HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (4) Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 1 Fla' Dp fte tt°; BC1S Home j Lag in User Registmtidn i. Hot Topics.( Submtt5urcharge �. Stats&Facts ( pubticatfons FBC staff BCIS Site Map j links i' Searc>; i BYusinesl f ProfeSsl1 Product Approval r -,yam r ^� USER:-Public User t�p1 ) LL„ ��L C e EE;`clr ., ".ProdudAooroval Menu��proEu£t wAdolicaebn Seaiih'>AppliradorList OCT 2 7 J r, is Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2014 FL# 15699.1 Application Type' ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL. .subcategory TALL Appllcatlon Status ALL Comppance:Method ALL Quality.Assurance Entity ALL. Quality Assurance Ent(ty'Contract Expired- ALL ProductModei,Number'or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use'ImHVHZ ALL. 4 pproved for'use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant, ALL Design Pressure, ALL Other ALL. Search Resuffs-Ap ications: Lit Tvoe. h9lanutadmMi Validated By 5 FL15699- Revislon Custom Window Systems Inc.. Steveh.M.Urich; "Approde& .R2 F`#-1`1_15.699.1 PE' :History Modek,SH-3100 (7d7j 932-8500_ Descriptiont SH-3100(was•3700),Aluminum Single Hung,Single Glazed;Impact Category-Windows Subcategory:,Single Hung *Appraved by DBPIL Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed end ratified by the:POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Codtatt_US::,1940 Tlorth Manree�(jeatTallaha�see FL'+ 9 Phone:850-a87-1824.. Tne State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Caoyiioht 2007-2013 4ate of Florida, Privacy Statement::Arcessibilitystatement:-Refund statement -ef=Under,Fl"a IBW,email addressesare pubiie records If you dogtrot wantyaut e-mail addre55 released in Fespdnse-to+a pu,blic-re-coids req'e* ;t,do not send it mail to this entity.Instead;contact the office by phoae'dr liy traditional mail.If you have any questions;please coritac[850.487:1395.kPursuanttn Sth "ll 455.275(1),Florida statutes,effective Octob"ef.i,2012;.Iicertsees Aloensed under.Chapter 455,.F.S.�must provide the Departmetlt with.an emit address if they have one.The gnaiis.provided may be used for official communication with the licensee;:However email addresses-are public'reeord'If yoodo not wish to' 'supply a personal address,please.prokle the.Deparbnent with an_emall'address whlch'can.be rdadeavallable,to the•pjbliC To Determine if you ara:a;liceriseeuniier' •ChaOtel'455„ M. F.S.,please click h "duct'Approvat AceeDt9: .setltriY srtrncts; rg r h //www,.fl,bridabuildin .or / r/ r_a lst.as x 5/22/201;6 �� g g P P PP_ p . Florida Building Code Online. Page l of2 11 ., SCIS Home .Lcg In I UserRegistratloif-. Hot?opies dSutirhit:Surcharge_, Stats$,:Facts:] Pubficatiors FBC"Staff I BCiS Site Map Liiila f Search,: BUsines ,. PProfess al Product Approval r USER-.Public'Uses Fulafloll En2dmCLApprowlMenu.>.:Aroduct orAooliraVon Starch Aoolicatfbn'tist>.pppi3eation D`etaii Emil fl # FL15694-R2 Application Type Revision 'Code version 2014' Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvais'by.DBPR shall tie reviewed and ratified by the POC and""/ornhe Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Q' Product Manufacturer Custom.Window Systems Inc. Address/Phone(Email 1900;SW 44th Avenue 0caiA,.FL 34474. (3$2j 368-6922 'Ext 255:: sbrooks@civs:cC Authorized Signature Stephen Brooks 'sbroiiks@cws.cc Technical Representative Errin Koss Address/Phone/Email 1900'SW 44th Ave. Ocala;FL 34474 (352)368;6922 'Ext 29L ekoss@cwscc Quality.Assurance Representative ]ay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email '1900`SW 44th Ave. 'Ocala,>FL 94474 (352)368=6922 Ext 291 jlathrop@cws.cc Category Windows Subcategory Single-flung Compliance Method Certification Mark or,Listing Certification Agency Keystone Certifleatlons,Ine. Valldatedfey. Steven M:Urich,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received, Referenced'SCandard and Year(OF Standard) Standard AA MA/1NDMA/CSA/101/I.S:2/A440-0$: 2008=. ASTM E1300-04 2004 ASTM E1886=05 2005 ASTM E1996-09 2009: PATAS 201/202/203 1994, Equivalence.of Prodmi:Standard$ Certified By http//Www;flondabuilding.orgtpr/pr_app_dtl:aspx?parain=wGEVXQwtDgvutHBjlpVzp0... 5/22/2016 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Method 1;0ption A Date Submitted 11%11/2015 Date Validated 11113/2015 Date Pending FBG Approval Date Approved 11/15/2015 SWftma. of'Pv6ducts" FL'# Models Number or,Name Description 15699.1. SH4100 SH 3100,(was 3700);Aluminufn Single Hung,Single Glazed, Impact Limits of Use Certification Agency-derkilficate, Approved torose in HVNii Yes FI-15699:RZ'C CAC.CAR 138-1003.odf Approved fpr;use outside HVH2p Yes FLf5699 R2-C CAC CAR 138-L069:od f impact Res istant:'Yes FL15699-R2 CCACAR"--CAR 138-1005.odf DC9ign.Prer ssue:AN A FI r 6 - a R2 AR 1'38-1022.odf Other:Large Missile Impact,:see Iosoliation.drawings#or FL15699 R2 C CAC CAR 138-1023.odf DP and slze@•.�lass comspliewit.h.ASTM E1300-04: FL15699 R2 C CAC CAR.138=1024:ndf FL15699'R2 C CAC'CAR-138-297 bdf FL15699 R2 C CAC CAR 138-298 udf FU5699:R2"C CAC CAR 138-;499.1)d quality-Assurance Contract;.Expiration Date 12/28/2018 InstaliatiDd Instructions . . FI fS "t 5699 R2 II CWS-7266 H-3100 SG and IG IMIPj.04 Verified By:Lucas:A.Turner58201 Created by.IildependentThlyd Party:Yes Evaluation Reports :FL15699"R2 AE EvalRdp CWSL7265 GSH-3100 SR and.IG. !ft FL1 6 9'R2 AE,Kuraray'PV6.NOA 14-0916 10:pdf Createdaiy Independent Third Party:Yes QNerr Corh6t.Us.::3940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL32399 Phone.850-4874824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer:Convtldht 2007+2913"State of FlOfWa:::PrWaci�54tement Ac—s ility-Statemerrt::,Rerund stafement Under Florida law,emali'addresses are public records.If you do not vmant.your e-mail address released'in response;to:a pubrrc-records request,do not send 'eleclronlc mail to this entity.Instead,contatt'the office by,phbne�or by:traditional mad:If you:have.any questions,please contact.850;487.1395.-Pursuant to. Section 455:275(1),,Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,litensees licensed under Chapter 455,.F.S.must provlde'the Uepartrnent with an emall address if they.have one.The emaUs prwi d"may be-used For ofricial cornmbnicatiorrlwth'the Ilcensee:Hmever email addresses�are pubilc remrd:If you dont wish'to supply a personal atldress,iplease provide tte'DepaRment wRh an'etnail addresswhlch can,be,riwdeavailSWe to'the publics To determine if yop ara a..ncensae'under Chapter4S5,F.S.,please click here Product-Approval.Accepts- stcari iF.lMILS http://Www.floridabuildi,ng org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?paiam=wGEVXQwtDgvutH8jlbVIvo... 5/22/2016 00cunent Titles: Doc.No: FRM B9-G2 . Rev No' 7 Pam: Sttfttlurat Perforrnan Certification Authorization Report Required 9y: PRO 131-03 CAR&ProdUet`ID Number' 138 1003:0 tssue Date; 2/2712012 Revision Date 10/7!2015 Expiration:Date: 12!28!2018 Company Code:, 138: This-Certification Authorization:Report(CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc (KPI)after foil,vaiid on:review, and is based on.a standardized.evaluation of the product.conducted by an independent accredited.laboratory in accordance<wtth.tho specified'referencetl°sfaritlartl.Actual fen.estration product performance may vary based an many factors,. including installation, condition of the wall/roof'substrate and: the,=age of. he product and installation components. Thisreport indicates the.product is:eligible:for the application of`Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Lleense'e,stlpulatbs in affixing certification labels:-to:products that those,products are representative of tfie specimen.. eira uated and documented;for eertincation authgriza6 `0 1 products:beari►g such a;certification label alis!ibe considered certified. The:infonrration to ths,re�rf can be verified a +ni t ww,keystoieeerts:cam. Liicensee Inforination:; Product Infartnat on: Custom Window Systems, IncModel:;31.00 Aluminum Impact Single Hung 1900 SW 44th Avenue. Operator.Type: H Ocala: F.L. 34474 Confid EM11M, G5-51-16."Ann.Lami Mono or 1G Ma,Wide 53 Max:Height: 76 Referenced Standard: Product ffteting: PAITAS201/202!203 Large Missile,DP-4;70;:1-53x76 Qualifying Test Inforo ation: Test ReportNo; NCTL7-210-3795-1/PRI-CUV5�d04-02=02lNCTL-210=4000=3 Test Report Expiration: 12!2812018 Authorized Signature: V. Kdysf®ne Certifications, Inc. 2015-10 08 5154:01d York Road, suite 5 �., .. � Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 6:05 -04'001` Phone: 7'17 932-8500 08 Fax; 717-932-8501 WWw.kFYsToNL(ERTS.com DocubentTitle Doc No: FRN_I 91-0Z Stl"u.Ctuta� Performance RevNo: 7 eag� oti 1 Certification Authorizafion`Report Required W 'PRO.131-001 CAR A Product-1D Number: 138 - 1004.0 fssue.,D"ate' 51712012. Revision Dater 10/7/2015 Expiration Date:. 1124%2019 Company:Code: 138 This Certification Authorization.Report(CAR) is.issued by Keystone Certifications; I= (KCI:)after fdTvalidation review; and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted.by an independent:accredited:laboratory in accordance with:ft-specified referenced:stan."dard..Actual fenestration product performance;may varybased"on.inany factors, including installation; condition of the. walUroof substrate .antl the age of the product arid,:installation components- This omponents_This report indicates the product is eligible;for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification.labels. Licehsee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products,that those products are:representative of the specimen evaluated;'and documented for certificationbearing . authorization. ;Qply products -such :a certification label shall=be considered:certified The information in thIis report.can beverified atwww.keystonbeeris.com. Licensee Lnformatiori Product Information: Custom:Window Systems,.Ina Model; 3100 Alwminutn.Impactbriel Sin ii Hun" 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type, H Ocala FL 34474Config: EM/IM G$-7116"(F)T5%16"(S);Ann Lami Mono or IG Max Width: 53 Max.Height: 84 Referenced;Staridard Product Rating: PA/TAS"201!202/203 Large Missile;.DP,.+/-70,'53284 Qualifying Test Information-. Test.Report No: NCTL-210-3795-2/PRI-CWS-005-02-011012 Test Report Expiration: 1/241201.9 Authorized Signature: A� Keystone Certlfi;catlons, Inc. y;2015 1 QeO 564:Old York:Road, Su►te 5 Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 08:46:45—04'00' Phone17=9.32-8500` : 7 Fax:717=9,32-8501 W W W.KEYSTQNEC E RTS:C O M Docunent:Ttie: Doc No. ;FIRM:61:-02 ' ': � Df .Structural;:Performance RevNo; T @age: 1 T' Certification Authorization Report Regs;ired By:. PRO 61-03 CAR&Product ID Number: 1.38, - -1005.0. Issue Date 5%7120:12' Revision".Date. 10/7/201,5 Expiration Date: 1/24/2019 Company Code; 138 This•,CertificatiorfAuthorization Report(CAR) is issued by Keystone Cdrtifi'cations, Inc.(KCI) after full validationYeuiew, and is based on a,standardized.evaluation of the p'roduet conducted by an independent accredited'laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard.Actual'fenestration product performance may varybased-on,many factors,. including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is, eligible for'the.application of Keystone Ceitificatlo.n'Program: certification IabetS:. Licensee:stipulates in'affixing cert cation labels to products, that'those,products are representative of the specimen. Ovaluated and documented:fior certification.authorization: Only:products bearing.such a certification label .shall be considered certified. The:iniormatioh in this report can be:verified atwww.keysh`in, ts:corrm.. Licensee Information: Product Information: .Custom Window Systems, Inc Model:3100,A10minum Impact Single Hung 1900'SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: H Ocala FL 34474 Gonfig EM/110-j-68_5/1 Lami Mono:or IG Max Width:: 37 Max Height: 133 Referenced Standard; Product Rating: PA/TAS 20:112021203 Large'Missile, DP+1=80 37x63 Qualifying-Test Information: Test Report'NO; NCTL-210-3795=.3/PRI=CWS'-004-02-03/NCTL-210-4000-5 Test Report Expiration:: 112412G% Authorized Signature Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2015.10.08 564 Old`York Road", Suite:5 ..r Etters, Pennsylvania 17319: ;r. 0 x.7.25`--04"00' Phone: 7"17-932-85.00 Fax: 717-932=8501 wW W.KEYSTONECERTs.com r)ocVnent TRW Doc No: Reu:No:. 7 Paga ... ; of: _ Structural Performance ^� Certification Authon*zation Report ;Req.dro By.: PRO B1-0;3. CARtri Product;lD Riumber 1:38 1.022:0 ;Issue.Date: 6/15/2012. Revision[Date:: 10/7%205 Expiration Date: 3/912019 Campany:Cods: 1138 This:Certification Authorization`Report(CAR) is issued by;Ke',stone.Certifications 'Inc. (KCIp:.after-full validation review; :and, is based;on a standardized.evaluation of.the product conducted by an independent accred'�ted laboratory. in accordance writh:the specified referenced standard.Actual feresfration product performance may vary based`ori many factors, including installation; condition of the wall/roof subStfate and the-age..of the product and installation components`. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee:stipulates.in affixing certification labels to products,that those products are representative af.the specimen evaluated and .documentb for certification authorization; Only.product`s bearing succi;a ce tifica€ton 'iat�el"shall be consdered-certified., The information in;this report;can'beverified atwww:keystonecertscom. Licensee information: Product information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Model_3100-Aluminum irnpact:Single Hung 190G SW.44th,Avenue, Operator Tjtpe: F Ocala FL 34474 Contig: WtM, QS:-$1,*'Ann Lauri Mano.or.1G Max width: 53 Max Height: 76 Referenced:Stai idard: Product.Rating: AAMAIWDMAICSA 101/I.S.21A440-08 Class LC-PG- 70 1349x1930(63X76)-Type H Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No; NCTL-210-3795-lA/PRt-CWS-004-02=02/N.CTL-210-4000--3 Test Report`Expltation:. 3/9/2019 Authorized Signature Keystone CertificstiQrs, Inc. » y^y /i/�■� /�\�jj/��[� 564 bid'York Road,Suite-5 , Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 Phone 717-932=8500 Fax:717-932-8501. wW W.KEysrONEcEftTs com Docgeent Title_ Doc N.o: FRM$1-02 Rev No:; 7 paw _ .1 Of-- Structural r Structural Performance =L7-7T_' Certification Authorization Report R.equred;BY: PPO Bl-03 CAR--&Product ID.:Number, 138 - "1023:0 Issue Dater i3h5/2012. Revision Date: 10/71201'5 Expiration Date: 3/9/201.9. Company Code; 138' This Certification.Authorization Report(CAR) is issued.by Keystone Certifications, Inc:(KCO after full alidaton:review, and; is based on-:a-standardized,evaluation of the.product conducted.by an 'independent accredited laboratory. in accordance with the specified referenced standard:Actual'fenestration product performance ma ywary based on many. factors, including `installation, condition.:of the walltroof substrate and the age of the pioduct and installation_ components.. This report'indicates the product is eligible for the application'of Keystone Certification `Program certification labels." Licensee stipulates in affixing'certification'labels.toproducts,that:those'products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented.for certification. authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be co.nsid&ed certified: The information:.in this..report can be verified.atwww.keystonecerts.co"m. Licensee information: Product.Information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Model;3100-Aluminum'Impact Oriel'Single.Hung 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: H Ocala FL 34474 Config:. EM/IM, GS=7/16"(F)15/16"(S).Ann am.,Mono or IG Max Width: 53 Max:Height: 84 Referenced Standard;: Product Rating:. AAMAIWDMA/CSA 1:01/I:S.2/A440-08 Class LC-PG70 1349x2134(53x84)-Type H Qualifying°Test Information: Test Report No NCTL-21;0;3795-2A/PRI-CW$005:02-01/02 Test Report Ekpiration` 3/91201.9. Authorized Signature Keystone Certifications, Inc. 201.5:10.0 564:01d York Road,,Suite 5 Etters, Pennsylvania 1.'7319 '�;49: 4 -®4'009 Rhone:717-932-8500" Fax: 717-932=8501 W WW.KEY$T0NECERT5:C0M SINGLE.HUNG - IMPACT GENERAL NOTES: �ftfltl 1.THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEAEIN.'IS DESIGNEDAND MANUFACTURED TO COMPLY WIND0IN SY$TEP1S. PO'l,"TOLIN'TWIDTH,- WITH THE.FLORIDA BUILDING.CODE(FBC);:CURRENTEDITION:INCLUDING THE is(IosW 44Th qVE: HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(F1VHZ)AND i9-RATED FORWIND zONE.a' OCgLA FLaRIDA 3a4?a ' LASS DLMISSILE LEVELD IMPACT USE AS DEFINED IN E1996 PER'THE.FBC OCALA, DRI j 2.GLAZING DETAIL$:(SEE:SHEET 2};53178"UNIT WIDTH 3.CONFIGURATIONS:"Olr IIso GLAssDLa SINGLEAUK0' - 4.DESIGN PRESSURES: IIVlPACI' I'% I -NEGATIVE-DESIGN.LOADSBASEDON:TESTED PRESSUREANDGLASS'TABLES ASTME4306'.04. I i -POSITIVEDESIGN;LOAD$BASED ONTESTEDPRESSURE WATER a �. B I B seY4^ 34. INFILTRATION TEST PRESSURE;AND GLASS TABLES ASTM'E=1300.04; M I I I opo s o GLASS 6.ANCHORAGE:THE 831/3%STRESS INCREASE,HAS NOT SEEN USEDYN THE o v j DESIGN OFTHtS,PRODUCT SEE SHEEP6FOR INSTALLATION DETAIL.,WIND Y Y LOAD DURAT10N FACTOR Cd-1�.6 WAS USED FOR 4YOOD ANCHOR' w w m UNIT 6 78,. CALCULATIONS HEIGHT UNIT - HEIGHT B.PRODUCTS APPROVED FOR IMPACT RESISTANCE.,SHUTTERS.ARE NOT n .O I, REQUIRED. 38718•' X 3a" 7.ALLFRAMES AND SASHES ARE PROCESSED AND.SCREWED TOGETHER.SMALL w p LU 29314 SASH GLASS I f 0 SASH GU153 HEIGHT I GLA JOINT SEALANT USED AT ALL-FRAMEJOINTS. a a LL.HEIGHT 8i5Efl1ESlMODEL DESIGNATIONSH,?100,,(A,KJS:SI•F370D) a.N 9'THE DESIGNATION X AND O.STAND FOR THE FOLLOWING: N. v A C x OPERABLE SA Hi O Q FIXED SASH. 48 va^GLASS DLO 43118 GiAss Dio m acs z. 6t 618'SASH WIDTH 51 5!8'SASH WIDTH 10::SECTION.CALLOLITS APPLY iQALLCONFIGURATIONS, ,,``StiP�Uxr`v��+`,,J ORIEL EQUAL:SPLIT �`��git� x3' No 5$281 ti 37•UNIT WIDTH Lucas A. s Tumier A-0. rf 33718-GLASS DLO. 20'I S-1:1-11 SP STATE OF 70.44-05:00: iye�ss+o A ���a I 27112 GLASS. I.DLO 19M:1/2015 63 `L LLICASAJURNER.P.5, UNI 1239JABARAO AVE.. �HFJGHTI ; NORTH PORT FL 3429$ s218^ X, 27.1!2• PH.941-380-.1574 SASH -GLASS HEIGHT DLO, GENERAL NOTES-AND TAB�EOecoN7ENTs MAX::UNIT DESIGN PRESSURE ELEVATIONS:. 32.GLASSDLO CONFIG.,, IMPACT RATING I<I� {{< SIZE RATING: ° WT Y - GENERALNOTES:&,ELEVATIONS ::1 F351/2"SASHWIDTH�! - -- EF '05/17/,12: GLAZING DETAIL; z. ORIEL 5361/W x, +f 70 PSF SECTIONVIEWS: 3 EauAL Pial' � + LARGE MISSILE IMPACT cines-zz6 e ! Exrl3usloNs&s D,M '4 EQUAL 53-1/8:X 76-: +l-70 PSF ANCHQRSCHEDULE&NOTES... 5 SHEET INSTALLATION DETAILS 9 ;EQUAL 37"is 63" +I-80`-PSF 1':25 1 4F'6 5116"OVERALL 618 OVERALL 7/18 OVERALL OW3Y3T/J��yj (,/�� 118'ANNEALED '- 118 'ANNEALED .. 3176 ANNEALEO �`1[1'17'l1Y(YUIIU(1(b,Q EM5 n /I .090 DUPONT� PVB INTERLAYER A90 DUPONTAYEq... .1WIND .05:DUPONT PVB INTERLAYER- 1900 g4TN"AVE:, - PV9INTERL "'1!8"•ANNEALED -.118'ANNEALED �3116"ANNEALED ;OCALA,FLORiDA14474 WWW.CWS;CC , OR SIKAFLEX 652 ECT.GLAZE •. :PURFEOTAZE GL °H; ..4.PuWEOT GLAZE"R,* ' ORS IKAFLE)C,552 OR SIKAFLEX 552 3100 ALUM!. ;SINOiLE HUNG 10 6/4'GLASS:SITE 374"tlLA53.BITE 314'•.GLASS SITE: IMPAC 3. rn m`tii 3 �'0 0 3 Iii m am ZO GLASS T`/PE A-FIXED GLASS TYPE A-.SASH GLASS TYPE B-FIXED' ,c e a 7/6`'iOVERALL . 718".'OVERALL W87 OVERALL ... VB'ANNEALED;; .. _ VB'-ANNEALED 3116"ANNEALED ----7/IW AIRSPACE 71}6'AIRSPACE. 1W AIRSPACE �1111N Ntlt�. Z. ,I ... 5ri6 LAMWATED -' .6lis`:.LAlb11NATED ..` ''7/16'.LAMINATEO ,��♦♦�PpiL�REBG,Q��,'v. t•...._-1/8"ANNEALED `118"ANNEALED .3116'ANNEALED' GE .090 DUPONT PVB INTERIAYER - .090 DUPONT PVB INTERLAYER �.105 DUPONTPVB•INTERLAYER I�,*r t 1/6'ANNEALED 1!8"ANNEALED .. 3116'ANNEALED 'OS - -Cdtfi t0' STATE:OF iur. PURFEC7'GLAZE`ti" 3 OR SIKAFLEX 552 PURFECT.GLAZE"!i" I PURFEGTOLAZE:'H" .r�,'� 1 fliw 1' �♦! .. OR9IKAFLEX557: # ....ORSIKAFLEX552 trt9ttltt7;1♦ r 3/4"GLASSERE 314'.GLgt59B1TE 3!�SITE Fl. LUCAS A:TURNER;RE: FL PE*58201. 1299JABARA AVE. 3 .. NORTHPOFIt FL3A288 1 PH.9di380.11574' ... SHEET_D6SCR TI GLAZING DETAILS R0. NB; A OESlG " A. FIXED TEF 05/47/12 GLASS TYPE:C-FIXED. GLASS TYPED<F1XED *WE PRESSURE(PSF)MAX,SIZg GLASS GLASS o R GLASS TYPE•C"SASH EQUAL tl"80'�� V x 63 A or G A Or C CW 5 726 B 44-70. 59"x 78' A�or C A or C, SHEET ORIEL +1-70 .53"'x,84` ST A.onC ;B or D. q,1 HEE ........- INTERIOR *NDaw SYS 4 2,19: 631 9 3S rrl g 1900 SW n4TH AVE.. Y �CAIA'PLORitIA3 414 www.cws.Gc 3100 ALUM. 11 SiNdLE HUNG 106r,36 IMPACT 59 , 5 9," 6 0 10 r 36 or 37 30 33co m SEG710N B•B' 4: 8' � EE i — INTERIORLu at N z g ,14 1B W W Q tiJ Nin 1 . maZ 2 +,���1ppiDREFy ly�� J r, k6 e.;"A 1. � �0 S 6TATE QF• �W ONAL y�lrfl kill Ftp` z � '11H 1/2015 LUGAS A.TURNER P.E.FL PEW 56201. 1239 JABARA AVE. i9. NORTHPORT FL34288 PH:54.-S o l5/4 .QE�AIPT.ION: ' SECTION C C. SECTION:VIEWS ALTrSILLLATCHDRAWNP' y: q E. NOTE:'MONOLITHICIAMI SHOWN. 1(3AVAILABLE;,8EE$yEET2 TEF 05/17112• MGM REV.. ITEMS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY OWS_126 SHEET $EC.TION A-A 14,46,16,21.22,2$:27 SC it• 3 00 6 PARTS LIST ITEM PART'#DESCRIPTION VENDOR MATERIAL I H-1934 Fxd M .Req Ke madf Aluminum: i O 1NINDOW SY5PEttS 2 M 1946"Sash Meet.Rail. Keymadc Aluminum 2 1' 190D SW 44TH AVE, 3 H-1047 Sash Sol/Pull Rail KeynrA& Aluminum 00","RIGA 34474, 4; ,<S•1931.Fr.Head Keymartc Aluminum 21I6' 4.: .25/16•' �-��,J WWW CVtS.GC 554932 .r.SiN mark. Aluminum. 1/telells 7 7 - 6 S-1933 Fr.Jamb Keymark Aluminum 7 'S-1935 Heiniarcement Keymark Alurninum 3100ALUM.. 8 1936 Scm. K made' Aluminum- FRAMEHEAD-S-1931 REINFORCEMENT-S-1gas SIOLEAGtt 9 .9-1939 Sash SidelTop.RaJl Keymark Aluminum-7 IMPACT 10 .-S-1941 GtazlngIs-Glass} Keymark Aluminon SASH MTG RAIL-H-1946 91 SAW,Sash Stop - Keymark' Aluminum _. ... .. _.... i2 9.195$.Bill Catch .. eymark: "Aluminum .13 ;P-3018 Wstp.,.309x:187 Bulb Vinyl Amesbury Nylon' 14 P.3029"Screen PUI:Tab: Summit steel 2larts"=- o O 15 -3033 Screen Spring,"SS FlaScm SS 16 P-046 Take Out Clt 17 P-3218$Green Frame Allmatal Alum i - - '16 P-3228 Screen Spline_155 Ola„Blk. Nylon -5 � T4� 9 �19 ' P-33U5 Wslp 270x.t87 Black SoflTouch CenterFln".Black Llltrntab- Nylan ra a 20 P-3309 Wstp 21D x.:167 BiaCk SWI Tori h%Canter Fin,.Black Ultralab Nyicn,. s 7f2" 2 Y/2" t " m21 P-3321 ScreanFrameCemerKey Aitmatat Atom Vis , w22 P-&W Seam5ealar,19W5504. Schnee" LRSills, 0°[ a. 23 P,-3352 Set.-W.85 Dur..116'x 576"x 2"'L$. ..Frank Lowe' 24 P-3443 stp,.290 X:187 Black,Bulb Vigil Hallow Ugratab Nylon 25' P-3515#6'x 0:625 Ph FH A SMS Fastanal Steel SASH,SiDE RAIL :S 1939 W `26 P-3581 Scree nC(ath,1&X46 ibe ass Phiier FRAMES iIL-S-1992 FlXEOMTGRAIL-H-1:934 z M 27 Pt144#83e1""vrt9t4"1ead4uaiPH A.SMS: Fastenal [p.¢g.1 28 'R4707 Sweep Lock' Lawrence Npldn:... SO P 4959 stp.,.420 X.1B7 back PolyFin,Gray,SahTouch Ultratab Nylon 31' 'P-5228 Sash cam M8MS'www~+r''o�1taN �,k t7N 32 Balancer Caldwell tta 582tSf 33_ G SS See Sheet 2' 34 Purtect Giaza' or Siketlex,552 Henke Sika, s: s — 11 H" it "* 35 1 P-5244 CbsedCdIPad,.1-112'x1-!14"x3/18' Viscor_ 23[181. 2518` f3t16'. 36 8-1949 Glazing SOW,(7/16'Glass) Keymark; Aluminum L BTY�TE 37 I P-5523_lGazing Bead.IG I8'OA) Team Plastics PVC 11713" 1116' �4� 5 !"p it LINE ITEMS NOT USED. 'NCTE:'ALUMINUM PROFILES'ARE 6063-T6 LINLES OTHERWJSENOTED. SASHSTOP-5-1954 t*'+r��+4...�,l ��w+ 29 FRAME JAMB-S-1933 SASH BTM RAIL-H-1947 .yy 13[16" WIS. 1111112015. SASH CORNER FRAME CORNER FIXES tv17 G RAIL t 1ut6" � a UJCAS¢.iuRtv�R P.r. GON57RC1GTIt7N CO 48TAUCTION CONSTRU&IbN' ,iia' Fa.PE 5112tH. i,1tG -tp 1[48" t239'JABARAAVE 2 1[ts NOPH.411.3801574288 S!t t LATCH..S-1955 SCREEN ADAPTOR-.S-1936 GLIAZING'BEAD,.7t15".-5-1949 80M;ANtJ EXTgtS910NS W44 618 aw Te:. d -- 7 TEE: 475117/12 CWS-726 B PVC.dLAZIN6 BEAD,7/8°IC,.-P-5529 0LA21NG.8EAD,5116,7�S=1941' •7 SHEET ". SFEALLJ03NTSEAM.SEALANT'tf$E17 AT ALL F#tAt,E:lA1MS. 1:2 8'MAX(TT'P.)-- IV MAX:O.C.(TYP.). .Is1�.. I Q W . Y e' 4AO.C,T '.) M (TYP.)— SEENOTE2 WI Ps'� AX. OCALAFLORID A 3o44f t4 WWW.CWC i MAXYP.) 1 .T(2MAX O (YP. s'MAX(TVP.) SEENOTE2 1900SW4THAVE:. MAX20.111 3100ALUM.i. t . � pj' 77 2 tl I INSTALLATION "12-1 SIPGLE HUNG 13112' 'ryACHORs,(rvP:) 7 MPACT, INSTALLATION V: MAXO.C, INSTAL! (TYP') I I ANCHORS R'(P.l i I 1 1 I .4'::(TYP.) II 4r(TYR) 4'(TYP,): 4(•T.Y(tPvJ P.) T-Y ` ( P) loW6m ygz¢` w�'Cu � W 1- 41 7�*►77 1JJ)J. ANCHOR LAYOUT ���` flREtq�4Ji, ETUAL.SPUT 37'X eX ANCHOR'LAYOUT ANCHDR LAYOUT as EQUAL SPLIT 59.125'X 76" ORIEL'53125':X 84' OkeI'4 No' 58201 v, NOTES: Vr STATE 1 INSTALL ONE ANCHOR AT EACH INSTALLATION.LOOATIOWSILL ANCHOR SPACING SAME AS HEAD: 'y4 �i�r.'� ren+tea. 2H�IN SHIM ANCHOR USING LOAD::BEARING SHIMS:MAX ACLOWAELESHIM.STACKTOBE'i/4'.USESHIMS-WHERESPACE-GREATER:THAN'1%16:.ISPRESENI'. LOADAl ; BEARINGSH(MSSHALLBE ' CONSTRUCTED,OF HIGH DENSITY PLASTIC OR BETTER WOOD'SHIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED. 3.ANCHOR TYPE,SIZE,SPACING AND EMBEDMENT SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THESE rDRAW 1NGS,:$EE TABLE 1.,.SHEET6• 1171:172015 ..4.ALL"INSTALLAT(ON ANCHORS MUST,BE MADE OFoR PROTECTED.WITH A CORROSION.RESISTAN.TMATERWLOR,COATING.,DISSIMILAR METALS OR.MATERIALS,IN CONTACT WIYR PRESSURE,TREATED WOOD MUST LUCAS A,:TURNER,P.E. BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT.REACTION; FL PE#58201 S.INSTAUA710N'ANCHORS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS,AND ANQHORS SHALLNOT B.E USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM < NORTH PORT,FL 4286: SPECIFIED IN TABLE 1;SHEET 6: PH.941-360-1574.. 6.'ANCHOR,EMBEDMENT TO SUBSTRATE SHALL SE,BEYONDWALL DRESSINGbRSTUCCO. FOR CONCQETEICMUOPENINGS,EMBEDMENT SHALL.BE,BEYONDWOODBUCKS,IFUSED,INTOSUBSTRATE. H 6 ° I•I INSTALLATIONS TO SOLID CONCRETE OR GROUT-FILLED CMU MAY INCLUDE BUT DO NOT REQUIRE 1X WOQD.BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND THE SUBSTRATE,INSTALLATIONS TO HOLLOW:CMU REQUIRE THE ANCHOR SCHEDULf.AND USEOF 1X BUCKS,BETWEENTHE:PRODUCTAND'SUBSTRATE.: NOTES '7;A'MINIMUM CENTERaT'O=CENTER SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN ALL FA$TENERS 4'mF08 MASONRY,,.1 WOOD AND METAL DRAWN SYs °AT B.WOOD OR MASONRY OPENBUCKS AND BUCKFASTENERS SHALL BE PROPERLYtESIGNED BYTHEARQHITECTOR ENGINEEROF RECORD AN61I STALLED TO TRANSFER,WIND LOAmT THE STRUCTURE_ SUB$TRATES'MALLMEETTHEMINIMUM'STRENGTHREOUIREMENTS;A%SHOWNIN,TABLET;6NEETB ICONO ETEANDMASONRYSUBSTRAFE$MAYNOTBECRACKED,. wdT REa5/17 /12 9 SEALING AND.FLA$HING STRATEGIES FOR OVERALL WATER:RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE DONE BV OTHERS FOLLOWING THE.OLIRRENT VERSION OF`THE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS;, ow B 5-726 ' FMNAAMA9C0(FINWINDOWS),FMA/AAMA'200{FLANGE WINDOWS),FMAIINDMA25ti(BOX.N/INOOWS);FMAIAAMAIWDmA'300(EXTERIOR 000R.S)%: - SHEET 1:20 SOFE; TYPICAL HEAD.ANCHORAGE L'VIU MIN.EDGE DIST.--- 1660SW A4m AVE.'. SEE TABLE i MIN.EMBEDMG''17 :OCALA,Fl:OR10A34474`. SUBSTRATE ELY OTHERS; SEETABLE:1 'WWW.CWS:CO SEETABLEI 1wMAX-SHlM �3100 LUMe. PERIMETER SEfiLANT MIN.EMBEDMENT, SY INSTALLER SEES T?16CE t, MW:EDGE DLSI. SEE.TABLE 1 SINGLE HUiVCte'. dNSIDE AND Otfi� �7* SEAt;AANTSEHudDFLAN{tE. tNSTALLAT10t+1ANCFIOR: _ - IMPAC BY:LNSTALLER SEE TABLE 1 �174•;MAXSHlM u^i a M'.SLL SEALANT BEHIND FLANGE... :SUBSTRM13YOTHERS INTERIOR, BYINSTALLER. SEE TA[ B:1 ;YQ INSTALLATION'ANDHOR PERIMETER SEALAN7 _ Z� SBETABLEI BY INSTALLER., .. WSIDE ANDOUT 0' y B _RORIZONTALS.ECTIOtJ:. `a �' �.W TYPICALJAMBANCHORAGE ; a. u 114"MAWSHIM, :SEALANTBEHIND'FLANGE.- .BYANSTALLEA . m¢O 'PERMETERSEALJWT BY INSTALLER tiitN EMS ENT A11pt1R' y INSIDE AND OLR SEE TABLE I >•� a Eht iy SUBSTRATE.BYOTNERS �r-.� "No 5820'1' 'S'? SEE TABLET it MIN.EDGE.DIST. SEE TABLE 1 L S STATE OF .RW 'A VERTICAL SECTION TYPICAL SILL ANCHORAGE �rrrJ�ryxA�p �iv rF" 11/11/2015 TABLE'U APPROVED'INSTALLATION FASTENERS: LUCASA:TLIRNER;P.E, SUBSTRATE7YPE ANCHORTYPE .. . tmk EMBEDMEAIP MIR EDGE DIST. FL PE#' Al 1239'JABARA AA AVE.• CONCRETE;(2t0 KSI MIN:). 9715",LTW'TAPCON' 1.172° 1-1187 NORTH PORT,F1 34288 HOLLOW OR GROUT-FILLED CMU(117 PCF MIN.) 3118°;AW TAPCON: 1" 4 PH:841-380.1614 G0NOREIE(2.B6K61,MIN,) 3118°=ELCO:ULMACON 1.".. 1''_ SHEET Ds LPn GROUT-FILLED GMU.(ASTM C 80) 3118'ELCO ULTRACON 2.1(4' 2-112• 2XMN.8OUTHERN'PINE.(d-oJJ5j 311W"TAPCAN 1 7/8, ir�statv{TIaN aE l s OR ELCO ULTRACON D 2X m N.SOUTHERN PINE(G-D.6$) #I.O WOOD SCREW 1318 7/8' TEF 06(17112 16GAUGE(0.060°)MIILAJEElSTUD: 910-1851 IK-FLEXORIIW: FULLTHREAD 7%18 FIEVT {33 KSI:YIELD.MIN) TEKS SEl F:bRI1 LING 5CAEVV *RLI OWS-726 $ 'JS':ALUM.'(6063 TS MGL)OR #10 GRADE,5 SELF-TAPPING - -FULL THREAD ?!16' 1/8".;STEEL(33 K8I'M IN:) DRILLING:SCREN/ THRUO.i25"- " S 1'2 •SHEET 6OF6. E 1239 Jabara Ave.. North<Port,TSL 3.4288- ENGINEERING& l'h:941-380-1574 TEONSULTING,INC, FBPE C-D..A.#29779 Eyaluation Report 7268 November 11,201:5 11'r6duet:-Description: Series 3.100.:(, reviously 3700)Alum num:Single Rung Window;;LM Inzpast,triax.obit sizes of:53 I/T'x:84"L►'P7. 0,06,el,53 TIB"'x 76"bP70 Cid Equal Split,and 37"'-x63'"DP804O Equal.Sprit Manufacturer: .CustoxriWindow Systems;Inc. 1900 S W 44"Ave,Cicala,FL 34474 Statement,®£ComptiThi's report°evaluates ib6.above-listed pibduct per the.requirements' sof FAC.Product Approval Rule Chapt"er b1G20-3.005(�4). This product complies v�iit} the requirements ofthe 5th Edition(2Ql4I).Florida:I3uxlding.Code including the I4igh Velocity Hurricane Zone. The pioduct:testing standards,performed ote(judiaedbelow,. Technical 1}6cumentativn: 1) Thus.report,prepared liy Lucas:A.Turner,PE„at 1239 Jaiara Ave,,,North Port,F1.. 2) Approval drawing.CWS-726B,signe4:and.sealed.by'LucasA:Tumor,P.E-. Test ReportsNCTL-210-3795-1,-1,A;-2,-2A,--3,a d-3A,and NCTL>1210=4000 -Ole, -1A,-02,and-2:A.from National Certified Testing Laboratories,:O lando,;FL.signed and sealed by,;Gerard.1 Ferrara,PXq anil'lest reports CWS-004=0242 and W and CWS- 005 02'01 and-02 from=PRT Construction Materials Technologies.Tampa;FL,with, testing Performed TAS 201/2021203;1994;AAMA►/WDMA/CSA WVLSXA44fl-2408, ASTM El 18$6.200212064J2005,and.A.STM E 1996-ZOQ2/2004120ti612i309 4) Suppietriental Cales-to-suppait-CWS-726B:signed and;sealedby'Lucas A.Turner' ,P.E. I .Installation: Units must be ai;istdled according to approval docutuent CWS-726$: Lim stations ufUse: Thi&produ0- e Maybe.used'up to sizes indicated'above in Product Description,with glasstypes design: pressures,and max-glass;daylight sizes as shown in CWS-726B • Is Large Missile Impact Resistant and does not require the mse of shutters • :May.be used in`the High Velocity Hurrzeane Zorie I:G..glass.wit&annea1&dutb6artl'lite may not be usett al3ave.30 ft from grade:in�NHZ «. Requires Ruzaray(Dupont)PVB.Interlayer:per. ami-DadeN®.P,,.. 14-0916:10 • Requires 6463-T6 aluminum extrusions poi CWS-726B Cerfficafion:of Independenee:. T do not have,:tior:do I iniend to.acqre u .,n6t will I acquire,-4, financial:interest in.Custbra Window Systems or in auy'Onipany tnanufaeturi ig:or.distributing; products for which this;teport,is.being issuecL I do�not have,not do I intend'to=acquire,nor will I acquire,a financial interest,in.any,other enmity involved in the testing or approval process of this product .�: too 5��tlt �� 11!11/2015 Lucas A Turner,P . FE'PE##582(11 ''� �Q' ti•' y Luca's A: !timer