HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALLAPPLICABLE|NF-oMUsTBEcoMPLETEDFoRAPPL|cAT|oNToBEAccEPTED Permit Number: Date: Building Permit APP|ication Planning ond Development Services Buitding and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Commercial Residential Phone: (712\ 462-t553 Fax: (772\ 462-157 8 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, ciick arrow at the end of line Legal Descripl;sn' LAKEWOOD PARK - UNIT 5 - BLK 55 LOTS 5 AND 6 1 301 -605-0357-000-1 1-e111e.5/6 Property Tax lD #: Block No. 55 Site Plan Name: Project Name: SALLY GLOVER Setbacks Front Back: --- Right Side:Left Side: [.,hr UtInQf 5 to-lLl Se e(I Kw this permn - cl l-leas Plpine l-.l *,noo*s/Doors ronalwo Vr HVAC Electric Gas Tank Plumbing Shutters T l-l sprint<ters f] o.n",.r,o..l-l noot E Roorpitch Total Sq. Ft of Constructio-n:Sq. Ft. of First Floor:l--t | | Utilities: L:J Se*et I lseptic Building Height: Cost of Construction: $ Fnoposro lM PRovEM ENT LocATloN : Address: 8304 WINTER GARDEN PKWY DETAILED DESCRIPT]ON OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : of Comrnencement is required' COI\TRACTOR:OWNER/LESSEE: Nanre: cHEls_!4!sE! Company: SEACOAST AIR CONDITIONING AND SHEET IMETAL INC Address: 3108 INDUSTRIAL 31ST STREET City: FORT PIERCE State: FL ZiP Code: 34947 pho,ne No.772!83a09 E-tVtail : DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL'COM Sta1.e or Countv License: cMC035421 Name SALLY glj)vlx Address:8304 WINTER GARDEN PKWY City: FORT PIERCE ZiP Code: 34951 p hone 11s. 7 7 2-464-7 340 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit' com work or record ur Notice of Commenggrneq!: st. Lucie county.makeg no representatig! !l-ali:.Frantins a permit will a,uthorize the permit holdel to ,!.l%\rot:!fri.ltiittt jli$:tit: Wnnllru:,:::[T#tf i'ft1,{'fJflflf#Smnylru:Ajf".t*'."ru*'r,[',]aff 3l3iPJ%""iilJ$lJlru;;wriiih'miv ariprvilniqfii]:iqfiYrryfitl?ii:i{Fr,.,sEH3ffih$Fl1iit3:"i,$?''.fiiilH'*Tllavi5i3$fl?#fF!",';.iil#Hft:'rrTiiiielii':i;"n ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will' in all respects' perform the work in accordance with the .pp;;;;ipitni, ir,'" Floridi Building Codes and St' Lucie Countv Amendments' The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions' accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use OLLUJJVI WARNING To oWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may resu|t in your payiF-lYi::J:' ,- ^ranarr' A r\rnrino nf Cnmm'ncement r,jri b" i"io'rOeO and losted on the-jobsitHtl$ilfJf"?yiliru$'"1?il:f i:ir4:;i,ciiTT;:{'^"*;*'i:ll"1k;,""'"*""i:?if:il3.?lf.? jobsite n|Jl""i,[T,.'r',1onJr"S,'tJ;T;'J;ili;ffi"";;]"ii; ri';;*l:on'rit *itt'' render or an attornev berore COMPANY: - Not APPlicable Address: 7ip: --Phone: DESIGN Name: i Not APPlicable COMPANY: -Not APPlicable Zip: - Phone: HOLDER: - Not APPlicable Zip Phone: Personallv Known OR Produced ldentification Sl gnatu l"e6T contractor/License Holder (Name of Person acknowledging re of Notarv Public-ate of Florida ) ldentification Prod Type of ldentific Commission No' Revised 07l15l20l4 r r,gi..i, ]r j, r.. il0t;l(l)iSir\rl Lr'; ;.':!,itilSSiCN i FF Certific Product: Split System: Air-Cooled Condensing Unit' Coilwith Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: CA14NA036****4 lndoor Unit Model Number: FB4CNF036L Manufacturer: BRYANT HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS Trade/Brand name: BRYANT HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS Reqion: Southeast and North (4!,-48, -99, DE' FL' G-A' 11! K-Yr LA' MD' MS' NC' OK' SC' TN' TX' VA ikYEij: ;i;ib, ii;A;ili;-is; MA-''uq'.$.t'.ivttr' wro' Mr; ND' I'rE' NH' NJ' fiV: oil: 6il, Fe,Rr, dD,'iJT;Vf;wA, wv,'wl, wY, u's' - errit'ries) Reqion Note: Gentral air conditioners_ma_nufactured prior to Januarv 1,2015, are eligible to be insla'ed in allregion.-iiniiriun" Sb, zor.o,ffiil;t{.1.,111:,2^916.6entralair conditioners can only be instattedi""iltSji""i;l ioi *f'tiift the-y meel theiegional'efficiency requirement' Series name: 14 SEER PURON AC Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is BRYANT HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Stand ard210t24Qt-200g for un!t-a-ry.Air'conditioning and Air'source Heat pump Equipment and subject to u"riti-"ation-oiiating u""u?"!'ulAHHt-"pon.ored, ind6pendent, third party testing: Cooling CaPacitY (Btuh): EER Rating (Cooling): SEER Rating (Cooling): IEER Rating (Cooling)' ate sf ust atFn AHRf Gertified Reference Number: 7850585 Date: 1012812016 33400 11.70 14.00 . Ratings followed by an asterisk (") indicate a votuntary rerate of previously published data' unles$ accompanied with a WAS' the product(s) listed on this certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for' this cefiificate. AHRI expressly di".rri.r'lri'ii"uirily ioiiunrug"" ol any kind arising out of the use or perlormance of the product(s)' or the ot data listed on this certlficate. c"rtinra?ii"i.'"i" u"iio oniy for moiels and configurations listed in the directory at www'ahlldlrectory'olg' lF[ proprietary productsof.AHRl. This certificate shall only be used for individual' personal and conf Jco,.'te,.lt. oi tni, certificatamay not, in wnote or in part. be reproduced; copied; disseminated; enre or otherwise utilized' in any torm or manner or by any means' except for the user's individual' bersonal and confidential reference' irri,ll:J;:l:"Hlifi"fJi3,':,", on this certificate.cal !e verirgf-3\y*1.:.I,']11:::ll',r..1].ei ",'.n on "Verrfv celilfrcate" rink and enter the AHRI Certified n"tei"nie numner and the date on which the certificate was issued' which is fisted above, and the c"-riitil,"i"'1"., *rrirf1 i. ti.t"o at bottom right' i---',''-'--- -- -@2'L4Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute i CERTIFICATE NO,, AiR-S*l{slrt0NlNG, $iilA1lNG' & lTf pltlsf;trATloFi InsrlTijTf, u'e rttaiv: lii! bettar''' 131221533012423395