HomeMy WebLinkAboutproduct certification 1940 as xth Mori;C�if Brie WkI. ply;MAVM24 Fir R&OAqWR ! _...��.;�...:.�........�_��.�,,n.�._,,..._..ay..��:...���.�-....W:�...._.�..._..�.�__.m._w.�.r.��.a..���:_..:��..:..,.....,,....,,�_...�.__.�.�.�.:�...��..._w is i. On Lawson,Soomtery R.iGkUott,Govemor j is i I: September 23, 2016 I. Alex Martens Superior Sheds,Inc. 1 2323 S.Volusia Ave Orange City, FL 32763 t. RE: Manufacturer Certification,ID MFT-113; Expiration Date:September 22,2014 Dear Alex Martens It is my pleasure to Inform you that Superior Sheds,Inc.,located at 2323 S.Volusia Ave,Orange City,FL 32763,has been approved under the Manufactured Buildings Program,as provided for under Chapter 553,Part I, Florida Statutes,to manufacture Storage Sheds,Manufactured Buildings for Installation In Florida. Construction or modification on a manufactured building cannot begin until the Third Party Agency has approved the plans in accordance with the current Florida Building Code. Your Third Party Agency is a contractor for the Department and has statutory authority and responsibilities that must be met to maintain approved status.You may expect and demand quality plans review and inspections. Each Code change will make your plans obsolete until they have been reviewed,approved and indicated(on the cover page of the plans)for compliance with,the Code by your Third Party Agency for plans review.Please ensure that your plans are In compliance and are properly posted on our website.All site-related Installation issues are subject to the local authority having jurisdiction. The Department's contractor will make unannounced monitoring visits at least once each year. You must grant complete access to your manufacturing facility and records to remain in compliance with the rules and regulations of this program. Your certification is approved for three years from this date.You will receive a renewal notice by i Email generated by the SCIS(www.floridabuiidino ora)for online renewal.If you have questions you may contact Robert Lorenzo at 850-717-1835 or.our FAX at 850-414-8436. Please visit our website at www.fioridabuildina.oro to see valuable Information on the Florida Manufactured Buildings Program.A copy of this letter must accompany applications for local building permits. i f: Sincerely, j2 Robert Lorenzo � Manufactured Buildings Program cc:Professional Service Industries is ri I Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 1 (g o �6 .N Florida Depart wtq BOS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff SCIS Site Map Unks Search Busines ��) r x--• s Professi a� Manufactured (Modular) Buildings yj.�=��, ,. �. USER:Public User Regulation : lirraivnMormimmManufactured(Modular)Sulldinos Menu>plan Search>Plan Ust>Plan Detail Plan Tracking# 30154 J}/�►1/� G �v(/ j�I Code Version 2014 I Building Type Storage Sheds Municipal Jail No Manufacturer Superior Sheds,Inc. Agency Professional Service Industries i Agency Pian# SSI-2220-14 School District Contract Agency ; Construction Type V-B Fire Protection B Fire Suppression System No Occupancy Storage Allowable#of Stories 1 Wind Velocity 180 mph Exposure C Fire Rating of Exterior Walls 0 hrs Area Live-psf Dead-psf Maximum Floor Load 75/125 75 8 Alternate Maximum Floor Load f.' Roof Load 20 8 "R"Rating of Floor,Wall,and Roof 0,0,0 I Modules per Building" 1 Square Footage 560 Sq.Ft. Approved for Hurricane Protection Usage No Designed for use as a Hurricane Public Shelter No Comments Residential Lawn Storage Shed New Construction for submittal please W.Neary SMP-51 Plans examiner Thank you! Original Plan Tracking# Date of Agency Approval 06/02/2015 Date Submitted 06/02/2015 i Date Accepted 07/01/2015 Status Accepted i Date Attached Ffie 06/05/2015 IlPlanTO 30154 SSI-2220 2014-999f4164.Ddf Cancel Plan Reviaw9 Contact Us:;1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AAJEEO employer.Cmvrlaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your a-mall address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395. •Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an mall address If they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public https://www.floridabuilding.org/mb/cob_pub_plan dtl.aspx?param=OgQwMGULGpxGQR-.. 7/27/2015 c( T UP AND INSTALLATION OF SINGLE WiDE SHEd GENERAL NOTES g SPECIFICATIONS FORA atA tantx ti,CFR ANCHOR Tabic 4a w•aaotx 1.Buildinganchors sholl be"mobile home' a HP-1 s' ld heleX a au 0-x9'201° 1.BUILDING IS PLACE IN REQUESTED LOCATION ON SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C.TO ALLOW FOR y° Anchor Spacing of Auger Type Anchors for Single IfAde Sheds_ MOVEMENT TO PLUM OR SQUARE UNIT TO HOUSE,FENCE,PROPERTY LINE,ETC. anchor manufactured by Home Pdde of Bristol,VA.Average holding povJeris not Wiwi w o�-to-xms 2.ONCE UNIT IS SQUARE AND THE HIGH SPOT OF THE GROUND IS ESTABLISHED THE less then 4,900#. gluam III BUILDING LS BLOCKED 6N THE HIGH SPOT AND LEVELED.THE OTHER END OF THE 2.Ancboring system to ground per local building code(hy deatar).Locate anchors per Table 4a b BUILDING LS BROUGHT UP YO LEVEL AND BLOCKED,THEN THE CENTER OF THE BUILDING w4b, IS SUPPORTED TO LEVEL,BLOCKED.AND THEN SHIMMED. 3.Eyeballs shall be ptaced through the bottom pHate(floor system)and aDaChad to anchor. w a• -P na- 3.AFTER THE.BUILDING IS LEVEL MORE BLOCKS ARE ADDED TO ACHIEVE THE CORRECT Table 4b p SPACING.(See tables) T^ t snedAnch."bOdxvebSten TAME2 ssoYc:o a acM OfA� r eArtihom forBa!ble Wide Sheds Z L) 4.ANCHOR PLACEMENT IS ESTABLISHED BY THE WIDTH OF THE BUILDING.HOLES ARE DRILLED r Spa-9-5�`S� THROUGH THE T X 4"BOTTOM PLATE WITH AN}"AUGER eR AND THE EYEBOLT(or�threaded rod)ISa- "M61011 - FASTENED INTO PLACE.THE HOLE IS BUG FOR THE 39'EARTH ANCHOR AND SALKFiLLED.(Per r�7m 2 manufactureguidnOne).THE EYEBOLT AND AUGER ANCHOR ARE FASTENEOTOGETHER WITH ij'XY 1 t r .e — ° Q, , a, sad . SOLT&NUT,AND{2)TX2'GALVANIZIEDWASKEFIS, s - '— "Aoda owotia e..mvld ar.w ort xr e�emJm mlc. Um. vduu tom dna enowa wmoa orON'xreuh my.tsrwr.rnalrw(Tl,.raf.m. tY 5.IF UNIT IS TO BE ATTACHED TO A CONCRETE SLAB,THE SURD 19 SET ON THE SLAB SHIMMED UPTO Notes: 0:2 - p o W ' LEVEL A�HOLE IS DRILL INTO CONCRETE i J'OFF OF RIM OF JOIST-THE EYEBOLT IS FASTENED TAKES ayyrn rma,9P.d swagr+�w:n.er eaeucarsagovat�sw}arOmue Was9w&(OW) t.A,:w.Ra�9be...aw,.ai�ac-xl�urx.ar,Ewmum'>i5+dwen ��p$}�3,3 a THROUGH BOTTOM PLATE AND AA-24 SIMPSON BRACKET OR EQUIVALENT 19 PLACED OVER THE }' 2N mwomnaaE doeeve re eeebramntedvdoe. 199 0) , WEDGE ANCHOR A J"X T BOLT AND NUT Wtt2)2'X21 GALVANIZED WASHERS ARE USED TO ATTACH THE slag brtciot s.Vhews,11. .mnnmeracreerw,dmts{s}{t}gaarA cmeras�tFm siasa SO ° EYEBOLT AND A-24 BRACKET TOGETHER sn wtdm w'• s FJiFWI Pod Pee I.e9a duo eu muenun, N .r .td e a 4.Th.rM+mrm edlp mAbneekA mw.r.dm naM paaYrmteod'66SrmWrdondri. i t S.Arc}anaMttbeanpWW antmtmaftas arab sues tart,1% LdkFga . la' SW d � -e• ] I for 1 1 •AId,PmloefAm bn(9ArAdmd,dvoMmdmebflY9aepeeFiOh .e0 3X1 P-C 6'-0' Mass A pl orN p a SET UP AND INSTALLATION OF DOUBLE WIDE SHED o t t ua ' i.we FPedn9Lt�b amdpd 2Paetotar eiAeLd tpetlnptpn3rbeaVa.- i 1.BUILDING IS PLACED IN REQUESTED LOCATION.THE FIRST SECTION OF THE DOUBLE a.u...an,e ea:.�o °q`abwbr.praw - WIDE IS PLACED ON THE HIGHEST LOCATION OF GROUND AND IS LEVELED UP. I tir"IqIlp x A t Trx oma t93 xs{Aootw sTtuTf c3 ` 2.BLOCKS ARE THEN PLACED AT THE END,CENTER,AND OTHER END TO LEVEL.ONCE THE , ,t nod con dx .eDt d. WEDGEANCHOR N7000NCREM i BUILDING IS LEVEL BLOCKS ARE ADDED TO ACHIEVE THE CORRECT SPACING.(s-WAS 3) sulme Gucxr x�eorrou '{� ' 3.THE NEXT SECTION OF THE SHED IS BACKED INTO PLACE AND UNLOADED PARALLEL WITH ' ` `u"'0" TE THE FIRST SECTION.THE TWO SECTIONS ARE.CONNECTED AT THE LOWER CORNER WITH ms r xr BrnaA PLATE O •'OesMun;Ow YSF SoBBwNg Gpedy(LODOPaRblyp.} HAAEOTGT)(W"BASE SM (1)r X 4#'BOLT AND NUT.THE SECOND SECTION IS THEN LEVELED AND THE OTHER BOLT O(XTTt R r xs*R M HOLES ARE LINED UP AND THE BOLTS ARE PLACED AND TIGHTENED.THE REST OF THE ^++e�it°i's:u n m�°do„Y04°OdPa Bon`m"°a.rwm�d.r� oo Tn RuzxrruiE T V ' BLOCKING iS THEN COMPLETED.THIS PROCEDURE IS REPEATED,FOR MULTIPLE SECTION � cowcREtE sLAaaroTt�rsT rH +� SHEDS UNTIL ALL SECTIONS ARE IN PLACE. LOCAL GOCESANDJURISDLC'HR 4.GROI)NO ANCHORS ARE THEN ADDED.((see table 4b) - S.ONCE BUILDING IS PROPERLY BLOCKEb AND BOLTED TOGETHER,THE SUPPORT 7`.7' SHED WITH FLOOR REMOVED BRACING IS REMOVED, AN A70R b TO('.ON.RETE ,„,� T xT IRAT WASHER W I'NUT SCALE UTZ, I . 7X4•BGTfOMPIATE N�HTTX:r WASSHP.Rr NDS }�zamtCM Fr rxrfLATWASHERW(r NUr SwpSw Hs44da' ° O rx'sorm4PLATE ¢cQ,A.elst raiUPLERB'NECEa6ARr SHED DESIGN LOAD REQUIREMENTS FOR THE - rxirFORamEYFSOLT 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 5th Edidon p ErFsa.TAJroar AtrER ANCNORFAr^TFJtS3T {) TjDpR F`TitA{alq T&E>.a M.A1PAD1tIBS.OL'iMtb W7rxrsoLTAHoNuw Yam rXTmrwASHaw I barley comfy that l hm mvlew these PlaTa along wm OE Lt a"g ma"nets and z As RECUNED � Comments used In the manufacturing of the sheds.The materials and components °o ° S,N�PoSdO�Nt xNASM CUP(aTMUPUFT) 0 ¢liber have a Florida Product Approval an"I ed LTi`the Florida BWtdthg Commission try ;'Xr SOLT Z rWASHOR3 Rule(BN-3)or were analyzed using the VIA Stress Design.AO matettals and oomPOnant BUT AAGN�--xx44gR SEE S=INa ANCHOR .qtr DETA1Ls corMly wdh the 2014 Florida Bung Code,OrD Flafda ME3U!SCIIt0d Building Acts W L' {t} xx 1t.TD9 uPLRz RAI Ty and Rule for a Category 7:Enclosed Building,Exposure'C,with a Wind T ANCHORH oaLAPIW67GE ^r„,Eb WITH SKID ATTACHED• 5o ,4' a tlORMf0eLA90{meuaver SCALE.MTa vdaa'tYof180M.P.H.(SW)AT90M.P.kI.{DYY)(3SeooJhdgust) Z61 7 4UNOWESLABBrOTHER9TNROUGH g 111. Ogp LOCALCODESANDJURISDICn ON f Zoa'k SHED W1114 SKID ATTACHED ANCHORED TO CRETE lESIGNCRITERUA DESIGN PRESSURE 06aS 1>CALE N.Td 1 m> BULD9IOCATEGORY t DN�OOR,yL l,%,"PSE �eSv . ITYPE vsAOCESSORYSIRICNPoE R�SM20- I�OFd�6P PSP J TL. BOOR WELOAD.xa PSf () D GTr'f 8W'tEa M.PJL{DW 1fq IA.PN,} BOOR DF�ID LOAD 6PSF va3 NFA}l NEIDNT 9ffia DtiERJFALFiFE53nlHE COt'fPxaEttT+el Qi6 �� NIOOMfOFn.00R9 t ENCLOSURE CLASSIFICATION ENCLOSED ] Reviewed for Code fII E IUTR# NM r A,medee and �:� rPXa,t rxrmt�Naatlxlxtx QOnI �7f4iQ,4tY�:1 � cs-w,. „eue:,Rpoof. /fl�- 0 U "Zi' I RadSHFATvnxnL.oAoa ( r �� ���",, �p ttgg• rxirtomdaFeeox L` �( 3GI3, N-L"A �,..e D... �•�AR. � SINGLE HELIX EYE AUGER ANCHOR ` a,al SCALE.N.TO. r k Dmtm.Y.Pf PE ate I 1 i