HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4249487 OR BOOK 3933 PAGE 1752, Recorded 11/17/2016 03:18:41 PM R E C E I V'ED NOV 13 2016 NOTICE OF COMMENCEAARKT Petmtthio. Tons=eta Nv __ {Q Z q5:CWS 3 State of Florida County of St.Lude The undersigned h:mWgives nonce that improvementwfll be made to certain real property,and In aceordancewith Cfhapter-M Florlda , the fallowing Information Is prwfded in this Notice of Commencement Legal DetaQlption of Pn*ergr(and street address If available): t5—Z07 'g L.K.S-2- i4 i t 5- Ear, Ear, jZ, 1eE'P Acigyeak ,.u/.,- I AA Al-p--17,1 K Owners ilmnadm ort+essee 7efmodon of theiswsee caetratxrd ft the Improvement: Name __LjE0h cgaa2 �--* .3wsLW Mcag_ s. Address �S71t1 i 'Dtl'L �� Mrs _ZL- :5 4.�+ In tmm in property: Hameand address of fee simple titleholder(if difrerent from Owner listed abrwq: Contractor's Name: _ 0 0 ,c ��-�-'rn �� Centrat3orAddrt�.s: 37't t.cy_t�� d� �--REG hone Number: 7-r'�-'Zi Ls-gC11-7 m �--r W cn Surety(if applicable,a copy of the payment Frond Is attached):Artwunt of bond:$ � z b 0 o �cn— Name and address' Phone number F-o-,�,-,- m nOOrr lender Name: Phone Number: C = M z lenders address:" �.. ° rt' �'70i�� Persons"t in the Stm of ftrida des<Bnebed byOwner upon whom notices or other documents maybe servied as provided bySecdon x ?sj_jX11(a)7.,Florida SW6tes: o" o Name: _ PhonaNumber: - -• _-. _�. . ._ . m -<--I-t Address: _ X o cn In addition to himself or hhersdf Owner desWuites of to receive a copy of the ,=y [lienors Notice as provided In Section 7i3.i l)(b),Florida 5t mutes. phor*number.otpeim" orentitydesipmte6'1yowner: 6�tratlan dale of native oFcohtrr+�hce:rrertt: (the ehspiratiaa date may not be before the completion of consmiction and final paymentio the�'• contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recoming wows a dffft ent date is weditedJ WARNING TOOWNER:ANYPAYMENTSMADE BYTHE OWNER AFTERTHE6MRAT10NOFTHENQTKEOFCOMMENCE ENTARECONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDE3i UiAPIM 713,PART L SEcrm 713.73,FLORIoA gATUTE5 AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTSTOYOURPROPERTY.ANdFIGEOFCOM14tEN nawMUSTBENECOwwANDPOSTEDONT7EJOBSREwORETMERm INSPECWN.IFYOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WRTf YOUR LENIJER OR AN ATTORNtY BEFORE:COMWNONG WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT_ Under penalty of perjury,l declare that Inoue read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therrain are true to the best of r.W kwivledg"and belief. h ( of Owner or Lessee,or Ow,xes or Lessee's Authorized OlHoer/Director/Partrw/Manager (SlgnaiJory's ntle/Office) The foresOng instrument was admowiedged before hrte this 15 day ofd_. 2DUp By Ska1'OnMot-e,-r as . OluA-Lr for k jnard I;SIG�r�ort .Xlorrr's Name of Parson Tvpe.of authority(e g.officer,trustee) Party on behalf of whom irmument was eoarted PerSDnally knomue or produced ldwNcaVw �O�N �MftState of Fbrfda) (PtintType,or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Typeof Identification produced MY COA9VtlS QN/FF MW EXPIRES:Jammq 13,2024 BmMThru NoNyPu*WdewNn