HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT NOV 16 o01ca Permit No.� Tax F=uo mo. 3425-70570:158-0010:-0; PEKNIITTiN State of Florida County of St-Leine St. Lucie County, FL The:unders'rrgned hereby gives notice:that improvement will be midetcs certain real property "and in accordance% itb.Chapter 723 Florio{ Statutes, the following Informatlon is provided.fit this:Notice:ofcommencenient: Legal Description oi`.Property�(and street:address if.avaiiable): j 3725,Doral Ct,Port-SCLucie,FL 34952 SAVANNA C1,011.PLAT PHASE THREEBLK43:LOT•22;(OR,3688-'(358) Ir +. General description of improvernent: :ro oCif �. O T(a m;arT+O i - nlPMZM Owner inrotmatioit or Lessee ist$arrraaErc,ai er'she Lessee cash acted for tike zniproverr erit:- O#'r X Naive Iack C;urk '&.0 tidiia Curley. g X N c m Address 37L5.Vot-a7.Ct.Port StIttcie:FI '34952 G)o_j m in Interest in property. Name and address c,f fee simple titleholder(if differeirt fram a er fisted abovej: 'o D;c E cmrn{0 rn_ X Contractor's Name `Prado.:Winds,Rd bfnk fne N o 0 C ontractorRddres& P - Phond Number. c o -1 P.O;Box 13.2.0 ,FrirtF'ierce 4 79.. 77��f(6 X1'2(3 N°' -n N A m Surety¢if alZplieakrae,.a;copy o�thmbnd: _...__ ont . ron an0 ie and address: Priono number:_�_.w C CD Lender Narn.e: „_:. ._ Phone Number, . o Leaders address: 0 c Pei stsns`cvithin he State of Ftririda desigoaw by Owner upon t+ri?ort .notices:or u..ther doturaneratsmay a serued:;3s pravaded 6y 5ectioh l 8A,4[l)(a)7.,,Florida Statutes. 1VzenP; .Fhbn.e Number: es Rddrs In addition to hirnsalf or herself,ouiz'or designates.,. of to receivez copy ofth Lievo's Notice as prourded-in Sensors' �a 13(x}(b),Florida Statutes. Phone number of persan or entrty dessgnated.by aw,ner . . . Expiration date o€ascrtice ofcommencement: (the expiration date may ntft Le o8fore the+omplet on�af construction and final paytrent-ta the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recordisigunless a diffenmt date isspecified);- WARNING TO ONNM ANY PAYMENTS AAAoE BY THE{I NER:AFTER7HE EXPIRATtt?N ' F:'I'!3E rVl33ICi.OF CQiV1NiFNCCIV1ENfiAf{E GONSID[R[D IIa PI+OPI ft PAYNfEh TS tIND[R CHAPTER 713,'PART 1,SECr.tO d�71313,•Fi_PRI3A�S'fA7UTFS.ANO C;AN RESULT Is!YO lfi.PAYNG Tti1l10E Pl2R tolPROVEMENTS TQ YOt3R PRC?PER'TY.A g CE bF ODI Et1tEMASN'r MUST T BE RECORDED AN£3 POSTEED€N TIDE JOB SITE BEFORE-THE FIRST INSPECTION,iFYOU tNTEN©'rO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULTWITi•lYOUR LEWDER QAiii7iTFs)Ri�iEY BEF{7i E�GfIiUIVIENCiNCz.UUGRY OR RECORDING YQUR NOTICE OF:CONMIFNCEMENT. Under penalty of perjury,l dectare that i.have.reaoflsw foregoing notice:of corasmencei ncnt and.tfiat the facts:stated therein are true to the best of .my knowledge aldol belief. (Signature C'w"O or L 'see,or CiW ieesot Lessee's Autlisriied'OffscerJl7lr ctorjPaslnerfS ianag�r (Sig a s �Me/Office) ^t The foregoing instrusiient upas acknowledged`before methis�`�da}{;cstV {p6b(,.2A, By 1 r I n�, 3s O.C�� r�-�� for- vv .jga111rn--e f Pers�n yrre.ofauttiority(e officer-,trustee) PartyR or Eselzal(of vJham mstrt+n ent was.executed P&scinally known'. or produced'.1dentlfication: (Sign. e of Notary Public-State of l`lorida)� - I - ¢Pint,T lee,gr SE3nep CaramFssioni?i1 Narna of No€dry Public) Type edf<jdentificatEoer produeed:�ilQlp _ � : shifj.in Both places in front ofa notary' ti ei ROBERT HUGHES ' _ MY COMMISSION#FF 950030 16, g EXPIRES:January 12,2020 Bf(ted' Bonded Thru Notary Puhiic UndenvMers