HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (5) M,AMI-D�,b>~courlrY MM PAODU&Mi4 PAOL SECTION 1,i8(15:SW 2G Street;Room208; DMARTMENT OF),2EGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES MER) Miami Florida 33'I7S=2474 BOARD:AND CODE ADMIMSTRATION DIVISION T.(786)315=2590 °F(786)315:2599 NNOTleg- OP ACCEPTANCE OA ww.wMiamidnde.¢ov/eeonorii Kuraray America,Inc. 2625 Day Area Blvd.,Suite 600 Houston,TX 77058 SC10>PE:. This NOA Is"Being:issued under:the applicable:rules and regulations governing tate use:of.construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami Dade County RER Product:Control Section to be used in Mtami.Dade County add other'areas where allowed:bythd Authority Having.Jurisdictiow(AHD). This NOA shall not be`valid fter athe expiration date stated'below.The=Miami--Dade County.Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AlWin areas:other than Miami Dade County)reserve`the right to have'this product_or material'tested.for quality assurance purposes. If this?product or material.fa its to perform•in theaecepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the.expense of:such.testing and the A- 1H, may immediately revoka,modify,or'suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the eight,'to revoke this acceptance; if it is determined by Miami Dade County Produet Control Section tl'at this product or material fails to meet the requirement's. of the applicable.building.code. This product is approved as described-herein,and has been.designed to comply with theTiorida Building Cvde,.'including the High Velocity$urricane Zone. DESCRIPTION:Xni•aray Butacite®PVB Glass Irtterl"ayer APPROVAL.J)OCUMENT:Drawing No.G15-01,titled"Kuraray Butaeite®.PVB Interlayer';.sheets 1. and 2:of 2,dated 05113/2015,prepared byAl-Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade.CountyProduct Control revision stamp with the Notice,of Acceptancenumber and expiration date by the Miami-Dade.CountyPioduct.Control Section. M][SSILE`I1VIl'ACT,RATING:None LAIMUNG:Laminated:lites under thi§Troduct;Approval.shall be permanentlymarked in a corner ofthe;. glass with:"MDCA-ButaciteP PVW" standiiigfoi"Miami-Dade"County Approved—'Butaoite6 PVB'.and P the laminator's identification mark. These marks shall be applied by the,individual.laminator pro duciugthe. 1. firiished laminated glass producteontainitig the ButaciteO P'VB interlayer: RENEWAL of this NOAshallbe considered aftera:renewal application has been filed and there has been.no change in;the applicable building code negatively`affecting the performance of tbis product. TERI1'IINATION of this NOA will:occur after the expiratiowdate or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/ormanufacture of the product or process Misuse ofthis'NOA as an;endorsement ofany;product,for sales,advertising:or.anyotherpurposes shall automaticallyterminaWthisNOA.Failureto:compiywithany section of this NOA shall be cagWfor termination and removal of NOA. AD'VERTIS 9miENT The NOA number preceded by the words Miami=Dade`County,Florida,and followed.by,the. expiration date may be displayed:in advertising literature. If any,portion.of the NOA.is displayed,then it shall be:done in itsentirety. YNSPECTION:.Acopy of this entire NOA;shall'be:provided to the:user by the:manufacturer or its distributors-and shall,be available for.inspection at.the job site at the requestof th6 Building Official. ThisNOA..revises NOA 943A119.17 andconsists ofthi's page l and.evidence page E-1,as well as approval documentmentioned above. The.submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos TYL Utrera,P.E. �uuyN eaouivrv: _ N.OA,No.;14=0916:1Q Expiration Date:December 11,2016 :Approval Date Apri115;2015 fib) p►S Page I Knt arae America, NOTICE OF.ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED, L DRA.VANGS 1. Urav}ring.ItiIo G15-Ol;;titled°`Kuraray Bu#acitegI'VB Interlayer",:-shee#s l�attd:2;af 2;. dated 05/13/2015 prepared by Al Farooq Corporation,signed.and sealed by 3avad Ahmad,P.E. B. TESTS."$ubna#(ed.under XOA#114624.0111 Test report Standard Date Signature L A2280.01-10-18 ASTM D1929 03/29/11 Joseph:A.Reed,P.E. 2. A228'0.01-10-19 ASTM D 635 03/29111 Joseph A:Reed,P.E. 3. A2280.01.10-18 ASTM}x.2843 03J29h I Joseph-A.Reed,P;E. 4. A2280im-10-18 ASTM+G 1.5.5: 03/29/11 Joseph A.heed,P.E: 5; A2280.01-10-18 ASTM G 158 03/29/11 Joseph A.Reed;P E. C. CALC[7LA.TION8 1. None. -D. QUALITY z SSURAi110E 1 Miami-Dade Dqpartmentqf Regulatory and Economic:Resources(REIN)- ]E. IVI[A7CEIZIAL C RTIFICATIONS L Rorie.. . - - I STAT-01" 1. 'Statement letter of code,.co#fbftnatice to 2014:and the P e&tion(2014)EBC issued by Al-Farooq Corporation;dated-06/16%2015,'signed anti sealed by Javad Ahm4 P.E. 2. Purchase agreement between E.I. DuPont De I4einours and :Co. and Kuraray=Co;, LTD.,dated'May 22,201:4.. Carlos N C3trera,P.E. Product C6jatr6rExaniiner NQA N%14-0916:10: Expiration Date:December Ili 2016 Approval Date:April 2!;2015 E4 1{uraray Du"tacileG' .M. Interlayer 10s �e'!i PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: t ; t z• MANUFACTURED SY Kuraray :Arrmerica Inc_ } } F A:PLA"t .INTERLAYER 'MATERIAL FOR LAMINATION WITH "GLASS QN BOTH 8113ES. } H ? , ; A TYPICAL GLAZING IS MADE OF THE FOLLOWING. COMPONENTS. > 2{ A — MIN .1 J$" (3,0; 'mm) ANNEAL [? GLASS B: — MIN.. .030: ( 76 rnr KURARAY BUTACITE tP PV B IIJT�RLAYER A — MIN. 1/8" (340 ni .ANNEALED GLASS MATERIAL PROPERTIES ButtaciteO PPB liltertbLyer "(cleao TEST, DESCRIPTION TEST" METHOD TEST .RESULTS; SELF IGNITION TEMP..._ ASTM. D1929 78WF (420'0 FLASH IGNITION TEMP ASTM D1925, 78WF';(42O-C) AVERAGE SMIUKE 6ENSITY :RATING ASTM"2843 7.2 RATE OF OURNING ASTM P.635 O IN/MIN XENON WEATHERING ;(4500 HRS) ASTM 0158-02 WEATHERING FLEXURAL STRENGTH MIETHOD';A ASTM, 0158.-'02' .METHGO A BEFORE AFTER .- 2940 F'SI 31..89 PSI` WEATHEI LNG PER SECTION: 2612 OF :FLORIDA, BLDG: CODE.' N OTE: THIS ISA COMPONENT,APPROVAL Amb DOES NOT INCLUDE AN. pl:<Q0wi kvivm EVALUATION OF STRUCT{1RAL .PERFORMANCE OF THIS`GOMPONENT ' Y�arft*AFi rids SYSTEMS INCORPORATING THIS :COMPONENT SHALL APPLY FOR: nsCodc: AA NOA TO THE MIAMI-DADS.COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION' we iitp. +teaii5et" g AND SHALL SUBMIT TEST REPORTS AND:OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS SHO+AIING'THAT THE SYSTEM USING THIS COMPONENT WILL FRESJST M. E. LOADS-ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 1.6 OF THE FcokIDA BLDG. CODE. Mtunt Eogr::JWAD-Atihiat) n.A. PE. 70592 CiA.N. 538 I AL-FAO�{lOi�GUFBi'RTEiI4Tlt?rii KURARAY BUTAt ITE iN8 INTER f1rYER ra sion-s draw[ng no �-M 1 Y Q / qp EN4INEERS do PRQT7llC3 DEVFiL4P.MEHr .� a ale esc an. !"A .,,,_Yt'�,. J �d�.t.LUQ� V i 1i I s2saaw:szav£ LAmerica, Inc:�f bieloAa3iz} g !Area Blvd.. Sulte 600 TX. 77056lZ�N oon-o'l 8-IeO n (slo)63a-}233; � sheet:)at:2. Kuraray Butacite0 PVB Interlayer: MATERIAL PROPERTIES: 13u.ta'6te6-PVB interlayer (colors) TEST DESCRIPTION TEST ,METHOD 'PEST RESULTS SELF IGNITION TEMP: [i] ASTM; D1929 788'F (420'13) 'SELF IGNITION TEMP.. [2] ASTM; 51929 788,F' (4207C) SELF IGNITION TEMP. [3]. ASTM 01929 7867 ( Wt) -SELF IGNITION TEMP. ['4] ASTM D1.929 788-F t420 C) SELF IGNITION TEMP:. [5] ASTM D1929 78W (429,0), .FLASH IGNITION, TEMP. [1;] ASTM D1`929 788-F (420'C) FLASH IGNITION TEMP. [2] ASTM D1929 770-F (41£I'C) FLASH IGNITION TEMP. [3] ASTM ,D1929 771 TF (41-0'C) FLASH' IGNITION TEMP. [44] ASTM Di 929 788-F (42VC) FLASH: IGNITION TEMP, [5] ASTM D1929 788 F (420'C): AVERAGE SMOKE DENSITY RATING ['I] ASTM 2843. -^ 72, AVERAGE SMOKE DENSITY RATING' [2] ASTM 2843 9.1 --1 AVERAGE SMOKE DENSITY RATING '[3] _ ASTM' 2843. 10.2 AVERAGE SMOkE DENSITY RATING [4] ASTM'.2843 10.1 AVERAGE WOKE DENSITY HATING [5] ASTM 2543 :81, RATE `OF BURNING [1] ASTM_:[}635 0 IN/MIN RATE OF BURNING [2] ASTM:D635 0, IN/MIN RATE OF BURNING [3]' ASTM C}635 t3 IN/MIS! RATE OF BURNING [4] ASTM 0635 0 IN/MIN, RATE OF BURNING, [5] ASTM E3635. t3 WfMiN [1] Cleor Sutocit0i PVB Interlayer [2] Chorcool Grey- Butdcite @:PVB Interlayer [3] Blue=green BotacARS PVB Inter.Ioyer [4] Azure ;Blue :Butacite Ci'PVB Interlayer [5] Sidor Bronze., Butocite 0:PVB Irrterloyer Tom+ THIS .IS.A-'COMPONENT APPROVAL AND DOES NOT'INCLUDE AN PROINJC$BCiV.I,1TaD EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE OF THIS COMPONENT. so Corr yi vui>�t6r}1oet�r SYSTEMS INCORPORATING THIS•COMPONENT SHALL APPLY FOR � + A NOA TO THE.MIAMI—DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION Aoeetrwemec ISA I «J� AND SHALL SUBMIT TEST REPORTS ACID OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS -SHOWING THAT THE SYSTEM, USING THIS COMPONENT :WILL RESIST 8y THE LOADS ACCORDING 70 CHAPTER 18 OF THE FLORIDA BLDG. CODE. ;h9irlti I+�CI: Engr. JAW-AHMAG Cull(: FLA.'PE c.7059,2 AI:-EAR*oQ Coi2PORATION UM-AY:BUTACfFE PVB tNTEf2IAYER� 'o';sians__-� drgwSrr9 no; .ENgINElxAS dt PRODUCT pEVELCPMENT' o q C OSCYI Ig11 f"i G�,,,t1 naa6sw azni�E uraray, Americo, Inc. V}�! l/ 12015 euAMt,eiopiDAa9i7A Boy Areo Blvd.; Suite; 660 � acee os a_t5. nfcTEL(.506)4B441W FWL(5305}8.8Rgsiaousloq,.TX. . ... .'. .. GUIZING G1S Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 1 user ." rg � t�-publiications � � Map Links[ rc ... :BCIS Ham9 (Log In f User RegBtration i HotToDks I SubmitSurcharge e d Statsiffi Farts = � � t� i '�7 ii3Yl�lle T fL � {(Search Busines T' Product Approval ProfessikalUSER:Public User 'ReguiatiDi1 OCT 2 7 201E Product ro Aoayal M1lenul>:PriidutY or Aodidt'an Sea¢h'>�pppRcation'Wst PERMITT(R!C Search:Crlteria St.Lucia C Reflnc search Code Version 2014 FL# 11103.1 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL -Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL. Compfiance Method ALL Quality Assurance.Entity, ALL. QualityfAssurance Entity_Contract:Expired ALL Product Model;Number or Narne ALL Product Description 'ALL Approved for use,in HVHZ ALL Approved For'use outside:HVHZ ALL Impad.Resistant ALL: Design.Pressure ALL Other ALL .Search.ReSufte-Applications lication§ M XM: WAntifacturer Validated BV Status FL11103-R2 Revision .Custom Window Systems Inc, Steven M.Urichr PE ;Approved' History FI-# FL11103.1 (717)932=8500 Model:5GD-8900 PVC Sliding Glass Door. Description:SGD-8900 PVC.Sliding Glass Door: :Category:Exteriorpoors Subcategory:Sliding Exterior Door Assemblies -Approved by DBP14.Aporovals•by DBPR shall be reviewed and_ratified_by the PDC zed/or,the IN if necessary; I Contact Us;;1940 North Moproe Street,Tallahassee FU32399 Phcne:SSO-487-1824 The State of Florida is an g,WEEO,empluyer.Caovriaht 2007=2013 State of Florida.n Privacv'Statement,::,Accessibiltty Statement:::.Refund Statement Under-Florida Law,email addresses are public'records.TOO do not wardyour a-malladdress mleased.in response to a public-recnrds.request,do not send: electjohk mail to this.entity.Instead,°contact the office by phone or traditional maiL If you have:agy.questicns;please contact 850:487.1395.!Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida'Statutes,zlil ve.October 1;2012rlicensees lioensed.under Chapter 455,.F.S­.must.provlde the Department with an emaitaddressif. they.have one.The-.amails provided.maybe used 6,official tummunicatlon.with.the licensee:However email addresses.am public.record.if you do:not wish to .. . .. supplya:personal.add ressj please provide the Department ivittian email address whidrean be made available to�the public To deterrntna ifyou are a licensee under . .. - . .. .. ._` Chapter455„F.S.,D4a35e,i8ck jlQfg.'. - .. . Product ADprov�allAccepts. scmritvm)=4 tsa Rim rysZ/ r http://www.flon"d ag 6rg/pr/pr app_lst.aspx :5/22/201.6:.