HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETEDFOR APPLICATION TO.BE ACCEP-M.D Date: 10/27/2016Permitj`Number ' 1�-�C� OCT 272016 Building: Permit Aiaplication Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Vrg►nia Avenue,Fort Pjerce'FL 34982 Phone:.(772),462,1553 Fax-(772)462-1578 Commercial, Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR:- Electrical Q PROPOSED IlPRlVEi1(iELT LOCATIQNt r' a �a ��� +,k.. .VT,s', ; «..,ri z..<.. Address::5729.Stedino Lake Dr. Legal-Description Portofino Shores(PB 43-6)Lot 485(OR 3855.-2631) Property Tax ID#-,1 312-:501_0144`000-0Lot fV'o.485 Site Plan Name: Block No. Project flame Hardy-Tesla,Clutlet " .Setbacks Front Back: Right Side Left Side: DI*TA�LEt3 D SCRIPTI ?Nx 3P�111OR(� F �Y T, �g 5' Z* ...moi.. .✓P�,..._.... �. .L..,...,.>.. .. .., S ..v...v_.n.,.-.:',..K ...,.a-.�u,. .,szL-.. ..... . ......_ .A,.� •fv.- � m� "':*e�er .._E. S z x x ' 50 MSuPpIY/Install'50 amp 240 Volt circuit to`existing •nterior 1amPainLu9 Panel in garage to hookup a Tesla NEMA 15=50 outlet for vehicle"'chafging.' CCINSTRUCT{ON4t }FCR11i4TIt7N ` Add.1tional work toInGasTank orme under tis permit–.c ec a app y CIVAC _ ❑Gas Pipmg.. Shutters Windows/Doors Electric PlumbingSprinklers Generator Roof Roof.,pitch .. Total Sq. Ft of,Construction 'S .Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ 594 Utilities: Sewer❑Septic Building Height. DWNER/LESSEE r CONTRAC`COR ` r° �: a3^$. ',:.�,d•+ t;.i- pE• 'g.r Q..x 1r ^:$.S .z'T s.:i>.. S.. d".'d3,, ^', ,�S^-' Name Daniel Hardy Name: Richard Jones Address:5729 Sterling Lake Dr: Company. Richard,KJones Electric Ft Pierce,_– - - 204 N,.Old-Dixie,Hwy City :.... . State:F� Address Zip Code 34951 y F.ax U.E — City. Jupiter state f 33458 561-744-5063 Phone-Not : Zip Co c Fax E-Mail:- Phone No.,561..7.46=6984. . _ i mail:com Fill in fee simple Title'Holder.00 next page(if different .'_� E-Mail: �7electric-.•. @9 ; from the Owner listed above) State or County License:EC0002688 If value of construction is$2500 ormore,a'RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. � GAN �� �,,�,,. ��� GU • .. 4- t�. i., V,51 ` COAL A U a �f t E t 1 F,ta 1Richard A. Jones P HY Electric Inc. 561-746-6984 204 North Dixie Highway 3upiter,Florida 33458 Load Calculation 1 Refrigerator Freezer Disposal 1 Dishwasher Microwave U 1 Washer 1 Dryer I Range G . Water Heater Small Appliance Circuit Load per sq feet times 3 39`75 i i i j. 1 Total (� 2 First 10KVA of General Load @100% 3 Subtract Line 1 From Line ,2 4 MultiplyLine 3 @ 40% 5 Add Lines 2 &4 '3 6 ,60/50 Amp Breaker for Heat 8 Total Heat Add Lines 6 and 7 9 Multiply Line 8 by 65% 10 Add Lines 5and 9 II 11 Tesla Charging Station E° 12 Add Lines 10 and 11 13 Divide Line 12 by 240 Summary Line 10 is the Total KW L� - i. Line 11 is the Total Ams t � 46� questions?Cont'of the Testa Technics!Support Team: ChwgingtnstaUaHon@teslamotors,com l 650:6816133( gnday-:Friday)1877198,3742.(24/7j, C t h 'C`4ktS `u►. INSTALLING YOUR 240 VOLT OUTLET ': The recommended home charging Installation for Tesla vehicles'is a 240'.volt NEMA'14- I 50.outiet.This;outlet is commonly used.for electric_ranges and,large recreational I r Vehicles. In tai r hour. , p let enables a,recharge rate of vehicles.lnstail�vinth a.50 am circuit breaker,this.out f t Consut('a licensed electriclan to'review the electrical load;of your.home prior,to r�u• `` installation.They:will design your:charging,system and obtain.aperrnit for;a,general purpose NEMA 14-50'outiet.from you local building dePartnlent.,After,Installation,the electrician will schedule,an;inspection,to @pptovgt.lhenew,electdcal,circui"6d dfisign; i, This-guide-provides referenda for specifications toanstallthis,outlet.Since'each " installation is custom to the home,alt;hardware for the NEMA,14-50.butiet will be rovided b i p y your electrician. , GROUND TO TOP NEMA.14=5:0 DETAILS fe. - V0Ragec Single.phaie,208-250 Volt AC supply 60 C art k c ?_ Circuit Breaker:50 Amp (125°/o:oyercurrentprotectij�n) hg.Current:40-Amp(maximum continuousgtrrent) }f" h r I Conductors:6 AWG,Copper Wire Only.Upslze widiig for installahons_over 150 feet 250V Xr • Ground,Fault C1rcuit,interrupter.Not required .3evlce Disconnect:Not required ..'Receptacle,Recomrhendatton-"High:quality,industrial.grade receptacle - _ ' •Ventilation:Not required IX, Outdoors:install'with NEMA 3R•rainproof enclosure,; 3 I. RECOMMENDED OUTLET.LOCATIONS' FOR YOUR REI ORDS ' ELECTRICAL COMP_ANY r::' .• ; . PHONE NUMBER :., pt i(l EMAIL ADDRESS CHARGE PORT ffOUTLETS PERMIT NUMBER E+ '' tnslall neaYvehide c6 ii port,maximum 15;�,ii*,minimui i 18`abova ground` NDATE STALLATION , T= 5 L n 3566 Deer Greek,.Palo Alto,CA 9430,[November,20151 Version 1.5 yestione?cont•ct the Tesla Technical Support Team: Eharginglnstagation@tesiamotors.com.1650:681 .6133'(] onday.-Friday)1677:798.9152(2417) wtM #W0111- 'fit'+Er. f; INSTALLING YOUR 240`VOLT OUTLET;'' The recommended home`charging installation forTesla'.vehicles.is a 240 volt NEMA'14- 50 outlet Th outlet it cdmmoniy used for electric ranges and-arge recregtional i vehicles-Installed with a60 amp circuit breaker,this.ouilet enables a techarge,rate of about 25 miles per hour: Con'sult'a licensed electrician to review file electrical loal,of your home.prior:to •installation.They.wil4design'your'charging system and obtain a permit for.a.general 4. ..u...' se NEMA 14-50 outtet,from;yotir local building department.:Atter installation,the. - l'. P: . electrician,Wit schedule an,inspection to_approve,the new electrical circuit,and design: „ This guide provides reference for specifications to install this outlet Since each - ' installation is custom tothe:home,all hardware for,thei'NEMA"14-50'outlet=will tie' rovided.b P Y Your electricieo: - GROUND TO TOP NEMA 14=50 DETAILS }f i.: t` •,Voltage:Single bhas6.,208 250-Volt AC supply 60 Hertz ;'�j k# • Circuit Breaker:50 Amp{125%Overcurrent•protect! n) 4; F717 (maximum COntinUOus G trent 5 A • Operating Current 40 Amp( ) ,. •Conductors:6 AWG;-Copper Wire Only.Ups wiring fokinstalladans over 150 feet ' 250V sw t' • Ground Fault Ck Lilt,lnterrupter Not required =f l •.:Service Disconnect:`Not required x ..'Receptacle.Recommendation:HighggAIItyj Industrial grade'receptacle- • •Ventilation:Notrequired 4r •Outdoors•Install,With,NEMA 3R rainproof enclosure,; RECOMMENDED OUTLET.LOCATIONS FORYOUR REQ ORDS ELECTRICAL COMPANY k . t PHONE_NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS III � i :• �'j CHARGE PORT PERMIT.NUMBER LS lostall nea�.v Wdii cbaige,pod,,maximum 1S''m vay,miitimurn 18`above ground iNSTALLATiON DATE T_:5 L A. ' 3500,Deer.Creek,Paio,Alto,CA 9430;i-November;20151 Version 1.5