HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 2016-12-08 11 :44 STORM TIGHT WINDOWS 561 292 3562 >> P 1/1 ,TOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT -- SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4249777 OR BOOK 5933 PAGE 2756, Recorded .1/7.8/2016 10:25:20 AM AFTER REC0RD1N(;-KETuwy'i0: F 1'k3tt•!l'I'�4MIIYti 'I'lih Spaco it rcrcrrcd rar rrmniinq inro NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT -J -riw taidtnigued hereby given nulice that improvanu'l►t will tkD ntatic to earluin real property,and in uet ordutuse Nvillt ChupLer i 13. Florida 9tatutos thu following informuuon is provided hi the Notice of cornmencunent, 1.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(1.egal description and street:Iddro-13s)TAX FOLIONUMMIRR:I Sl•50-a-C14q-Lw. SUODMSION nwex TRACT_ LOT-LC-7--BLDG UNIT _ MONTE CART,O COUNTRY CLUB-UNIT TWO Z,GENRRAI.l)SCPWTJONOFIMPROVEMENT: Replacement of -0-wi'ndp doors 3.OWNERINFORNIATION: a,Name Mitchell or Laura Hall b,Aftw 9418 Buntipg Ln_,Fort Pierce, FI 34951 c.interest In propeny d.Name Pati address of fac simple titleholder(if other than oaN7,cr) a,CONTRACTOR'S NAME,AIDDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER' ,q10 [?!�lgll]W n owe,In 500 SW 12th Ave,Deerfield Bech-ELU441 EhPI1g-. 561-536-4397 , 5.SURETY'S NAME.ADDRESS AND PRONE NUM)3ER AND BOND AMQVNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDREss AND PHONE NUKIIER: T,Persons-Aithu►the Stale of Florida designated by O%%wr upon Ncttolll notices ur ollu.T dmuiaenls may be served trv%provided ht Section 713.13(1 Xs)7.,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND 1`ll0NE Ji U.%WLR: 8.In addition to Iiimself of her-wlf.Owner dcsig:uw;the following to MAW a Copy of rhe Lienor S Notice as provided ill Section 713.13(l Xb)•Florida Statutes: NANIR,ADDA ;AN1.)i'IAONENUMDERt 9.IccpiratjMl dAte arnoGcC of COnbtldtlCdrilt n1(the expirnlirnl elate is 1 yCar tion,the ddte of,ecnrdiug Itnldss a dillerant data is spvc.ilicd) .-,20 WARNING TO G"'NF.Rc ANN'PAYN4BLIj tt;v1_aL) 'fHE ONNrr?�1'l7iR'LTT[s ll-PIRATIO!.OF T1(E NOT7Cf C)�Ct)1f\IL'btCIS\IF.Y'[' ARE CONSIDERED I WROPER PAYhICNTS UN09P CFiAPTFR 713.PART I sSCT1QNJ,l3,.1.3.�>4QR19•t S'1':\1'l.h F5,A\D C.aN AE$�t I,( 1N YOLTI PAYINC'1-WICE FOA TMPR<7t.'R.VF.NTF.TO YDi.T rCPRDED:LAD FQSIFp ON THEJOB _BEFORE 1'HB..hIR31'1N51>LCTION,IF YOU INTEND 10 OBTAIN FINAV, INC. CONSh[.T RTr1i�1I,�R LL•ND$R OR ANR AN�7TORNFN-n., F/C[,MN f.NCI:C WORK ORRPC fI U�'oUtt Nt Y7c' �r/co��ntrl:cr�rr•.N Signature nr Owneror Print Name and PrnAde Signotar's TilleloWlec Owner's Authorized Officcr/Director/PartncrlMa»agcr State of Florlda Colutr}'of..t. f,ucie T31e oore/g�oin�g hiamatent+alis ntknmN'ledgcd before nie dds F _clay of 2U 1 -. .119 (Printed namC dprwin 9ilwinR ahnrc) (Type of uathoril)...e.g.thN7rcr•aJliu r,Inisice.ntton►ey in fact) For (Name of party Ittt pchalf nhvhnm inatJttnlenl a executed) Personally Known_orllroduced the following type of lD: , ANCGt_AUJAPP0 - GI(��,1 _ _ �„r 3};SCOlpral431oftkFFSBBfq$ ('rit ?dmncol'NotnryPtt li ) (9i : un 01,Not (se fin' 'a b4"`9EoT�rd7lwtTarFr^,�loaemnmeopals•f)13 tJndcr penalties of per urv, I declarc that I hate(cad(Ila forugoing and That the fuels in it me true 1C t, lwlidf(ktolion 92.525• WffLj0A[Ffi0RIDA - 5L LUCll:COUNTY Rnatut' pgt( fjet�( �yrp t�1'.4w�Jt0�Yt7Aed OfRcerlDlreetor/Pitrtner/Managerwho lighcd above: N R COPY OF TWl: By, O n...ae�io�iaasna,-.ima: (Si�I a CI IcRK (Petaled Name) ay; i ,( �PufY CIOrk `�"' Date;-�L