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°,P7� 71 7711a pmrhrct fqy. royal Menu>preduR or ai;nircat.n Sr+an;h>Acollration L,u>Application.Detail OCT / k 20%
FL# FL1956-1112 L r p I \��,
P F !1�
Application Type Editorial Change,
Code Version 2014 �:• i._u ic:
Application Status Approved
`Approved.by DBPR.Approvals by.DBPR shall.be reviewed and
ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Product Manufacturer TAMKO Building Products,Inc.
Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404
Joplin,MO 64802
(417)624-6644 Ext 2305
Authorized Signature Kerrl Eden
Technical Representative Kerri Eden
Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404
Joplin,MO 64802
(417)624-6644 Ext 2305
kerri_eden@ta mko.com
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Asphalt Shingles
Compliance Method Certification'Mark or Listing
Certification Agency UL.LLC
Validated By Robert J.M.Nierrinen,PE
J Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM D3161 2009
ASTM D3462 2009
ASTM D7158 2008
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A
Date Submitted 09/17/2015
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Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 4
Date Valldated10/06/2015
Date,Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved 10/09/2015
Summarr of Products
FL# Model,Number Description
or Name
1956.1 I Elite Glass-Seal A three tab asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in ?955 i 1 C_CAi F956 R71_ P.G Ta-kc S•4ry Conf FL 19 5 2U5141df
HVHZ:No Ft1956 R.12 C CAC U1.'certification -10 11-12.ndf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A EL1956 R12 it_r--tars SsaLf to Mass Seal .?pp wst
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent7hird Party:No
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.2 Glass-Seal A three tab asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko 5ery `onf FL 1955 2015.0d1
HVHZ:No EC 1956 R12 C CAC U cert fca ign IQ 11 12.odf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09%17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
.Design Pressure:N/A Cis A$eal Elie Gtass�eaI app test pcif
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert Nleminen PE 59166.
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent Third Party: No
slopes of 2:12,or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.3 1Heritage A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in &_1956.Rt?�C[l. �L1955 Rl1 C CAS jao Sery Cgn��1 195E 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No x;,1956 R12 C CAG UL certification 10-11-12.ndf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A F.12E6 U2 T1 He,jjaue R F J P app_,n,,;,,t 1;df
Other:Asphalt shingles Fl 1?56 a-12-
1 shall be used only on roof r1_1 55 R12 It Heritace Tapp InsLaof
slopes of 2:12'or,greater. Verified.By:Robert J.M.Nieminen FL.59166
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:No
method of attachment. Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.4 Heritage 30 A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use inn56 Rig r CAr FU5-6 R11 C CAC Tamka Sea Conf FL 1956 20zS_,p�
HVHZ:No FL 1956 R12 C CAC'UL certincadsnn 10-11-12,ndf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A Etj 956 R12 1! �r`:atg._ Q_sgp lest apyll_ t
Other:Asphalt shingles [I 1956 12 tt heritage 3t1 ae ist i•piiril _3 .pr'
shall be used only on roof Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party:No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation.Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
1956,5 Heritage 50 A dimensional asphalt shingle:
Limits of Use Certification Agency,Certificate
Approved for use in FL1556 i2 C CS L ".5,RR?i aC_C+:C�arnu. c Ca f 1G56�O1S.Fi f
HVHZ:No F11212 C i� certtion 10 1-??.odf
Approved for-use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A F1:1956 R12 tt hnritaae 50 ape lest a-r'I 1D.ad
Other:Asphalt shingles EL1956 R12 II heritage 50 app inst f april id,ndf
shall be used only on roof Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party: No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
http:/,/wtivly.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wG EVXQwtDgs%2fmGFoyT6... 3/23/2016
Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 4
1956.6 Heritage Premium A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in L1956 R12-C CAC FL1956 Rii C CAC Tamko Sero Canf FL 1956 2OLli pdf
HVHZ:No FS^a.,�56 K12 C CSC, U ceL cation_. 031-17.•nc!f
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 Il Faeritare Premium 0 P aaP ins.odd
Other:Asphalt shingles n1-1956 Rig if Heritaae Premlum F aPo ins .ad
shall be used only on roof L10Z R12 1, Heritage prep iutn 1_ app--,n5 df
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party: No
method of attachment. Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.71 Heritage Vintage A heavy weight dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in ELL956_g112 r r61C FL1956 1; C C,4C Taniko SErr Cant FL 1956 207.S,pdf
HVHZ:No FLJX956 Rl> C CAC UL 4hingle nintrir,adf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FI-1956 R12 11 HcrILage Vintage ago inst.ndf
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert 1.M.Nieminen PE 59166
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent Third Party:No
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.8 Heritage Vintage Hip and ridge shingles
12 X 12 Hip and
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in f ti9.K-1 1 C GIC F 1956 R11_C CdC ram m er Coni FL 1yS�yf31 ..1 if
HVHZ:No L1956 R12 C rAC UL shrnyie matrL�t,pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 RIZ 11 TAtlrjpra} Hcr,tacigY_an�l (riche Anpli�L n;crions.ndf
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By: Robert J. M.Nieminen PE 59166
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent Third Party: No
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.91 Heritage A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in E1,15LB1? C kC PL1955 R1 l LAC Tami,o Sere Conf`=1 1 556
HVHZ:No FL1956 R17 C rnC> IL Certificatianitl-11-l�ndf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A EL1956 Rl? 11 Heritage Woodnate n ago it st. d
Other:Asphalt shingles F11.956 R12 it Herktag? WoodoateE app Irst.odf
shall be used only on roof Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party:No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.10 Heritage XL A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in �L `6 @1=_S E�3` iMI—C Cfa. Tan g.S; r?_riflt :955 2015,pot
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC Ui—certiftcarian 10-11-12.pdr
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FI-1956 R12 11 heritage tl goo inst d a .0 10.odf
Other:Asphaltshingles FL1956 R12 1r heritage xi ann inst f april 10.pdf
shall be used only on roof Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party: No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.11 Hip and Ridge Hip and ridge shingles
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in F(.,1956 R12 C Ca.0 FL1.95'L ii C CAC Tamko 5elj_Cga rL 141 , 5�L)ff
HVHZ:No FL1956 k12 t._C�AC VL cert iicakin 1 -21-1?.pcij
http://w-ivw.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQWtDgs%2 fmGFoyT6... 3/23/2016
Florida.Building Code Online Page 4 of 4
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FS _i! 15xi?_F1(p and Ridge.edF
Other:Hip and Ridge Fi_'i.9_r6 R42 II 12;x„1_'_-}jp.,kidrte " .licafjc n Snstatctior�s pelt
shingles shall be used only 1:1956 412 II 12--t�x12 HlpRlda?Sealant Dab illustratiotys.ns r3F
on roof slopes of 2:12 or 81956 A.1? II 12x1..2.HSirRidae.Ssafant.'Dab I1lustr2dors�;
Application Instructions for
Dallas, TX a Tuscaloosa,AL• Phillipsburg, KS i. Joplin, MO.
IMPORTANT:It is not necessary to remove the plastic strip from the back of the shingles.
These shingles are for application to roof decks capable of receiving WIND CAUTION: Extreme-wind velocities can damage these
and retaining fasteners,and to inclines of not less than 2 in.per foot. shingles after application when,proper sealing of the shingles
For roofs having pitches 2 in,per foot to less than 4 in.per foot,refer does not.occur.This can especially be a problem if the shingles
to special instructions titled"Low Slope Application".Shingles must are applied.in cooler months or in areas on the roof that do not
be applied properly.TAMKO assumes no responsibility for leaks or receive direct sunlight.These conditions may impede the sealing
defects resulting from improper application, or failure to properly of the,adhesive strips on the shingles.The inability to seal.down
prepare the surface to ber roofed over. may be.compounded by prolonged cold weather conditions and/
NEWRQ DECK CONSTRUCTION:Root deck must be smooth, or blowing dust.In these situations,hand sealing of the shingles is
dry and free from warped surfaces:It is recommended that metal recommended.Ton sure immediate•sealing,apply 4 quarter.-sized
drip edges be installed at eaves and rakes. dabs of TAM-PRO .Premium S65 Adhesive or TAMKO Tam-Seal
Adhesive on the back of the shingle 1 in.(25mm)and 13 in.(330mm)
PLYWOOD:All plywood shall be exterior grade as defined by the in from each side and 1 in (25mm) up from the bottom of the
Engineered Wood Association:Plywood shall be a minimum of 3/8 shingle.Press shingle firmly into the adhesive.For maximum wind
in.thickness and applied in accordance with the recommendations resistance along rakes,cement shingles to the undedayment and
of the Engineered Wood Association. each other in a 4 in.(102mm)width of TAM-PRO SBS Adhesive or
SHEATHING BOARDS: Boards shall be well-seasoned longue- TAMKO Tam-Seal Adhesive.,Caution:Apply ONLY a thin uniform
and-groove boards and not over 6 in.nominal width.Boards shall layer of adhesive less than 118 in.(3mm)thick.Excessive amounts
be a 1 in, nominal minimum thickness. Boards-shall be properly can cause blistering of the shingles and may soften the asphalt in
spaced and nailed. certain underlayments resulting.in the asphalt flowing,dripping and
staining.Shingles must also be fastened according to the fastening
2.VENTH ATION. instructions described below.
Inadequate vontilation of attic spaces can cause accumulation of Correct placement of the fasteners is critical to the performance
moisture In winter months and a build up of heat in the summer. of the shingle. If the fasteners are not placed as shown in the
These conditions can lead to: diagram and described below,this will result in the termination of
TAMKO' liabilities under the limited warranty.TAMKO will not be
1.Vapor Condensation responsible fol damage to shingles caused by winds in excess of.
2.Buckling of shingles due to deck movement. the applicable mph as stated in the limited warranty. See limited
3.Rotting of wood:members. warranty for details.
FASTENING PATTERNS:Fasteners must be placed 6-1/8 in.from
4.Premature failure of roof, the bottom edge of the shingle,penetrating through the common
bond,and located horizontally as follows:
To insure adequate ventilation and circulation of air,place louvers
of sufficient size high In the gable ends and/or Install continuous 1)Standard Fastening.Pattern.(For use on decks with slopes 2 in.
ridge and soffit vents. FHA minimum property standards require per foot to 21 in:per foot.)One fastener 1 in.back from each end
one square foot of net free ventilation area to each 150 square feet and one 1.3-1/2 in.back from each end of the shingle for a total of 4
of space to.be vented,or one,square foot per 300 square feet if a fasteners.(See standard fastening pattern illustrated below).
vapor barrier is installed on the warm side of the ceiling or if at least
one half of the ventilation is provided near the ridge.If the ventilation STANDARD FASTENING PATTERN!
openings are screened,the total area should be doubled. FASTENERS NaLZONe
ADEQUATE VENTi TION. exPosune6-sra^
12-112"-+}F-12-318° 12-1!2"-► h-V'
Central District 220 West 4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691 11109
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tarnko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 230035th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656
tamko.com Southwest District 7910 S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834
Western District. 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver.CO 80216 600-530-8868 1
I -
1111®ii u (CONTINUED from page 1)
Dallas, TX • Tuscaloosa, AL 6 Phillipsburg, KS • Joplin, MO
2) Mansard Fastening Pattern. (For use on decks with slopes be a minimum of 1-114 in.for new construction and 1-1/2 in.,for
greater than 21 in.per foot.)One fastener 1 in.back from each end reroofing thus allowing a minimum deck penetration of 3/4 in.The
and one fastener 871/2 in.back from each end and one fastener 16 crown-of the staple must be parallel to the length of the shingle.
in.back from each end for a total of 6 fasteners per shingle.(See The staple crown should be driven flush with the shingle surface.
Mansard and High Wind'Fastening Pattern illustrated below.) Staples that are crooked,underdriven or overdriven are considered
FASTENERS tuuL ZONE. Property Driven Improperly Driven
_ COMMON undeirkrvn oveyWwen cooked
Sh M las
fr7r8" 1 �.
io-+{ jag-trz�r-irz•-+}.-y-ora•-+}tT-trz�-►f�-r-in^-►{ moi` "� 2„m,�
3) High-Wind Fastening Pattern. (For High Wind Application CA,IZTL_Q.N;ALL FASTENERS MUST BE DRIVEN INTO THE NAIL
requirements)One fastener 1 in.back from each end.One fastener ZONE/COMMON BOND AS SHOWN IN THE DIAGRAM ABOVE.
8=1/2 in:back from each end and one fastener 16 in.back from each 4,ONAF.IILAY[t!)EHT
end for a total of six(6)fasteners per shingle.1n addition to this shingle
fastening pattern requirement for High Wind Application,TAMKO UNDERLAYMENT:An underlayment consisting of asphalt saturated
also requires the use of the following TAMKO,products:TAMKO felt must be applied over the entire deck before the installation of .
felts or underlayments;TAMKO Moisture Guard Plus underlayment TAMKO shingles.Failure to add underlayment can cause premature
at all eaves,rakes,and valleys;TAMKO or TAM-PRO cements,and failure of the shingles which is not covered by TAMKO's limited
coatings products where required:TAMKO ventilation tivhere required, warranty.Apply the felt when the deck is dry.On roof decks 4 in.
TAMKO starter shingles if available in area,and TAMKO Hip and Ridge per foot and greater apply the felt parallel to the-eaves lapping each
shingles installed on all hips and ridges.Along rakes,cement shingles course of the felt over the lower course at least 2 in.Where ends
to the underlayment and each other in a 4 in..(102 mm)width of TAM- join,.lap the felt 4 in. If left exposed, the underlayment fell may
PRO SBS Adhesive or TAMKO Tam-Seal Adhesive.Also,see local be adversely affected by moisture and weathering. Laying of the
building codes for proper nailing application.High Wind Application underlayment and the shingle application must be done together.
is offered on new construction or complete tear-off applications only. Products which are acceptable for use as underlayment are:
It is.not offered for recover applications.If:High Wind Application
reqirements are not followed,the High Wind Application Warranty - TAMKd No.15 Asphalt Saturated Organic Felt
MPH, as stated on Table I in the Limited Warranty, reverts to the - A non-perforated asphalt saturated organic felt which meets
Standard Application Wind Warranty MPH.limit.,(See Mansard and ASTM:D226,Type I or ASTM D4869,Type I
High Wind Fastening Pattern Illustrated above.) - Any TAMKO non- 'prated asphalt saturated.organic felt
' NAILS:TAMKO recommends the TAMKO TW Metal and Tile Undenayment,TW Underlayment
,use of nails as the preferred method and Moisture Plus
of application. Standard type roofing nails should be used. Nail required.Contact °(additional ventilation may be
Guard rd Pluss Technical Services Department
shanks should be made of minimum 12 gauge wire,and a minimum for more information,)
head diameter of 3/8 in.Nails should be long enough to penetrate
3/4 in.into the roof deck.Where the deck is less than 3/4 in.thick, In areas where ice builds upalong the eaves or a back-up of water
the nails should be long enough to penetrate completely through from frozen or clogged gutters is a potential problem,TAMKO's
plywood decking and extend at least 1/ in.through the roof deck:. Moisture Guard Plus'waterproofing underlayment(or any specialty
Drive nail head flush with the shingle surface. eaves flashing product) may be applied to eaves, rakes, ridges,
valleys, around chimneys, skylights or dormers to help prevent
roparoorl3aa lrtjIrDf1vao water damage. Contact TAMKO's Technical Services Department
+Y9'min etmnetn' undcrerivrn axrerlvcn �.00t�e for moreinformation.
TAMKO does not recommend the use of any substitute products
N 1
�'-`°a�k" as shingle underlayment.
it rwmtnal
lab N ,
' L1t2zjhl.y,xyl DUMlrtlhan. If11eC1jlalln GIr18e¢tp,al0
arA IWsh.illi cNrigW coi/aca pWwtrnllttl iNC 6hingls' utxhera9a. STARTER COURSE:A starter course may consist of TAMKO Shingle.
Starter,self-sealing 3-tab.shingies or a 9 inch wide strip of mineral
STAPLES:.If staples are used in the attaching process,.follow the surface roll roofing.If self-sealing 3-tab shingles are used,remove
above instructions for placement.All staples must.be driven with the exposed tab,portion and install with the factory applied adhesive
pneumatic staplers.The staple must meet the following minimum adjacent to the eaves. Attach the starter course with approved
dimensional requirements.Staples must be made from a minimum fasteners along a tine parallel to and 3 in,to 4 in.above the eaves
16 gauge galvanized wire:Crown width must.be at least 15116 in. edge.The starter course should overhang both the eaves and rake
(staple crown width is measured outside the legs).Leg length should edges 1/4 in.to 318 in.
Central District 220.West 4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691' 1 ung
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 230035th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401. 800-228-2656
tall<tilfO.00m Southwest District 7910 S_Central Exp., Dallas,'TX 75216 800-443-1834
Western District 5300 East 43rd.Ave., Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868 2
(CONTINUED from page 2)
Dallas, TX •Tuscaloosa,AL• Phillipsburg, KS • Joplin, MO
SHINGLE APf LIGATION:Start the first course with a full size shingle G.LOW SLOPE APPLICATION
and overhang the rake edge 1/4 in:Cut 10-3/8 in.from a full shingle On pitches 2 In.per foot to 4 in.per foot cover the deck with two layers
to form a shingle 29 in.long,Use this to start the second course(see of asphalt saturated felt.Begin by applying the felt in a 19 in.widestrip
diagram below).Cut a 23 in:long shingle to start the third course.Use along the eaves and overhanging the drip edge by 1/4 to 3/4 in.Place
the remaining 16-3/8 in.piece of shingle to start the fourth course and a full 36 in,wide sheet over the 19 in.wide starter piece,,completely
use the remaining 10-3/8 in.piece to begin the fifth course.Continue overlapping it All succeeding courses will be positioned to overlap the
up the rake in as many rows as necessary using the same formula. preceding course by 19 in.If winter temperatures average 257 or less,
as outlined above.The butt of the shingle should be aligned with thoroughly cement the felts to each other with TAM-PRO or TAMI<O
the top edge of the sawtooth of the underlying shingle for a 5-5/8 in, Plastic Roof Cement from eaves and rakes to apoint of a least 24 in.
exposure(see shingle application drawing illustrated-on this panel). inside the Interior.wall line of the building.As an alternative,TAMKO's
When you snake your final cut at the roof's edge,flip any pieces that Moisture Guard Plusself-adhering waterproofing underlayment may
are 8 In,or longer back onto the roof.These pieces can be worked be used ih lieu of the cemented felts.
in anywhere without creating zippers or color variations.
NOTE Do not align joints of shingle courses when working in cut T MANSARD ROOF All STEEP SLOPE ROOF
pieces.Joints should be no closer than 4 in.from one another, if the slope exceeds 21 in,perfoot(60),each shingle must be sealed with
TAm-PRO SBS Adhesive or TAMKO Tam-Seal Adhesive immediately
upon installation.Spots of cement must be equivalent in size to a$.25
piece and applied to shingles.with a 5-5/8 in.exposure,use 6 fasteners
10.318° per shingle.See Section 3 for the Mansard Fastening Pattern.
repent 163/8" 8.RE-ROOFING
oou 1s-318" _ 2S Before re-roofing,be certain to inspect the roof decks.All plywood
shall meet the requirements listed in Section 1.
29 Nail'down or remove curled or broken shingles from the existing
sats g3 i roof.Replace all missing shingles with new ones to provide a smooth
rake Full base. Shingles that are buckled usually indicate warped decking
10 3i6" or protruding nails. Hammer down all protruding nails or remove
them and refasten in a new location. Remove all drip edge metal
S1ti course
2a^ 163r6 and replace with new.
eth course -16-318"
if re-roofing over.an.existing roof where new flashing is required
3idcourse 23^ to protectagainst ice dams(freeze/thaw cycle of water and/or the
2nd louse 2s• backup of water in frozen or clogged gutters),remove the old roofing
I ct courseFull r to a point at least 24:in. beyond the interior wall line and apply
16.918' TAMKO's Moisture Guard Plue.waterproofing underlayment.Contact
OBYe TAMKO's Technical Services Department for more information.
Measurements will vary when nesting over an existing 5 in.exposure
single roof:Call TAMKO Technical Services for further information.
The nesting.procedure described below is the preferred method for
a 18u8'Fr.yth
=` reroofing over existing metric size shingles with a 5-5/8 in.exposure.
See description below:
Starter Course:Remove the tabs and an additional portion from the
head of a full size shingle so that its height is equal to the exposure
of the existing shingles.Position the,resulting strip over the.existing
roof edge(with the factory-applied adhesive strip along the eaves).
Cut approximately 6 in:from the rake end and apply the remaining
V portion at the eaves.Continue the starter strip by applying full length
shingle strips cut to height as above.evenly along the existing roof
at the eaves.The,existing roof should overhang the eaves far
r�•.�,•rte.�.�•.,ess•,'�,oxrr+a,raur;. enough to carry water off into the gutter.If this is not the case,'
Aqy'[>;,C3ri[Ge;Dana gNtq,li3 w.tti trip tl„q - '
cut and apply the starter strip so that it will provide sufficient
overhang for proper drainage.
C.n'ac.a wnl+y yx:r w.fr ap[n.tro ra)f.NTwn you ni.l..c rzr
3,w„pan.,^.,..�><..�;,...t,�.,.y,».:.,,a, ,,.q•awr.;.r First Course:Remove an amount from the butt edge of a full-size
�_!' 61"'° "„°� """" n' ,^e^y~r'°p"" shingle-so that the remaining portion of the shingle fits between the
zn:oo—monr«.t. I h;ro, t—Ag1. butts of the existing third course.This course must also be applied
C1,1,1(eCri..lNrlf9.f10i0A be M CIaSCr Ibrn 4•tlm,f drta MetM1N.
evenly.along the eaves edge of the new starter strip.
Central District _ 220 West4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691 u6s
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656
tamkO.COPi'1 Southwest District 7910-S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 15216 800-443-1834
Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868
0 (CONTINUED from page 3)
Dallas,TX •Tuscaloosa,AL • Phillipsburg, KS • Joplin, MO
Second and Succeeding Courses: Remove 10-3/8 in,from the FOR ALTERNATE VALLEY APPLICATION.METHODS, PLEASE
rake end of the first shingle In the second course, and.continue CONTACT`TAMKb'S TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT.
with full width shingles for the.remainder of the course, placing
the top edge of each new shingle against the butt edge of the g old al,,c,nto uns
shingle in the course above.This method should create an ex osure
- p of MM Fast,Wistua
of 5-5/8 in.after the first course.When beginning the succeeding °"""F1' v50b. 1 EM'Si4,
x heal-x r A rooro g\ mai of rhing'U
courses continue to follow the Heritage application instructions. crtenouow g�
(See section 5).
lkdeelaymrnl No lu;enxs n'ittt»
5./8 .�
Drip etlge% L
F i8r lip of s!xngte Gt:.^.¢
t Jte vw*k d sfvgl.2 md— k
edge frdm,aeev xm.ervao ono r ennq
New shingles'r
Apply the shingles with a 5 in.exposure beginning at the bottom
f^� of the hip or from the end of-the ridge opposite the direction of the
9.VALLEY APPLICATION prevailing winds.Secure each shingle with one fastener on each side,
5-112 in.back from the exposed end and 1 in.up from the edge.
Over the shingle underlayment,center a minimum 36 in.wide sheet TAMKO recommends„the use of TAMKO Hip & Ridge shingle
of TAMKO Nail-Fast,Moisture Guard Plus`''or a minimum 50 Ib.roll products.Where.matching colors-are available,it is acceptable to
place and thenn oonlnly nail the outside edges.
roofing in they nil the felt only where necessary to Mild it,in use TAMKO's'Elite Glass-Seat shingles cut down to 12 in.pieces.
IMQORTANT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION WARM SHINGLES TO Fasteners should be 114 in.longer than the one used for shingles
After valley flashing is in place: .
• Apply the first course of shingles along the eaves of one of the Direction of prevailing wind
intersecting roof planes and-across the Valley. Start 5"'exposure
Note:For proper Flow of water over the trimmed shingle,always here.. 1”
start applying the shingles on the roof plane that has the lower
. Fastener
slope or less.height. �n
Extend the-end shingle at least 12 in.onto the adjoining roof. I t; Start
Apply succeeding courses in the same manner,extehding them - — here 5o exposure
across.the valley and onto the adjoining roof:
• Press the shingles tightly,jnto the valley. THESE ARE THE MANUFACTURER'S APPLICATION
• Use normal shingle fastening methods. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ROOFING CONDITIONS
Note:No fastener should be within 6in.ofthe.valley centerline, NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEAKS OR OTHER ROOFING
and two fasteners should be placed at the end of each shingle DEFECTS RESULTING FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE
• To the adjoining roof plane;apply one row of shingles vertically
facing the valley and 2 in.back from the valley centerline.
Note:.For a neater installation, snap a bhalkline over the TAMKOO.Moisture Guard Plu&0.Nall Fasta;TAM-PROS and HentageD are registered
P trademarks of TAMKO Building Products,Inc.
shingles for guidance.
Intotmation-included In these application Instructions was current at time of panting.To
• To complete the valley,apply shingles on the adjoining roof obtain a copy o!the rnosT current version of these appkatinn Instructions,visit us online
plane by positioning the tip of the first shingle-of each row at at tamko.com or can us at 800-641-4691.
the 2 in.point from the centerline where the edge of the'vertical
shingle has been applied,covering the Vertical shingle.
Central.District 220 West 4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691 nrog
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656
tamkO.COIm Southwest District' 7910 S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834
Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver,CO 80216. 800-530-8868