HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit 02/05/2006 22:31 7724602255 ADVANCE PAGE 02/02 Planning& Development Services t - - Building&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue a Fort Pierce, Fl.34982 772-46z-x165 or 772•-462-ZI72 Fax:772-4626443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re: �Permit# I, . )601 -c V, p .5 , licensed as a(n)Contractor*/Engineer/Architect (Please print name&circle license type) *FS468 Building Inspector *General,Building,ResidenVal or Roofing Contractor or any individual cerNfled under 468 F.5,to make such an inspection. On or about I did personally inspect the roof deck nailine (Date) 99 work at: �C _ (Job site address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done-according to the urgent edition of the Florida Existing Building Code Section 611 or the product approval submitted(whichever is mosstrigent). Signature and Seal License# STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF CJL. Sworn to anN �d subscribed before me this _day of C ?\40k-T•20A by 'S 4 a, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification, Notary Public,State of FI ride Signature of Notary: e /i° �-.•� Commission Number,. (Seal) I En 01/19/2011 MADE LA LUZ VIELASCO MY COMMISSION 9 00050399 EXPI 6 November 28,2020