HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (9) MIAM�'MWE hl7Ait11-DADE COUNTY • PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street;Room 208. DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC`IiESOURCI S,(RER); Miami,Florida 33175-2174 BOARDANF.CbbRAbMINISTikkTIONDIV.iSION T;(786)3,15-2590 F;(786)3I5-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) v .miamidade.gov/economy E.L DuPonf De Nemours&-Co.,.Inc. DuPont P&IP Chestnut Run:Plaza,712/161,P.O.JBox 80712 Wilmington,;I91C 19584 . SCOPE• ....... . . This NOA is being issued finder the applicable:rules and.regulations, govettling the use of.construction materials. The documentation.submitted has .Been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade .County RER- Product Control Section to be used:in Miami;Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Havhng Jurisdiction(AM This NOA shall.not be valid after the.:expiration date;stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In,Miami Dade County)and/or the AHT(in.areas other than Miami Dade County).reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality:assurance,puiposes. If this product or material fails`to perform in the acceptedmannerthe manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and thef;AHJ may iminediately revoke,modify, or suspend the°use.of such product or material within theirjurisdiction...RER reserves the right'to revoke this,accewaitce,:if it is detennined l y'Miami-Dade. County Product-Control Secthonthatthis product or material fails to ineet.the requirements of the applicable building code. Thus:product is approved as described herein,and has been designed-to comply with the Florida Building Code,including the High Velocity Hurricane.Zone: DESCRIPTION;.Du)Pont Btitacite®.PVB Interlayer APPROVAL'D.00UMENT:Drawing No:13-0129 27;titled"DuPohtBatacite®PVB Tnteriayer".,-Sheet 1 and.2 of 2,dated U'1115lZO 13,.prepared`by E.1.DulPont De Nemours&C4,1nc,sigit"ed and sealed by Allan A.Kozieh;P.E.,bearing the Mfatr Dade CountyProduct Control:revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami Dade County Product Conirol Section. MISSILE I1VI]PACT RATING:hone 1.AE1✓][,INGt Laminate d lues under this ProductAppovalshall bo permanei tly;..marked in a corner of the glass rvitii:"IVIDGA-Bntacite®PVB",stariding:for".Miami-Dade.CoinntyApproved—Butacite®PV—B'?'and the-laminator'.s identification mark, These:marks:shall be applied`.by;the-Individual laminator produehng the fnishedlaminatedglass;productcontaining the.ButaciteUR PVButterlayer. NN> WAL of Niis NQA.shall be considered.after arenewal applicationhas beenfiled and there has been ho in'the.applicable building code negativelyaffecting the performance of this<product. TERMINATION aftWs:NOA will•'occur.after the expiration date or ifthere has been;arevision.or change in;the, materials,use;.and/or manufacture ofthe product or process.Misuse:of this'NOA as:amendorsemerit of any product,for sates,advertising ofanyether purposesshall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to:comptywith•aiiy section of this NOA shall be cause for termination.and removal ofNOA. -ADVERTISEIVIENT The NQA number Preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the- expiration heexpiration date may be displayed hi:advertising literature. If any portion.of the NOkis displayed,then.it shall N done in its entirety. INSPECTION;.A copy of this entire NOA.shall be provided.to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall•beavailable for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official: This NOA revises NOAW 11-111:8.03 and consists of this page I and evidence page E71,as well a$approval document mentioned above: The snbmitted.documentation.was reviewed by Carlos M.,Utreina,P-E:, n, MOA No.13-0129.27 rnahn•tznne couWHOM nts ! Expiration Date Decetuber 11,2016 MW n Approval Date:`.Apri1,11,20I3 r r Page:.1 �r�'�/0 R.I.DuPodt De Memours&Co. Inc. NOTICrOF ACCEPTANCE: . EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.13-0129.27,titled"DuPont Butacite©PVB;Interlayer Sheet 1 and 2 of. 2,.dated 01%15/2013,prepared by°kj,DuPont-De Nemours 4:Co:,Inc,signed-and sealed'byAllanA.Kozich,F.& B. TESTS "Submiffed urrderXOA#Id-0624°61" Test report Standard 'Bate Signature Z. A2280.01-1.Q-18 ASTM D1929 0329/11 Joseph.Ai Reed;P.E.. 2:. A2280.0140-18 ASTM D 05 03/29/.I1: Joseph A.Rced,P.E., 3. A2290;01-4048 ASTM D:2843 03/29/11 Imiph A.Reed,P.E. 4. A2380.01-10:1:8 ASTM G.155 03/291.11 Joseph A.Reed,P.E. :5. A2280.01-10-48: AST ivI 0,158 03/29/11 Joseph A.,Reed,P.E. C.. CALCULAT-19 S: 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE: L Miami-Dade Department of:Regulator y:and Economic Resources(RER): E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS "Srtbinkled u,74C rNOA#1X-1718.03" 1. Statement letter o€code confa ihance to 2010 IBC'issued.by Allan A. Kozich_ & Associates,dated<03/01/2012„.signed and sealed by.AflanA-Kozich,P.E. "Submitted Under NOA:#H-:0624.01” 2. Stateh ent letter'.bf code;:ponformance to 2007 FBC and..no financial interest Issued by Allan.A. Kozich &,Associates, dated'0.8/09/201.1, signed.anal sealed by.Allan A. Kozich,P.E. f . f:arlos.M.Utrera,P.E.; Produet Control:Rpmber NOA No.13-0129.27 Ezpiraiioi Date:December 11,2616 Approval Date:.April 11,2013 9-1 I DUPONT BUTACITEO PVR INTERLAYER I I P&ODIJCT DESCRIPTION 'mA.myFACTuRiab BY EJ.DUPONT.DE NEMOURS 8 CO„INC.. A-PL4S11 INTERLAYER MATERIAL FOR LAMINATION W":GLASS ON,30TH SIDES. A TYPICAL_GLAZING'IS'. MADE t)F THE FOLEOVVlNG COMPONEKTS: A 8 C A" - Vg' 3:O mm Annealed.Glass. 9EC7tC}N B - 0:030" 0.76 rn DuPont<Biutacite@?::PVB Inteda er 0 I1W 3:0 mm Annealed Glass MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Butad eo pVB Irilerla er Clear Deslgnaflan Test Aro aches Butacits�3.PVE Infects er Ctsar Self1 tion Tem erature ASTM D1929 788-F 420 r" Flash. "nttian Tem ""ratuce ASTM D1929... . 788T 420'C .Avg Smoke DentIt :Rating ASTM D2843 T.2 Burhing Rate ASTM 0635.... U mrrtLmin: Xeii Weathe tng(4500 hrs)' ASTM 0138=02 'Weathering Fikural'Strength Method A ASTM;C`158.-W Method A Before After. 2940 ..i 3189. I 'WfiATEIRMG>P]EM SECTION 26,12 QP THE FLOIL-W B7iILDING CODS: TtIi51S A COIAPOimq APPROVAL ANOACES NOT FNCLUDE,AN EVA.U4AO&OF STRUCTURAL-PERFORMANGE OF THIS: GOM>?Of�ENT... SY5TE3flf3 INCOfiI?ORA7lNa TIi1S,COIAPONENT'SHALL APPLY'•FOR A•.PFtODUCT APPROVAI<4 T0,'rH13 OFFICE MD;s0ALL.9UNMIT TFsT REP61it$.AND OTHER-RE4UIFIED`DO.CUMENTS SHOWING THAT THEMSTE:USING 7FI19COMPONENTWILL-RESISTTOLELOAD .CHAPTER16:OFTH,4.fwfku)AEUII 3INGCODE. Se9I�Ccida n Ei duPont de Nemours-&Co,, In31 A c, ,aa�t••a; r._ .... Ckiestrtut RUn Plaza.Bldg 7,121 or' . f a '��,18 N't9F•.'.y"s ar P.O.$oX 80712 • X18 t888�1 Prodtiet. tl 1►Viirrtingtan DE-19880-0712, * ' :� ## Phone: 302 999-2925 X 1�e1� It: I.IOftki4 Sheet 1ef2 - S fit BSATE OF tw Drawhig Date: 01Y15%13- � �'•.,� r,.i` : oct V.13 Alun A.Kozich,PE •s� °. .� `A•;C?a.*a C. Ala..t165 Re Istration#168.4_ �i�rST1���4 4'ta+ _ httpel����� ,DUPONT BUTACITEO PVB INTERLAYER MAterlal Characterise acs Butacite@ PVBinterlayer-(Cbloml iJesignation Test Pcoperttes Self.;l nitron Ten>perature;i] A5'ff4+ D 102a 788 F(420 .] Seif fignition Temper NTN 2 ... ASTM D1923: Self ELRCc n Temperature,[3] ASTM:D1929: 788 7;42b Self lgnition Te"mperature[41.. A8TM-,01929` 788`F{420:�C): Self,l nitr`on.Temperaturo`151 ASTM D1929' 788`F(4'20,Cl Fiast%t nidoaTem orature[1] AS'#`lv1 IM29: '788 (420;r,), F sl i<Ignition Tempi era#4ie:f2l ASN W929' 3 7t#� 41��) l Dash,figni#ir n Terhoorature.--f3j " ASTM.Di 929 770`�{41`o r) ;✓lash.lgnftn Temperaiare;[41. ASTM D1929 Flesh Ignition T. ipetatqre.pASTM D.1929 788 420`C) Ay9 Smoke Density-Ragn f11 ASTM.D2843 72 Av Smoke:Dense Baling?2 Avg,Smake:Aenstl:latfng:f31 ;_ASTM t)2843. 1s72 Avg Smoke Mnslly JR49ovI41 ASTM 132843 . Avg Smoke Density Rating;(61 ASTM B2W-- T'SuMfI19 bats 'f]... ASTM 0635' 0 Wrrtrrtin. BuriluT Rite 21 ASTM,D635 0 Inrrilrnia: , Burnie Rate[3 _ .. ASTM 1363&' 4 irirNmin. .. BUMlh 'Rate[41" ASTM D635 0 mmlrnin. . t3 ing Rate.[51 ASTM D635 O mmtmin. [11 Mar 8utacitecR):PV13Intedayer �lromriohla�r�'Ird�Ktcietda: 2 Gharooal Gre B tacito PVB'interra er 1pooe�mar:Nu fi 7 fI . . y Y [ajBlue-Gteen 13utacite@ PV8 lnteiieyer [4]Azure Blue 13 cite®NB Interlayer.. tis [a]Solarl3ronze 86tadte0 We Interlayor �t a . fHtS IS A COMP.ONEN'r APPROVX AND,ODES NOT`IN0UID Ii AN EVALU¢TION OF STRUCTURAL OOR0)RMMI C-E,QF'TF11S CCIR3PON T sY3FE6lS;INCORPbRATINOT"IS POMOCWiNT SfiA LAPPLY'F.OR PRODWT APPROVAL"Td THIS OFFICB:ANII$IiA1 L SUBfWn T65T-ltEpORTS AAlp OTHER ItEQUIREp.DOCUMENT$'9HOW1Nd TI{Al THE 3Y5rEM USIN<3' MS COMPONEI+ir�ILL RESIST THE LOADS.ACCO#�MG-ro GH11P 11116 OF TOE FLORIDA BUILDING, Coo£:If , l7]PO t I uUtklte6 p t3 kerlauei tt�j�s „- E.l ,duPOnt'11e N6Mours&-Ca1,1tic; ' ..K ?fNo Al ' rte 0. �► DuPont P&IP^`Ct_S ,� ,� �. Chestnut`Run Plaza Bidg 7'12116 � aoo .► P.o.soy$a7�z A iNlllnrrlgton DE 11 • '" €phone 30 -999-2125 t }`*s #iilfiAtiEIF � r P.eV:,y�f1z 4FP-Dt2"�.24,She:t'2of 2 Drawlrt Date;:t)11'i6ib *� Ny �+ 4-f 3t:Zet3 Adan A.Kozich,PE. �lrr<tlt1i44�' o._ l"165 Re Istration#1.6864: 1239 Jabara Ave. T Tj. _ 1\:b.�t V: L North:Port;FL 34288 ENGINEERING& 'Ph.941-380-4574 CONSULTING,INC. F13PE C.0.A..;#29779 i Evaluation-Report';871 B j April 1.8,2015 Product.Description. Set es 5206 PVC-Horizontal Slider Window;Large Missile IhnpacV(HVHZ),XO or OX 7411x63"'unit size with design pressures.of+/-60 psf'(Fin or Flange window) Manufacturer: Custom:Window Systems,.Inc. 1900SW 44'h Ave,Ocala,FL:344.74 Statement of Compliance:; This report,eyaluates the above-listed.productpet,the.requiretnents'of FAC. Product;Approval.Rule,Chapter 61620-3: 005(d) This product corriplies with the requirementsof:the$ih. Edition:O014)Florida Building Code including the High_Velgcity Hurricane none. The product testing standard's:perforried are outlined,below. Technical.Documentation:: Y) This report,prepared by Lucas A.Turner,1`11.,at 1239 Jabara.Ave.,North.Port,.FL Approval drawing CWS 971B,signed and sealed:l y Lucas,k Turner,P.E. 3) Test:Reports NCTI=21`a-388?-1,-t A;-2,aiid 2.A,byNational Certified-Testing Laboratories, Orlando;FL,srgned'and seated by Gerard J.Ferrara,.with"testing-perforihcdI:. TAS2t11, '202 -203, `94;ASTM E 1886:`02/04/05,ASTM E 1996°:04/06/09,and.AAMA/WDMA/GSA IQUI.S.2/A440`08 4�. SupplementaT;Calculat ans to;support CWS-.87113;signed,and sealed by.Lucas A.Turner,P.E. Installation Uriits.must:be;installed according-to approval document CWS-787,11.. Limitations of Use: This product: May be used.up to,the sizes and daylight:openings indicated in;CWS-871B • Achieves-design,.pressures.of+1-`60 psf • Is Large ntisg c of pact resistant and does not require:the use;of shutters. May be'used:in the High'V.elocity.Hurricane Zone • Requires,Dupont 13utacite PV.B.Interlayer per"ami-Dade N.O.A. 13-0 29.21f • Requires Quanex'(Mikron)white rigid.PVC 6Affi ng per Miami-Dade N O.A. 12-1017.021 t I have evaluated;the.interlayer and fratning materials'n these Dupont and QuanexNOAs and,find that they comply>with the requirements of the 5! 'Ed.'(2014)Florida Building.Code for use in this product. CeXtification of Independence: I do:not have,nor.do I intend to A. uire,-nor will(,acquire,a.financial interest in Cdstom Window;Systems'or in any:company nianiufacturing ar distributing.products for which this report is lieing.issued,:.I.do,not.have,nor do.I intend.to acquire;nor will I acquire,;a,financial interest in any other:entity invc►ived in the testing.orapproval:process.Of this product. }*�s� 1 REW+ At, "3►a.•r.�°. �✓ per. No 50201 . r, 4/18/2015 erg _`•;,t7. 4 E;.° +;��` Lttcas A. Turner,'P.E j �� ti�+" FLA#58201 WillLucas A.Tumor 20'1:5-04A 8 2211-04.00 hll MIAMI-DAMCOUNTY .. _. _ PRODUCT CONTROL.SECTION 11505 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND'ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER)- mi Mia ,;Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINIST"TION'DAVISION T(786)315=2590 F(786)31.5-2599 I�N(DTICE OF ACCEPT C E (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/econoriiy Quapex.Buiiding Prnducts,be: 1034 SWth Avenue North Menti WA 98032 SCOPE: L This NOA`is being issued.under the applicable rules and regulations_governing the.use of;construction materials,The,documentation submitted has :been reviewed and accepted:by Miami-Dade County RER- Product Control'-Section to be-used in Miami Dade County and other areas"where:.allowed by the:Authority Having Jurisdiction(AIU). This NOA shall not be valid after:the:expiration date stated,below.The Miami-Dade County.Product:Control Section(In Miami Dade County); d/or the AHJ(in:Areas other than_M anni"Dade County)reserve the right to°have this:product:or.material antested'"for quality assurance.purposes. If this product or material fails to e perform in.the:accepted manner the manufacturer will incur the expense.of Such testing.and fhe AH[7 may immediately revoke,modify, or suspend the use of,such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves-the right.`to: revoke this acceptance;.if it is determined:by Miami=Dade County Product"Control Section that this:product or material fails to meet the requirements of the,applicable building,code. Tbis product-is approved as described.herem,and'has been designed to comply with the:Florida:Building Code,,including the High Velocity'Hurricane Zone: .DESCRIPTION:The,approved White Rigid PVC Exterior Extrusions for Windows and.Doors.are to.be produced by Extruders.Licensees in"HAMA Certification.Programs for rigid PVC Extrusions".The. extrusionsshall,meet ASTMD 4726,;class ifieation.(ASTM D-4216):1-10154 13-06 0, 1-20131-b-'00 0 or 1-40131-13:and the.:followingproperties. Description Test Properties Rate of Burning ASTM D=635 Class C.1 Self:Ignition temperature ASTM D=:1929 9250F>650 AygrW_Smo.ke,Density Rating ASTM D-2843 43% <75 Flame Spread Index. ASTM"E-84 .26:2.<.ZS Tensile Strength(Difference:*Exposed&Unexposed) ASTM D:-638 4.98%ti<'10 *Exposed per.Section 2605.2 of The Florida'Building Code. NHSSII.E EWPACT RATRI Alone This NOA:reviws,NOA9:11-0830.09 and consists ofpages:l and 2,,as well as evidence.page`E-1. The submitted documentation was-reviewed:by Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. p NOA.No;.12-1617.02 0 Ex iration:Date:December•26,2016 ,. F MFAMFDiADECOUNTY i ••• . � Approval Date.February 7,2013 Page-1 MIAMI- MIAMI-RADE COUNTY ;PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11803 SW 26 Street,Ro6rim,208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC':RESOURCES(RER) Miaim,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(796)315-250. F(780315-2599 NOTICE:OF ACCEPTANCE-(NOA www.miamidede:eoy/economy, Quanex.Building'Products,Inc. '1034 Sixth Avenue-Niorth Kent,WA 98032 LIMITATION:This.approval does not'include an%evaluationof,structural:peiformatwO of this component.. Test reports:and other iequired documents:shall lie submitted to Bade:County Product Control;showing that the.systems using this PVCExtrusion.will.resist,the loads accordingto Chapter';16 of the F.B.C.,k.order to issue a specific.prod pot approval for,the system.: LABELING,Each'cartori containing certified,extrusions:shall'be.labeled with the AAMA P VC Extrusion -Certification Label With the extruder name,city;state.and"MDCA".Jn-addition-,:(a)each Certified: Extrusion shall-be labeled every.4 ft'or';less on the:underside with'the Extruder,Code and."MDCA!or(b) each finished-,product assembly shall:be.labeled with a..permanent label and/or stamp-with the Extruder Code and"MDCA"._ :RENEWAL of this':NOA shall be..considered.affter ayenewal application.has been filed and there has been no change in,the applicable building code negatively,affecting theperformance.of this product: TERIV)<[NATION of this NOA will occur afterthe expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,:use,and7or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse:of this NOA as an endorsement of any;product;for sales,advertising or anyotberpurposes shall automatically terminate:this NOA.Failure to connp. with.any.;section of this NOA shall be cause-for termination"and removal of NOA. AD!VERTI$EMEIVT:_The NOA number preceded bythe words Miami-Dade CvuntY,Florida,and followed by:the expiration.date may be;displayed in,advertising-jiteratare. If anyportion of the NOA-is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A,00py:ofthis entire NOA,shalTbe provided to.the pser_by,the�.rn acturer:orits distributors and shall be available for inspection.at'the job site at the.request.of..the Building Official. NOA No:12-1017.02 hlwMal�aoecou�rrr 1Expiratian Date:.Dece�ber 26;2016 .0- yal.Date:February7;_2013 Page 2 Ouanex Buildine lP'roducts.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE PAGE A. DRAWINGS: 1. None:, B TESTS "Subnd ted.under.9A11 A Master.File#98-0.036" 1. Test report on Rate of Burning,Ignition.Temperature,Density:of Smoke;Surface Burn ng♦Characteristics;Accelerated Weathering and'-Tensile Propeardes Test of"PVC Extrusions:from S:different manufacturer"aelected by AAMA prepared by'ETC Laboratories;report#ETC 97-264-.40910,dated 04/21/199$;signed and sealed by I L.Doldan;-P.E. C. CALC[TLATIOlV 1. None D. QUAIC ITYASS IRAN.0 1Miami-Dade Department;of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. `UTERIAL.CERTWATION "Submided.under AAMA Master File#12-1037" 1. Procedural Guide for the AAMA Fenestration Exterior Thermoplastic Profile. Certification Program(AAMA 109-11). Z Voluntary;Specification:for RigidPolyvinyi'Chloride(PVC)Exterior Profiles (AAMA 303-08). 3a Current ii.st.of AAMA.,Fenestration,Exterior PVC Profile Certified Licensees. R. S.TAATEMENT S "Submitted under AAKA Master mile#I2-1037" 1. Statement.letter of code conformance to 2010 FBC issued by.Turner Engineering& Consulting,Inc.,dated.04/25/201;2,.s geed avid signed by Lucas.:A;Turner;P E. 2. Standards'equivalency report:issued'by Turner Engirieenng_8c Consulter Inc-dated 04125/201:2'signed and signed by:Lucas;A_Turner, I 3. No fiiaancial'interest'issued.by Turner Engineering Sc Consulting,Inc.,dated 04/25/2012; signed and.signed by. Lucas%A.Turner,.P.E. Q OTHERS' 1. Letter stating thatMikron_Industries;Inc.is a wholly owned,subsidiary of Quanex Building Products,W;,dated.l0%1.0/2012 and signed by David C.Gadd. "Submitted under.NOA#06=1220.0 " 2. Member acknowiedgement letter`issued by Mikron Industries Inc.-Spectus=Systems, on98/03/2001 and signed by Douglas W.Allen. 3. Component.Release Letter issued"by.American;Architectural Manufac rs Associatian.on 09/01/2001 and.signed:by Dean Lewis, Car os K Utrera,P.E. Product.Control Examiner NOA No 1271017:02 Exptral o..n Date:;December; 2016 Approval,D Ads Febrnary7;2013 E.-1