HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application手ヽ 創⊥ A押LICA耽軸\昨O請uST随CoMPLE1旺D調R ÅPPLIα鵬ON T10隣A⊂CE打ED Pe競暁Numberこ BuiIding Permit Application 鋤抑扇町のndかさ博樹桝g億廉恥晦 劇紺的同曲鋤ね戚埋初出庇肌蹴棚 為の明り訊ねAv寄れひるをb虎鋤と雌兄事餌鍍 Pho鴨: (772) 462-1553由x: (772) 462寸578 (bmmercia!Residen屯夢や激職 PERMIT APPしICA蘭ON FOR:To SeIect from d調pbex. click arrow at the end of line Addres§:0!∴」: ocクヵの 圏四書易翌 しegal Desc両貼on: p調pe巾「ねx章D縄 Site Plan Name: PrQject Name: 圏漢案圏 I4二〇 Oレク-7 Bl°Ck No. S瞳backs 革同職 D訂ÅIしED DESCRl珊ON OF WORK: 韓ig競S蘭e: n叩恒と 仰可で〆 戸∠お古右 海外イブと β7 王手タンの ム"ダンケ coNSTRuCnON INFORMATION : 固Elec,ri。 口恥mbing 面喰書Sq.陣(弄C寄れ霜田競ion: Sh櫨競e噂 Generato「 of First FIoor: □棚nd。W帥。。購 □ Roof =∃ 5e呼C  8uildi調g鵬屯競: OWN球Iし 臨S隠      cl牛丸 00N丁RA⊂「QR: 他職e/外材レJv初への。手〆 ㌻肋 f 討ame:Joh寄Rしaw Company‥La面s轡ectricalSe'Vi∞書r鳩 Address:5158NW恥mSt Add記捷:3匂う ルん/ダブ払 子で〆 C呼気竿{⊥年隼「   捕晦」竺 補pCもde:王子0つく∴∴∴Fax: - Cfty:PTSTLucie         state.Fし Phone討ロし まえ午 之3二7.ラ 瑠p鴎de:3制海     F歌: E-Mai書:. ̄ PhoneNo.7了23704357 剛infeesimpIe珊eHolderon鵬競page岬d珊訂ent 王-棚ail;johnlaw5158@aoし00調 寄omthetmerIistedab脚e) StateorCountyしicense:29432 請val腿ofconstructi調is韓5脚omO噌,a膝鱒棚DNo龍eofCo鵬m帥CemeIltis鴨叩ired.                   ヽ 「SUPP旺M削TAしCONSTRU⊂「lONし旧NLAW[NF DESIGNER/削GIN軸: NotA軸CabIe ORMA丁10N: 諜GAGECOMPANY: NotA師cable Name: Add「ess: Add「ess: City: City:               State: State: Zip: Phone: F駈SIMPLET!TしEHOしD駅:NotAppIicable Zip: Phone: BONDINGCOMPANY:   NotAp函cabIe Name: Name: Add職業遁: Citvこ Zip: Add「ess: City二 ↑   ● Zip:      Phone: Phone: l certfty that no wo「k o「 instE岨ation ha3 ⊂OmmenCe車rior to the issuance of a pe叩it. 鑑識幾認一灘蒜盤驚籠欝鮨謀議鰐競意識鵠諦観 In conside「ation ofthe g「anting ofthis requested permit・ l do hereby agree that I w町n訓「espects, Perferm the work In aCCOrdance with the approved pIans・ the F10「ida Building Codes and St.しucie County Amendments. The f輔o両g buiIding permit appIications are exempt from undergoing a fulleoncurrency 「eview: roOm add軸s, aCCeSSOry StruCtureS・ SWimming pooIs′ fences′ WaiIs′ Signs′ SCreen 「OOmS and accessory uses to another non-reSidentiaI use WARNING TO OWN駅: Your faiIure to Reco「d a Notice of Commencement may res蘭叩ou岬yi噂t繭ee for lれnh「iヽヽ′`暮marヽ十ぐ書′ヽ ヽ′′ヽllr輸細′ヽ〇、′、_ト、, ^ h!《事:__ ,_f ′-_____ _-」 ____臆 臆 .業捲謹濃艶群鵠豊譜請謀議誌荒島主語整譜藍蒜 COmmenCing wor来J)r reCOrding your Notice of Commencement. _ Signature of ne「lしessee/Agent S丁A丁重○軍陣0剛D COUN丁Y o雷