HomeMy WebLinkAboutFilled Land Affidavit RF ST. tucm OUNTY -, BUILDTvG 1 40NING : ' OCT 2 8 2300 VMGWTI�VaquE FORT PMCE,:F,34982-5652 5t. LucFieNG County i=L '772-462=1553 �- a1 1, the undersigned, am the owner of kbe following describe d.�ropexty.\'Q �� Fart of 34,14--501-1701--Odd./gi Section 26. • T-8x ns-hip .36s% s, Range 40E (Tax M/Legal description/Address) for which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final iDe�el went PerMit: In accepting this Final Development Permit,BP Number ,I acknowledge tbat as owner of the above described property, and in accordance,with•Secti,ort 7'.04.01(53), St.:`Ucie County Land Development Code, Z shad be respoxtsibie for assuring adequate drair}age so that the im.ruediate coxnmunity WILL Nbe adversely affected.1 11ftzther acknowledge that in g.ranticg this peMlit for the;development of this property,St.Ucie County is neither obliged nor llWe to provide for,or maintain in any form, adequate:"nage off xray pr bperty wh ich will not adversely affect the immedIate community, Matthew tyle Wynne Property Owner Name .Property Owner Sigrlakui e ,Date STATE OF FLORIDA.COUNTY pF S t . T,u c i e ACXNO'%V-VbGED EFOR'METFITS DAXO•F .2t� $Y Matthew Lyle Wynne wHbisPrt, SONAMYKNOLNTOMEORWHO HAS PR'OOUM) A$MENTIMA,TIOM i SIONATURE OF NO7•A)?Y TYPE OP,FRTNT NAW OF NOTARY tjgxAav uaa Trzza � 7' CaMMiSTO iNwalait ' ka Keni 3u FF 878543 ' �ip sQS12512Q2G 8q9-J LL00/LL00d 9z8-1 dao0 6uip'j.in8 euuAM -WOdd 8t:80 9L -83-0 L