HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application LE INFO MUSr BE COMPLMO FOR APPLICATIONTO BE ACCEPTED ` Date: io/ - IQ umber. aqlt.Permit N BuildingPermitApplication Planning and i• 'CT 2 t6 Building and Code RegulaVan DWon PERAITTiMG t.• t6irgibla Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 St. ucie County, FL Phone. Commercial rt::�,u r,•:",ad>r,-1�7x?T1. -"�rn y+i�s5,f r•� :( 'tT•"'T'i' �r^P,:c• Ml.x`•' a� ;.S-PS.j ��µy m• ..fit, ti"'"�� � . { ,'vler'- ��. r p5.. ;,, tY ,K.� (N g srr 4v 'yY. rf'1rirtb Y�+ q.,rtiigtri('�5'�1(tuK!I •cJH*��VT71{31 {• �.�:..'a6 .w..2r,u'ds,.(J.`.-.zlr�^�.a. :i:f �+:.eiT;.S±n=,r'1i�ZF&1f�.'T,'i''e.�.]�T-l.:iw"7l:'^v�J.'�.E.T�:iAu��,xi.44,��L3..1 �1�1:e'. ,,•. ,n..,:�.�.•1 urP,!fei�ri 4:���-�v�._::��'...`�-:r.�' :lri`.;�'ir":✓t•�.r.,.t3:;�'`u �:.:7:. r Description: CkOT� o PropertyM �` nr—�LA�AM . Lot NO. ■ u /Cod-Q,.2 • • J Project Setbacks F ■ I Badc NIA RightSidez WA Left Side. 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Addw 5s.W4 SE DDUE CW STUART State.FL Zp Code- 349" Fax: 772-283-4055 • s Phone r- - 7 •:J I JJ SGILM• ' LQ • StaW or County"cense;CAC1818726 t NEER. .Not Applicable APP -- GI=COME>Af1lY: _Nod Applicable grass: Addr may' Stag: .City: State: Zip:� Phone- rp: hone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ licable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Nitre. Name: Address: Address: Qty-, City. zip: Phone: Zip. Phone.• I ceMfy that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St Lurie Gou�tyy makes no represengtion that isgrantirrg a permit will authorize the i;halts to build the subject structure which Ls In conf3ict�nirtls arrir applicable Home gwners Assocratron Holes,bylaws or arrrvenarrts trat may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please cransUit with your Nome C3wners Association acrd review your deed for any restrictions which rnray apply_ in consideration of the granting of tfiis requested permit,I do hereby agree that l will,in all respect perform the work in accordance with the approver!plans the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review.room additions, accessory structuries•sWmming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failum to Record a Notice of Commentment mayresult In your Paying twice for !inp rovements to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and prosted on the jobsite. before the first inspection.If you intend to obtain financing.consult with lender or art attorney before commencingwork or recordingour Notice of Commencement s Signatum of Owrr Lmee/Cti ctor as nt for Owner Signature urConfZ#WrAkensroIder SA�Tir tDF FLORi ` STATE OF FLORIDA, Ct)U1ti1TY 4F lel .. COUNTY OF n The forgoing instrument was aCfmovvle before me The forgoing instrument was a&nomdedged before me tide day of 0 20 UZby this' day of 0 20 by (Name of persona wE ) (Name of person iter edging) k (Si tune of Notary public state of Florida) (S atu of Notary PubCe afrlorida) Pers000lly Known den" cation Personally Known OR Produced ldenMcation Tgpe of identillk.M " - ;1<CkE�H� Type Of ldenti 'sTP(,� �— r'� J" MY COMM sr �r1oD�s � ` �Z MICHELLE THOMAS �� Commission N �~~.Y Commission No. F'IWC-�g'Marhli '2018 ILAV MI35101y( }tD795 a07t sgg ptgs ?aFP,, EXPIRES MWO 23,2018 FrgrldoNat &arvlce.� Revised 07/15/2014 RIVIMS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PIANS VEGUATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE 3�lfTiAl.S I