HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing BOUNDARY SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES: Lot 34 of SET-Set 5/8' Iraq r`Gbar Vitt 1, Unless other ise noted only el Ia*capmor ked PSM 5543 Vl� y platted easements ESTATES OF LONC�(OOD Y are shollln hereon. FD=Found 5/8' Iron Rebar according to the plat thereof F,F,E.=Finished Floor Elevotio 2• No underground utilities or improvements*ere OH-OH—OH—Over Head Tres located unless other*ise shoyln. os recorded in Plat Book 26 3. This site lies 11ithin Flood Insurance Rate Map pages 27 and 27A X—%—X-=Chain Link Fence 01 the Public Records of R.O.W. Right of {day Zone X. St. Lucie Count Florida. =PVC Fence 4. Flood Zone shoyln hereon is an interpretation Y� 1�=FPL Transformer Pad by the surveyor and is provided as o courtesy. PL=Value as platted The flood zone should be verified by a R=Radius of curve determination agency. L=Length of curve 5. Bearings shoWn hereon are based on the Center Del 1p of Curve line of PROMENADE AY as bein AS. =Measured �f g N 00'25'16' E CONC. =Concrete according to the Plat described hereon. C.P.=Concvte Pad 6. P,U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage B3=Water Meter Easement. =PoWer Pole� 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless=Utility Box otherylise shoyln. ®_We1I a Flo LOT 33 LOT 32 l FD S 89'34'45" E 164,80 FD IB �g .I 44.fi9' 160 m -B p .I o 4650 0 @i 0 o I d � M I O O 1 510 11.50 p O O I O n ' N wi Q Q z N I U O M M 6 I O^I m a< N QI d DC d Q I '6 4i I O fr EDr N CP, a ::� I W o f 670 N 11.50 x CD 3 I r o I 44.70' 37,70 5.80 5.0( 7279' z RI I I l I I I.P. S 89'34'45" E LOT 35 I m 0 0 FD.NAIL G v O 3808 PROMENADE WAY Certified to:Roxanne Bourbonniere&Thomas ourbonniere Atlantic Land Desi ns Bank of America,N SCALE:1"=30' g St. Lucie Title Services, Inc. DATE:11120113of the Treasure Coast, L97468 G National Title Insurance Co. 761 NE Jensen Beach Blvd.Jensen Beach,FL 34957 1 hereby certify that the survey shobn hereon is true and correct nn1,W,A Mailing Address: and is hosed on oatual measeurmxnls taken in the field.This '^WPB P.O.Box 1421 Jensen Beach,FL 34958 surrey meets the uln imrn Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17 w 2013-0878 ALD5543@gmail.com(772)399-4290 Flor ido adaini strut ire code. «<re c� James A. F dpuly ya eb,.r ac.mn. PSM 55430 DATE: REVISIONS � Aou:a.., h.ce+m,r.a.easadr a,aeo..q�,arn<icew. mu��LLDSN 3pg m W taR a=a5 eslro Jr. � Dete]011,1],a)}nJB-05'00' NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC LAST FIELD DATE:11/20/13 SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL