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FL# FL10450-R8 12,
Application Type Revision
Code Version 2014
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer Tarco Roofing goo --
Address/Phone/Email One Information W E
Suite 225 1L
Little Rock,AR 722
Authorized Signature Shaik Mohseen
Technical Representative Shaik Mohseen
Address/Phone/Email 2403 Taylors Valley Road
Belton,TX 76513
Quality Assurance Representative Shaik Mohseen
Address/Phone/Email 2403 Taylors Valley Road
Belton,TX 78717
(254) 939-3775 Ext 210
Category Roofing
Subcategory Underlayments
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen
the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-59166
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/13/2017
Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE
✓ Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL10450 R8 COI 2016 01COI Nieminen.pd
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Florida Building Code Online 12/29/16,3:11 PM
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM D1970 2009
ASTM D226 2006
ASTM D3909 1997
ASTM D4869 2005
ASTM D6164 2005
ASTM D6380 2003
FM 4474 2004
FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) 2012
TAS 103 1995
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 04/18/2016
Date Validated
Date Pending FBC Approval 04/25/2016
Date Approved 06/08/2016
Summary of Products
FL# Model, Number or Name Description
10450.1 Tarco Roof Underlayments Roof underlayments for use in prepared roof assemblies
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL10450 R8 II 2016 04 FINAL ER_TARCO UNDERLAYMENTS FL10450-
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R8.pdf
Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166
Design Pressure: +N/A/-217.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Other: 1.)The design pressure herein pertains to Evaluation Reports
one particular bonded underlayment application FL10450 R8 AF 2016 04 FINAL ER_TARCO UNDERLAYMENTS FL10450-
for use beneath adhesive-set tile systems. Refer R8.p8f
to ER Section 5.6.2 for details, and other bonded Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
underlayment systems. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5
for Limits of Use.
Cac3: Next
Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
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mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section
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Certificate of Authorization#9503
Tarco Roofing Evaluation Report 10880.07.08-118
One Information Way,Suite 225 FL10450-118
Little Rock,AR 72202 Date of Issuance:07/11/2008
Revision 8:04/18/2016
This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,
P.E. for use of the product under.the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The
products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5`4 Edition (2014) Florida Building Code
sections noted herein.
DESCRIPTION: Tarco Roof Underlayments
LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the
referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change.
Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the
product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. TrinityJERD requires a complete
review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity I ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION:Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or
its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 10.
Prepared by:
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-dam i'" • n
Robert J.M.Nieminen P.E. '+, • A� "�i The facsimile seal appearing was authorized byRobert Nleminen,
•+j' + C�t,,.•ra—',t P.E.on 04/18/2016.This does not serve as an electronically signed
Florida Registration No.59166 Florida DCA ANE1983t�'�•`S�• ��':�}
� ,OM1 L<<t� _ document.Signed,sealed hardcopleshave been transmitted tothe
4�•. Product Approval Administrator and to the named client
1. Trinity IERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or
distributing products it evaluates.
2. Trinity I ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates.
3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
which the evaluation reports are being issued.
4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the
5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity)ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way,the Designer of Record for any
project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained
specifically for that purpose.
Product Category: Roofing
Sub-Category: Underlayment
Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments, as produced by Tarco, have demonstrated compliance with the
following sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards.
Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein.
Section Property Standard Year
1504.3.1 Wind Uplift FM 4474 2004
1507.2.3,1507.3.3,1507.5.3, Physical Properties ASTM D226 2006
1507.2.3,1507.2.8,1507.4.5.1, Physical Properties ASTM D4869 2005
1507.2.4,1507.2.9.2,1507.5.3, Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2009
1507.2.9.2 Physical Properties ASTM D3909 1997
1507.2.9.2,1507.3.3 Physical Properties ASTM D6380 2003
1507.3.3 Installation Practice FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12) 2012
1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6164 2005
1523. Physical Properties TAS 103 1995
Entity Examination Reference Date
ERD(TST6049) ASTM D6164 T6470.08.07-R1 08/30/2007
ERD(TST6049) FM 4474 T6460.06.07-R1 10/09/2007
ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 T30160.08.09 08/14/2009
ERD(TST6049) TAS 103 T33190.08.10 08/06/2010
ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 T32530.08.10 08/17/2010
ERD(TST6049) FM 4474 T37610.07.11 06/29/2011
ERD(TST6049) ASTM D3909 T40780.04.12 04/06/2012
ERD(TST6049) ASTM D6380 T40790.04.12 04/06/2012
ERD(TST6049) TAS 103 T35410.04.12 04/18/2012
ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 T45250.04.13-R2 04/23/2013
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties T43930.09.13-R2 09/11/2013
ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties TAR-SC9480.15 07/02/2015
ERD(TST6049) Wind-FM4470/4474 TAR-SC5670.14 12/03/2015
ERD(TST6049) Wind-FM4470/4474 TAR-SC8020.14 12/03/2015
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D1970 BRY-018-02-01 08/11/2003
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D1970 BRY-017-02-01 08/11/2003
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D226 TOT-014-02-02 05/18/2004
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D226 TOT-015-02-02 05/24/2004
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D6380 TOT-029-02-01 07/05/2005
PRI(TSf5878) ASTM D4869 TOT-009-02-01 09/14/2004
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D4869 TOT-009-02-02 09/14/2004
PRI(TST5878) ASTM D226 TOT-041-02-01 05/24/2006
Miami-Dade(CER1592) FBC HVHZ Certification 12-0420.02 10/03/2013
Tarco Roofing Adhesive compound Affidavit 12/15/2015
UL,LLC.(QUA9625) Quality Assurance Service Confirmation Exp.10/13/2017
Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report 10880.07.08-R8
Certificate of Authorisation#9503 F1.10450-118
Revision 8:04/18/2016
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4.1 Self-Adhering Underlayments:
LeakBarrier°m"=+mm°Self-adhering Tile Umdmrlaymemtbanasphalt-saturated organic felt coated onboth
sides with asphalt and surfaced onthe top side with mineral granules and onthe underside with aself-
adhering mompoundendna|easefi|mn.
LeakBarriero MS300 ice and Water Armor is a self-adhering, glass mat reinforced, mineral surfaced, SBS
modified roof under/oyment.
Leak0arrier~ Ice and Water Armor ba self-adhering, glass met reinforced, fabric surfaced, SBS
modified roof under/oyment.
LeakBamder° PS200muIce and Water Armor ba self-adhering, Q\oyu mat reinforced, smooth poly film
surfaced,SBS modified roof undedayment.
LeakBarriero NRSOOHT is a self-adhering,plastic film surfaced,modified underlayment.
LeakBarder= SS400 Ice and Water Armor is a self-adhering, fiberglass reinforced, smooth surfaced
4.2 Mechanically Fastened Underlayments:
Tmrco1SisonASTM D22GType 1,1S|bosphoIt-saturated organic felt
Taroo30isanASTM DZ]6Type|1,3O|baspha|tsaturated organic felt
TmrcoNO 3@isonASTM D4A68Type||asphalt-saturated organic felt
LeakBarriero EasyLay"is an asphalt-coated polyester fabric roof underlayment.
4.3 Mechanically stened and/or—Bonded Underlayments:
Fiberglass KQimerm| Surfaced Roll Roofing is an ASTM D3909, glass-fiber-reinforced, aspha|t-uooted,
granule surfaced undedaymantused assvalley liner.
ASTM Organic Mineral Surface Tile Underlayment is an ASTM D639(3,Class M asphalt-saturated organic
roll roofing sheet.
4.4 Mechanically— ed Base Sheets:
Keak0arrier° Easybay" Q0L 15 consists of woven-polymeric scrim with n textured fabric on the top
surface. Within this Evaluation Report, it is used as base sheet|n multi-ply under|aymentsystems. See
F8CFile No. FL168D4use asostand-alone roof under|ayment.
LwahBarrier~ EmayLay° UDL Basic consists of woven-polymeric scrim with a textured fabric on the top
surface. Within this Evaluation Report, it is used as a base sheet in multi-ply underlayment systems. See
F8CFile No. FL16QO4use asostand-alone roof un6er|syment
6makBarrUer° EmsyKay° UDL 50 consists of woven-polymeric scrim with a non-woven fabric on the top
surface and a rubberized polymeric coating onthe back surface. Within this Evaluation Report, itis used
as a base sheet in multi-ply undedaymentuystemm. See FBC File No. FL16884 use as a stand-alone roof
G. K|xx|TnT/Pms:
5.1 This bo building code evaluation. Neither Trinity 1ERD nor Robert Niaminen P.E. are, in any way, the
Designer ofRecord for any project on which this Evaluation Report, mrprevious versions thereof, is/was
used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose.
5.2 This Evaluation Report imnot for use|nthe HVHZ.
5'3 Fins Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials
Directory for fire ratings ofthis product.
Exterior Research and Design,uc Evaluation Report 10880.07.08'n8
oertieate ofAuthorization ms03 Fu0450-n
Revision o:n4/x8/201s
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5,4 Torco Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product isspecifically
referenced within FBCapprova| documents. |fnot listed, o request may be made tothe AH]for approval
based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering.
5.5 Allowable roof covers applied atop Torcounder|aymentsare follows:
Asphalt Wood Shakes
Underlayment Shingles Nail-On Tile Foam-On rile Metal &Shingles slate
LeakBarrier Fast9O Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
See 5.5.2
LeakBarner MS300 Yes No No No Yes Yes
LeakBarder PS20r Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
See 5.5.2
LeakBarrier PS200mu__ Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
LeakBarrier NR500wr Yes No No (No copper or Yes Yes
LeakBarrier SS400 Yes No No No Yes Yes
Yes Yes/ LeakBarrler EasyLay Yes (as base sheet in (as base sheet in Yes Yes Yes
multi-ply system) multi-ply system)
LeakBarrier EasyLay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
UDL 15,UDL Basic or (See FL16884) (as base sheet in (as base sheet in (See FL16884) (See FL16884) (See FL16884)
UDL50 mufti-ply system) multi-ply system)
Tarco 15 Yes No No Yes Yes No
Yes Yes
Tarco 30 Yes (as base sheet In (as base sheet in Yes Yes Yes
multi-ply system) multi-ply system)
Tarco NO 30 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
(double layer) (double layer) (double layer) (double layer)
Fiberglass Mineral Yes
Surfaced Roll Roofing Valley Uner per No No No No No
ASTM Organic Mineral Yes
Surface rile Yes Yes See 5.5.2 No Yes Yes
SBS Yes Yes See 5.5.2 N o Yes Yes
5.5.1 Tarco 15,Tarco 30,Tarco NO 30 and EaSyLaynay be used asomechanically attached base layer followed
by o LeakBarher self-adhering top layer or asphalt-appKed ASTM Organic Mineral Surface Tile
Underlayment or LeakBarrier EasyMop SBS with allowable roof covers noted above for the respective top
5.S.2 "Foam-On Tile" is limited to use of 3K8 2-Component Foam Roof Tile Adhesive AH'160 (FL6332)
applications unless tensile adhesion / long term aging data from an accredited testing laboratory is
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 10880.07.08'n8
oertifloat^«f Authorization#9503 FL104SO-nm
Revision o:n4/x8t20xs
5.6 Allowable Substrates:
5.6.1 LeakBarrier self-adhering direct-bond to deck:
➢ New untreated plywood(unprimed or primed with ASTM D41 primer);
➢ Existing plywood(unprimed or primed with ASTM D41 primer);
➢ New or existing OSB(unprimed or primed with ASTM D41 primer);
➢ Structural concrete P
or(unprimed rimed with ASTM D41 primer).
Note: Torco does not require priming o new or existing plywood or OSB sheathing. New or existing
p p 9 f 9 Py 9 9
plywood or OSB sheathing should be cleaned of all dirt and debris prior to application of LeakBarrier
ASTM Organic Mineral Surface Tile Underlayment or LeakBarrier EasyMop SBS Direct-Bond to Deck:
➢ ASTM D41 primed structural concrete.
Note:Refer to 5.6.4 for uplift limitations associated with direct-deck underlayment installations where the
overlying roof cover is foam-on tile roofing.
5.6.2 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Sheet:
LeakBarrier self-adhered to:
➢ ASTM D226,Type I or II felt;
➢ ASTM D4869 felt;
➢ LeakBarrier EasyLay, LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL 15, LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL Basic or LeakBarrier
EasyLay UDL 50.
ASTM Organic Mineral Surface Tile Underlayment or LeakBarrier EasyMop SBS in hot asphalt to:
➢ ASTM D226,Type I or II felt;
➢ ASTM D4601,Type II base sheet.
For installations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be attached per
minimum codified requirements. For installations under foam-on tile systems,base layer shall be attached
per minimum requirements of FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12).
5.6.3 LeakBarrier Self-Adhering Bond to Other Substrate Types:
➢ ASTM D41 primed metal(flashing metal,valley metal,etc.)
5.6.4 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Foam-On Tile Applications: FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12)
does not address wind uplift resistance of all underlayment systems beneath foam-on the systems,where
the underlayment forms part of the load-path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment
systems that are not addressed in FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) and are used in foam-on tile applications.
Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads,
and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has
already been applied). Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. Maximum Design Pressure=-75.0 osf:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ
Primer: (Optional)ASTM D41
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200Mu,self-adhered.
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200"T,self-adhered. Maximum Design Pressure=-120.0 Dsf:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ
Primer: (Optional)ASTM D41
Joint Treatment: Plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of LeakBarrier PS200Mu or LeakBarrier EasyBase,
rolled into place to create continuous bond
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200Mu,self-adhered
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200" self-adhered.
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 10880.07.08-RS
Certificate of Authorization 119503 FL30450-R8
Revision 8:04/18/2016
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TRII�I ��® Maximum Design Pressure=-217.5 psf:
Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
Primer: (Optional)ASTM D41
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200Mu,self-adhered
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200"r,self-adhered. All other direct-deck, adhered Tarco underlayment systems beneath foam-on. tile systems carry a
Maximum Design Pressure of-45 psf. Maximum Design Pressure=-45.0 psf*:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
Base Sheet: LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL 15,LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL Basic or LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL 50(48"wide
rolls);See FBC FL16884.
Fasteners: 12 ga.x 1.25-inch long x 3/9-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails and 1-5/8-inch
diameter tin caps
Spacing: 6"o.c.at the 4-inch wide side laps and 8"o.c.at three(3)equally spaced,staggered center rows.
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200mu,self-adhered
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200H;self-adhered. Maximum Design Pressure=-60.0 psf:
Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
Base Sheet: LeakBarrier EasyLay
Fasteners: 12 ga. x 1.25-Inch long x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails and 1-5/8-inch
diameter tin caps
Spacing: 7"o.c.at the 4-inch wide side laps and 7"o.c.at three(3)equally spaced,staggered center rows.
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200mu,self-adhered
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS2001T self-adhered. Maximum Design Pressure=-60.0 psf:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
Base Sheet: LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL 15,LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL Basic or LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL 50(48"wide
rolls);See FBC FL16884.
Fasteners: 12 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails and 1-5/8-inch
diameter tin caps
Spacing: 6"o.c.at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6"o.c.at four(4)equally spaced,staggered center rows.
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200Mu,self-adhered
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200"T,self-adhered. Maximum Design Pressure=-82.5 psf:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
Base Sheet: LeakBarrier EasyLay
Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners
Spacing: 8"o.c.at the 4-inch wide side laps and 8"o.c.at four(4)equally spaced,staggered center rows.
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200Mu,self-adhered
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200n self-adhered. Maximum Design Pressure=-120.0 psf:
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
Base Sheet: LeakBarrier EasyLay
Fasteners: 12 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails and 1-5/8-inch
diameter tin caps
Spacing: 4"o.c.at the 4-inch wide side laps and 4"o.c.at four(4)equally spaced,staggered center rows.
Base Ply: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS200Mu,self-adhered
Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200"T self-adhered.
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 10880.07.08-R8
Certificate of Authorization#9503 FL30450-118
Revision 8:04/18/2016
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5.6�-10 For mechanically attached base sheet in a multi-ply system,the maximum design pressure for the selected
assembly shall,at a minimum, meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with
FRS//TM|April ZO12(O4-12) Appendix A,Table 1AorFBC16O8. Zones 2and 3shall employ anattachment
density designed by qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly
used methods are RAS 117, FM LPDS 1'29 and ANSk$PR| VVO1. Assemblies above marked with an
asterisk*carry the limitations set forth in Section FM LPDS 1-29 for Zone 2/3 enhancements.
5.7 Ex2osure Limitations:
LeakBarrier EasyLay, FAST 90,ASTM Organic Mineral Surface Tile Underlayment and LeakBarrier EasyMop
SBS shall not beleft exposed for longer than 1DO'dayoafter installation.
LeakBarrier PS200HT shall not be left exposed for longer than 120-days after installation.
Leok8arrier yWS380NR500m, PSZUOwm orSS4OUshall not be left exposed for longer than 30-days after
Taroo 15, Terco3Oand Taroo NO 30 shall be covered as soon as possible after installation; exposure for
more than 24hours after installation could adversely affect performance.
6'1 Tarco Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Tarco published installation requirements
subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below.
6'3 Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly
to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and primed the substrate(if applicable).
6.3.1 EosyLayshaU be installed in compliance with the requirements for 90# felt under|ayment (except the
product is self-adhered)in FBC Sections 1507 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed.
6.3.2 :
Cut the Faot90 nd|into 12'to 17 sections for workability and allow to relax prior to application.
Cha|kap|umb |inm36"hnmaUoutsYdepedmetecs;thenchu|kp|umb8nes]2"aparLupa|opetodhehdge
Membrane Application:
> Place a full width piece of Fast90 on the prepared substrate, parallel to the eave edge of the roof,with
the selvedge edge positioned ups|opeand in-line with the 1=chalk line.
> Fold back half the sheet and remove the exposed release film, taking care not to displace the
> Working from the centerline out, roll the membrane onto the substrate, taking care to avoid wrinkles
and ridges,and repeat for the other half ofthe sheet.
> Remove selvage release film,if present,and install capped or tin tagged nails 6"o.c.In the center of the
selvedge edge.
)+ Install the subsequent sheets in the same manner,with upslope selvedge edges in-line with chalk lines,
with 4^side laps and 8"end laps.
>+ Seal all 8" end laps 1/16"thick application of asphalt plastic cement and stagger all end laps minimum
> Roll the entire surface with a weighted roller,paying particular attention to side laps,end laps and eave
/rake areas toensure acomplete bond'
6.3.4 Tile Apolications:
Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 3012 (}4-12) Installation yWonuo| and Table l herein, using the
instructions noted above osoguideline.
Wait aminimum of24hours prior toloading roof tiles,
Exterior Research and Design,I.uC. Evaluation Report xu88#.or.m*na
Ceuiflcnte ofxuthorizatfooms03 rL104SG-R8
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l|tiles shall be staged four tiles perpendicular to slope,six tiles on top,parallel to slope; not to exceed 10
tiles total to a maximum roof pitch of 5:12 for flat tiles and 6:12 for lugged tiles. If tiles are to be left in a
staged condition for more than 30 days,tiles shall be staged two tiles perpendicular to slope,four tiles on
top, parallel toslope; not to exceed 6 tiles total to a maximum roof pitch of 5:12 for flat tiles and 6:22 for
lugged tiles.
At roof pitch in excess of those noted above, the tiles shall be staged behind a nominal 1 x 2 horizontal
� batten.
� 6.4
! 6.4.1 NB 300, NnS»«�mvSS4OOshall be installed in compliance with the requirements for
ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Sections 1507 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed.
§'4.J :
Cut K8G 300, 9S200ar PS200m», NR500morSS400 to manageable sections and allow to udox prior to
Membrane Application:
� > Place o full width piece on the prepared substrate, aligned parallel to the eeve edge and extend
approximately 3/8"over the eave and rake with the selvedge edge positioned upslope.
y^ Fo|dbacktheupdopehdfofthesheetandremovatheexposmdneleamsfi|m,taWnQcananottodinp|ome
the membrane
> Working from the centerline out roll the membrane onto the substrate,taking care to avoid wrinkles
and ridges
t^ Apply 1/16" thick layer ofasphalt plastic cement over the eove and rake metal, extending 2" to 3"
onto the deck surface.
> Fold back the downslope half ofthe sheet, remove the release film and roll the membrane onto the
substrate from the centerline out.
> Seal all G" end laps with a 1/16" thick application of asphalt plastic cement and stagger all end laps
minimum 36".
>* Remove selvage release film,if present,and install second and subsequent courses in a similar manner.
)p install capped ortin-tagged nails G"o.calong the centerline ofthe laps.
> At all T-joints,where an end-lap and the next overlapping course intersect,apply a bead of roofing laps
cement before the overlapping course islaid.
> Roll the entire surface with o weighted roller,paying particular attention to side laps,end laps and eave
/rake areas toensure acomplete bond.
6.4.3 or
Reference is made to FR5A/TR| April 2012 (04'13) Installation Manual and. Table 1 herein, using the
instructions noted above osaguideline.
Wait eminimum of24hours prior toloading roof tiles.
All d!oo shall bestaged four tiles perpendicular to slope,six tiles on top, parallel to slope; not toexceed 10
tiles total toa maximum roof pitch ofS:12for flat tiles and 6:12for lugged tiles. |ftiles are toba left ina
staged condition for more than 30 days,tiles shall be staged two tiles perpendicular to slope,four tiles on
top,parallel to slope; not to exceed 6 tiles total to a maximum roof pitch of 5:12 for flat tiles and 6:12 for
lugged tiles.
At roof pitch in excess of those noted above, the tiles shall be staged behind a nominal 1 x Z horizontal
Exterior Research and Deslgn,LLC. Evaluation Report���08-R8
urtipcote ofxmmorizmionw950e pu0450-n8
Revision 8:04/18/2016
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6.4.4 Multi-Ply Underlayment Systems:
Leak8anier"S54OOIce and Water Armor followed bVLeahBarher"SS400 Ice and Water Armor(direct-to-
deck per 5.6.1 or over mechanically attached base sheet per 5.6.2)is allowable for use under mechanically
attached prepared roof systems. Limits ofuse are those associated with the top-layer material. This isnot
arequirement,but isallowable ifamulti-ply undar| 'rnentsyotemisdesired.
6.S Tarco 1S and 30:
6.5.1 Tarco 15 and 30 shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D226, Type | and U
under|aymen1s respectively,in FBC Sections 1507 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed.
6.5'2 Non-Tile Apolications:
Reference is made to the current edition of the NRCA Steep-slope Roofing Manual.
Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)Installation Manual and Table 1 herein.
6.6 Tarco NO 30:
6'6'1 Tarco NO 30 shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D4869,Type 11 underlayment
inFBCSections 1SO7for the type ofprepared roof covering tobeinstalled; 1SO7.4.S.2(1), 15O7.5.3.2(l),
67.1 EasyLayshall beinstalled incompliance with the requirements for ASTM D226,Type)urUundedaymentin
FBCSections 1SD7for the type ofprepared roof covering tobeinstalled.
6'7.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly
toremove any dust and debris prior toapplication.
O.7'3 Non-Tile Applications:
Place afull width section ofEasyLay parallel tuthe eaveedge ofthe roof and unroll 2to3feet with the lay
lines facing up, and position bothe edge ofthe maveand rake. install efew fasteners atthe top, near the
rake, and roll out the sheet to e manageable |am8tb' Pull, straighten and align the sheet so that any
wrinkles are eliminated and the sheet|ueven with the eoxaedge. Fasten with]/8"headed roofing nails or
1" capped (plastic ormetal) nails, driven byhand nrpneumatically,spaced G°o.c'atall laps inthe center
ofthe seam area,and two staggered rows fastened 12"o.c |nthe field ofthe sheet. Install nails such that
the head of the nail is flush with the surface, without cutting into the surface' Fasten from the top to
avoid walking or kneeling on unsecured sheet. Continue to the end of the substrate and fasten down.
Align the next roll over the preceding sheet so as to form a minimum 4", water-shedding lap, and install
per instructions above. Apply subsequent sheets in the same manner, with minimum 4" water-shedding
laps and minimum 8"end-laps,which are staggered minimum 36"fro the preceding course.
For double layer applications, follow the instructions noted above, but using minimum 19", water-
shedding side lap.
Allow for minimum 6"up the vertical transitions and minimum 6"over hips and ridges.
At valleys,first install a vertical length of EasyLay down the center of the valley,then start at the low point
and work to the high point, rolling the membrane from the center outward in each direction,ensuring no
wrinkles or tears. Covered With valley-metal or other valley lining material in accordance with NRCu
Apply o thin coat of asphalt p}omdc cement to waterproof areas where any cuts or team have occurred.
Seams or joints that require adhesive or sealant can be treated with high quality plastic cement(asbestos
Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report 10880�7.08-R8
Certiftate«f Authorization#9503 FU0450-R8
Revision mu4/u8/2016
Page 9vr10
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�.4 Tile Applications,base laver in multi-ply system:
Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)1 nstallation Manual and Table 1 herein.
6.8 ASTM Organic Mineral Surface rile Underlayment:
6.8.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D6380, Class K8 sheets in FBC Sections
15O7for the type ofprepared roof covering tobeinstalled.
6.8.2 hon-Tile Applications:
Reference Is made to the current edition of the NRCA Steep-slope Roofing Manual and ARyNA
recommendations for installing shingle undedaymentsand flashings.
6.8.3 Tile Applications:
Reference is made to FRSA/TR| Apri| 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1here\n. Tile shall be
loaded and staged in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the underlayment.
6.9.1 Shall be installed in compliance with currentTauo published installation requirements, subject to the
limitations herein.
6.9.2 Non-Tile Applications:
For mechanically attached applications: Secure Leak8arderEasyK8npSBS using 3y8-nchheaded roofing
nails or 1-inch diameter cap-nails spaced 9-inch o.c.within the 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c.in two
(2) equally spaced, staggered center rows in the center of the sheet End-laps ahuU be minimum 6-inch
wide,and offset end-laps minimum 3-feet from course tocourse. Seal end laps in accordance with Tarco
For bonded applications: Fully adhere Leah8anrier EaeyMopSB8 in hot-asphalt tothe substrates noted in
Section 5.5. Side laps shall be minimum 4'inchand end-laps minimum 6'inchw/ide, and offset end-laps
minimum 3-feetfrom course tocourse. Side and end-laps shall befully adhered ingcomplete mopping of
hot asphalt with asphalt extending approximately 3/8-Indh beyond the lap edge. Consult Tarco
instructions regarding back-nailing requirements.
Tile ADDlications-
Refer FRSA/TR| April 2012 (04'12) installation Manual and Table 1 herein. Tile shall be loaded and
staged in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the underlayment.
As required by the Building O8lda! or Authority Having Jurisdiction/n order to properly evaluate the installation of
this product.
Contact the noted CIA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C. Rule61G2O-3CIA requirements
Exterior Research and Design,uc Evaluation Report 10880.07.08-n8
oertiftcote of Authorization#9503 FL20450-R8
Revision 8:04/18/2016
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EasyLay'""UDL 15 • • 12/29/16,4:09 PM
EasyLayTM UDL 1S
- �— LeakBarrier EasyLay UDL 15 is a value-priced synthetic roof
�. �.. underlayment that has good resistance to the elements. The Prc
al material consists of a woven polymeric scrim that imparts strength, Saf
`+ and a textured fabric on the upper surface that provides walkability.
t X
EasyLay UDL 15 is designed as an alternative to 15#asphalt
t -
' , saturated felt and can be used in conjunction with shingle, shake,
slate and metal. It can be mechanically attached to several
l; substrates, and used in new and re-roofing applications.
_ Features and Benefits
Lightweight; Less than 2.5 lbs per square
Can be left exposed for up to six months
More coverage per roll than traditional felt
Good pliability and low temperature flexibility
Pre-printed lay lines for easy installation
Algae,fungi, and mold resistant; does not rot or decay
100% recyclable
Meets and/or exceeds ASTM D226 Type I and II
Florida Building Code Approval FL#16884 0
Texas Department of Insurance(TDI)approved
Storage wits
EasyLay UDL 15 must be stored in a dry location. Un(
Rolls must be stored on pallets and not more than one pallet high.
Do not store rolls in direct sunlight. Tar
http://www.tarcorooflng.com/Index.php?option=com_content&vlew=article&ld=276<emld=794 Page 1 of 4
EasyLay'"'UDL 15 • 12/29/16,4:09 PM
Geneiral Precautions car
EasyLay UDL 15 shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Code. witl
Follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)safety standards; use common sense measures Cu.,
and adequate precautions to prevent accidents. 15,
EasyLay UDL 15 is considered a vapor barrier. Proper ventilation is critical. Ensure installation does not interfere
with existing ventilation.
EasyLay UDL 15 shall not be torched or hot mopped to.
On slopes less than 4:12, a double layer of EasyLay UDL 15 is recommended. Double layer application is best
achieved by using 24"side laps, making sure the side laps are"shingled in"to shed water.
Ensure that sharp objects such as debris, stones, bricks, etc. are not dropped on to the EasyLay UDL 15 surface
so as to avoid possible cuts or tears.
When tin tags/caps are used to secure EasyLay UDL 15,the material shall be covered immediately after
application with an approved underlayment or a suitable roof covering.
The use of staples to attach EasyLay UDL 15 is not permitted.
Apply a thin coat of asphalt-based roofing cement to areas of EasyLay UDL 15 with any cuts or tears.
Do not use staples to attach EasyLay UDL 15. Use of staples will void the warranty.
EasyLay UDL 15 is not intended to be used as the primary weather resistant roof covering.
Surface Preparation
The substrate shall be clean and dry prior to installing EasyLay UDL 15.
For re-roofing, all old roofing and other loose materials must be removed prior to installation.
Application Guidelines
Place a full width piece of EasyLay UDL 15 parallel to the eave(low) edge of the roof.
Unroll the material 2 to 3 feet and position the end of it to the edge of the eave and rake.
Install a few fasteners near the rake and roll out the sheet to a manageable length.
Straighten and align the sheet to eliminate any wrinkles.
Fasten the sheet using 3/8" headed roofing nails or 1" plastic capped nails, spaced 9"o.c. at all laps and two
staggered rows fastened 12"o.c. in the field, or as per applicable Building Code. In HVHZ jurisdictions,the sheet
shall be fastened 6"o.c. at all laps and three staggered rows fastened 12"o.c. in the field of the sheet.
When using 1"diameter nails, apply such that the head of the nail is flush with the sheet surface,without cutting
into the sheet.
Fasten the sheet from the top edge to avoid walking or kneeling on the unsecured portion.
Align the next sheet over the preceding sheet so as to form a minimum 4"side lap and 8"end lap or as per
applicable Building Code.
Then install the sheet as per instructions above. Install such that the bottom of the second course is over the top
of the first course so that any water will flow over the underlayment.
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EasyLay UDL 15 12/29/16,4:09 PM
Stagger the end laps a minimum of 36" (3 feet)from the preceding course.
Install EasyLay UDL 15 a minimum of 6" up any vertical surfaces.
EasyLay UDL 15 used in valley areas must be covered with metal or other valley liners.
Seams or joints that require adhesive or sealant can be treated with plastic cement.
Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys, and penetrations in compliance with applicable codes.
Property Typical Values Reference Test
Tensile strength, Ibf 70 ASTM D1682
Tear resistance, Ibf 25 ASTM D1922
Pliability at 23°C Pass ASTM D226
Liquid water transmission Pass ASTM D4869
Water vapor transmission, perms 0.10 ASTM E96
Algae& Fungus resistance, Rank 0—4 0 (no growth) ASTM G21/D3273
Product Data
Product Data
Width 48 in (1.22 m)
Length 250 ft(76.2 m)
Thickness 8 mil (nominal)
Gross Coverage 1,000 sq ft(10 sq)
Weight 22 Ib (nominal)
Rolls per pallet 56
Tarco Specialty Products, Inc. offers a 20-Year Limited Material Warranty.
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EasyLayTM UDL 15 • 12/29/16,4:09 PM
All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without
guaranty,warranty or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied, except as may be indicated otherwise in this
i > >
CODE-BODY �'�;�;, INDUSTRY �.�_�;�:;`' Ca
Canadian Construction Materials Centre(CCMC) National Roofing Contractors Association TARO
Florida Building Code(FBC) Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association One Infoi
Suite 22E
International Code Council (ICC) Roof Consultants Institute Little Roc
Miami-Dade Building Code Compliance(Miami-Dade) Cedar Shake&Shingle Bureau Toll Fre
Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) Metal Building Manufacturing Association Local:
Underwriters Laboratories(UL) Tile Roofing Institute Fax: 5C
Roof Help Email:
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