HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval MIAMIDADE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami,Florida 33175-2474 T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miarnidade.aov/economv GAF 1361 Alps Road. Wayne,NJ 07470 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: GAF Royal Sovereigng Shingle LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This renews and revises NOA #12-0313.11 and consists of pages I through 4. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. WMIAWDADECOUNTYN NOA No.: 12-1127.03 Expiration Date:04/22/18 Approval Date:04/18/13 Page I of 4 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Asphalt Shingles Materials 3-Tab Deck Type: Wood SCOPE This approves GAF Royal Sovereigne Shingle as manufactured by GAF as described in this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the Florida Building Code and the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Product Dimensions Test Product Description Specifications GAF Royal Sovereign®Shingle 12" x 36" TAS 110 Fiberglas reinforced heavy weight asphalt roof shingle, with a 3-Tab profile MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS 1. Savannah, GA. 2. Tuscaloosa, AL. 3. Tampa, FL. 4. Mt. Vernon, IN. 5. Mobile,AL. 6. Dallas, TX 7. Myerstown, PA, 8. Fontana, CA. 9. Minneapolis, MN. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Center for Applied Engineering TAS 100 02/23/94 ASTM D3462 257966 03/21/97 PRI Asphalt Technologies, Inc. TAS 100 GAF-105-02-01 11/14/05 TAS 100 GAF-182-02-01 02/07/08 PRI Construction Materials Technologies, Inc. TAS 100 GAF-332-02-01 01/17/12 TAS 100 GAF-376-02-01 10/15/12 TAS 100 GAF-153-02-01 11/30/06 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. TAS 107 05CA48258 11/28/05 TAS 107 05CA47804 11111105 TAS 107 08N-K02337 03/12/08 TAS 107 08NK 12906 10/10/08 TAS 107 11 CA47919 12/03/11 ASTM D 3161 /TAS 107 09CA41642 09/28/10 ASTM D 3161 /TAS 107 09CA38549 10/30/09 Mm= NOA No.: 12-1127.03 W WMIADADE COUNTY Expiration Date:04/22/18 Approval Date: 04/18/13 Page 2 of 4 ASTM D 3462 ASTM D3462 09/12/06 ASTM D 3462 08NK02337 03/12/08 ASTM D 3462 09CA21715 05/20/09 ASTM D 3462 08CA61515 07/15/09 ASTM D 3462 11CA47919 12/03/11 LIMITATIONS 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. Shall not be installed on roof mean heights in excess of 33 ft. A 3. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9N-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. INSTALLATION 1. Shingles shall be installed in compliance with Roofing Applications Standard RAS-115. 2. Flashing shall be in accordance with Roofing Applications Standard RAS-1 15. 3. The manufacturer shall provide clearly written application instruction. 4. Exposure and course layout shall be in compliance with Detail"A", attached. 5. Nailing shall be in compliance with Detail "B", attached. LABELING 1. Shingles shall be labeled with the Miami-Dade Seal as seen below, or the wording"Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". QMIAMI.�DADECO= BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 1. Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. A 1.2 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the applicable code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. NOA No.: 12-1127.03 MIAMI•DA®;� Expiration Date: 04/22/18 1 Approval Date:04/18/13 Page 3 of 4 A 4 DETAIL A COURSE LAYOUT 1 st Course of Shingles ' ---2nd Course of Shingles ' 3rd Course of Shingles it 1 4 I 6" 6" 5' A T 5" Drip Edge DETAIL B OVERALL DIMENSIONS AND NAILING PATTERN 36" - 1 1 0 A U") LO �C} END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE � NOA No.: 12-1127.03 MIAMI CIADE COUNTY Expiration Date:04122118 Approval Date:04/18/13 Page 4 of 4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT O.VREGULATORYAND ECONOMIC WS-111, (P F-R) 11803 SW 26 Sheet,Room 20F, BOARD AND COOF ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Florida 33175-2474 -r pm)3:5-2590 1:(796)3150599 N01PICIG MF ACCEPTANCE (N0A) GAF 1361 AAps Road Wayne,NJ 07470 SCOPE. This NCA is , qg issued under to applicable ruts and repilations govenniri,t.,, Tile damumenmdon submitted has been re&cwcd and accepted by Miami-U?,dc Crjuo,y F_,-_-R- 1'roduc.' Section to be fined in Warni Dade County and Wer amas 0-,e Ar­'.I�i'i''y, This NOA sliall not be valid after the exp ration date stated below The N41mi-Dm1c Co,,mty Cwlt<.ol Section On Miami Dade County) and/or the AYIJ(in areas of yomn NCTQ 13ade Qunty) ryerve the Q4 to have this- product or material tested for quality assurance puMow& if this pmdunj ow Inateria! QN m perhiz! in the accepted manner,the niarufacturer will incur the expelme of such Wsting and 01 PSS i'llnlediately rt-C!�,e. modify, or suspend the Ilse.of such product or material within their,it.riseliction. P_r-,`4 jcsCj­,;cs :-,c j,igilt t,o rcvo!,:e this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Produ.ct Control Section 013",this prodact Inater:11 fails to meet the requirements lie applicable building code. This product .s. aqpprw.ied as described her:it),and has bumidesig-1 including the High VA06Y HSTWAne Z011C Of 01 Flo"j 1 Ed Q 4 j CO 1 DESCRIPTION: GAF Imak Bak-riers and Roof Deck Proiection LABELING: EM wil she! bear a perriww-rL !abd M be w,Albw�sa s nw�e o-1010. 'it, �NO Mal Wkwaig statement: "Miami- ade Courtly Prodner Cowl Appmad", iii le oh Wise won m0i RENEWAL c.-.'t1iis NOA sliiH be considei-ed a.tter 0.lerek«;,l fiicd i?.;s t�eeiil no Change ill the applicab px6uCL. TEIUM!NATiONT, oit.i is of-"a!-,,_`u:,I LnG cxi,j !a L�I a Tlat 4- C.0, a r "1011C hl die materia S, us, awator nianufWaut of Ole pmdmt m toOIL ilk 1. 2,;_n (_4 any Product, for sales.,advertising or any cRwr pdrposes sh,4 tc-nk,to Us KAW xviih any section of this lq0A shalt be cause Q tel ant! femoyal 44,3A. ADVERTISEME-NT: 'Flit NDA by the expWon daw nmy be dixpNyed in aJveQ,.sjj,.,. 'y uy pmw uftlnf- NO,", is displayed, then it slmll be dw, in is entirety/. TNSPLCTIOI� -4 A copy of this emire :,�,'('A Sli?dl )e X, 0UY :ac or i' dim!.ih1ltors.and shall be availai,,':for i9spectim at the:ob she at din reumit of to 00509 CKYQU. This 510A revism;TKV MCI 1 'AS and curilOn of piln i Qu4 . '- The subtuitted MumeMmi ows mviand by Inan F, QVI M. Aq I f IEMIAMI-DADE C L Nr! 03/06/14 Page I of 8 RoOFLNG CC` E,NT APPROVAL Catezory Roofing Sub-Cate2orv: Underlaylri.at Material- SBAPolyproplWeAsp!alt PRODUCTS FJO,,S-CIUPTV:v'� Yost Product Iyanemlow, S ced! -CHOl WeatherWatch" 36"x 5w MIN ASTN', -) ',)7--'l 1 Or S, A z_ mr)d ',i,� -,,crglais ri��inforced, 16" " 66.T roiks as sJcalC harrier Barrier -v� i i sio ,d 1,sQmd w w ne& raA OV]i WeatherWatch"XT 31"x f 0' rOH1 ASW TO 1971 A Iq whud :A Wof AE y:m reh%rced Mat Surfaced Leak 36 6:1.7' rails v A mbnms sky Ananq A R : s as a leak barrier Barrier i Asmayncat it sloyd Yoe'memblics. Afanufncturhig Localioa 43 Storm%=^Hm 36"x 617' imIN his TIA D 197n ludIAW, :Wfhss rwsw A.'" Aunimcmis sheet Surfaced Leak BaKer c rl 1'c,,- �s a ,,.-,ratuvc leak barrier majimpt fn slop k rcol mmbHes. Manuf0clur7ng Locafi6ii 42 Libuqjm SBS 5W 390 N 60 AN ASTV 10 W n0 ,Wj SIS :VVVA :1 AW Adhering,Flashing BaseijPl- y Sh c c t Maim facluring Loot fon 42 SturnmFlaShTal SCI& 4"x 35' Ws ASTM D 1970 03 nvdWd QUIVA. On w WOW self- Adhering FlasFig 14'x'75' roils I A,w, ,,sz to. ,-it �,vcs�t,,-r surfacing 6"vc 36' -all,; Ty vse as a:0 mc Mne( my be used as a ML nqftwWrbg 6"x H, is 3,00fdeck systems. LOG'i717G77$fI M v A, 75' rw'is x 36' rollis W x 75' mils x 75' r.,lis x?Sr-!I-s ff—MIAKDADE COWIN nwi Eno: MIMS I nate: 03/06/14 14ge 2 of 8 PRODUCTS DESCUPTIO Produ i Dh-n nsio<35 Ujidei-ROofr'�' 2 )9 'Is„x;7. ..r,lIs ASTM.:D 9;0, L.lf SI?S Waterproof Protertionl a f ;v mrfacing for use Mies. Roofslohes l�Cdd11lfL7C111''111i4, .irr �. ".!i _., c tfi .. 's indicated by Location#1,3 Coti s Udder-Roof`"' .:'t' slip =c) :�s x ti�.E3' rol?5 AST ii" 197? .. � 4� :, t �r��ste of SBS Temperature JAt?�t 17 rise Barrier '� �° _ _t ��F�r.r �,. Fit 'n sloped Mics, Roof tdtllt Ctttf'1)Zf�T ) Y'J r 1 �] }y �Etd LOCCdt10,,i 93 } l Deck-Armor='nt 54"x 222' molls A�77h.-! )226 p Premium Breath able 48" x 100' rolls Type 11 _ii:,::,_ Y;J: . o be I", . sof deck Roof Deck Protection'; = ("or.tc) r )_ ,f ?l_+s t. ip_ sle.,ed roof 1W !1r7 t l fCiC�i!i'1:'g L r.�c'ulurr 44 . .r Tiger li a' 'Rolf)-Jeck 48"x 25W oils ASf v" 1)22 r e aE''able Protection 43"x 100' rolls Type EI +xf,��:._� �<, tt L,��u of deck '-:ail" SlOped roof Allangfucturin Locafio,1 4y shingle-?MateCu.,wot 36"x 144' rolls ASTM 1) 226 Deck Protection hicdrru.f�t�tur�in� LOccition#6 MANUFACTURING I..EoCAnc.,-_t: 1. Fresno,CA Z. Mt.Vernon. IN 3. North Bran,;I, r� 4, N(-Wi Ra), .'',ti,14o 5„ K;siotl„ "'i[t 11 Ulodlh a 6. Pryor,OK MIAMI-DADEC@9UNTY No.: 13-1 t E ,,,,t st O f.�, <z,utx 1��te: 02f/2121/18 date: 03/06/14 Page 3 of 8 EVIDENCE SUR M ITTED' Tcsk Agepev Test I d e i i ifl t,, Date hitertek Testing Services NA Ltd. .3 077464 08/23/06 30901 14 08/23/06 Intertek Testin,g Sc,vincs NA Lf d. J00258SR2"COQ-C,!OA PRI Construction Tiv-aLit:-rials RGPV-023-02-0, 05/16/07 Technologies,L'I'C' 26 1 03/15/06 CA F-2 3 6 2'-0 1 P° 1 D I 03/03AO GAF-.323-02-0i 11/30/11 GF-3 2 - 11/30/11N -1 A D AF�-32 G 5-1 ',`-,)I CT A T-3 03/t4/12 ,LK-31 !-02-60 09il 1/07 JA No.: 13-1104.11 M1AMi DADS MTY -Jon Oate: Jl-i2l/18 o';;d Date: 03/06/14 Pqjy ,e 4 of 8 APPROVED ASSIMBLIES Deck Type 1: Toad,non-insulated Deck Description: o•greater plywood or tvoo: p'an.k System 1E(1): Anchor sheet n?echanicaily faster.:-d Jock, .:ne.adh3 c` Base Sheet: Two dies of ASTM D 226 Type 1 -S-: ng1--4v 116"ROK n, ;,s}. one or Morc plies of ASTM D 226 Type 11, Deck-A .,.arr` Pvemk.n Ens_l,= k ' pion,or Tiger Paw"Roof Deck Protectimi AS NI D 2626 Kni a m , iT 6"end lap mechanically fastened to deck A 41, approvc.d tt< plc:at� -,°.„s and four staggered roars 12r' o.c.the field„r flri Membrane: �hv or,lore plies of < )z1-aC. - -,'. Watch XT Mat Surfaced Leal:Prvi-,�r, Storin(3ua (�, Filln Sat ,1 ° Fa°- -`'? i YAM-,- `,: SI3S Self- Adhering Base/Ply Sheat v;ith a nAK'-Lot 3” and cK_ It Place the first course of t leiliLrafic p ,>1 to ti_,:e::c t'o'Hig s1z n,t_Ez wn n .tnl contact. !,_emove ka x1a so;? a k'atte m Te Cahn I ,:,. §W Z 01 of the roof with �Veatiler'Vatch,4?�ineralSurfaced i Bx. - ie t } ` ced lyakBarrier, Stori iGvaA'� Film .`Suri ed UPI< ;;%r_:Ey is ac( - ':'hlw Surfacing: xpprovod Roof i_g Deck Type 1: A"oad, nOn-ii;Sulate d D cc' DicSet7pt!dm �r'%vCo- � I System E(2): meribrane mechunicaNy h:scenea w deck. GAF , O -..K , l - u _A;; 'r! (,, ',- .iii pdr ,er ASTN4 D Separator She.s�. (.>ric or r,c�rc;�li� or G.yh �_,F E - p ; _ � _.�( � _ � , . r oci!'^•^k I�;...tC.C::io�}.. m Tic s T aNy " 90J P,0 ,, JP,.. i ......i,''' t, - k.>+.id. Membrane: (;ne or nXii,PIKS of MI•... MA -iT xy _. .1 P i ,'e 'N-atch`"'XT Mat 1='Flu s u& .:d d '0, BS Self- Adhering /Fl Sheet. . c e, l , N r ; \ .. <_. ,, 'sWe Np am! a()�, ?.d!?CrmgS'-a5�./� ville'�'a r'".� .?e�el3i.fC�'��. 1. (] I�s)'rl rj� 1�..1,fongh the SC13<.l< :<:�sheet w h 'iapAved _ . .- a'iC� .._ cann.e. at the laps and two staggered rows 12'o.c. i,,i t;- field of Surfacing: .-1pprovcd Roofing.Asseribly. � W7 13-110431 MUY4TY 02/21/18 as irate: 03/06/14 Page 5 o1. 8 Deck Type 1: `.Voe:d,I r�r_-irsi►late�l Deck Description: '"/37" Ct_ 7rea'er+�;.I y1hood or`r,00d System E (3): Anchor sheet mechanically fcs°WnY J,o,l:, €'lu t,nie DW7,' Sec01ldsiTr Water 1?stall a nitnim n 4" bYl!le Sm' 1,l ; ''"M SYNAVW9 Y.li`'` el's'e NNW Barrier S'!t►'fzCe4i I,eak F3rf'!e►',�)t'c3+lay?'.�,'� '_NiE ji l`�- `_"{'=C �s ' �,<_''1 { 5-:]as'G 'Film Surfaced to i.-stailatPon of he base shoed. Do nat 04'uNp at c:We ?i;?iW 9 ale 1 0 Kns w e bated firiilly side by side, flush Wi es ti Wer hdt not cv r 01 Do Nt it SO QATM Sef Adhering Fiashin ,'eat�,e:VJa'.-. "��i er�?S ���ec t_� ' =tch5"XT Vint -:t!rfaced Leak BauICP'. S-tonniGu,- , � Fillii �ti_t:T _ '� X ,ak .1`.. c .It m .lsed Rm-more man 0 days 'vVe`om a rt)dJs deci("?-G ecteG?=?P[' ,.. [ a;'ts tj ;s . ry water barrier. Base Sheet: Two Qs iii AS i ilii 1)226 .l ype I o e) ii'i 7 c-��. , €'vi`` _.: ^`ie or more r)lics .GCdon, or Tiger S Paw's"Roof Cock NotccAm A S T N I Q 2676 w c i=f v ,_, 02 1-1 T ;: 6"end lat) mechanlediv Wened to deck'40 �' J:C:€d n4 and by � 0 i; 9 i 'm r')vd four_+'� 75rcoW imposad "ai,-r.•ir.» fa v2_ t d n 1 7"` . T_ ve b.—Sed ._�t l;.G!' t. 'e _r .r?,3' :�"C�� J' -�� _.:i t' ` ' , • _.li� .�i�l�:'1'S r. _ = e31 or _lie end Surfacing: P,pprovL-%icza3lu,g,Ass'ein ly. Deck Type 1: 'Nor-d, ori r_Yt► _tr t' Deck Eesc►.'li)dop- i 't r P. 'I'_1 ' �1�CL, of System )E;:(4): shca "J-: We Sheet: piies of AS;'-NI D 216 Alre _ xS',,.:-_c- t;oc- v:-., nPae.cr►ti.:4e plies of ASW D 226 l pe Q Deed A'. .N")''f.i: c_ A KnK,, ow _ �Aon or t Im. -.ec hanl ail fLtit")Ica to cc : ml# 1 s and fors _seld c .Ibia?01.. J i Bdernbrane: One,or more plies of Sto;'in6vard `•ilm Scrfa,. . Wt r WOW& 2 WO— Wat.`.'rgoof ;:7t'^6jCs'tnovikoof HT i x, ? t ,i m._t o i kvc h nn:_' n_ k'ill "a niPnnt urn V Jade lap ani b-cad lay ? 'ace t .. ..i'Ao je "" .. .. :0 109" njr Surfacing: 101-d OR N`t',3:_i U('T QArvinn& r, ? MIMDNDECCUMTY 02/21/tS Pay 6 of 8 LIMITATIONS 1. Fire AMWAY AY is nog:p{r.of thy:: ac-:ep ,,c_ 2. WeatherWatchR lv_.ine3al �d.�,race Leak Bar!-icr! iv, Storr!Guarcl`�' Film Surfaced f ea',: Baw ri ti', t,i v)ergj"I SBS SM !MIg Map , Tim - Atiring Flashing, =4, z I M UnderRool'��ITT.l-ttgh I'eit!r�eratr-:_ l._cak i��.i.i.�i, _t.l,� ��te t,.dtc� , � .! ..�,,.. . �<_-;_: y�_ ._ 1.i•n!o_� Premium Breathable Roof Deck b rotect on, mid Tgar Ps Real � _sed as goof the underlayrnent. I This acceptance is ioi' <l; Cu'iilillaiiCe With applicable lei1diw code. 'Ne_lei •4atch Mak :.-"::gar ed Loan y -. a,__,._ ..t S.irfaced leak BaKer, Mr:•VA } Ml: ; Surf sod lw. ��3i.iC; ! ,._i"} V& SW?wsoToM, St:1rt2Thsla?M Self-Adhering 10shing, Li'ICic;t1'ooP 2 WN.Y13m F.0 :J''., ' i _ ,eak. harrier, {F} Sliiu ;e-a1� Ro' Lyci. ' 1aCf ?cn _ .--; 1i at' .; � I". jai Tiger Paw TM Roof Deck Meer ,! sh! Kc NOW spht cot Z To 4. .,1:1MM Lez'4 ' ..._., _'�i'. - ., a' t, tort?iG,_,3rd"' Film Surfaced Oak Bads, _%Q%" SM Sdf _�.Y z " �t- - -1c; -'l'. V i _ ce.. S i '3z;c„11g; 2 We';')r)rf , , _ _ "il_ . _ I I1ie 4' lZt.10f Keele ProteJon; Decd:-Ar_nW1'1 P en!i!ian Rcc,` Roof Deck Protection 11r to :.Imam, _ ? j' TL7 5. _ -.__eAl ` .lii_hF,ed teak >?l.i&man V. . .qM_ l M?, A J so! ,_- oo Siov (luard'' 1'itl,al wtirha v, L.ru o B2?19 C5'. >uli)Cit`/-'V' 222 S.t:_ -.1t[ i. !g i3Ou; _.�'} 2' i � att.P.'4ii� i�iasl-t➢it�, ,7 UndetRoof �1 sacs r ,_o 1 r: outton, 6, a r_ .>i All ,., ?r"a"r-,} Roof Desk Pro:da.;don, i�G4r:-..+li:.>S �'.`C_t.3/ ,. "_ a; z ..>a Ae:r _ - { RC3vf Deck 0-otection p . ;lad >as QV} ,. i_ t cr ♦,1L:Y _ Si111.,s gal )l.ii_(.\..L..1 .,4+�.1. e :;... �.._e. ._e ♦✓c.:.4 `_ :-'.,.-_ ;.:.. . ', ._.,.•.:.:_ . e_ , .>,.Vl:a.\..r_a(.silU Y'Iho UUQia4C.+16 Les, .:./Al1YL.y L.i� � " ayYlai So E'.'a_:. - � ea l�:.'-. ._,..x�l,.:�, _ .. e..._ � ♦r_a...a la.j .a:+:lli ttllJ.', .G. t:t -a.G.c J�Vv.n :'J k,t..a,i:'.>.u� .� i:.-.._�.f�;- - `- -' .. .s a..... . at' �/...a:. Roof L' ox _�i G_v�..!3vae, _l'.��a`.t.,iv .t' -- a-. ._•.. .._w..,.. i. .,. - .\. _ f .W 7. d,} a ; SirrRwed Led: t"t yx YA } ?i!'iel', TibertyTni C Y �;ur_^�lh< ;int. )�f .` 'ly }. 3 :+`. ,1.f C 1 ti: n. `.r?t"t'iH'OOf Protection ;i'.u� � 'J.V ly•t �,. �'wl! 1 t tE^ r•: - n1 NO , 4rt1?orT� pt-.,�a,iLi?1 s3i'�3t1'?1)�P, ;_.�Urt�P.{ai 'iC�1.ta;•., � i i, v }?:,�- t :.71!`il"Wit Wpart of an assembW in ',)ie N^.i nt a ctsyitar! n if 54:- -W .I; -.�_ `n'-aherWatchq: XT NIat W flecd Nak Ba e,.-. Si; ;;1!t a... r .i s {,. R firing Base/Ply Siis;�t, i�`�iOt3lsi`l�si „_ Cr�:.1k-e''!G,;: , _ d1�5'-._ • r_'S`�' i,..+t _ ]�. �. '�::J'' .. xlz t{1x11 -)CCk ;.: ;�ii;cC:Jitv;!, aia TrP11 �'ai i X" Q& i tMcU_€c,t: ." 0t ._ _ H:eYitlg , .,riasMJt7t. (A"a si c_t?. !d.:^.J •F ,.'';LsC ZC ai_tF '.ou! 1 - n K,' A that aploolsiate t v'Cur?1C;lilt.iv:. is yf wtv`co to GOAL -_,St >ai.." t 01 1, pjtmwo. MIAMi$3+ACNE+Gd3W'& � aic.fi it?.12t1�t3 -�- t Pope 7 of 8 • 8. 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