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ECEIV,D DEC o 16' 7.016
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Product Approval Menu Product or Appllcetion Search.Application Ust npphf&x i tici"
Product Manutacturer TRI-BUILT Poo"rinc rrodu=
Address/Phone/Email 9050 Louisiana Street
Merrillville,IN 464IG
Authorized Signature David Ruiz
fec.'r'iCai Rep'C:ai-i'atiile David RWz
AddresslPhone/Emaii 250 Route 17 Wo-th
East Rutherr"osa, NJ 07#373
;201) 842-2444
david.ruizctr ibuiltmatenaisgroup.corn
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roof ina
Subcategory Underiayments
Compliance Method Evaluation Refit from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Arra 3tect Hame who deve!oped Robert H;--m1J en
the Evaluation Report
Florida License PS-54165
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/16/2017
Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE
Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL16048 R3 COI 2015 01 COI Nleminen pdf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM D1970 2009
ASTM G155 2005
FRSATRI April 2012(04-12) 2012
TAS 103 1995
Equivalence of Prodigy Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
1> S:!§�t�datdrsx 'pri 2 ac¢ n-- Gi1F� a ]��P,nd35FtiD'diJrwipmr;Rav ;bu� �ii;sc �^ �i°�3a:a3d 112
Florida Builclina Code Oigine
Date Submitted
Date Validated29MJ1_
:i9te Pendino FBC Aoproval 10/21/2015
Date Approved 1211512015
Date Revised 10106/2016
Summary of Products
FL 4� i PkNN*Nw2ber Ortgame OeSCF%l1iM
Lkaus ofuse �
Approved for u!n--iia HbIHM Ro 1FL16048 R3 11 2015 10 FINAL ER TRT-
P44m-crAed fzw use outs;Wme HW"7--Vas 1
Mmpact ResistargzikufA
%tnfied SV:Rabefft Mfuemweo PC-59IL66
Design Presswp---;-AVfke-5 j Craed t,--
Gthej--1,-)TTe Zesg--pTesszr--mated heTan pw---,rs w Evokofian RepeM
FL16048 R3 AE 2015 10 FINAL ER TRI-
S--Sz sentm BUILT UNDERLAYMENTS F1-16048-R3.gdf
15-6 fbT 6E�MZ&2-)€a--=r to ER SE" se,S-ftc-¢ U—zZis;aT Cre2aled bvkmk pa--,6�—t:TUrd Yias-,
Zack Next
Contact t&::2601 Stair Stone Road,-Wieha=FL 32399 Phone,850-487-
The State cr FMrida is an WEEO enroz-fer coo,,light 2007-M13 State of Floyipta.::Pnva-v Statam ::AcceslNlitv Statement-.:Re'u-nd Stetem
!Alder Florida law,email addresses ana publzczecorcs.if-izou do not want,yvu;r e-mail add.--s-.mJeased-,'I respurrse to a put-u-c-rem;tsauque--do r=sa,-,d eiectror-k
mail to this entity.Instead,ox.tea the omme by phore or by traditicral mail.if you have any questions,please tvnI ct 8_50.487.13'95.-A;rsuant to Seam
465.275(1),Florida statutes,effective Octobw 1.202x,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an emial:address if they have
one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are punc record.if you do not wish to supply a
personal address,please provide the Departrnem with an email address whadi can be made available CaVe"?, To clateanine I you we a lid under chapter
455,F.S.,piease dick here.
Product Approval Accepts.
719999 M
Credit CWd
MWA1aidabw11cRw-*rgftr/pr app2j2
� rertii abate of Asd wri2aadma#995,)3'
i i�� � 1 1/IER® �3(�f���5�3 ;ttltBiT#13'
Corp. Evahodon Report A4290.10AZ-R3
dba TW,- T Roaft prodvas FL16M-R3
9050 Louisiana Street Date of Issuance:10/25/20,17
Merrillville,IN 46410 Revisio 3. 10/08/2615
This Evaluation Report is issued under Rale 61G2U-3 and the applicable males and regulations governing the use of
construction mate-kiels in the State of Florida. -he docurnentafron submitted has been reviewed by,Robert hlieminen,
P.E. for use of the product.under the Florida Building Code and Flafrfda lfuil€fut Code, Residential Volume_ The
products described herein have been evaluated for cornpiiance with the S& Edition (2014) Florida Building Code
sections noted.herein-
LABEuNG- labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency rooted
Caunmum Comp : This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced
Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that€elate to the product change- Acceptance of
this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nierninen, R.E. if the .product
changes or the referenced QualityAssurancedocumentation changes. Trinity IERI}requires a complete review of this
Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
ADvEm7sEMEiST:The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trmity(ERQ Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature. if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety.
Mpl criom:Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report small be provided to the ctser by the manufacturer or
its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
T his Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through S.
Prepared bV-. e�secrosH
Robert 12A.Naemineia'P.E. }�
.'•••,41it*tLi[i':449t��.RI�IWS�+s-t}CS d02Sfi6CS3L°E�uG dQ�S '
FlarrdaaRegrstratfonNo-sr_91Ffa,FiaddaIXCAfdEL4&3 Staem.seaM ftwdMisod,nombemU&WHM2dmubE
RpspM2?d raQuzftd'totheraxrr4r&ent
S. —JfnitVJERD does not have,o-,or sty it intend to acq&e or yr#1 it aaTuzire,a:fa—r..sal"csterest in any cIIng any rnwxifac=ng or
afi=-budng Products it aziivates-
Z Trinityl'ERD is not o4hyted,operated or controlled by any company manu€ad airing or dis�g pmdmm it evaluates-
va uatas3. Robert Weminen P.E.does not have icor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
which the evaluation report-s-,are being-issued_
4. Robert Niem.5ier,F E does coat have;nor vall acquire,a fmr ial interest in arty ruler ertitV invalyed in the approval'process of the
S. This is a building code evaluation- Neither Trirnt l ERD tsar Robert iirieminerr,.P_E.are;in any may,the Designer of Record.for any
project on which this EvzluationRepar�,air previous versiam thEreGf,istwas used for permitting or designs.guidance unless retained
spea6cca;hlfor that pik-pose.
Koehn a Ewa![wtom-
x. sctpi
Product ming
Siam-Ul Wf: Urtrierizynumt
Compl'fance-S TM-BUILT Mmf Undedayments,as produmd by TRI-BUILT,have dernons5cated compliance
with the follovAng sections of the FMda Building Code through testing,in accordance with the foilowing Standards.
Com,pffance°is subject tn;the°fc dlatiorrRequkements and limitations./Cairditions,of°Useset#orth he im.
2. STAmAiRm:
Section propedy Stand2m Year
=-2-4,!SG7-2-% 3T-2-9.7. PhIMical Properties ASFM•M970 3014
-1507-4-5-L 1507-5.3,1507-7.3
3504-6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM GSSS 200
-;073.3 Installation Practice FR5-AJ I-April 2012{04-12) 2072
1523- Physical Properties TAS 103 1995
Entt Examination deference Bate
ERD(1576049) Physiml Properties S40540IY2 13-1 02119/2013
ERD(TSTE049) Physical Prop of es 544540-11-13 71/1:912013
ERG.(F 6949) PhOca3`:Properties S40 A3-14 G3/26121M
EftD(TSTMU.49) Pl ii-1 Properties S44970.04-14-2 (14/02/2014-
ERD(T W49) Physical Properties S44970A414-3 0410212014
ERD[757604.9) Pta 4 Praparties 544870.I3414-1 04{ICV22014
ERI)(ST6o49) MTKICalTraperties 544970A4.14--4 04110/2414
ERD)f t� 9) Physica3 Properties S43530.02_14-1-131. 05114/2014
ERD(7576049) Pftisical Properties 543530115.14 OSM/2014
ERD(l'St6M9) Physical•ProPe ties 540540:30-14- 1!3/31/2014
ERDMT6049) P3xtrsiral'Piaparties SC7-45-07-15 02fI3/2f315
ERD 17576049) Accelerated Weathering SCS520.04-15 OV271201.5
Ul,LLC(CLUA9625) Qpal4 contriol Mtsftip�--Listin„816824 09104/2015
Ilia LLC.(QUA-M ) {xauty can2rul Seise C inm7tfon EKp.10/1612017
4. Pitomci'DuxRlFnoN:
4.1 Self-Atilierii Uitd-dayments:
-4.L1 Tri-Built Sand-R 5A Shingle Underlayment is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS
modified bitumen roof underlayment,ivith a 36-inch sheet width.
4.1.2. Tri-Built SIA HT TU UnderlaVment is a self-adhering, noxi-woven polyester fabric surfaced, SBS modified
bitumen roof underiayment
4.1.3 Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment is a self-adhering,glass-mat reinforced,film.surfaced,SBS modified
bitumen roof undarlayrnent_
S. Li1Vi37'AmoNs:
5.1 This-is a bu-ilding code evaluation- Neither Trinity[ERD nor Robert Niaminen, P-E. are, in any way, the
Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluatian Report,or previous versions thereof,fs/teras
used for permitting or design guidance-unless retained sp c-scally for that purpose-
5-2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in the hVHZ-
5.3 Fire Classification is.not part ❑f this Evaluation .Report refer- to current: Approved Roofing Materials
Directory for fire ratings of this product_
Exterior Research 2nd Design,CLC Evaluation ReportA429W10.12-R3
CrrtWwte afAuthorfxet fan S-9603 FLIS04$473
Revision 3:1010e/202rp
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5-4 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is sperifically
referenced within FISC approval documents. If not listed.. a request may be made to the AM for approval
based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering.
5:5 Allowable roof covers applied aiop the undedaymeaats areas iohows:
Underlayment eaic Nail-OnTile Foam-onol` a f� MeW iMaariit3alca> r
n 51f state state }
pi es _ v +
Tri-BuiltSand-RSA Shingle
Undr-riayment Y"es r NG No K(3 yes Yes
` TT?i-Bu$tSIA fc M - - Y - .
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Underlayment See 55j
Tri-aunt&rwarh Uf VA Yes l No- NO Ygs Yes ;y Yes
Undedayment =
5.5.1. "Foam-On Tile is limited to use of the following Approved tile adhesives unfe<s tensile adhesion j long
term aging data from an accredited testing laboratory is provided.
Tri-€3uilt S/A I-I-T TU Undedayrnent witFt 3M13'2.-Component f oof Tile Adhesive AH-160 JFL6332)or Dow
TileBpnd"'Roof Tile Adhesive(FL717)
5.6 Allowabie substrates are noted below:
5.6.1 Direct-Bond to Deck-
eckTri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle Underlayment,Tri-Built SIA HT TU Underlayment or Tri-Built Smooth HT 5/A
Underlayment applied ta:
Plywood, ASTM D41 primed plywood; 058; ASTM 041 primed 0758, ASITA 141 primed structural
While not required over plywood,0513 or Southern Yellow Fine substrates,TRI-BUILT recommends priming
the deck if the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. bate;TRI-BUILT rewires
tongue-and-groove board decking be covered with plywoGd or 05B prior to installation of the self-
adhering underlaymenL
5-6.2 Bond-to-insulation:
Tri-Built 5JA HT TU Underlayment applied to:
3' Dens Deck Prime;SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Root Board-
For installation under mechanicalTy attached prepared roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per
minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations
under foam-on file systems,insulation attachment shalt be designed by a qualified design professional and
installed based on testing of the insulationjunderlayment system in accordance with FM 4474,Appendix D
orTAS 114,Appendix
5.6.3 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Laver:
a ASTM D226,Type I or it felt-
For installations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be attached per
minimum codified requirements- For installations under foam-on tiie systems,base layer shall be attached
per minimum requirements of FRSAITRiApril 2012(04-12)_
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report A429E0.10.12-R3
Cerrit�crreef atiror�t r R-1604&R3
Revision 3:10/W/203,9
Page 3 of 5
5.6:4 Wind:Resistance for Underlayment Systems in l=oan-tan Tile Applications: FRSA/TRI April 2012 (IJJ4-12)
does Fwt address wind uplift resistance of all underlayment systems beneath foam-on the systems,where
the underlayment forms part of the:load-path- The following wind uplift limitations apply to direct-deck
underlayment systems that are not addressed in FRSAIM April 2o127(04-12)and are used in foam-on tile
applisatiorm Ma)dmum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on
allowable wind loads,and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2(the 2 to 1 margin of safety
ger FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind pressures-
5-6.4-1 Maximum 13esieen Pressure=-45-0 tzsf_
Deck: Min-15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AH3.
Primer_ (Optional)ASTM D41
Underlayment: Tri-Built S/A HTTU Undetriaymnt,self adhemd-
5.7 Cxoosure Limitatians_
5-7.1 Tri-Suitt Sand-R SA Shingle Undedayment or Tri-Built Smooth HT SIA Underlayment shall not be left
exposed for longer than 30-days after Installation
5-7.2 Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment shall not be left exposed for longer than 180-days after installation-
he hYsi'ALLA-n0N-
6.1 TRE-BUILT Roof Underiayments shall be installed in accordance with TRI-BUILT published installation
requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below.
6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly
to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and prime the substrate(if applicable).
6.3 Tri-Built Sand-11 SA Shingle Underlayment,Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlavment or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A
6.3.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Sections
1507 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed-
6.3.2 Ston-Tile applications:
While priming is optional,TRI-BUILT recommends priming the deck if the final roof cover is not slated for
installation within 24 hours.
Apply sheet parallel to the roof edge. Roll out approximately 10 ft of membrane and peel back the first 3
ft of release film.
Adhere the exposed part to the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane as far as possible.
Once the entire length of membrane is in place, peel-off the release film diagonally while holding the
membrane tight. Firmly roll the membrane into place to achieve a bond.
Horizontal seams should be minimum 3-inches, configured to shed water. Vertical seams should be 6-
inches and staggered not less than 2-ft from vertical seams in the course below. Ail over-granule end-laps
shall be sealed using either heat-welding or hot air welding techniques.
When installing at slopes above 8:12, Allied Building Products Corp recommends back-nailing in the
overlap area at the top of the sheet at 12-inch o.c.
For Valleys and Ridges: Cut underlayment into 4 to 6 foot lengths.Peel the release paper and center sheet
over valley or ridge. Drape and press sheet into place, working from the center of the valley or ridge in
each direction. For valleys,apply the sheet starting at the lowest point and work upward.
6.3.3 Tile Applications(Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlavment only):
Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein, using the
instructions noted above as a guideline-
Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents the slippage and/or damage to the
Exterior Research and Design,LLC Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-R3
s ertflcoteDfAvthorhatianJ9503 fL16048-113
Revision 3:10/08/2015
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As required lir the Buff fling Official or Authority Having 9u&diction in order to properly evaluate the installation of
Contact the noted QA agency toWarmatlan on product locations covered For FSC-Rule 9N-3 QA requirements_
9. Qum2YY lsStimna
UL,LLC-QUA9625;(314)5/8-3406,i-than orc%us uf.eo rn
Exterior Research and Design,LLL Evaluation Report A42960-10.12-R3
Certffrcate of duaaraatfaa#953 FU5048-R3
Revision 3:2010813015
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