HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 11/�S+2i)i> Florida Bdkirc3 Ccd9>^rJire ECIS Kms,& I Log ra i user-Pe� I xa TnPics i Sit S,adorpe ! �&FaGs -ver . i=sC Scare I acs s<-ba>a I [Ames f Search I d Florida rN rte:s , Product Approval Menu>Rvduct or Application Search>Application List>Apprxztion Detali E--.;E :111651-R2 AUDFicatiQss Type Revislev- Code Version ,2014 Amrtication Stas A royr3 Comments ArcWved Froduct Manufacturer- Gulf Coast Supply&Manufacturing,ice• AdElress/Pho-.-IfEsnaif 4020 S_Y:449th Street Horseshoe Mach, R.32648 1552)448-7852 Tayu9uircoassugpiy co:n Authorized Si�'-ure Ray Bowen raYO-3ulfcoastsuppiy-coat T��ii-t cal Ren;esse +„ Ai.3dr�sf girrsr-r�PErsrail Qivafftf-Assura=nce Repr-esentative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing, Subcategory Metal Roofing Cm-notiance Methad Evaluation Report from a Florida n'ered Arcfjtej±or a License s(arida Prttxassi4rra[EVrteer j. Evakrarff n Rep-aft-Hardcopy ReceNed Horida Engineer or Architect Name.whu developed Daniel S_Ky�, the Evaluation Report F arida License PE7551� CAaiity Assurance ErAttty keystone Certtficabom Inc- Qua4:ty e ce Comae,Expiration Date 1 M29Z4 iiart'dwed By Lucke Bowden Validation Cheddist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11651 R2 COI Cert of Ind Kuhn Ena pdf FL11651 R2 COI Letter of Name change.pd Referenced Standard and Year fpf Standard} Standard 'ire ar- FSI 4472 1992 TAS 100 1995 TAS 110 2ti t' TAS 125 21103 UL IS97 2004 UL S80 2606 Eta-valence-of FrudLKt Stayvj2s c" Certified By ,71W-filiarid8;xn7dng-oWW aPP_ffl•apc7W.n=wGEVX gsQFcW/p2frizeCSHgwg3R5wgNN yNezj3512E8po QwgM/o3dp/pad 1/5 Fait a EkdIfta Ccd-_Onljr-- se�_ns fr=I the 17-1 FroduCt ApOrMal M ate SuN-nitted Date Validated Date Per0no FISC Approval 97/18/2015 Date Appmved 08118/2015 Summary of products C-b to Page Page 1 12 r2.# Model,Number or Name i3sscrilitioaY 11651 Li'0_032 Alurainum SV Crimp —---------- Llznas of use Installation LLstructions Approved for use in File HZt No 4 FL11651 V.IT..14FLI1651 I RZ 0325vCrimp IS- Approved for use outside HVHL,Yes 02Plywood df i Lr.pact Resistantr 141A, - FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 1R Metal Roof Panel Detail.pd Design Pressure:+141AI-109-SPSF Veered By:Dan Kuhn,P.F-75519 Mer-_-jue-5•psf 0,125 o- lastallper rnanufacUn7ersGmavad.by-Independent T&ffrd,08-Ay:'Yes details.Not for use in HWrrZ Zones. Evaluation Reports EL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 I R2 0325vCrimp I5- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pd Created by Independent Third Part]Yes ,11651.2 G.03Z2 Alurninum Gulf W-1 0-0327 Alurninum Gulf Lnk,16'Wiei,-Rcof Panel.aver 15f327 Fiyvioud LWds.of Use, Approved for use in MMZ-.No FL11651 R2 Il 14FL11651 2 R2 032GulfLok 16 IS- Approved for use outside H.VK7-,Yes. f.32PI=god NonHVHZ.pd Impact Resistant:NIA EL11651 R2 H 14FL11651 2 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detallxdf 1 Design Pressure--+NW-116.013SF Verified By: Dan Kuhn,RE 75519 Other--52-5 psf%5 3116"0.c.fastener spacing.-116.0 Created by Independent Third Party-Yes 5 3/16'(Lr--f.,swti:r spacing.Installw ;fl Evaluation Reports rneiidetail-_Not Ibr usu in HVHZ Zones. i EL=116SI R2 AE 14FL11651 2 R2 032GuIfLok 16 I5- P'32PIywood NonHVHZ.pdf Created-by Independent Third Fartyr Yes- Lt6SL3 Gull'Snag.- t 1-Gb 11 F Sin.a g 24 Ga-Ir wl d d FIbo f Par rel'ove over 1513Y'Plywood If Umits of Use aiiafiera Instrucnons Approved for usee in HVE-M-Yes FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 2 R2 Metal Roof Panel Qetafl.pdf Approved for use outside hVHZ-Yes RA 1651 R 17 2 Ij� 14EL11651 3 R2 I 24GulfSnan is BnqctR.,itW_-NfA G32PIywood HVHZ..odf Design Pressure:+NjAj-131_0PS Verified By: Dan Kuhn,P F 755I9 Othem-67-1pst Q2V mc-,clip.spacing-,-M­psf-0?67 Created by Independent-Mird Party--Yts ox.clip spacing.Ristall per manufacturers details.For use Evaluation Reports 'in HVHZ Zwes. EL11651 R2 AE 140-11651 3R2 I 24GulfSnap, 17 I5- 32PIywood HVHZ..r)dE Created by IndepandeatThird Party:Yes 11651.4 :r VersaLoc 24ga-16.x'Wide-Roof.Panel,wer 15132!PhywaocL I-24ga.Vamal� its a Use Approuied1ar,usekrHVHZ-_-Yes, FL11651- R2 H 14FL11651 4 R2 24VersaLoc SR1:6 Approved for use outside Ell H7_- 32Plywood HVHZ..od Impact Resistant--NfA f FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 4 P-2 Metal Roof Panel.Detail..ndf Design Pressure:+N/Af-138.SPSF Verified By:Dan Kuhn,P.E_75519 Other;-71 psf CED 24'ox-dip sloctng.-138-5 psf C&6' = Created by Independent Wird Party:Yes mr-dip spacing-Dzftll per manuftcbrzers de alis.For use I Evaluation Reports in HVHZ Zones. Fly 165J R2 AE 14FL11651 4 R2 24VersaLoc SR 16.5 1E 32plywoo!j HVHZ..od Created by Im-c-perteent-71-ard Party Yes I r Vers aLoc 032-Altsnintrr M I'VersaLnc-BeZ- AkwuL-i nz cver 151W .'Plywood Limits ofUse Installatwn Instructions Approwd fir use in HVHZ.-Yes t FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 5 R2 tin 032VersaLoc SR 16 IS- Approved fbr use outs-Ide HVHZt Yes 32PIMood HVHZ.,2d Impact Resistant:NIA FL11651 R2 U 14FL11651 5 R2. Metal Roof Panel Detail..pdf +WAj:-161.0?SF i Verified By: Dan Kuhn,RE.75519 Other.--63-3 pmf X24 ox-crip spacing. -1 Creawd by Independent-TWrd Parnf:`les 01.1t psf a 6- , a.-c-clip-spacing-,lnstalt.per- Foris-- Evaluation Reports in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 RZ AE 14FL11651 5 R2 lin 032VersaLoc SR 16 15- 4 tqys-1ffiwdsbw1,ffnSvg1pr1pr app jkzsp(Warn=vYGEVXQwDq-bGFcW/-2-rrrZeCSHo_kvggR5%igNNWAjNezj35121=�i&AGfo3dDfoW 215 Ftcw1d3EV1JcRn3 Code OrTim. 22PIywogd HVHZ..odf Created-tq Independem-Iffird Partv-.Yes i. I '24ga- Snap 1.5''Cedf Snap 24ga-161 1,Tzde Roof Panel aver- 3ZPlywood t! -SGS-T- Um7d--,,of Use 1 Installation Lnstnvcdons FL11651 P7 11 14FL11651 6 R2 1.5 24 GuLfSrIagg 16 15- s Approved for a.outside HVW--Yes I 32PIMood HVHZ..od NfA f FL11651 gII2 .JAFL116!5:l, 6 R Metal Roof Panel clall..iadf 1 Impact Resistant: I Design Pressure:+N/A/­-116.CPST j Verified By: Dan Kuhn,P.E.75519 Other.-86.0 psf 9 24o.c.rJIP spacing--108.5 Psf 0 12' 1 Created by Independent Thiird Party:Yes o.c digspacing., dilYsPacing.Iftstall 1 Evaluation Reports per manufa,-Wirers detals:For use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 6 R2 1.5 24GulfSnap 16 155- i 4 321)lywood HVHZ,.v Created by Independent TMYd Party:Yes 1:1651-7 I-S'24ga-VersaLoc i IS'varsaLoc24ga.16gide RwfFsn--q over 15/32'Piyrmod t 'i umits Of Use installation Instructions Approved ZbT-use in HVHZ--Y 651 R2 11 14FL11651 7 R2 1.5 Z4)krsaLoc 16 15- es FL11_ - Approved for use outsUe HVHr-Yes 1 32lymood HVHZ..D-d-f impact ResIstarit;-N/A FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 7 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail..r)df Verified By: Dan Kuhn,RE 755197 Other:-59-75 psf 0 247 o.c-dip spacing.-123.5 psF @ Created by Independe-ritTtilrd Party--Yes 127 ox..clip.spacing-hista%per manufacturers details Far laluation Reports• k use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 7 R2 1.5 24VersaLoc-16 15- 32PIvwo!2d HVEfZ..pd Created by Independent TWrd P", :Yes 11651.8 127 24ga.MegaLGc 24 Ga.27 MeaaLo c 18' vide Roof Panel over 15f327 Plywood Thstallation'lastrucearm Approved for use In HVHZ-No EL11651 R2.JI. 14EL11651 8 R2 24MenaLoc 18 15- Approved,foar use-autsids KVKZ-*Nes t 32PIvwood MonHVHZ.i2df Impact Reelstarifn KJA FL11651 R2 H 14FL116-91 8 R2 Metal Roof Panel DetaiLadf 1 Des-ton Pressure--+N/A/-M.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn,P.E.75519 Other---71.0 psf 0 24'ox-clip spacing.-108.5 psf @ 12' Created by Independarit-Wird Party:Yes ox.clip spading.IrsW11 per manufacturers details-Not for t Evaluation Reports use in HVHz 7-ones- FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 8..R2 24MegaLoc 18 15- 32PIMood NonHVHZ.pd Created by Independent Third*Party:Yes 24 Ga-CRUF Lak 24 Ga.Guff Lok 16'Wide over IW32 Flywood Limits of Use InsMilation Instrimiffons. Approved for use in HVHZt No S F111651 R2 11 10111651 9 R2 24GulUk 16 IS- Approved for use outside HVHZ.-Yes 32Plywood NonHVHZ.D-d TimpacrResistaritt ITIA t FL11651 R2 IF IAFL11651 9 RZ Metal Roof Panel Detail odf Des: gn Pressures+fVjA1-95.7PSF Verified BY: Dan Kuhn,P.E.75519 Other.--11135 psf @P IG-I/-r'Gx--,.stener spacing. --96.76 Cre-atted`by Independent Third'Party:Yes psf @ 5-118 ox-fastener spacing--121-75 psf Crb 5-118" Evaluation Reports 11fastener spacing 161.psf C&5-1/8'fastener spacing- FJ-11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 9' R2 24Gu1fLok 16 IS- install per manufacturers details-Not for use In HVHZ 32ftwood NonHVHZ.12d Created by Independent Third,Party..-.Yes. 11651.10: t 7-4.Ga.,Ca Searn- 24Ga-Gulf Seam.16'Wide Roof Pane-Lover W-Wood Puffins raves`15132 Plywood Lknits'Of use 'Irtstailation Instmfleffons Approved for use in HO 7--No FL11651 R2 IT 14FL116SI 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 IS- Approved for uso outsWe HVHZF-Yes 32P]ymDod NonHHVHZ.pdf Impact Resistant:N/A FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 10 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail odf Design Pressure--+N/Aj-93-5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn,P.E.75519 Other:-93-5 psf Q 197 ox.Install per manufacturers Created by Independent-third Party-Yes details. h1lot for tise in HVHZ Zones. r Evaluation Reports 1; FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 IS- �'321)lyvood NonHVHZ.p- - --df it Z4 Ga- Gd'.aea—'T r,Z4*Ga.GuIF SearR,1,314–Snap Lackle WI-idt RbGf Panel over 15132-Plywood Limits ofuse Installation instructions Approved for use in HV147--No FI-11651 R2 11 14FL11651 11R224GuffSeem IS IS- Approved for use outside 1 2 Yes 32PIvwood NqnHVHZ.Wf Impact Resistanj=N/AFL11651 P2 U 14FL11651 11 122 Metal Roof Panel Detail.Ddf Design pressure;+N/A(-1G&5PSF I Verified By. Darr Kuhn,P.E-75519 1 Mer.-69.25 W @ 247 o-c-dip spadnq.-10K5 psS 5 Created by Independent Third Party--Yes 1127 a-c-dip spadag-Install.per menufacbscers,detailsMat P evaluation?Reports for use in HVI-17 Zones. r FL116SI R2 AE 14R-11651 11 R2 24GulfSeam is 15- 32PIMood NonHVHZodf Created by Independent Third Party-Yes q ttps:tiffof4dbwldl-ng.orgwlpr--am-r5--spopwiwi--wGEVXQwMqs�FcWAWrZeCSHgmg%ZF,wgNNppRAyNa�P62EWMwgMI.3dDi�3d Ra6daB06n.3 Ccde Or§-M 111S51-iz s 765 Ga.SV Crimp 26 Ga.SV Crimp R43af Panel over 15132'Plywood Limits of Use L'staffatban Instrucdar"� 1111651R2 II 14FL11651 12 R2 265vCrimp 15- Approved for use in HVHZ.Yes; Approved for use outsidea HVHZ-.Yes is 32Piywood HVHZ.pd i. Impact Resistani-t N/A FL11651 R2 II 14F111651 12 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pcjf Design Pressure--+MjjV-15&5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn,P.E.75519 other-.-1ca.5psF 0 37 o-c-fastener spacing--15ES psf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 6o.r -fastener spaciagg.Install per manufacturers Evaluation Reports details-For us--in ffVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 12 R2 265vCrimr) IS- ,I32Plwm!2d HMHZ,odf Created by IndeperideritThird Party:-Nees• F_ 11651 13 t 26 C-..5V Camp 26 Ga.5V G-fring rover-15/32-PlYVTuod- urnits of use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVff&No ^ryiFL11651 R2_II, 14FL11651. 13 R2 265vCrimr) IS- Approved foruse outside HYHM-Yes r 32PIvwood NonHVHZ.pdf. impact ResL-_-M=NIA 1111651 R2 H 14FLA1651_13..R2 Metal Roof Panel Detailadf Design Pressum+WjA1-131_PSF Verified By:Dan Kuhn,P F 75519 Qffwzn_-94-25t psf @:16"ox..fastener pattern,. psf I Created bTlndependeat Third Party:-Yes- 0 16'o.c.fastener pattexn.Install per manufacturers I Evaluation Reports EL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 13 R - detail-c-Not for tree in.HVHZ Zones.. -2 26SvCrirnj2 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf Created by Independent-Ibird Party:,Yes, j. 26 Ga-SV Crimp 26 Ga.SV Crimp•Poet.Panel-over Ix4 Wood Purlins over 1.51-33" Plywood i Limits,of se Mr--taflation Xnstructw7ns - U Approved far use in 14VH2:No FL11651 82 11 14FL11651 14 R2 265yCrimD1x4 15- Approved for use.outside Fnni&Yes y 32Fly-mood. NonHVHZ.od t Impact Resistant:N/A F1165 P,2 11 14FL11651 JA R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.12d r. Design Pressure:+NjA/­I56.5PSF Verified By. Dan Kuhn,P.E.75519 Other:-108.5 psf @ it o-c-fastener spacing--155.5 psf Created by Independent-Wird Party-Yes @ 6"o-c.fastener spacing-Install per manufacturers i Evaluation Reports details. For,use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 14 R2 265vCrimp 1x4 15- ;i 32Piwvood NonHVHZ.o Created by Independent Third Party--Yes- 26 Ga.Gulf Lak 25 Ga.Gui F L&k 15'-Wide Rmf Fa nal over,15132'Plywood Limits of Use Installation InstrucitlonSL Approved for use in HVHZ--Yes FL11651 R2 H 14FL11651 15 R2 26C 2ulfLok 16 15- Appravedtion use outside HVHZ.Yes 32Plywood HVHZ.pd Impact Resistant:UJA FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 1S R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.o Design Pressure:+MIA]-161.0PSF g Verified By:Dan Kuhn,P.E_75519 Other:.-63-5 psf LM 5 3116'ox,Fastener spacing -121.75 1 O-eated by IndependentWird Party:Yes te psf @ 5 3116'spacing.-1161-0 psf @ 5 3116F ox-fes`- Evaluation Reports spacing ra -Install per manufacture.7,detaffs. rase,inHVHZ FL11651 R2 AE 14FLII,651 15 P,2 XGulfl-ok 16 15n Zones. j 32PIvwood HVHZ.pd Created by IndependentWird Panty:,Yes, i 4 1:1651-16 26 Ga..calff Lok 26 Ga-Giff.Lak 1.6-Wide-Prof Panel-over 15J32.7 Kywciod' LIMRS Of Use Installation Instructions Ap p rw-red fur usein,HVHZ No FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 16 R2 26GulfLok 16" 15 Approved for use outside HVHM Yes 132PIvwood NonHVHZ.pdf Impact Resistant-z N/A. FL11651 R2 U 14FL11651 16 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf Design Pressure-.+N/A/--63.5PSF Verified By: Dan iWhn,RE 75519 Other:-63.5 psf 9 5 3/16'o-c-fQs sped.no,-121-75 Created by Independea Third Party:Yes psf @ 5 3[16'fastener spacing.-167 pSf @ 5 3116"fastenersEvaluation Reports spadng.Install per manuftocturers details. Not for use in FL 1651 P2 AF; 14FL11651 16 R2 26G1jJfLok 16 15- Hvlfz Zones. i 32PIvwood NonHVHZ.pdf Created by Independent Tb:rd Party:Yes 26 Ca-CAM MR Roof Panel car I 25 32E Plywood 26 G-__Gulfps.R Lknits of use Installation instructions ;1 Approved for use in HVHZ-.No FL11651 RZ 11 17 R2 26GulfPBR 15-32PIvwood NonHVHZ.pdf I Approved for use outside HVHM'Yes FL11651 R-2 11 17 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.12 Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By: Dan Kubaf P.E.75519 D Created by Ridependent Third Party:Yes esfgn Pressurz_-4441Af-154-7PSF Create other.-59.25 psf 0 247 ox-fastener pattern--154-75 W, J,1 Evaluation Reports @ IX 0-c-fastener pattern-Install•per maninfacWrer FL11651 P.2 AE 17 R2 26Gu[fPBR 15- details.Not for use in HVHZ i 32PImgpd NonHV -HZ,mff Created by Independent Third Party::Yes 11651_18 26 Ga-GLdfP9_PR 26 Ga_GulfPBR Roof Panel ova lx4lVdad Purlins over 1513Z- Plywood Limits Gfuse jnst-aUation Instructions Approved fora M. )iVliZ:Yes FL11651 R2 H 14FL11651 18 R2 26GulfPBR 1X4 15- App..d fk. s...ted.HVVZF--Yes 132Plvwood HVHZ.od hdps:/ffforidabEuTcfing.org1prJpr app M-aspx?param--wGEIIXCM4DqsOFcWA2fi-rZeCSHgv9McwgNNppMyN,-zi-iS2EBPGQ{ vgA0/.3dOk3d 415 Rw-,fa 801-riim Code Ordim E1L116 R2 H IS R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressizve.-+IV/Ajr-l5l--7PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, RE.75519 1Other---IMS psf 1@@ 21V'u_�fksbanei-spadng--M.75 pe. Created by Yndevendent Third'Party-.Yes 12-fastener spacinaRL stall per n anLff=urar's details. Evaluation Reports Fdr u�in,HVM7 Zones FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 18-112' 26GulfPBR 1x4 15= 32Plywood HVHZ.pd-f Created by IrldeWndest-lurdparty:Yes �j 11651-19 25-Ga.,GOMM 2&Ga_C-UjfPBP,aver 35ft3Z- F[VVIOQdr Iirniis of Lase .Installation Approved fbr use in HVH2::Yes i FL11651 R2 11 14FL11651 19 112 26-G-utfPBP-, I 4 Approved for s.outside MHZ:Yes ;32131ywood HVHZ.Pdf i MM.Pact qesistauJA FI-11651 R2, 11.19 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail. Design Pressure:+K1Aj-154-7PSF i Verified By:Dan Kuhn,P.E-75519 Yes,- Mer---60-S psf 9 24`ox-fastener.spacing--154-- psf Createdby Independent Third Party-- C&127 o.c,fastener spacing.Install per mantifacWrees Evaluation Reports details-For use In HVHZ Zones- FL11651 R2AE14FL11651 19 R2 26GuifPBR IS- 32PIMood HVHZ,Pdf Created by Independent Third Parry:Yes 116SI-20 26 Ga-GW"R k'26 Ga.WfPSR oyer 1x4 Wood Puffins over 15132"Pivigood I Limits of U Instructions Se Installation l. Approved for use 1mffVff7=No r FL11651 R2 1120 &Z,-26GulfPBR 1x4-15- 4 Approved x4-15- AppTOVed for use outside H°MZ--Yes 32Plywood NonHVHZ.i)df impact Resistant:NIA F1,.11651 R2-rl 20 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detall.pdf Design Pressure.+N/AI-151.7PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn,P.E-75519 Other:-94.25 psf @ 24-ox-fastener skating.-151-75 psf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes @ IZ'fastener spacing.Install per manufactltre0s details. F Evaluation Reports Not for use in HVHZ Zones FI?1651 R2AE20 R2 26Qulfj!EjR 1x4 15- 32PIWdood NanHVHZ.pd Created by Independent Third Party-,Yes. Go to Page Page 1 j 2 Back Next Lin act M.:2MI Blair Store Road-TallaMssee FL 32x 3 Phone:85(1-487-2E'c4 Me State af-Fibrka is an AARED eiimkrver-Cgouruilit State of Florida--'-Rivary a U"g S tem,ent R end S b9l LIM Acrnssi ta eF La 10-t Under Ronda law,arogil adore se are pablicrecorris-If you<b notwant your e-mail addres"roleased ut response. requamt-donot send electronic road to this erkAy-rnsi:E34 contact Ole Glum by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 89D.487.i395.*Pursuant to section 455.27541).Florida SMUfts,effective October 1,2MZ Ircenseesucensed under Chapter 455 FS_must provide the Departinerit m-W ate enuo address if 0"- have am The entaits pravwed may the used for offide;corrimun;callon with the Iftensep-However email addresses are pibrw-record.-12'yon do not wish-to;supply a personal address,please pruvVe tine Department with an email address which can be made avaable to the public.To delenniria if you are a licorisee under chapter 45.5,F.S,please dick tLr-a. Product Appirova][AccepM W]WMMq- M Credit Card Safe hwmmidatwIchraorgIPT/Pr-app-Oo.aspx9wam--wGEVXQwVqsOFc5K%2frrzeCSHgw99R5wgNNppMyNe43512E8F)G%vgA�/0W/(,3d 10e N11 GuIfC_ 70) Nt 'n KL e a SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING `5VCR1m 26 GA. • ROOF OANEL OVER PLYWOOD* FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 11651.13 R2 TI'`'T Product Evaluation Report GULF COAST SUPPLY& MANUFACTURING, LLC. 26 Ga. 5V Crimp Roof Panel over 75132"PIywood Florida Product Approval #11651.13 R2 Florida Building Code 2014 Per Rule 61 G20-3 Method: 1 -D Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing Compliance Method: 61G20-3.005(1)(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. 14429 SW 2nd Place, Suite.G30 Newberry, FL 32669 ;OP\AIEL S., • \CENS�:��, Engineer Evaluator: ;*: No, 7551s Dan Kuhn, PE. #75519 * �: Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 10743 .-o= STATE of Q Validator: •.O R i D•P.•x��: Locke Bowden, P.E. #49714 ''0/ONAL �NG� • 9450 Alysbury Placeo6`30t y,-15 Montgomery, AL 36117 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1 - 5 FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 1S,2015 y v3 an adfidz L ss3a 4 v �f ?� 9� GuIfCo�j 2 SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING .:: ., 5VCRNMP 26:GA. 5VCRIMP ROOF PANEL OVER 1,5/32" PLYWOOD* FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 11651.13 R2 Tm Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014, Sections 1504.3.2. Product Description: 5V Crimp Roof Panel, 26 Ga. Steel, 24" Coverage, through fastened roof panel with fasteners in the panel flat over minimum 15/32" plywood decking. Non Structural application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2014 Section 1507.4.3. Paint Finish Optional Yield Strength: 80.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.018" Minimum Width: 24" Coverage Rib Height: 3/s" Major Rib Panel Fastener: #9-15x1.5" with sealing washing in the flat of the panel or approved equal, ''/a" minimum penetration through plywood. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1506.6, 1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Minimum 15/3z" thick, APA Rated plywood over supports at maximum 24" O.C. Design of plywood and plywood supports are outside the scope of this evaluation. Must be designed in accordance w/Florida Building Code 2014. Design Uplift Pressures: Table"A" IVlaximum Total lJplift Design Pfessure 94:25 psf, 131 0.-psf . Fastener Pattern 12"-12" 9.5"-2"-9.5" Fastener Pattern:Spacing : 16 Q.0 =16 O G Design Pressure includes a Safety Factor=2.0. FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 10 m y oo' u'G =Z;aKt lf, SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING 5,V�=Rg M P 26 GA. 5VCRI.MP ROOF PANEL OVER • • FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. T\�1 Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014, Sections 1504.3.2. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code 2014, as relates to Rule 61 G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: • UL 580-06-Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • UL 1897-04- Uplift Test for Roof Covering Systems. Reference Data: 1. UL 580-94/ 1897-98 Uplift Test Force Engineering &Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization#TST-5328) Report No. 117-0053T-05 & 117-0331T-08 2. Certificate of Independence By Dan Kuhn, P.E. (FL#75519)@ Kuhn Engineering, LLC (FBC Organization#ANE ID: 10743) Test Standard Equivalence: 1. The UL 580-94 test standard is equivalent to the UL 580-06 test standard. 2. The UL 1897-98 test standard is equivalent to the UL 1897-04 test standard. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3.005(3)for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be used in the panel side laps. Installation: Install per Manufacturer's recommended details. Underlayment: Shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014 section 1507.4.5.1 and 1507.4.5.2. Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear Diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 • H670 ISLAND LAKES LANE, BOCA RATON, FL 33498 - FL COA#30464 5 � ..t.. , t,�,.r1cv !i •F ,z-,s' ¢ 3 ,.• ® �`.', �.� }i K,, Ca"aC�'• til SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING ------------- r - 26 GA. 5VCRIMP ROOF PANEL.OVER PLYWOOD* FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL • . 11651.13 R2 TI Design Procedure: For roofs within the parameters listed on the load table, fastening pattern must at a minimum meet those listed for the applicable wind zone. For all roofs outside the parameters listed on the load table, design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2014 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design.The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Refer to current NOA or HVHZ evaluation report for use of this product in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 KUHN 1167 0 ENGINEERING,BOCA • ° • 33498 • ° #30464 F s wad a �� cr AesL � s& �a.r x wy � g.-..g� ,cw aYu'w�. i.. r 4 a-' tai � r--� a-- y tw -v x �.... as 7 1� t++Y Ls^ -3 p�-, y,w yh xs.+.,avT �n� +-� n�,� t� 3 n- .� Yal � c 1 r ' -�'r� sem. °z`"4_s�a....':`'s' ''l- GLS-.. �; a �x g ✓ r SUPPLY t& PAANUFACYU-RING .:. Slim • t3A. 5VCRIMP ROOF1VER 115132" PLYWOOD ® . 1eA . . • ® APPROVAL • . 11651.13 R2 Tei ENGINEER LOAD TABLE: 26 Ga.SVCrimp Roof Panel over 15/32"Plywood .BUildings havinga'Roo, Mean Height;g 20'=0', Roof Slope.- /1"2". 12,71-1-2.7-Gable or'Hip Roof;Wnd�50eeds-120 18Qmph, Exposure', Risk Category II Enclosed Building based on_Flonda=Building Code=2014 ' 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 WIIND FASTENER SUBSTRATE SPEED enetratidoo (MIN.15132") ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER Penetration) SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING -SPACING ZON.E.1 #9-15x1:5" P,I 6od 16,TYPE1 16 TYPE 1 16 TYPE 1 16 I TYPE.1 16 TYPE 1 16: TYPE 1167,TYPE 1 ZONE 2 #9-15x1.5" Plywood 16"TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 ZONES :#9=15x1.5" PI ywood 16 TYPE 1 16 TYPE 1 1"6 TYPE 1 16'TYPE 1 "_16'TYPE,I 16 TY PE 16 TYPE'2. 1.)PANEL DESCRIPTION:5V CRIMP,MIN.26 GA., GRADE 80, 24"COVERAGE. 2.)PANEL FASTENER:#9-15X1.5" HWH WITH SEALING WASHER W/MIN. 1/4" PENETRATION, 3.)MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PANEL UPLIFT PRESSURE:-94.25 PSFQ 16" O.C. FASTENER SPACING TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN,-131.0 PSF @16" O.C. FASTENER SPACING TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN BASED ON TAS 125, UL 580/UL 1897 TESTING. 4.)PLYWOOD DECKING:MIN.1-/32"THICK PLYWOOD MUST BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014. 5.)ROOF SLOPE:ON ROOF SLOPES LESS THAN 3:72, LAP SEALANT MUST BE USED IN PANEL SIDE LAPS. 6.)LOAD TABLE BASED ON WIND PRESSURES CALCULATED PER ASCE 7-10(KD=0.85)MULTIPLIED BY 0.6 PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014 �Z446E HIP ROOF ZONE 3 r' t4ate:43imes+skon(a)is deAried as IrSDA a#tk'&minimum aMdtk%a#the buikdks�g os �1 — a 40%of the mean height of the roof,whichever is smaller,however,(a)cannot be less than either 4%of the minimum width of the building or 3 feet. �; tz IDGE TYPE 7 FASTENER PATTERN �' (1) #9-15 x 1-1/2" HWH w/Sealing Washer �,� /� \\>\ \� � 12'1 1G" � _�YVV+II '—EAVE At Panel Lap ZO i E 2 GABLE ROOF ra` TIL—J— -----------------1 771a TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN RIDGE �(1) #9-15 x 1-1/2" HWH w/Sealing Washer ---------------------- _�a ZONE 1 i I "A-ZONE 3 \—EAVE FL#11651.13 R2 •JUNE 15,2015 -PMe. rID 1i / � 0 0 01167ISLAND LAKES LANE,BOCA RATON', 9O, #30464 i i +rr - w • 0 0Rog FtLI`i iecaeer: too Yu I [iy'a>�Lkgt [:tisiei+- 7#ib:liYl;;us- f 5+ufaxeu.Sst#a3tt+' iActx t6ac3r I czcYra i Flit:S:S89' I :d�t:iti yam:FR3G i issYk: Florida tom:AIM:[z:; z :..w Product Approval Menu Product or Application Search=Application Llst.�Aan:tsP. ni Cixf57ru .. .t`['4'l4iiti`2.1�21t3UF�13CL411'L^i' ��'E�11�1.��'R[kS#i6"#,��C,iJc7iJx"�:=� ;W13 tY4d`Li i3 �;3VCi3,.4-L[`.-2lYuU sflitiYiii€i3L"+'..i"!s`€3S''yy'Sfsi,sj3 s G»"'il' i'�Kt`tY.f'Ytf'Z''�#7'sjJdJisYt9t�5tLs�r���:i:�Ffi 'firL;ik'iSfTr tt�3,aYtd.Yitir��' r:&Yt.";;"�41t.: ?:za�L:IK'RIy..�1'rir(:rfLl;r+t;�t17�r�- i—vr`{,i-lTlfa{iFu`�{'�i.'s5.titlLi°1CLt:.`."12'1i��Yh{,i}�:ti>'':�'J:t! _s%�'::�.'�, -N&�tSSi3Cf` �`V3#Hili'tttf3•;FYYtif�3Y'tYdl'ti:��§.+G�3. i5'k.`�.` �'?�i:ir1;33;��C Cf ^�`*a��:ii cij . tquoo191i"'•k0m=T olV ds'.vse€t6{+W t rttY#t PuY'fi� uiYrr�F.'cisnaw`:Eti;'�dbat,`Ci.:i il�aFt�i}T"f ✓, taFa�u'�fifS a';„?t�-fr.�m n:CiG��^G'4:.z+'=S`��:`i���C4: :rci'fl t titer i�e7 FL16048 R3 Col 2015 01 COT Nieminen odf AVC� .C1 : 2112 7 ctttssv85t'.iti::�.+st:P�Xn#iit'"�aL�iBtt�i's5` �C:IIf37Z5'St'[;::;UYN'4:i✓.ii�_ SM 6-.: Caeac��ro' -Qi f Fed iw-- VY2DIS' Gatu Ra' af-thm I-: RvR2--MCL FlG048 R3 I201_10 10 EINAL ER TRI-, oobskie HvHMyes. ,BUILT UNDERLMMENTS FL16048-R3.odf -. Im'-wa F-'asistalft--x1p. J Vedfied 09,-RobectMeminen PE-59166 'VeeWPmssiow,+A[Al-45 Created by,IrAepuideyl ThkS ParLy:Yes Otfwm ij The-daggiT poesAire i)OM-d' W. use Df foamr-on leile.sysbeim&mWpA17& B,160-48, R3-AE 2015 TO FINAL ER TRI- undeda—varem far orte,partcufar applicaVcm See ER S&-fon BUR— UNDERL -R3.pdf -AYMENTS--FL16048 FA.Sem-coTS for cff r Created by rimz�Iident Tf!L-d,Padw Yes Use Sack Next o"t wtais wtay.lumew lxx.u*lwua or Pbavc--W.ter Uaw".8 olail.a 9ta .wv';--arty qaamw, aw-The is povklW' 455,FS�.pk-aSe cWc hem, PrQdUCtAppro,gAVAaCeVCw 99 m Credit Card safe EXTERIOR USEARCH&DE�IGM,UC rproffrafe,OfAuthofizatib-a#9503 353 QCHRL--TLALN STREET,UNIT#13 OTRINITYIERD OXFORQ,CF 06478 PHONE--J233)262-9245 FAX-(203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Allied Building Products Corp. Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-R3 dba TRI-SUILT Roofing Products F116048-113 9050 Louisiana Street Date of Issuance:10/25/2012 Merrillville,,IN 46410 Revision 3: 101.0812015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 6IG20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nierninen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residenti2l Volume- The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5;' Edition. (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. Mscitipnom TRI-BUILT Roof Underlay ments LABEUNG: Labeling shall be irn accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein- ComnmuED CompuAwr=:This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of ,this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Mierninen, P.E- if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinityl ERR requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle- ADvERnSEMENr:The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity I ERD Evaluated' may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall he done in its entirety- WpEcaom'Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages I through S. PIrepared by: ................. t......................................... The ftc9afleseal aPPaarb74V'aS LY POE�e�,NSM�- aa, Robert J.M.Nleminen�P.E. Florida Registwtion Mo.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 thL V-nC=AW,&.rJ Adnatst-m2cr and'Mte nmn d cr�g CERMCATIOU OF 11WEPMDROM I- TrinitylERD does not have,nar does it intend to acquire or-wilt it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluater, 2. Trinityl ERD is not ovined,Operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3- Robert Nierninen,P-E-does not have nor vAll acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are Wmg issued. 4- Robert Nierninen,P.E.does not have,narwffl acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of thee produm 5. This is a building code evaluation- Neither Trinity[ERD nor Robert Meminen,P.E-are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which Us Evaluation Report;rr previous versions thereof-,isf was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. J TRIM {ERD ROOFMG�Cor,&OMEN.-TEVALMATTON. SCOPE: FrodUct'Categgur�r. Sub-cate-gorr. UnderlaVinent Cali pflance Statement TRI-BUILT Roof,Underlayments,as,produced by TRI-BUILT,have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations I Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANoARDs: Section Property Standard Year 1507.2.4,1507.2.9,15t37.2.9.2, Physical Properties ASMID19702009 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering A517M G155 2()4L5 1507.3.3 Installation Practice FRSAfM[April 2012(04-?2l 2012 1523.6-5.2.1 Physical Properties TAS 103 1995 REFERENCES- Entity Examination Reference Date ERD(7-5761349) Physical Properties 540540.02-13-1 02/19/2013 ERD f[ST6049) Physical Properties 540540.11.13 1:111912013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 540540.03-14 0312612014 ERD M-16949) Physical Properties 544870.04_14-2 0410212014 ERD(75760491 Physical Properties 544870.04-14-3 04/02/2014 ERD(T5T60-4,91 Physical Properties S44970.04.14-1 04/1012014 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 544970.04-14-4 04110/2014 ERD(TST60491 Physical Properties 543530.02-141-RI 05114/2014 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 543530.05-14 05/2812014 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 540540.10.14 1013112014 ERD Wi 6049) Physical Properties SC7645-02-1 5 02M12015 ERD(T5T6049) Accelerated Weathering SCS520.04-15 0512712015 ULJLC_(QUA9625J Quality Control Miultiple-Listing R16814 09104/2015 UL,LLC(QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp-1011612017 4. PROD=DESCRIMI OM 4.1 Self-Adhering Under1aVmeats. 4-1-1 Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlavment is a calf-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a 36-inch sheet width. 4.1-2 Tri-Built S/A HT TU Undedayment is a self-adhering, non-woven polyester fabritc surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof undedayrrien't 4-1.3 Tri-Built Smooth HT SIA Underlayment is a self-adhering,glass-mat reinforced,film-surfaced,Sas modified bitumen roof underlavinent. S. WiTA-rioNs: 5.i This is a Wilding code evaluation. Neither TrinityJERD nor Robert Nleminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose- 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in the KVHZ. 5.3 Fire Classification-is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. Exterior Research and Design,LLC_ Evaluation Report A42960-10.12-R3 rer*rate zfAtdhaYfzaWn#95M FUG048-P3 Revision 3-.10108/2015 Plage 2 of 5 �JTRINITY�ERD 5-4 TRI-BUFUT Roof,Undertayments may be used With any prepared roof cover Where the product'is specifically referenced within.FSC approval documents. if not listed,a request may be made to the AM for approval based on this evaluation combinedmith supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.5 Allowable roof covers applied atop the underlayments are as ........ ... T 'i I: RtlgF CdvM.0 Asphalt. Wood Shakes i Underlayment Nail-On Tile Foam-on Vle metal Slate Shingles &Shingles Tri-Built Sand-RSA Shingle Yes No No No Yes Yes 'I Underlayment Tri-RLAltS/Al4TTlit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Undedayment See 55.1 Tri-Built Smooth HT SIA Yes No No Yes t Yes Yes Underfayinent 5.5.1 "Foam-On Tile'is limited to use of the following Approved the adhesives'unless tensile adhesion/long term aging data from an accredited testing laboratory is provided. Tri-BuiltS/A HT TU Underiayment With 31VI"'2-Component Roof Tile Adhesive AH-160(FL6332)or Dow Tileftnd"'Roof Tile Adhesive(FL717) 5-6 Allowable substrates are noted below: 5.6.1 Direct-Bond to Deck: Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment,Tri-Built SIA HT TU Underlayment or Tri-Built Smooth HT SIA Underlayment applied to: Plywood; ASTM D41 primed plywood; OSB; ASTM D41.primed OSB; ASTM D41 primed structural concrete.. Whilenot required over plywood,OSB or Southern Yellow Pine substrates,TRI-BUILT recornmends priming the deck if the final roof cover is not slated for installation Within 24 hours. Note.TRI-BUILT requires tongue-and-groove board decking he covered with plywood or OSB prior. to installation of the self- adhering underlaVment- 5-6.2 Bond-to-Insulation: Tri-Built S/A HTTU Underlayment applied to: > Dens Deck PrimLi;SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. 'Forinstallation under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations under foam-on tile systems,insulation attachment shall be designed by a qualified design professional and installed based on testing of the insulationjunderlayment system in accordance with FM 4474,Appendix D or TAS 114,Appendix 1- 5-6.3 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Lager ASTM D226,Type I or 11 felt. Forinstallations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be attached per minimum codified requirements. For installations underfoam-on tile systerns,base layer shall be attached per minimurn requirements of MA/TRI April 2012(04-121. Extx�.. Research and Design,LL(-- Ev-dbmlmn Repayt A42960-la,12-M F116049-113 RevMon 3:1010812M Page 3 of 5 J TRINITY ERD 5.b.4 Wind Resistance for Underfayment Svstems in Foan't-On Tile Applications FRSAITRI April 2012 (04-12) does not address-wind uplift resistance of all underlayment systems beneath foam-on tile systems..where the underlayment forms part of the load-path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to direct-deck underlavment systems that are not addressed in FRSA/TRI April 2012'(04-12)and are used in foam-On the applications. Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads,and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2(the 2 to I margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FBC 1609 for determinafion of design wind pressures. 5-6-4.1 Maximum Design Pressure=-45-0 0 Deck: Min-15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHL Primer: (Optional)ASTM B41 Underfayment: Tri-BuiltS/A HT TU Underlayment,self-adhered- 5-7 Exposure Limitations.: 5.7.1 Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment. or Tri-Built Smooth HT SIA Undertayment shalt not be left exposed for longer than 30-days after installation 5.7.2 Td-Bulit SIA HT TU Underlayment shall not be left exposed`for longer than 180-days after installation. s. INSTAUK11ON: 6.11 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with TRI-BUIU published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and prime the substrate(if applicable). 6.3 W-Built Sand-Ft SA ShinOe Underlayment,Tri-Built SIA HT TU Underlayment or Tri-Sunt Smooth HT SIA Underfavrnent: 63-1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM 133.97G underlayment in FBC Sections 1507 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 5.3-2 Non-Tile analications: While priming is optional,TRI-BUILT recommends priming the deck if the final roof cover is not stated for installation within 24 hours. Apply sheet parallel to the roof edge- Roll out approximately 10 ft of membrane and peel back the first 3 ftof release film. Adherethe exposed part to the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane as far as possible_ Oncethe entire length of membrane is in place, peel-off the release film diagonally while holding the membrane tight. Firmly roll the membrane into place to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be minimum 3-inches, configured to shed water- Vertical seams should be 6- inches and staggered not less than 2-ft from vertical seams in the course below- All over-granule end-laps shall be sealed using either heat-welding or hot air welding techniques. When installing at slopes above 8:12, Allied Building Products Corp recommends back-nailing in the overlap area at the top of the sheet at 12-inch o.c. For Valleys and Ridges: Cut underlayment into 4 to 6 foot lengths.Peel the release paper and center sheet over valley or ridge.Drape and press sheet into place,working from the center of the valley or ridge in each direction- For valleys,apply the sheet starting at the lowest point and work upward. 6-3.3 Tile Applications(Tri-Built SIA HT TU Underlayment ontyl Reference is made to FRSAJTRf April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table I herein, using the instructions noted above as a guideline- Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents the slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. Exterior Peseaych and€lesign,LLC_ Evaluation ReportA42960_10_124U, CffdJkaW FLIG048-113 Revision 3:10/0912015 Page 4 of 5 \J TRINITY ER D As re-g1 irea by'tate Buitatng uritziai or Authoraiy Having jurisdiction in order to properfy evaluate the ins nation of this producL S. MANUFACrURING PLANTS: Contact the netted QA agency for infonnation on product locations covered for F-&C Rule 9N-3 QA requirements_ 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE EN rf`-' UL,LLC—QUA9625;(314)578-3406;k.char�cellor@us.ul.com 1D OF EVALUATION REPORT- ExteriorReS"rc#s Wid WW[ LLQ Euaf -f3 a7f1;42 t.T03 -ft3. Cer6fAzzteafAuthar&atfanrrss €Lis048-f3 ReWsion 3;101OW2015 Pape 5 of 5