HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE 9 4249444 11/17/2016 02:34:11 PM OR BOOK 3933 PAGE 1571 -1571 DOC Type: NC RECORDING: $10.00 NOTICE OF The undersigned hereby given Darict tlia-. iJT1PT0Vcmen-1 will be made to certain real property, and in OCCOTdanceautri t-jjapiu, Florida siarruie: the foliowing information is provided in the Notice of commencement. I 1. DESCRrPTJO-N OF PROPERn" (Legal description and street address) TAY -0 FOLIO NUMBER: A-bkO - 1- 00 —0") �7000 - SLWTVISION BLOCK Tp -4C7- L07��J BLI)G UNIT Pa1yy-t Gy --p p- --7 - CA3 -99-32-D e,( -V- � L01 2-GrN'F R.LDESCRIPTIONOFD9OI-EMEN T: II 7-IrAll rV1-71---"1:\ 'M C -b V-1 e_V-7�- OWNMRD�'FORMATJON: a. Name b. -Address d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other than ( 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAAM-ADDRESS AND PB-7NrE. O.N­U 14� n OV5 \ALL' 5. SLTETY'S NANIE, A-DDPESS-ANTD PRONE 9UN11F-,R 6. LEN'DER'S NAAM, ADDRESS -A-7\7D PHONE INVATBER Ir. T. - AND BOND AMOUNT: C. interest in propertyr719 S, U.” Pe -sons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713-133 (])(a) 7., Florida Statures - S. in addition To himseLforberselkf Owner designates the following to TECCIVE a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Starutes: -N*A-141E., -ADDRESS AM PHONE NURf BEr,: P. Expiration date of notice of cortunencornerat (the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different date is speciii --d) .20 -W-ARNENIC To ONY-NTEP': <yy PA-y]'ENrPr, hL4-D.E syr THE c)-vrjq:,:R AFTER TBE =rRA-n0N OF THE NOTUC-, OF CQ1vVy0,1Ch7-,iH-NTT 'RT, -� A -F I EC. 22 71 1 3 1 FLOPUDA ST-kTQ-j-.ES- ANTD CAJN E, Cg-�SDEPM ZEE OPER- 11VENTTS UN-D-Epl. CR�,PTEF 713. P T S T 0 -1 _ESUTT - of Owmer or OlvvDer's Authorized Officer/DirecTor/`Partner/lvlaDaver State cfFlorjd2 County` of S r t rJG(i2 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this By is- '22d'o9,4- CCq"K-' (Printed name ofperson person signing above) (Name ofr)amF on b--hff ofMhorn-instrumeut was executed) )cC Z, q Z- c Y -o,:, 1111 7 -Fe -ms. 0 -51.1 e(Pn�nted Name of Notary Public) Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office -Z day of - /t-0 -tt — /; ICA- -20 14 as (j„,/A,-fin' (Type of authorit),...t.-a. Owner, officer. trustee. attorney in fact) Personally Known orprodu (Signature of Notary Public) M " SCOTT ANDERSON Notary Public - State of Florida ioy C01111111183ion # FF 227308 My Comm. Expirea May 20, 2019 seai) ft" 1111101111111 NftW Notary Asm. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of m), lmowledge and belief (section 92.525, Florida Statutes). Signature s) of O'nmer(s r- Amer(s)'Authorized OfficerMirector/Partiler&ianaaer who signed above: vn' s '") —e B By Rrn,C-S {Printed Name). afore)