職岬細ONtN干O同州ON‥              l A苗ごO「kto芭言蒜under龍:嵩eck 国EIe。t,i.日,,.m。ing□s.,ink,。.S a1一鞘‡三崎 □win。00妬。騰 ′□G。n。同□R。。, 霊芸‡ion:些少 ut瞳謂霊苗,ti。Bui,dingHeieh,:_ OWN巨京Iし臨S駈: CON丁RAC「OR: Na鵬e `ぐ,._ ∫子とクのoj∠’′’ Na調e:Jo轟nRしaw 側d記製 //十 ル妨 居れノ Company:Law's轡ectricalServicelnc C叫:丁で〆∫t`「 β〆,孝子4     S糠虹e:′/ Address:5158NWPrimmSt ZipCode:3与クでフ Fax: City‥PTSTLucie         state:Fし PhoneNo./ズCフ脅 一日日夕る ZipCode:34983     Fax: 各-Mail:・一一一 ̄ PhoneNo.7723704357 甜infeesimpIeTitIeHoIderonnextpage(ifdifferent E-MaiI:jchnlaw5158@aoし∞m fromtheCinerlistedabove) StateorCountyLicense:29432 請嶋!ueafconst調ctionis$2500ormore,a純CORDとDNo髄ceofCo調mencementisrequtred。 SUPPしEMENTAしCONSTRUC’「IONし肥NしAW rNFORMA丁ION: DESIG N駅/EN創N髄R: Name: Not Applicable Address: M0RTGAGE COMPANY: Name: Add「ess: _ Not AppIicable F駈SIMPしE TITしE HOしD駅:  Not ApplicabIe Name: Add「ess: BONDING COMPANY: Name: Not Applicable Addすess: l certify that no work or insta蝿tion has commence担rior to the issuance of a permit. 認諾誤認,灘蒜盤護譲諾鮨簿鰐護憲露盤欝端 In consideration ofthe g「anting ofthis requested pe「mit・ I do he「eby agree that I w町n訓respects, Perform the wo「k -n aCCOrdance with the approved plans, the F10「ida Bu渦ng Codes and St.しucie Countγ Amendments: The f輔owing bu棚ng permit applications are exempt from undergoing a榔concu汀enCy 「eview‥ roOm additions, aCCeSSOrγ StruCtureS・ SWimming pooIs, fences′ Walls′ Signs′ SC「een rOOmS and accessorγ uSeS tO anOther non-reSidentiaI use 盗離)聾霊豊言盤:盟惇悪業悪霊禦聖霊聖等聖聖聖堂雪空軍曹融壇で一mP「OVementS tO yOur PrOP譜A Notice of Commencement must be recordS清畠志村茄苗窃蒜 b f h f’ ’ ●● be†orethe†irstinspection.1fyouintendtoobtainfinancing′COnSuItwithlenderoranatto「neybefo「e COmmenCin露wo「kJ)r「eCOrdingvourNoticeofCommencement. ∴物言:一 ○○ノう ーSlgnatureジ弟ner"eseeMgent S  tu  f    ′  ● lgna r  Contractor/しICenSeHolder 認諾豊0蹴鞠/初を 認諾豊oR-D視左,之 Theforgoinginstrumentwasacknow一諾諾e th盲s YOf/旭 ∴三三二二:二 (N∂meOfpe「sonacknowIedging) ∴二言∵ 十二 (蒔natu「eofNotaryPub厄StateofFIo融a) 〈SignatureofNotaryPu輔c-Stateo洞0「ida) EersonalIyKnown」L_ORP「oducedldentification p。r。。n。l,,Kn。Wn÷_也。R,。。du。.dident,fi。ati。n lypeofIdentificationProduced  ’i3。al Co塙藩詩誌慧霊妙。録 Typeofldent絹cationProduced commissionN〇・、・・・握,_甲8飽くSe尋。   訴●薄個きe犀o Re議’….“、、護塗窯業    (箋醜悪謎欝3 R王VI巨WS 戸RON丁 ZO贈NG SUPERVISOR PしANS V与G恥ON  ・∞l寄 SEA丁UR丁しE MANGROV巨 COUNTER REV拒W REVIEW R巨VIEW REVI巨W REVほW  REViEW I DATE lcoMPしETE iM丁!AしS l