HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs i Planning&Development Services ry� e) u+cn n ,< St ilding&Code Regulation Division i 2300 Virginia Aire • - Port Pierce,FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6143 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: &01- 9/If JOB ADDRESS: -3,q fl� 4 BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: cr PEST CONTROL. CONTRACTOR. - PEST CONTROL. LICENSE #: + We,the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above d%crlbed construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association, Square feet If area treated:Z212_4 Chemicals used:.� . Percentage of solution; ry ' Total gallons used: !f5:! Date of Treatment: 1' J'"/ Time of Treatment: L c,0 Footing Slab lot Treatment 1"'Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat nriveway Pools z 'Treatment �`Treatment Re-Treat le-Treat er 4't�d MAE S Per eter for. spection 111 Treatment !}.e••Treat Slgnitur&&Exterminator Note. There must be a completedform foreach requ/Vir7eafte7t orre-bwhnentand thlsform mu, the on thejob s/te to be picked up by the Inspector at time of each lnspectlon or the scheduled lnspecb'on w111 fall and a•re-lWecdon fee rliargw FRC104.2.6 CertfReate of ProtscHile Tma#nwt forpreventf0n oftermttes A weatherrm&1antjobsite pwiffng board shall be proylded b receive duplicate Treatment Ce Vtkates as each required pmfectile treatment-Is completed, providing a copv for the person the penult is issued to and another copy wthe bullding permit files The Treatment Certifrcateshall provide the product used,identityofthe applicator,time and data of the tmatnmt,site location,area treated,dremical used percent concenbalion and number ofgallons used to estabfish a verd'fiable record of protetdve tWtmerrt: If the nail chemlgl barrlermeth0d for termite preventran Is used,final exterior beatrnentshall be completedpriorto final bullding approval.. St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO,a Periinanent sucker to be placed on the electocal panel box cover,.listing all the treatments and dates of applications,