HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Window and Door Co. 7108 Fairway Drive,Suite 120 Tel.(561)848-4900 Palm Beach Gardens,FL 33418 floridawindowanddoorcom Property Information Building Information Owner: Jennifer Smith Wind Zone: 160 MPH. Address: 3484 Roselawn Blvd. Exposure Category: C Fort Pierce,FL 34982 Minimum Building Dimension: 20 ft. Mean Roof Height: 12 ft. Risk Category: II Design Pressure Calculations Opening IF Location DeviceDevice Device Max Positive Max Negative Number Zone Width(in) Height(in) Elevation(ft) Pressure(psf) Pressure(psf) 0 End 0 0 7 0.0 0.0 1 End 74 63 7 30.9 -39.7 2 End 53 38 7 32.7 -43.4 3 End 74 38 7 32.0 -41.9 4 End 74 38 7 32.0 -41.9 5 End 74 38 7 32.0 -41.9 Prepared in accordance with:ASCE 7-10,Chapter 30.Wind Loads-Components and Cladding.5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code. Page 1 of 1 -MIAMI E MIAMI-DADS COUNTY a ' . PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC.RESOURCE&(RER) .. . 11805 SW 26 Street,!loom 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION.DIVISION ;.. T(786)115-259D F(786)315-2599 . NOTICE OF ACCEPT INCE (NCA) 4;..;.. . www.miamidade.eov/economv AWP Windows and Doors;LEC : 8130 NW Vb Avenue. Medley,FL 33166: SCOPE: This NOA-is-.being issued under:the applicable:rules and".regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed.And.accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be.used in Miami Dade.Countyand other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). . This NOA shall not.be"valid'a$er the.expiration date stated below; The Miami—Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami-Dade Countjy)and/or the AHJ.(in.areas other than Miami—Dade County)reserve . the right to have,this product or.inatei a1 tested far quality assurance,purposes:If_this product or material fails to perform in the accepted maturer;the mann.factuter will incur the expense of'such.testing and the AIU t may immeiiiately revoke,'modify, or suspend the use of such•productor material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance,if it determined by Miami—Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code,.including the High Velocity:Hurricane Zone. eries mac iew uminum' '_ ., an c a mow- : APPROVAL DOCUMENT:'Drawing,No.W03-104,titled:"Series-1600 impact View Alum oriz.Sliding Wdw.", sheets 1 through 7.of I,dated 11/18/03, with revision E dated 10/30/15, prepared by Al FarooqT. Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad; PSE.; bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp.with the.Notice :of Acceptance number. and expiration.date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section,' T .Gt ar e.'an Small 'sat a Itri 'art e�sistanY 11 LABELING: Each unit shalf bear a permanent iahel withA ie manufacturer's name or logo, city; state, model/series, and following statement:'.'Miami=Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein.. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after'a.renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the perfonance.of this product. . TERMINATION of.this N04o will occur after.the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or:m nufacture of the.product`or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for'sales, advertising or any other purposes.shall autoitatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this.NOA'shall be cause for termination aiid removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: ,The .10A number preceded: by the wor6;fl liami-Dade County, Florida, and followed:by:the expiration.date may be displayed in:advertising liter#ure. . If any portion of the.NOA"= AWP Windows-and'Doors,DLC i NO ACCEPTANCE EVIDENCk SUBIVIITTED A: DRAWINGS 1: Manufacturer's;die drawings,and sections. (Submitted tinderNOA#0.3-1203,02) 2. . Drawing No.W03-104,titled"Series.-1600 Impact View Alum Horiz. SlidingWdw." sheets 1through 7 of 7,Aated-11/18/03,;wit4revisidb E dated 10/30/15,.prepared by Al-I+arooq.Corporation,signed and sealed by Jawad'Ahmad,P.E. B.' TES-TS: : 1. Test reports on-..4)Air Infiltration Test;per FBC,TAS 202-94 4 Unifoim-Static Air•Pressure Testi�:oading per.FBC;TAS 202.94` 3)Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 4)Large Missile Impact Test per.FBC;TAS 201-94 . 5)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading.per FBC,TAS 203-94 6Y Forced Entry:. dst,'per FBC 2411,3.2,1 and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawingg:and installation diagram of.an aluminumhorizontal: sliding window.w/insulated`giss;prepaied by Fenestration Testing Laboxatory,Inc:, Test Report No.FA-"84t1'dated 10/14/15;signed'an'd sealed by Idalmis Ortega,-P.B. 2.- Test reports orj�1)°Air Infilhatton Test;per FBC,TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC,TAS 202-94.- .."3) 02-94'";3):Water;Resistance Test,per F13Q'---TAS..202-94 4)Large Missile Iriipact Test per F]."-AM 201-94 {5)Cyclic Wwd Iyressu�e Loading per:FBC,'TAS 203-94 6)Forced l rifry Test;per'FBC 24.11`3:2.1.and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings`artd installation rliagramt of an aluminum horizontal' sliding window,prepared_y, ene4boratory;Inc.;Test Report No. FTL-3791;dated.07/12/03,signed And sealed-by Joseph Chain,P.E.. (Submitted underNbA#0 =I203:�12) 3: . Test'reports on: .1), Infiltration Test;per F$C TAS 202-94 . ...02 . 2),Uniform:Static.Air Pressure Test;,Loaning per FBC,TAS 202=94... } ., . 3)Water Rbsistaiice'Te§t per'FBC;:TAS 202=94 4)Large.Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 S C clic Wizid Pressure Loadin l 4 ,•' ) y gper_FBC,TAS 203-94 6EyTstpeFBC2413 21 and--TAS-2.02-94 1 along with maiked=up diawmgs and installation diairatxi of an aluminum horizontal, sliding wmdow,'prepared liy`Fenestratiori,Testirig Laboratory,Inc:,Test Report No. FM-310,dated 05/03%03,signed and sealed by]asepl Chan,P:E. (Sr bWited udder N0s#0 -12113::02 .Manu Product Cont of E miner NOA N . 0130.02 Expiration Date: March 04,201'9' -AppMalfiate: Februar 04 2016 }:. }i_ AW—Mindows and Doors.LLC. . NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations aid structural analysis;complying with FBC-S« Edition (2014);dated August.20,2015 and October 26;2015,prepared by Al Farooq Corpoiwion,signed.and sealed liy Javad Ahmad,.P.E- _ 2. Glazing complies with ASTM 191300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic.Resources(RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIi`+'ICAiIO' NS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-042347 issued'to Eastman Chemical Company(MA) for their"Saflex Clear and Color Glass Interlayer;"dated 06/19/14,'expiring on 05/21/16. 2. Notice of Acceptance No:'13=�12G;20`'issued`to Ail ex USA;Inc.for their"CJvekol S Laminated Glass Interlayer";-dated 02%ZO/14,.expiing on 02/08/19. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of.conformancc, complying with FBC-51° Edition (2014), and ofno financial interest,-dated October 26, 2015, issued ly Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed byJav$d Ahmad f . 2. Proposal No. 14-0776 issued by ahe Product Control.'Section, dated September 8, ,, 2014, signed by 1VMauuel'Perez;P.E. _ 3. ' Asset purchase;agreement.dated March 20,2014; � signed by Mr.Paul Schmitz,.Chief' Executive Officer and President;Tiulite'InterrnMiate Holding;LLC and Mr.Tim Tviords,Jr.;President and C:F.Q.,.AWP-Windows and Doors,LLC. . 4 Letter from'owners of existing.N6A stating that tfi6y have sold all assets to the applicant,thatt*ey no.longer moi ufacture'&prandreliinquish their rights.to the current NOA;dated April 20,2015,1 signed by Mr,.Kevin Barrett,Chief Financial:. Officer,Trulitd Window&Door Solutions,LLC. 5: Statement letter for.Name Change R. uest dated�u1y 15;2014;issued by'AWP. Windowsand Doors,LLC,signed;by GerardoBeros Director of Engineering. G. -OTHERS 1: Notice .of Acceptance.No:;13:=0326.09,issued toTr . ulite Window.& Door Solutions, [. .., . LLC.for their. Series"1600:Tmpaot View" Aiumiii"`Horizontal' Sliding Window L.1VI:I•;approved on 06/Ofi%1 `'and epting'oa 03%04f19. : . ! Manuel P P.E. . " Product Contr E miner. i:.. ._ ..: .. :.. . �. -... NQA No: -0130.02. . . . . .- . Expiration Date—. Marck 04,2019 `'A ry 04;2016 pprovai Date• Februa (3)ANCHORS (3)ANCHORS �I/• AT MTG$FILE ENDS AT MIG:STDE ENDS AT!Y O.C.TYP. AT B''O:C.TYR 74" .. WINDOW WIDTH FALSE MUNTINS WINDOW WIDTH Z. (SURFACE OR EM . 8' MA14 11. MAY BE USED 8'MAX. HEAD LL y F{,VAI NEAD/SIIA, y _ � �6 11 II II II II LL - g /, g � II 11 II ' 8 �• U 1� / II g 0.O it a •/ , is fl � �'3 � it I 4 'r if 22 3/8" 49 3/8" 22 3/8' %3 31 3/4' 31 3/4 TO D.L.OPO.. D.L OPG. O L.OPO. D.L OPG. D L.CPG. G 27 27' 37 3/4 . VENT WIDTH 64 3/4' VENT WIDTH vw WIDTH. 38 1/2'. M ' .. .. - VENT XOX XO, OX OR XX' VEHT WIDTH � 'n 1 Z THESE WINDOWS.ARE RATED FOR LARGE&SMALL MISSILE IMPACT, TYPICAL ELEVATIONS SHUTfEM.ARE NOT REQUIRED, TERM UNITS SERIFS-1600 IMPACT y1BIP. 'ALUMINUM. HORIZONTAL SLIDING WINDOW DESIGN LOAD RATINGS FOR THESE WNDOM TO BE AS PER CHARTS SHOWN SHEET 3. ISM APPROVAL APPLIES TO SINGLE UNITS.OR SIDE BY SIDE COMBINATIONS _ R N OF H.R./H.R. OR H.R. WDW. WITH OTHER MIAMI—DADE.COUNTY 8 APPROVED WINDOWS USING MIAMI—DADE COUNTY APPROVED MULLIONS IN BETWEEN. LOWER DESIGN PRESSURE FROM WINDOWS OR MULLION APPROVAL WILL APPLY TO ENTIRE SYSTEM. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND TESTED.TO COMPLY WITH THE dS} REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2014 (5TH EDITION) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE S�8 ei 9 INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE.(HVHZ). <m u o w W B K BY p D OPERLY TO TRANSFER LOADS TO THE.STRUCTURE� ANCHORS SNAIL BE AS LISTED, SPACED'AS SHOWN ON DETAILS, ANCHORS EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO, �On.�CNIL AWA os Dom"6108whhtmploft T �. FLA.P +��70392 adldin war' ANCHORING OR LOADING CONDITIONS NOT SHOWN N THESE DETAILS ARE P. 35� nccepl®wth I •D QQ���p .a NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. hal >Trta '—•L A LOAD DURATION INCREASE IS USED IN DESIGN OF ANCHORS INTO WOOD ONLY. JL ALL SHIMS TO BE HIGH UIPACT, NON—METALLIC AND NDN—COMPRESSIBLE. IAN ZQ�6 Mem DadeFroducl drawing Iw.. MATERIALS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL/MEtAL SCREWS,THAT. W03-104 COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR MAT UdS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE-FLORIDA BUILDING CODE sheet 1 of 7 ANN. GLASS .. ,. .. ..... ., l� V .. 3/16"ANN.GLASS .. .. .. 1� 090.Interlpyer .100'Interlayer Satlex Ctear And Color Gloss- Uwkol S 'By'Eastman Chemical Co.' By'Allnex USA,Inc.' �• y�� . 3/1$'.ANN,GLASS 3/18'ANN.CLASS It g zm �GoS )NE . � N s !! ,! 5 sTucoNE ii DOWCORNING.1199 ^ Iii: DOW CORNING 1168 GE SCS2800 - Ij 11 GE SCS2800 o is ii SCHNEE.MOREHEAD 5731' o j' jj SCHNEE MOREHEAD,5731 dj So A7 1/4 POINTS ON UTES ' WIDER THAN 36'ONLY 10 : ..GLASS- - .. 7/19'.OYERALLdLAM.;GLASS '' 7/18'OVERALL LAM.CLASS 1/4'AIR SPACE r' C1/{'AIR SPACE : .. .. 1/87:HEAT STREWD GLASS 1 1/8'ANN.GLASS - .. • . . .'1/8'TEMP:GLASS � 1/8^ANN.GLASS .. :. intert er,:,�:>.:�: .090'Into r 90 ay IQ Nex:Cbar Md".Color:�Gbsa•: . SoRex Cleor M Co or Caaa �Sj _`...:1. .. ... .i.i DURA:SEAL�SPACER `+cep: . _ . EObtmdn:Chamlwl::CO'' � SY'Ea tmoli' hemlcal � DURASEW.`Sf�AFER.'' .. BY.OUANEX . . .-.. .. : 8Y"OUAtat�C' -,/8'HEATSTRtR!'D`Oi:A5S .. J/8"ANN.GLASS 5;4. . 2 8'. SIEICANE o S4lCQNE. :. . ;GE SCS200I0DOW CORNING 1 .,..1..,9:.. i =2800 .. a ` _ 199 . :. ._ . _z. o G- ., - b. . . :: ... 10 AT 1/•.POIt1TS .. AT 1/4 POINTS o ALL 512ES- ' • 10 . . ALL SIZES r r . . PE D .. CtiLASS:TY.PC� C GLASS.TYGLASS TYPE D. NOT GUAUFlED' ' :':...•• .`. 11/18'OVFRLLL tNSUL�'lAid.GFASS' _ '.''-t t%18'OVERALL INSUi_IAB.GtiSs., FOR 1N5TALlAT10N5 ABGVE 30 FT.' g# G ZI G OPTIONS pp a CgLJo Engs.JAVAD,AtIId'l0 '. .. .. CML': PRODUCr R6VISDD .. A11AascomPlyin�wilhl6o auilaingCOAaeplencc WaImti BooBy draZn 9��2Gi6;' . ..,. '.... ;• W03-104 . .DESIGN,LOAD CAPACITY,- PsF.(i0,OX OR XX Sam) _ - � �� DESIGN TOAD CAPACITY '�PSY,(XOX SIZES) DESIGN LOAD CAPACITY - PSP(XOX SIZES) p y .. - 1� . GLASS TYPES GIAS9tiPE CLASS TYPE CLASS TYPES GLASS TYPS 'GIASS,TYPE GLASS TYPES CUSS TYPE GUESS TYPE .WINDOW DIMS. .A. . ..'A• &'a. .,''C' 'D' 111NDOW DIMS. A. 'A^&'D' :'C D:. WINDOWS,DIMS. A 'A"&°B' 'C' •D'' x . WIDTH. HEIGHT W.(+) DIT.(-) W.(+) IW4-) Da.(+) NT.(-) WIDTH MWEXT.(-.) 'Drr.(-) DCT.(+) Dar.(-) ocr(+) INT•(-)' WIDTH HUGHT' IXi.(+) 94r.(-) EXT.(+) .INT.(-) EXT.(+) INT;(-) 28-1/2" 3 90.0 140.0 90.0 ^90.0 740 74.0 .74' 20, 11. 90.0 ' 140.0. 800. 00.0 '.740: 74.0 74 26, 10 90,0 140.0 90.0 . 00.0 74.0 74.0 f� 37• 26'. D 90.0 140.0 '90.0 90.0 74.0 74.0 106-1/4' (3)' 14' SDA 140.0 90.0 '90.0, 74.0 74.0 '108-1/4': (3)• 13 8(LD 140.0 90.0: 90.0 74.0 74.0 53-1/8" (3) 6 .90A 1400 90.0 90.0 74.0 74.0 :111' - 14 90.0 140.. 90.0" "'.80.0 74.0 74.. 111' 13 '90.0 140.0 90.0 II0.0 74,0 '.74.0 Egg, 00. ¢v 74' 9 90.0. 140.0 90.0 90.0 74.0 74.0 74 11 '900 140.0 90,0. 900. •74.0: .74.0. ..74 10 90.0' .140.0, 00.0 90.0 74.0 74,0 z. d 36-3/8' 38-318' E 28-1/2" : '3 : 90.0 .140.0 90.0 80.0 74.0 74,0 108-1/4' 14 00.0 ,134.3 90,0' 5.90.0 '14.0 . 74.0 108-1/4 : (4 13 90.0' 131.7. MO: 90.0 74A 74.0 a •37" 0�0 5 90 140.0 9D.0 90.0 : 74.0 74A 411" (d)' 14 SDA 139.1 90.0 .90,0 '74.0. 74.D .111' ) 13 90.0:. 136.9- :80.0' 90.0 74.0 74.0 O.',0)0) . 53-1 6. 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':90.0 '91.1.- `%80.0' '90.0:, - 38'; .• S '90.0 ':1315' 80.0 90.0 .`74,0 74.0 72 '1 f '. 80.0 446.7 80.0' 9D.0 -740 ".70.0, 72':; '10' 90.0 1114 90:0'. 80.0. 739. .73.8 .48" 7 .'90.0: 118,2 - 00.01 90.0 74.0 74.0- 84- tl `:80.0 104.8 - -74.0..- 74.D ••84" -10 'ODA ,'101. •900'. 90.0 (0} B7•-114• 61-1/q•. a 80' Z `90.0" 703 4 '90.0 '90.0 ;74.0 -74.0 95!J..._ 11 .00.0 98.3 r 74.0 74.0 98'- ( 13 90.11 992: '90.0 90.0 .;:• •r• "72`' '9• 90.0 '93.3 .:90.0 -. 90.0 .74.0' ,.74.0 ^108' -..•14 •,.,,.80.fl. :903 ' 74.0...°^74.0 PjOg' .•: _ 1{: 00D 4:"x91.0BQ.O• 90.0.. C;:... A a NO..OF.ANCHORS::PER:HEAD.*,&SILL 111 '; '14 88.8. 689 - '74.0: 74.0 111' 14 900 90,2 •900'- 80.0 (•) - N0.OF ANCHORS PER JAMB' , A = NO. OF ANCHORS P)=R:'HEAD'&'SILL�;'l't"'r.'.,:�:�'.. � A= NO. OF,.ANCHORS..PER�:HfAO'�k.SILL (p a.NO.OF ANCHORS.PER JAMB :.:c>.•:; O m NO. Of:AN' 'A PER.JM68. , .. , �,... •.�.. Y .. - ... (1/3Y) (1/?K'7 ,'.'!(1/+' (7/4W) (1/ .. '(1/{ ) L. 2 0. m LEFT-AND RIGHT VENTS TO BE OF EQUAL GLASS DLO WIDTHS - .JNAD AH WD '1 OPERATING VENTS TO.BE f/3 OF THE•WIN DOW.WIDTH OPERATING VENTS TO BE 1/4^OF THE WINDOW.WIDTH K L70592 ,XX' 'XO OR OX DAN 5538 'XOX' PRODUCTREVISSD g 4i 'XOX:z.rnml+ly0ag�rith4wFladdx Oi.II' hh NOTE: Ac is ^O .O L l� drawls GLASS CAPACITIES ON THIS SHEET ARE e 9Im11�D�to ��A g '6,.j ::. BASED ON-ASTM E1300-09 (3 SEC. GUSTS) ... AND FLORIDA BUILDING-COMMISSION ,:.:'� w03-1a4- DECLARATORY STATEMENT'DCA05-DEC-219. aProduq sheet'3 01'.7 MAL rrPlca ANCHORS u, .. RS TORE V S1RUC .... SEE ELEV. .... _ .. .. ... . . ... � , 1BY OR 28Y .FOR SPACRdO TYPICAL ANCHORS. . .. WOOD SEE ELEV. BUCK MUMI-DAOE COUNTY :. .. d': �: n .y ��.•, •E 1ST. FOR SPACING APPROVED MUWON 71. / &MULLION ANCHORS DIST.' P.v.•- •� EDGE DIST. o . 18 14 9. Q� , . - !i !. 4 17 15 4 .. /rnEEI CAL ANCHORS^ IYPICA.L ANCHORS . 8 1' ELEV. SEE ELEV. .. 'FOR SPACING FOR SPACING. . .. .. 9A - ..: 3 STRUCTURE B'(AWP ...• WOOD eUC MUST SUSTAIN LOADS IMPOSED:BY GLAZING SYSTEM WINDOWS .. ._., •...- ' cv a,, ;. I •I „-ASt;.VENT MOV„•—VENT AND.TRANSFER ,. .1 is :. .. .._. ..•. , S I _ AN . "THEM TO'7HE'BUILdING STRUCTURE. .. . SEALANTS: . TYPICAL'ANCHORS',SEE ELM FOR SPACING i FRAME AND VENT CORNERS AND'JNSiAL1/ITI�N.SCREWS AT SILL' 72:� El (F.0-t 77 IM,FY-155 KSI) SEALED WITH WHITE%ALUMINUM"COLORED.SEALANT : !i 1I N. EMBED 111TO CONCRETE.(HEAD/SILL) !i ,i.. WEEPHOLESd OR'MASONRY JAMBS ,,.:,• . N. EMBED:INTO CONC. . 0 (JAMBS) Q. .;.•; .'. '' D l3 1:-5/8" X 1/4'WEEPHOLES:;AT 12 FROM.:EACH END W LASTIC.BAFFLF,: : ILL . < ..., .O, MASONRY '. NTO CON R . WITH P G ! .i! ... W2 m 3/4 . X;5/.8. WEEPHOLEIAT...EAC14.'END..i..:,. ..�M; BED IN70 CONCRfTE:(HFAD/S ) �� N EMBED INTO CONC'OR MASON {.111MBS). GT EW3 .a. T-1 4" Y. 1 4" WEEPNOLES;AT L8.1/2" FROM EACH END, 3 $ ' / TEKS OR` (GRADE 5 CRS)L STRUCTURES STEEL : 1/8"7HK;:. IN, KSI KSI:MIN.) ALUMINUM t/B",THK.(•MIN...(6068—T5 MIN.) ! ?.. ¢aD . '(STEEL>IN CONTACT;Wfi)t'ALUMINUM,TO BE PLATED OR PAINTED)''' cGREWS t I I :.. . .•.:.,i :... 12 SMS OR.SELF DRI {GRADE 2 CRS) . .F77C(VENT ''` -' �` "'fADV.'Vp{F'.:'_;.;.....,�,'.�.:? ,, :r .,'-.�.� =DADE COUNTY;PPPROVED MULLIONS (MIN.THK. 1f8�, ..: . - TO MIAM SPACE)' o e IN I NO SHIM P 11.. ., :,.:.:.., 2g . ... ,..,. . 2` .. .:=TYPfCAt EDGE-DISTANEE to INTO CONCRETE ANDS SONNY.='.2-1/2'.MIN, UCTURE— V� WA 4. N. INTO.METAL INTO WOOD STRUCTURE =.,3/4I MIN. WOOD AT.HEAD, SILL OR JAMBS SO►0-SB MIN. CONCRETE AT HEAD,SILL OR JAMBS Yd-3000 PSI MIN. M ©' 20 C-90 HOLLOW/FILLED BLOCK AT'JAMBS Cm- 2000 PSI MW. N d 2 •� - •Q�<m VOW .Wt .. Ergn'JAVAD, 0 :. .: .. PRODUCT 1iHVISHD� RK' C%70552 t,"p7YlaEwMchoFlmid7 Q.: CAN:. auil�mn9 1go12o o'z i. $ '•' :; .,� •� -.. �� .� .>-> lsauon Das 2c19 _ � � '. ' •..c ... 8. 'TYPICAL ANCHORS F SPACING P W03-104 • ,: SEE ELEY. OR SP C... . _ .. . . ,. .. .. . EDGE DIST..' sheet 4 of 1/4"-MAX. 1/4'MA7f.. 1 .'. SHIM VENT WIDTH .. . VENT WIDTHZ' s Ok D,L OPG. D.L OPG. M�ICAL ANCHORS SEIE*ELEV. FOR SPACING' E : METAL .. STRUCTURE . . . s � O •.... vl.� PENT IAM WIDTH r s 'MI DADE COUNTY _ .. :. .. .. ..:x.% "a !'�•• APPROVED MUWON LS ' EXTERIOR :, . NTX)W,wlpiH MULLION ANCHORS .. ..'. r TYPICAL ANCHbR$ .: . : ... ... E FOR SPACING .. :::,y.. ; XOX LAYOUT . TYPICAL = O SEE ELEV.. ... .: C> e.i.'�' SE ELEV. ..FOR SPACING t' i 6 - .. - ... O. . . . .. . vErTr -. swL1s MAX. D.L oPc. 213Y.WOOD DUCK: ,,.r WINDOW WIDTH. • W D SFR ,. ., ..-. B . . .. .. TYPICAL ARCH qg ORS -SEE ElEV. . ..' SPACING .......... ..• -- v a— .. _ '. .. . . ' . ... .'' . P EngrJAAYNM� 5A3H8MA•D ' pROD'CT dRoE'V n P ti Im a TYPICALANCHORS FCPE i ?' suimig SEE EM. laaeeT '9-0 pllion Date FOR SPACING VENT WIDTHWOOD DCS q EXTERIOR yC DY . .. WINDOW YADTH` .. •• .. '. N IV a0cPmduclC,onu'ol Blowing no.' .. . ., WO3 t 04 XK LAYOUT ' �' sheet 5 of 7 . iA34 178M PART QUANTITR D850RIPTSOH' MATERIAL WNF./SUPPLBR/RFAAIiNS 1 YE-1690 1 FRAME HEAD 8083-TB' - 2 YE-1801 1 FRAME SILL 604376 - _ .082 .. .. 2A YE-16081 1 ALT.FRAME.SILL. 6063-T6 - .Z 1.127 •962 1.468 3 YE-1602. 1 FRAME JAMB 8083-T8 - Qt�j }4y� -r 1.970. .. -4 YE-1605 1 SILL TRACK INSERT .8083-T8 - F"'€ 1,470 . ` 5 YE-1603 1/VENT FIXED ANL 6083-T8 - 3 a .6 YE-1704 1/VENT VENT MEETING RAIL 8065-T8 - P• v �l VENT TOP/BOTTOM RAfL 7' YE-1504 1/VENT aws SOLE'. .8963-78 • O, (LAM.-CLASS) tB YE-1707 AS'READ. GIALNO BEAD(LAU.CLASS) 606375 . 3:287 .. - BA WP-YE-1517 AS REDD GLAZING*BW(INSUL LAM CLASS) 6063-T B Q FRAME HEAD eA AYE-i7 R' 2/VENT TOP AND B9TfDY RAL NSUL IJJI 021V5)' 8083-T6. 1.134 . .9 YE-1706,. 2/VENT TQP,AND BOTIOU RKL.(LAM. .. .082 .10 - AS READ. SETTING BLOCKS EPDM CURCMELER 80th SHORE A 3.788 "'I I, 'YN-1605 2/VENT BRASS ROU.ERS 1N NYLON HOUSING,AT 2-1/4'FROM EACH END - AWP,FASTENED W (3)/6 X 1/4"PH'SMS ... 12 YH-715 2/VENT VENT'LATCH-', :7AW1K AT 10-.//2'FROM TOP M8)807fOM 1.123 t3 YF-14 2/LATCH VENT LATCH-SCREWS - (2)/tO X 3/4'CH SMS fffiii{Fr{{ $ ¢ ... .082 '' 14 .YH-822 AS.REO0. UVLB'•W'S RIP.PINO,9UROMEIER 75±5 SHORE A VINYL SULLIVAN do SULLIVAN. 15 YH-692 AS REQO, FIN.SEAL WSiRIP%NG ULTRAFAB VENIT�':TOP.,I P}TC,OL M'''O(A1L' '. 16 YF-10. AS R...: FRAME AsSsomY'SCREWS :GR9 �8 X-i"P.N.SN8 ... .. 17 YN-1602 2AM TOP,GUIDE : VINYL' AWP .$ - _ 3.640(YE_1808A) .. _ 2/YEN[ BOTTOM'IX80E': ��StEEI' AWP ,1.624. 18 YH,160] � 19 YF-7i 2/GLADE.�GUIDE SCREWS� � SNS _ _ 20: YH 1x91 1/WEEP OPEN CELL EDAM PAD p•x 1'x 3/a� ,6W 21 ':'Yx-re94; - OPEN CELL FOAM PAD(1-1/a•X'1/a"x 1 /4) :.hwP - - _ o _ �''• 22 tN 1606 2 WEEPHOLE COVERS �' - AAP 23 YH-1602 AS READ; FIXED-VENT:CUP' 'GO&3 Tb� AWP _. ' W .. „.. _ - .. ..'J .. .' is -:': : .`'•.�'.:;_ AS�RREQD.��GLAZING CASKET.DUROMETER 70±S�.SHORE A .a60VIHYL �. �F-�1.m� .- ..... .. .2�s _. .. .. .. .. _- - - �24 YH 1693 AWP YF 7S (B X 1'P.H.$US .:.YH.1622 FRAME SILT Z Z Q . JAMB STILE -,314 <� , O .125•+{�., .125- - 125 F- . ... .1:497 , ^rr ..: ...:• •• '.,. ....::: - 'f,7b0 1750 _. .. , SILL TRACK 1.481 1,340 6r. 0 a e .c —.939- FIXED 939 . oxa QQ HEELING RAIL,'.:: © FlXED VENT CLIP. 24' MOV. VENT GIHDE H .. .062 t2,2273— -q C<m U d W J.34B ., - .941 :I .130 rye PRODUGT.RBVISBD . L6f8 .04b 7•�'u: FIA.PE 1.70592 �complylns wilb dw FLOdda . 045 �5 Aci(dne xNotr.7-C $ 1.339 NCodc .. 1:050 .. ,. CA. � ..780 .375. .881f.388 JA 0 2016 zrid,lf a6aProdDc�ca9 dr9Wing' n ;. B W03-104 Q3 FRAME'JAMB ®. FULEO MTG.RIU6 GLAZING HEAD (LAM. GLASS) GLAZING BFAD (INSUL LAM. GLASS) 6o7 • J� Cd IL qv.' aAlf .a `.:• ..'FRAMETOP CORNER .a .. .. .. . i.. .. i Y ...i _ P BOTTOM• _ h r. . .. . . RA.PCEC' 70992. nStO1nPiYina�vilh'IhaFlotida . . , Acc pnBa •' ` FRAME BOMM CORNER. .. - Acce o . Mlnm ado roduetcou drawing. no..1 r,,;xf ., . W03 q4 Cod