HomeMy WebLinkAbout16' - EXP C 160 MPH 1 STORYTABLE 1609.3.1 WIND SPEED CONVERSIONS"' MEAN HOOF HEIGHT 1Na0 V. 185 10 120 130 140 150 160 170 110 1.00 2W V� I 80 I I 93 101 I 108 I 116 121 132 1 139 I 147 Fm SL I mile per hour=0.49 m/s. 25 8. LblrJrimCrpchtlon b ptrad@d. 195 b. V.=nominal dmign, dspeed appUcable m method] specified In Hacepnws I doeugb 5 of section 1609.1.1. .61 c. Vy=alUrmte, ded, wind spew desamlaed from Fi m 1609A, 1609B, m 16090. 1.00 TABLE 16091(1) 1:66 NOMINAL (ASD) GARAGE DOOR AND ROLLING DOOR WIND LOADS FOR A BUILDING WITH A MEAN HOOF HEIGHT OF 30 FEET LOCATED IN EXPOSURE B (PSF)""' 1.45 ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED(V,J DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1609.3(MPH -3 SECOND GUST) IIlr 100MPH 1110UPH 1120 MPH 1180MPH 1140NPH 1150MPH 160MPH 1imam 1190MPH 1.53 190 MPH 200 MPH IRini 1.56 I 1.81 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 60 I 122 Rovl AWW O-10 "mea I 1.87 9.9 103-111 1&7-16A 1 1 I 1320 14 14 BA -69 9.]-10.8, 115-128 33 -ISA lx] -17A 18A -MOI 103-228 131-0.7 1219-288 289-321 SS RW Au* >10 da2taaa 9 I 7 9.6-I09 I 1.4-1291 139-133 16.1-181 183-209 213-24.1 213-273 11.6-311 30.6-30.6 341-38b 381-431 16 I ] 91-ID3 10.9-122 13.1-14.6 133-072 MJ -19.71 ZOA-2223.3-26.0 MA -19A 1293-326 327-36.3 36.4-4061 78 ASH MASH 93hIPH 10 MPH 109101 1116: 11 124ASH I 152MPM 113911PH 147 MPH IOMPH Fm 91: ] foot=3(19.3 �,1 m0epchvvr=16091®/1,1 Psf=47.88 N/m'. Nmalml Drage Wind Sped Nesd)emvertM from vl6m.m Deaf Wivd Spcdpm 5«Uao 16093.1 1. FvreNeedve ems m wind spends between flme®vee above me load may beimmpoLted, otbawiwvse the Ioadassocemi wi11 Wa]vwer �Ymive aru. 2. TabkvAmm lbea4jmledfmheigptendeapmumbymvldplyitMby6eedjm0mvtmemdevtlnT e1609.7(2) 3'Flu. eadminms sigm signify Inemum acUvgmwesd cad a way from the MUldivg wrfeaes.�3 4. 9,,&e pesame4 avauvve dim h.2 fe u.fwid3 is WIcting's and zone. � � �\ •�� S. TeNc valves ivclvde d.c 0.61mdrWucdov factor. �iOs (� y- eX� TABLE 1809.7(2) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR BUILDING HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE, (L) I EXPOSURE MEAN HOOF HEIGHT 1Na0 e o 15 1.00 � 111 IA7 ,y 20 1.00 129j .55 25 1.00 195 f .61 30 I 1.00 1.40 1:66 35 1.05 1.45 1.70 40 1.091.49 1.74 45 1.12 1.53 1.78 50 1.16 1.56 I 1.81 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 60 I 122 1.62 I 1.87 R612A.1 Garage door labeling. Garage doors shall be labeled with a pennanent label provided by the garage door manufacturer. The label shall identify the garage door manufacnutr, the garage door model/series number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, the installation instruction drawing reference number, the Florida Product Approval or Miami -Dade Product Approval number if applicable, and the applicable test standards. The required garage door components for an approved garage door assemblylnsy be indicated using a checklist form on the label. If a checklist format is used on the label, the door installer or the garage door msnufectu= shall mark the selected components on the checklist that ate required to assemble an approved garage door system The installation instructions shall be provided and available an the job site. - BUILDING, 6th EDITION (2014)