HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO Date: MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Building Permit Application Plonning ond Development Services Building ond Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (7t21 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1'578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Address: 6806 Pensacola Road Ft. Pierce Fl. 34951 Legal Description: Property Tax lD #:1 301-612-0027-000-1 Lot No.1 Site plan Name: Lake Wood Park 31o.1 16. 120 Project Name: Setbacks Front Back:Right Side:Left Side: 2.5 TON RUUD 15 SEER AIR HANDLER & CONDENSER RH1T3617STANJA CrIc- C,\to.ugp Albf wor epetr - s perm -rf 'r' Sh utters l_l *,noows/Doorsz T HVAC Gas Tank Plumbing l_lom Piping Electric l_l sprtnt<ters T-Generator f-l noor E Roorpitch Total Sq. Ft of Construglisn' 1244 S - of First Floor: Cost of Construction. 5 5800.00 5 0I Frrst Floor:nUtilities: Sewer I lSeptic Building Height: CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : lf value of construction is SZSOO or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONTRACTOR:OWN ER/LESSEE: Name: Sherried Watson Company:Promag Engegy Group A/C Heating lNc. Address: 425 -C Gaston Foster Rd .ir'/. Orlandov,rt.State: Fl ZiP Code: 32807 p1y. 772-252-4831 phone 61s. 7 7 2-467 -3227 E-Mai I : michelef@promagenergygroup.com State or County License: CMCA48033 N2ms Patncia Robidoux 466pg55. 6806 Pensacola Road City: Ft. Pierce State:Fl' Zio Code: 34951 Phone ru" z t\ - €v3 - 3b€3 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Revised 0711512014 I certifv that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countv makes n that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure whrcIii; in conftiti wiii' ome o*fiers AsSociation rules, bylaws or anQ covenants that may. r.estrict rir prohibit such iiruiiuie. plejse Conzut e owners Association and review'your deed for any restrictions ltihich may apply. In consideration of the grantingof this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvementstoyour property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the-jobsite beiore the first inspection..lf you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencinR work or recording Vour Notice of Commencement. REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS SU PPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION L] EN LAW IN FORMATION: MORTGAGE COMPANY: - Not Applicable Name: NGINEER: _ Not Applicable State: BONDING COMPANY: Name: _Not ApplicableFEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: - Not Applicable Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF clt . 1 .,. . <- The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a"l day of Er.*ob*- ,2O t tF by of Notary Public- State of Florida ) lly Known of ldentification Produced Commission No. SignatirE of Contractor/License Holder (Name of person ack STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF '+ t -r,ic' r€, The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1,1 day of C)c:+-l )-..- , ZO tlo by < nAP- (Name of person acknow ginc ) (Sigdature of Not'ary Public- State of Florida ) Personally Known \,, OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced Commission No. /Contractor as Agent r Owner : H?i},"ti:'fir:tate or Ptoiioa My L;ommission FF O458SlExprles 08/tS/2017 1rlr241?l)10 9:33 AM FAI @ rr (r o 2.,'o (r rr ? ilficate 0f Frodr'Ict Ratfin AHRf CertifiedRefererrceNumber: 7491226 Date: tQtZ4tZUlb Product: Split Systsm; Air'Cooled condenglng tUnit' Coil with Blow€r Outdoor Unit Model Number: RAl430AJl lndoor Unit Modsl Number: RHlT3617STAN Manufacturer: RHEEM SALES COMPANY, INC' Trade/Brand name: RI{EEM; RUUD Reqionl Southeast and North (AL, AR, -g-C. PF,-f !, 9-l' !'llr K.Y. LA' fV!P' MS' NC' OK' SC' TN' TX' VA il{Eii, Ei;ib, il. t.n. rr.r, rs' ryn"t1le,-yt, MN, lyto,.lvlr'ilD,.NE' NH' NJ' iiy:oi: onl-p-A,Hllso, ijr, Vr. wa, Wv, wl, wiY, u's' Tsrritorios) Region N ral alr conditio rlor to January 1, 2015, are ellglble to be installod onJuntilJune July 1, 2016' contral alr conditioners can only ed In region(s) the-reiional efficiency requlrement' Seriesname: rr ;i i j i i .:,, .. ,.. , , ,. ., :..:, . ....,. , , .: I Manufacturor responslble for the rating of thls,iVstut Rated as follows in adcordance'wlth 'rd'21 urce Heat-Pump Equlpment and qubject t of ic ird party tcsting: IEER Rating (Cooling); OISCLAIMER AHRI doo! not ondofro tho product(r) llrtod on thls coTtlflcNto pn{ mokou no top.orcnt^tloda. w^rrAntlct or gutfahtccs at to' ond Dtqumol no t€tponolblllty tor' [hepr6ttuct(1)l|rtddontnr,c",tttt"ito.nHR|oxprorl|yd|ictnimorr||||nuiity'orjn-ngo*ofonyk|ndD.|l|ndcutol|he.uredrPErldh!^ce6fth'prouct(l).oitho unilulhorlt?d 6tlrr8ilon 6t dsrr ilrirO on thtr corilncdto- Cortltlod rstingl oto volld only lor modolr rnd contllur.ltions llsted In the dl?octory nt wrv\4.Dhrldlroctoty.of )i. TERMS AilD CdNOITION$ proprlotory p?oducttr of AHRI. Thlr Cortlflcoto zholl only bo usod for individunl, gortonrl 6nd o contonts oi thlr Cortltlcnto moy not, In wholo ol In 9olt, bo lcproduccd; Coplcd; dl$$crnln0tc6; or othorwlro utlllrod, In lny form ol inonnol or by Jny moint, oxcopl tor thc u3ot'1 lndlvldulll' porronol rnd conll<lonthtl rofolonco. C€RTI FlCATE VERIFICATION Tho inlormrtlon for tho modol cltod on thlr cortlflcsto csn bo vorltlod ct,w\ew.rh(ld,tOcto?y.ort:, cllck on'Vorlly DDtlJllcAt(\" llnt{ dnd "ritot thr AHRI Corllflod Roforonsr Nrrmbor nnd tho dttto on whlch tho crrllllento wnr lrruotl, whtchlrltrtodoboyo,ondthoconlncotoNo.,whlchlTllstod.ltbonomrliht, l:'r"ill'ani-;':'1-'-,,1 ' @2014 Air{onditiontng, Heating, and Refrtgforatton tnstitute l,l,GenflflGATE NO'; Alfr, CONDII lOlilNC, XEA?lNG, s l{EFl{lqfl iATloli lNii7lt9Yf wt. It,thr, lilt, lrfrtt., . 13't217893987708097 Date: 1012412016