HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4245630 OR BOOK 3929 PAGE 1593, Recorded 11/03/2016 03:46:38 PM i Thr oedvmlpoed hereby Oven.notice that improvement vM be movie to owWn naI pro",and in aacmdaeoe with 713, Florida sttdttes*c Mowing hftmetion is provldei in ffieNotioaofamnn==ent. I.D1'sSCRMUON OF PROPSIi;TY{Legal dcdpft aad shed aft=)TAX FOLIO Nl1M Mt 7464Ud36 f 72,5_ s BLOCK TRACT wT sla oNrr :. 2 GSNFRAI,DNOFI�DVSi�17: 3.OWN8R INFORMATFOPt: 1Harne S bl&Wigg Address a mule proper4Y d Nmre eod address oribe sb�►pletitlehoW�(if o8rerttrea owttEr • ; 4.C0 CrOR'S AMS,AD OMNUhmm Uacuzal �(6 7 s.SIiRLrI`Y' AD �tND PDON113 ='=AND BOND AMOiIIrFI: 6.LINDEWS NAME,ADDRM AND PHONB N MdBI3it: , I Persons within the State a Filo desigosted by 0wntrupon whoar notices orodw d0 Deserved as pmvMed by Section 713.13(1)(a)7,Floridt.Std NAM ADDRM AND MMNU BIML- S.folstiftiontobimse[f(wbetWOR%erdraWienthefa➢owmgtomxiveacopyvrtbLienoes fwaspmvidedin3cctien 70.I3(I)(bl Florida Sues; /v`I NAME,AMM AND FHONEM MM 9.Expiration data of notice of cmm=wemimt(tbegrparailoa date Is I yeartiom the date ofrecouft owess a different date is - .20 WAMM TO ANY PATMEMRC MADE BY TAF MUM ACTPe AR6 CC1NS1dQt61II 99111 T:A PA4MfsN7'S IHS( i pR 7 3 PART1 Speum 713.13,Ft„1Si?Jn A QM RMU T PO4r®t7N TIiH bB cr17t t mm smre'MZMM V=Ml?+3QD m OBTAIN ERIAMCM QQNSM'VM n`OU Stgtiatore of Omer or Pdet Nswe of 0wear or Owner's Auswf red OHiwr Owner's AutkwbW 01BwlDi and PmYM Signatory's TMeMee Stam of Florida Cory or-S+ The rattrnmeot ars r ��adjj;pd betateme this dgyr of 20 By L"Sf ZAfV.1, QU�G lira_ as �tiI&A 'P+'nmd e ,s:gaio8 ) Mile of aetkotity...e g�Ownet officer,uuatee,MIMMY is fm) For, t'ti1. (NameofpatRy oa bah of om was Keown ar the fd&wingtype oflD - : ' ''' WAYNE LARSEN „11,: MY COMMISMON s FFOM73 EXPIAES Jung Ob,2020 nareatNotayPobHc) �umcfftnyPub)ic � sea Is N Under penahics of pm jmy.I declem that I envie Ind tbt;I Pipmfag acd"the facts iu it are hem to the best of my imowledgc and betisf(:action 92,325,Florida Stahrtes). ' Sijipadtte(s)of 0wau(t)or Owner(s)'Authorised Offie ecbot/Pat7nerlMaeagar who s%pW above SIATEM FLORIDA. f D l By' THI TO CERTIFY T (g qft aAaroald (� ) TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE c .r ORIGINAL . n JO S ITH, CLERK a ?} By: — = u )k / Date: