HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4246753 OR BOOK 3930 PAGE 2335, Recorded 11/08/2016 01:08 :15 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Portrdt fro. Tax Fofb lYo.?''(2.A SD� d t��t`�-.Dom. State of Florida County of 5t Lode The undaWgned hereby gives nonce that Improvement will be made to certain nal property,and in aceorrtance,with Chapt er7A txafda StadrteS, the lb.&wing information is prodded in this Notice of Commermemer rL !Agd Desdotion of Property:(and sweet address If avallable): 1N,4;44L w� P�t+�c, �-1 �� Sic" o iF [,�55 ..0'i�r-AAJ � �T ZLn`?►'7�" zz �s 1*1.:i" %-V ANV E;, 16 7717o�"lor Z3 cF5t 7,s'i� Genera desaiptionofimprovemenr, St•1 LJQ=� ownw]nfom atkM ar t brfamaaloa Tf-the t asses contracted fair the brq rovement: Name -r S6SA w na S i vx Ad&= 2 �2o cuL4D oh7.D LJ' FT" PiV)2j',E Car Vu�i'9l _ Iri1 - lin property .0[.>N GYZ Upwand address of fee simpf gddwfder Of driffierendfrom Owner fisted above): Contrwxa's Name: •.D LL- y 7O v GontradorAddress:,s 271 a It C"-12th Pham Number:7-22 —ZL4 -9,54t .7 fD ^'Fn c m n oT ro rn-n Surety(lf applicable,a copyoftthe paymerrt bond Is attached):Amotmt of bond:$ Z n c o Name and addresx Phone number°, mx M z o ieuldalNanre Phone Kud)er, C= rn m T p r Lender's addrrea' COE -� x Persau*Aft the State of Florida deserted by dearer upon whom nodces a caner daauenis maybe served as provided try c= -1 Name:.. PhoralVumber - - -... , ._ . cn Address-. _ m In aMon t6 himseff or herself,Owner desi nates of to receive a copy of Lierwes Notice as provided In section 71& ;)(b),Florida statutes. Phone number of person or entity deslgnat>erf by owner a ExptraUon date of notice of commencerrieit: (the expirsUon date may not be before the completion of aorutrudion andfinal paymentto the . mnhacta,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date isvedRed) WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE DfPIRATION OF THEpl, nCE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE OMSIDMED IMPROPER PAYMENTS LINDER GIAPM 713,PARi t,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDASTATUTES ANDC01 RESULTIN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEIINNi WBJST BE RECORDED AND Posito w Twjoa st•TE BEFORE THE"m INSPf l N.IFYOU BITtNO TO OBTA&FINANCING,OWWLT Wim YOUR LENDi3t OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMEWING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMME14CEMtNT. penalty of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and t wOm facts stated therein are true to the best of y riry e and bell - A (SB udwe of owrrerar iessm,or Owners or Lessee's Auffi ndwd off)cer/DI 0/ParhwlManaiDer �' {SignatorysTtde/ORlce} ... The'foiegoing Instrument was acmowledggesi before me this day of l/ , 20.L q BY � L �{ Si MMS es Wj i�kV- for (1C Name o f PersonAA --'' Type of autha tY(a.&bifloer,mutes) Party on behalf of whonr>nstrumerawas erecu0ed V V _ .. Persorrafly iQwwr�_or produced lderhtifirabarr c/ (slgnabde of Notary Pubic-State of Florlda) (Pdmt,TVMorStampCwmisslw*dNameofNotaryPubiic) TypeofIdentifi at rpmduoed �t RUBEN Y.VALLS { Notary Publlo,Stitt of Florlda Commissbn#FF 39MS92 My comm:sires Jan.17,2020