HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval gusi - s. Profess Regalation RECEIVED DEC 0 6 2016 � I �,�, I ��:����,.: f ���- I ��.r f ��i:� i ��:�I�� ! �s.-� I �«.� I s�;� 1 �4• I dba F Product Aoaroval Menu>Product or AooliraUan Search>Aooli�r st 1 7 Azq ta�arT�f.2r2 Tom' Revision Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Gulf Coast Supply&Manufacturing, Lr. Address/Phone./Email 4020 S. W.449th Street Horseshoe Beach, FL 32648 ;352)498-7852 ray@gulfcoastsupplyxom Authorized Signature Ray Bowen ray@gulfcoastsupply.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email .Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ` Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Daniel S. Kuhn the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-75519 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc, Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/12/2024 Validated By Locke Bowden ", Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11651 R2 COI Cert of Ind Kuhn Eno.pdf FL11651 R2 COI Letter of Name chanoe.odf P.eferenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year FM 4471 1992 TAS 100 1995 TAS 110 2000 TAS1252003 UL 1897 2004 UL 580 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By h?f sJ1floridalnrzlding"gVJpr app M-a-,-;i= EVXQwtDgsQFc 5K%2frrZeCSHgw99R5wga'i NppMyNez43S2E8POQwaA%3d%3d 9/5 '.y123f2Dy6 Florida Building Code Online Sect ons frcrn the Code Product ADuroval Method Date Submitted 07/DV2015 Date Validated 07/10/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 07/18/2015 Date Approved 08/18/2015 Summary of Products to Page iPt�--1 2� slid# f cc wimmeDeswwmo ?F I GUM2- ,7 C�-!::u p l i-d=5V aumpAkffogm z e 5 } m Ry'rroaL Appffaved fou uses fia mow--ian- FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 1 R2 0325vCrimp 15- S iP ff ense.ou E$ Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Pdf Impact ifteslistard:'PTIA F FL11651 R2 H 14FL11651 1 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf -Design P ressw er YE,. By:Da.Kggh%RE 75511S j S3 r:-3,sas -ifs V-z-ar7staei tom'r�-� -ter urs s by RepadsFL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 1 R2 0325vCrimo 15- i 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.pdf j ate 1 by IU�lfifiu f- -:tom 1 6 2 S-032-Aham: —; £a: 9a-k j GLUM- A Wit;lc!,EF APPHRMd t for Use in ia" IND FL11651 R2 lI 14FL11651 2 R2 032GulfLok 16 15- Approved for use GuMideYes '32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf t C Luipact:Resi=ne a FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 2 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf pgewigm= n n _ Wadi(fied By-@gym Kwft,RE.75S1S i E--M-i=z7'er^-in MHz FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 2 R2 032GUIfLok 16 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf d Six -- '27 z 24 G--. 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EVZL=sxM RePOO.'s € a �R,I 'IZ ZE= j FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 7 R2 1.5 24VersaLoc 16 15- 11 32Plywood HVHZ..Pdf 11651_8 —!Z,Z _Reg---c _- Z-"r i-.-- 2,Lam- -daMoff Parnag over 5-12,RIPUlued S MOUS of Use MMdMKWMM Soa-�im -"NFL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 8 R2 24MeoaLoc 18 IS- APPMwed Approved'bras outsiffe h-WHF--lees i 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf I IMPa4ft Reslrg;J& FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 8 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detall.odf i Design Paesswe= 'yamffiied BY:Dam EuiittTil,IP_tE 75Sa.A9 -711-9 P59 dg Tr.%, Pe+012- § C bw L[rd dO-.n%tit Fa7,!�J-yes tier-elt3 S,.�- M,v One , - �s.9'rte.Mtt sir Ewagmffbn Reports E tz HVHZ Ze'e FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 8 R2 24MeoaLoc 18 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf s OmallEd by Bmftvudaqt Mike i :;Yes Units of Use "MUMMio's, Awcwcmad +fwuse&a IMIR&EW g FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 9 R2 24GulfLok 16 1 E- Appmved forase outsidLe `R�Es 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf Impatt - F-41k FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 9 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf - '� �s"�= Yiri Diel&f/--BEM, IRE..7!5Il9 I e s�nµ - c5 # rr� tr 1 FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 9 R2 240uIfLok 16 15- 1Imo, ��� ;- e Zot 5mr U�€.';r,ily 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf j 1651 3 3 f 2^C"-GLffF sem 12- ..u=sff Sa-m 10 Meta Rwff 57-. J:?m°a'1,ci tears Approved ObVeSS iM FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 15- AWroved fbruse oubiWe -hes 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf Impact Kaskaz=NOA FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 10 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf PI W/an 'ed @ern Muffnny,fP E.3/55IlS S�Esa 1n-,l r r f 3r = f int i � %-- - d a9s_M ?r, usezz F.rc Z Ewabmaoa Reports v n FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf r n L f 24 Ga Guff—a— SaS s 2s?G--P 'r-,.sep-r;.1 4" zk ee`3''...:a 'a «par" M-er Ajppnwedfbr=sekiHVkFZ--F6s- -- -- FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 11 R2 24Gulf5eam 18 15- Approved Rw use Oubsile HVH&yts '32Plywood NonHVHZ.r)df S-Pect NJA FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 it R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf 4 -'SaiIJ lGR OAF CG{BdOlie i1®,v-Umn Mufl an,RE?HM9 ! 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FL11651 R2 IT 14FL11651 15 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- for M )fi =°tS 32Plywood HVHZ.pdf Impar t."P s FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 15 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.Ddf, } Other--635 isf 0 S 3f!S =�i -EF]L75 tl cu rs-by T'• rx,-si i=r-;=etc PsF La.5 316"sm g_-361-0 PEF�g 5 3nG"me-- ffast --_ 'Evaluation res f SEE „ HastV par "•• a u.T oS dates.iron., Rini HVlfZ 2 FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 15 R2 26GulfLok 16 J5- ELmi,as. 32Plywood HVHZ.odf Ur..aWf l Y lrrd�•-PBr ± Td e 2.3i�=-kms. F mals afffse p Approxi for usee In HVfM-Na FL11651-R2 IT 14FL11651 16 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- ! roved fur use outside H Ifts ;32Plywood NonHVHZ.Ddf i i 0111Flz� } FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 16 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Bp::Ost.l WhM,P_E_7,SSRS SSE l@,S = -sera @ -lLe 0 5 3flo (Eso i sr �a F”-i = C -- :ter e %s?, != FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 16 R2 26Gu1fLok 16 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf j ! 2 (G_._ 25 Pte-G!,t,�Rm"Mc 7, 1 oaa:lEif3c' RIbRIMS GIFUsa_ — - - Approved fw us.in Mr, FL11651-R2 IT 17 R2 26GulfPBR 15-32Plywood NonHVHZ pdf Approved for use Outside Hifli6fas-Yes g FL11651 RZ II 17 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf 1 Impact Resistaarm GYA WaTf.6-dt I0::OEM KKU'ftn4,RE THEA9 � CMEdEd bW R_- M-A-i i Ess , of S Ser:--CS-25 Psff tP 2 -c-�a ir+- -1-5,11-75 g= 1 Evaklatim pteparts rM Ir fastaTar P rw lzs"M�a-=- =mak �t" j, FL11651 R2 AE 17 R2 26GulfPBR 15- dEtaMs.;}t2jrSSM k4 rTEZ 132Plvwood NonHVHZ.pdf L1651L1651LIB 25 Z _ l 26 fR3a Ear sPL? W ' bvt r rr Q G Si IF&d32' I it off Use wMamerwas Appl roved ftw use im H 7--Ye✓ ( FL11651 R2 IT 14FL11651 18 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 IS- Approved f br use outside HVHZ--Ys '32Plywood HVHZ.Ddf V-hn�511K,5110 OMB-0115ne-1 FL11651 R2 H IS R2 Metal Roof Panel Detall.plIf K'WhA4,Pa MOT.-IMS gnff�9-1411"Ma, -=, .7,5 anff I �W- � f I 1p Tz mnstEo Pzr=m�—.Ztuaes Evaktakm Reports Fw u m�MHZ Ze r--- t FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 18 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- 32PIywood HVHZ.i)df 2 5 Ga-G-dfPSR 25 GH G&�Pm 15,13r;34--mm Approwed*ff me UM UNN&Ili--- FL11651 R2 1I 14FL11651 19 R2 26GulfPBR 15- AWrowed fbr Ease ookside HVH7--'W. 132PIvwood HVHZ.pd Eimpact Resistaml--OUA. FL11651 R2 11 19 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.adf ?PS- E�Y.:0--.n, K"dar"P-E.—.=A9 OUMr - F-1- -eas gsff OW Z-9,-,ZL--.ff.-EnHlrer sp-afmg�-1543S W, C-,--WMf 4,H-mlepamde -U't m-t to s I EvabMam Reports 5i'*�'7 Zoma-- FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 19 R2 26GulfPBR 15- 32Plywood HVHZj3d 11C'5�20 ZG rdl-* I&Qkig�M s 25 Ga-Gal"��n ot-- 3X4 W�r PLtrs�r-�e--vr=T I=My"mod I xaskaftu"limskmCkimis A4119M ffimmsa am -Mb FL11651 R2 Il 20 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- Approvied Ric lame outade HV*M Yes 132PIywood NonHVHZ.j3d M.Pa,'t Resistarlb oup, FL11651 R2 11 20 R2 Metal Roof Panel Eietail.nd In riffieafl EW::Beim Paid1h R,RE 7=-319 Otte=--9�25 W(P 2:1,Q g-,-��'VzeF -IML755-;Fff QTCet.-M'by urdiq�- M"'OmO PE�F..Vts Evakwition Reports CDT i" e iM UMz zb-.es FL11651 R2 AE 20 R2 26GulfPBR IxA 15- 32PIvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Qm3e=-bi Itry C'Q to page- F.-.Tkl Next Contact Us 2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850.487-I824 State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida..:-.Privacy Statement:;Accessibility Statement-.:Refund Statement, Under Florida law,email addresses are"lc records-if you do not want ymff e-maij address raieawd in response to a pirbiic-recorzis request,do natserd ejectrordc --ati to this entity.instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If youhave any questions,please contact 550.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapber 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for cfficial communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if vou are a licensee under Chanter 455,F.S.,Please clicRnere Product Approval Accepts: 0 3 rurecq GaTd Safe c'Apsllfl c r i dabW k ft r ig-o rgWlPr-aw x?� Ne435f2MDOQrrgAO/.3d%W -M2sg parmi7wGEVXowoqs(2FcROS2tTrZeCSHg*S9R�NgVNpp&ly1, 5/5 SllPPLY � MAD1UfACTURfNG FLOMDA P:'ROUUCT APRROVAL G ull GaaTst i LO �26 GA. WCRIMP ROOF PANEL OVER 15/32"' PLYWOOD* ORIDA PROD- APPROVAL NO. 11651.13 R2 Product Evaluation Report GULF COAST SUPPLY&MANUFACTURING, LLC. 26 Ga. SV Crimp Roof Pane!over 15132"Plywood HoTida Product Approval #11651.13 R2 Fibri>da Building Code 2014 Per Ri ule 61G20-3 Method: 1 --0 Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing Compliance Method: 61G20-3.005(1)(d) NON € VHZ Product manufacturer: Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. 14429 SW 2nd Place, Suite G30 Ne eir�6. PL 32669 aE Af&� e Engineer Evaluators zap ®an Kuhn, P.E. #75519 Florida Evaluation ANE ID-_ 10743 Z�= - STATE 0.= m �faliclator: � ►sw Z 0R tID�..����� ,r�g v^. ..•v v q Locke Bowden, P.E. #49704 °✓� � � ��� °pr race asst 9450 Alysbury Place o-613012015 Montgomery. AL 36117 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1 - 5 R#11651.13 R2 a JUNE 15,2015 . m ODUCT EVALUATION , ® o s ® e G61iCWouge SUPPLY & MANUFACTUR]NG 26 GA. 5VCRII\.IP ROOF PANEL OVER 1;5132" PLYWOOD* APPROVAL J r., ? l 65 t i R2 2 Compliance ce Statement: The pn3duct as descrikd in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Fmrida Rui inO Code 2014 Sections-15043_2. Product Descript ow 51f Crimp Roof Pane[,26 Ga. Steed 24- Coverage,through€asteaed roc'i We-.vifh, ensrs in the pane%fisat over rminLm;Lan%'p ruod decking. Non Structural application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: Minimum 26 Ga. Steel,ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2014 Section 1507.4.3_ Paint Finish Ootional Yield Strength:80.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014,Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.018" Minimum Width: 24" Coveraae Rib Height: =7s" Major Rib Panel Fastener: =9-15x15" with sealing washing in the flat of the panel or approved equal, '✓n" minimum penetration through plywood. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Buil6ing Code 2014, Section 1506.6, 1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Kilinimum''f3z"thick,APA Rated pl rveood over supports at maximum 24" O.C. Desi;Qn of pl,,wcod and piyvvood supports are outside the scop`of this evaluation- Must he de§gned in accordance w/Florida Building Code 2014- Design Uplift Pressures,- Tame W Fastenerlsat'ern 12"-12" 9.5„=�Y-95ph E Design Pressure includes a Safety Factor=2-0- €C»1 i 6S I-13 R2-1UNE t 5.MI PRODUCT EVALUATION KUHN 0 116, • SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING 5 VIC' 5 ' 1-7 U 2,6 GA. 5VCRIMP ROOF PANEL OVER 15132"PLYWO013* PRO,DUCT APPRO"L G61 Coarst r.)O. 11651.13 !', Code Comirti3€0e: ahe procse eesdied n-erdn has da=61raaed cofnpiiance iviath tine gide Building Cade 2014,Sections.1504.3.2. Evaluation Report Scope: The pwduct evaluation is lir&ted to comp:iance with tfie 5iructoraf wind load reggirenre is cWthe Rocida Sufldi`mg Code 2014,.as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: ® UL 580-06-Test for Uplift Resistance of;hoof Assemblies UL 1897-04-Uplift Test for Roof Covering Systems. Reference Data: 1. UL 580-94/1897-98 Uplift Test Force Engineering &Testing,Inc. (FBC Organization##TST 5328) Report No_ 117-0053T-05& 117-0331T-08 2. Certificate of Independence By Dan Kuhn, P.E. (FL#75519)@ Kuhn Engineering,LLC (FBC Organization 4 ANE ID: 10743) Test Standard Equivalence: 1_ The UL 580-94 test standard is equivalent to the UL 580-06 test standard. 2. The UL 1897-98 test standard is equivalent to the UL 1.897-04 test standard. Quality Assurance Entity. The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3.005(3)for manufacturing under a duality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity! Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. For slopes less than 3:12,lap sealant must be used in the pane;side laps_ Installation: Install per Manufacturers recommended details. Underlayment Shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014 section 1507.4.5.1 and 1507.4.5.2. Hoof Panel Eire Classification: Fire classification is not par of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear Diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report_ FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 PRODUCT EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL Oft SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING D U U U 26 GA. ■ . ROOF .A • OPIDA oRODIL"CIF APPROVAL NO. 1_ T 1, Design Procedure: Fbr rues 1uit1Tn the parameters&iead an tqe toad tam,fastening pattern must at a minimum meet those tasted for the appfcable,wind zone_For ail roafts outside the parameters dated on the load table,design wind loads shall be determined for each project in a€coedance with Ff3C 2014 5ecti€ra I GG9 or, ,SCE 7-10 using a-Rouraole stress design-—I maximum fastener spacing,listed herein snail not b--exceeded.This evaluation report is wL app caste in High VeloCetty >umcane Zane_ l efer to a=ent&t 0'A Or H 2 evoluuation,,rept for Lase of this product in High Velocity Huirrii ane ZorrG FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 PRODUCT RING, 116 70 1 D LAKES LANE BO CA RATON. 0464 SUPPLY & h9ANUFACTURING -5 V�`(���R 0 M P FLORIDAPRODUCT APPROVALENGIN L :0 'BLE SPEC Gull 'CaiEt ENGINEER LOAD TABLE:26 Ga_s{lCirimp RGof Panel Over 15132Plywood ® 1t se �a �s'�_.sMa � '�i.+..:..._sz'=.,rx,- -..r_�„a,���..'w�s.wRs,�as-e•..-i.�-h'. -a. ,a..�a VAMD FASTENER SUBSYRAYE 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 SPEED .v4® 0.11M 15132) ON CEHTER ON CENTER ORE CENFER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER Penetration) ° SPACM6 SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING MW -,:;.i..;' � ls .�.. . ZONE 2 Plywood 16-TYPE 1 16`TYPES 16'TYPE 1 15®TYPE 1 16'TYPE 4 IV TYPE t 16' 1 1.)PANEL DES 0f&5V CRVVIP MM 26 GA-,GRADE 80,24`COVEPEAE )PANEL FA #Et:4945€I-5" }i�`�P°:Clt e�SEA�1�G TI���kS?t �,ti�Ari? 34 PE RA.CI{3K. 3.)MA}amUM.ALLOWABLE FANR UP€[FY PRESSURE.-9 -"25 PSF@ IS-O.C_FAS-ffNIER SPAONG TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN,-131-0 PSE fs16" O_C-FASTENER SPAC NG P(PEE 2 FA�E—EiLEF PATEPUX BASED G TAS 125,UL 58QAJ*L 1991 TEST- NG- 4.) EST- NG. 4)PLYWOOD DECKWG:MML'3k-TFJCY,PLYWOK00 Rf L6TT BE DES€( NEB Ni ACCORDARCE VATaH FLOFJDA.f3JiLBa G CODE 2014- 5.)ROOF SLOPE:ON ROOF SLOPES LESS THAN 3.-12,LAP SEALANT DUST BE USED IN PANEL SIDE LAPS_ 6.)LOAD TABLE BASED ON�I`M PRESSURES CALCULATED PER ASCE 7-10(KD=0"851 MtfL . ED RY G-6 PER FLET€ IDA KPLI)ING CODE 20 14 aZEtt1E2 �'FAW Note_Dimension(a)is defined as 10%of the minimum width of the building or r r' 4tt°e of tie mean height of the met.whichever is sync-herr however(a)cannot be --- - -- lez tom:ecfher 4%of tieQ minimum,xvldth a¢the 1yaa of 3 fee`, <` -YP � E I FASTER PARN + ---------- x-15 x V-UT K, VH wrYng`hasher i t. ZWjQE1 z -----.-------------5 0 At�ana Lap— F 6 � 4 ` E 2 FAS V . E lPTERN x-15 x I-11T HMi w earirg Washer ----------------.------ ;n €ii Q 21 tl MEQ r �C Y "-t" 3 -WE FL-f 41651.1,3 P,2 r t5�2015 PROD ® ® T EV A LUAT10N ° ,KUH.N ENGINEERING; LLC 11670 ISLAND LARES LANE. s