HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters A. Settlement Statement U.S.Department of Housing and OMB Approval No.2502-0265 Udw Development B.Toe of loan 1.[]FHA 2.[]FmHA 3.QCorv.Unim. sFi°rhnN 7.Loin Numhr 4Lruxes�e tnoxznmCwe Posxtr 4 nVA 5[]Cony bs N-100605 2 C.Nota Thntorm tsaxddndxa 9"YM0dMT"4dwbWudwMAN"Anaadspwb mdhy to sednmxawiam dwanennmuw-(pA4 amapadandds aro d-v:amam amn hwotm ximna9mdpspoos odm ndxdutdin twidit - D.NamaAW=c1Bwnw ENamaaAd wQfSelrr F.Nw*BAdtmsdLa*r - JOANNA LEE HART U.S.BANK NA 20B OLIVE AVENUE 4801 FREDERICA ST. PORT SAINT LUCIE,Fl.34952 OWMSBORO,KY 42301 G.Rxgaytnu9oc fi 6sdrnrxAaeA 208 OLIVE AVENUE CHRONOS TITLE SOLUTIONS.LLC PORT SAINT LUCIE FL 34952(SAINT LUCIE) 1199 SOUTH BELTLINE ROAD,SUITE 105,COPPED,TX 75019 (3419510-0263-000@) Fla=a Sowers L StftM1 DNarDuhnsnsr9 Dab 1199 SOUTH BELTLINE ROAD 12212016 1 SUITE 105 J.Summary of Borrowers Transaction K.Summary of SdWs Transaction 100.Gross Amount Due From Bormver 400.Gross Amount Due To Seller 101.Contractsales Pico $170.00.00 401.Contract sales price 5170.000.00 102.Personal P 402.Personal Property 103.Settlement Charges to Borrower(Ina 1400 $550.00 403. 104. 404. 105. 405- ustmentsfor Items pald by selkrinadvance Adfustments for hems paid by seller Inadvance 106.city/town fazes 406.Cityllown taxes 107.Co taxes 407.County taxes 108.Assessments 408.Assessments 109. 409. 110. 410. 111. 411. 112, 02. 120.Gross Amount Due From Borrower $170,550.00 1 420.Gross Amount Due To Seller 5170,000.00 200.Amounts Paid By"BdM 01 BM war 500.Reductions In Amount Due To Seller 201.Doposk or Eamest Money $5.000.00 501.Excess de see insbuc8ons 202.Pdodpal amount of new loan 502.SeDbment es tDSdW(Hno14GQ $17.320.96 203.Exis" bantaken to 503.Exis taken sublect to 204. 504.Payoffoffxst mortap ban 205.Caninoon Roal Estate Services from $100.00 505.Papffof second moftw ban 206. 506.Eamast retained by 207. 507.Disbursed as ($5.000,00) 298. 508• 209. 609• Acilustments for bras unpaid by seller AdJustments forhems unpaid by seller 210.Cityltown taxes 510.Ctlyflavrn taxes 21 T county taxes 12212016 in 12(!12016 @ 53 487.461Yew $95.29 511.County taxes 12212016 to 12/312016 53.487.461Year 595.29 212.Assessments 512.Assessments R3, 513. 214 514 215. 515. 216. 516. 217. 517. 218. 518. 219. 519. 220.7atdPaid orBorrower 55,195.19 52D.Total ReducdmAmount Due Seller $17.416.25 300.Cash At Settlement Fromird Borrower 600.Cash At SetlkmentTolFmm Seller 301.Gross Amount Due From Bo m wen flas 120 $170.550.00 601.Q= To Seger Ina 42D 5170.000.00 302.Less Amounts Paid or Banower One 220 S5.19519 601 Less Deduction in Amt Due To Seller ne $17.416.25 303 Cash ✓[]From OToBarrdwer $165,354.71 6113 Cash ✓❑To ❑FromSeOer 515258375 THIS IS CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE IGI. MMREM LL BY• Loan Number. FdeNumber. N-100605.2 Page 1 of 3