HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIST012017Backup2Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc. 4800 S.W 64th Ave, Suite 107 Davie, FL 33314 Phone: 954-792-9776 Fax: 954-792-9954 Email: archl_cg_lgbellsouth.net Web: www.flarchaeology.com November 27, 2015 Kori Benton Planning Department City of Fort Pierce 100 North U.S. 1 / P.O. Box 1480 Fort Pierce, FL 34954-1480 Re: Indian Hills Golf Course Archaeological Sites Dear Mr. Benton: As you have indicated that this letter report, submitted to your agency in 2004, is not on file I am readdressing it to you, and enclosing the associated maps and site forms. In 2004 as part of an archaeological survey of Fort Pierce, the Archaeological and Historical Conservancy conducted an assessment of the Indian Hills Golf Course, specifically a ± ten -acre area on the northeast perimeter that was relatively unaffected by redevelopment of the golf course. That assessment resulted in the documentation of two previously unrecorded archaeological sites: a prehistoric midden (8SL3269) likely associated with the Fort Pierce Mound/Midden (8SL3), and a segment/staging area of the historic military trail (8SL3270) associated with Fort Pierce (8SL31). These two sites are located in the northeast portion of the golf course abutting the Florida East Coast Railway corridor. Both sites are of local significance and are potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The Fort Pierce site, 8SL31, was listed in the NRHP in 1974. It is strongly recommended that these sites be adequately protected from future ground -disturbing activities. Any ground -disturbing activities there should be monitored by a professional archaeologist. Sincerely, Robert Carr Executive Director Enc: Map showing prehistoric site and historic artifact scatter at Indian Hills — page 2 Indian Hills Golf Course Field Specimen Log — page 3 1851 survey map showing the Military Trail to and from Fort Pierce — page 4 Photographs of area of prehistoric site and area of historic scatter — page 5 Indian Hills Golf Course Survey Log and USGS map SL3269 Fort Pierce Midden West site form and USGS map SL3270 Ft. Pierce Military Trail (Golf Course) site form and USGS map Cc: Leslie Olson, Planning and Development, St. Lucie County Florida Master Site File HIST6I*SITE SL327Q v Of RE k{, .'.. AF ► .• r r L _ 7e_ r; 4 AOL _ d� DRIC BATE' 269 Aerial Photo of Indian Hills Golf Course showing areas of archaeological assessment. A = PREHISTORIC SITE BOUNDARY (SL3269): THIS AREA MUST NOT BE DISTURBED B =AREA OF HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS (SL3270) C = AREA NOT TESTED DUE TO FILL LAYER - POSSIBLE AREA OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE 2 INDIAN HILLS GOLF COURSE FIELD SPECIMEN LOG, 8SL3270 FS Number Description Collector i Date Collected 1 Horseshoe BC, BE 06/18/04 2 Buck shot, musket ball unfired BC, BE 06/18/04 3 Buck shot (2) BC, BE 06/18/04 4 Pendant jewelry with possible ruby stone inset BC, BE 06/18/04 5 Musket ball (fired) BC, BE 06/18/04 6 Buck shot BC, BE 06/18/04 7 Lead seal, black bottle glass fragment BC, BE 06/18/04 8 Uid iron fragment BC, BE 06/18/04 9 Uid iron fragment BC, BE 06/18/04 10 Mine ball (fired) BC, BE 06/18/04 11 Buck shot BC, BE 06/18/04 12 Buck shot BC, BE 06/18/04 13 Uid lead fragment BC, BE 06/18/04 14 Lead seal BC, BE 06/18/04 15 Button BC, BE 06/18/04 16 Button BC, BE 06/18/04 17 Musket ball (unfired) BC, BE 06/18/04 18 Buck shot BC, BE 06/18/04 19 Stopwatch BC, BE 06/18/04 20 Buck shot BC, BE 06/18/04 21 Buck shot BC, BE 06/18/04 22 Buck shot BC, BE 06/18/04 23 Musket ball (unfired) BC, BE 06/18/04 24 Sand Tempered Plain Ceramic (1) BC, TH 06/18/04 Initial Collector BC Bob Carr BE Bruce Eisner TH Tim Harrington -_ � � � . . � ���� � ��/��• �/� Ap �"Of ro % . A ■trs ` + acrid . � � ; 1851 surve ma of Township 35 South, Range 40 East detail showin/t e Military T 6! leading sou 6 to Fort Pierce from Fort Capron and west from Fort Piece to Fort Lloyd. 7n 12 !6E N 4 View south of Indian Hills in 2004 with sandy ridge, site of SL3269, at far left along eastern perimeter of major portion of golf course that was undergoing redevelopment. Indian Hills, view northeast showing area of historic site SL3270 in distance at center beyond pond. 5 Page 1 Ent D (FMSF only) Survey Log Sheet Survey # (FMSF only) <., Florida Master Site File Version 4.1 1107 Consult Guide to the Survey Log Sheet for detailed instructions. Survey Project (name and project phase) Indian Hills Golf Course archaeological assessment Report Title (exactly as on title page) Indian Hills Golf Course Archaeological Sites Report Authors (as on title page, last names first) 1. Carr, Robert S. 3. 2. 4. Publication Date (year) 2015 Total Number of Pages in Report (count text, figures, tables, not site forms) 4 Publication Information (Give series, number in series, publisher and city. For article or chapter, cite page numbers. Use the style of American Antiquity.) Letter of 11/27/15: Robert Carr, AHC, to Kori Benton, City of Ft Pierce Supervisors of Fieldwork (even if same as author) Names Carr, Robert S . Affiliation of Fieldworkers: Organization Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc. City Davie Florida Key Words/Phrases (Don't use county name, or common words like archaeology, structure, survey, architecture, etc.) 1. Seminole war 3. Indian Hills 5. 7. 2. Fort Pierce 4. 6. 8. Survey Sponsors (corporation, government unit, organization or person directly funding fieldwork) Name Organization City of Fort Pierce Address/Phone/E-mail Recorder of Log Sheet Carr, Robert S. Date Log Sheet Completed 5-19-2015 Is this survey or project a continuation of a previous project? ❑x No El Yes: Previous survey #s (FMSF only) Counties (List each one in which field survey was done; attach additional sheet if necessary) 1. St. Lucie 3. 5. 2. 4. 6. USGS 1:24,000 Map NameslYear of Latest Revision (attach additional sheet if necessary) 1. Name FPIE Year 1983 4. Name Year 2. Name Year 5. Name Year 3. Name Year 6. Name Year Dates for Fieldwork: Start 6-14-2004 End 6-18-2004 Total Area Surveyed (fill in one) hectares 10 acres Number of Distinct Tracts or Areas Surveyed If Corridor (fill in one for each) Width: meters feet Length: kilometers miles HR6E066R0107 Florida Master Site File, Division of Historical Resources, Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Phone 850-245-6440, FAX 850-245-6439, Email: SiteFile@dos.state.fl.us Page 2 Survey Log Sheet Survey # Types of Survey (check all that apply): ❑x archaeological El architectural ❑x historicallarchival ❑damage assessment ❑monitoring report ❑other(describe): Scope/Intensity/Procedures Shovel testing and metal detection Preliminary Methods (check as many as apply to the project as a whole) ❑underwater ❑Florida Archives (Gray Building) ❑library research- localpubbc ❑local property or tax records ❑x other historic maps ❑Florida Photo Archives (Gray Building) ❑library -special collection - nonlocal ❑newspaper files ❑soils maps or data ❑x Site File property search ❑Public Lands Survey (maps at DEP) ❑x literature search ❑windshield survey ❑x Site File survey search [-]local informant(s) ❑Sanborn Insurance maps ❑x aerial photography ❑other (describe): Archaeological Methods (check as many as apply to the project as a whole) ❑Check here if NO archaeological methods were used. ❑surface collection, controlled []shovel test -other screen size ❑block excavation (at least 2x2 m) ❑x surface collection, uncontrolled ❑water screen [-]soil resistivity ❑x shovel test- 1 14"screen ❑posthole tests ❑magnetometer ❑shovel test-118" screen ❑auger tests ❑side scan sonar ❑shovel test 1116"screen ❑coring ❑x pedestrian survey ❑shovel test-unscreened ❑test excavation (at least 1x2 m) ❑unknown bother (describe): Metal detection HlstoricallArchitectural Methods (check as many as apply to the project as a whole) ❑X Check here if NO historicallarchitectural methods were used. ❑building permits ❑demolition permits ❑neighbor interview ❑subdivision maps ❑commercial permits ❑exposed ground inspected ❑occupant interview ❑tax records ❑interior documentation ❑local property records ❑occupation permits ❑unknown El other (describe): 1rI Vla'� �1�t�7rllb`lrMrlll�It�I�l�f+7�l�IlM�-h`ll�-1KUIrla�l Site Significance Evaluated? ❑x Yes El No I clear Check Bores Count of Previously Recorded Sites 0 Count of Newly Recorded Sites 2 Previously Recorded Site #'s with Site File Update Forms (List site #'s without "8". Attach additional pages if necessary.) Newly Recorded Site #'S (Are all originals and not updates? List site #'s without "8". Attach additional pages if necessary.) SL3269, SL3270 Site Forms Used: ❑Site File Paper Form X❑Site File Electronic Recording Form ***REQUIRED: ATTACH PLOT OF SURVEY AREA ON PHOTOCOPY OF USGS 1:24,000 MAP(SI*** Origin of Report: ❑872 ❑CARL ❑UW ❑1A32 # ❑Grant Project # ❑Academic ❑Contract ❑Avocational ❑Compliance Review: CRAT # Type of Document: []Archaeological Survey ❑HistoricallArchitectural Survey ❑Marine Survey ❑Cell Tower CRAS ❑Monitoring Report ❑Overview ❑Excavation Report []Multi -Site Excavation Report ❑Structure Detailed Report ❑Library, Hist. or Archival Doc ❑MPS ❑MRA ❑TG ❑Other: Document Destination: Plotability: HR6E066RO107 Florida Master Site File, Division of Historical Resources, Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Phone 850-245-6440, FAX 850-245-6439, Email: SiteFile@dos.state.fl.us Yacht GaIiIIn ir E, j- dia *■* �,aaa tc� , -.Lj sthuia�� l d.-- •• '... �•• ,. ap o pay r_ < �5 1, PROJECT AREA —— - INDIAN HILLS * GOLF COURSE C, 21 e ; aUafaPl® ` y USGS map depicting the location of the Fort Pierce Golf Course. TOWNSHIP 35S, RANGE 40E, SECTION 15 USGS map: FORT PIERCE 1983 0 750 0 150 1500 FT 300 M Pagel ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FORM Site#t3 SL03269 OGI1 final 9Form 40 FLORIDA MASTER SITE FILE Reid Date 0-18-204 Date 1-8-oo4 ❑Update Version 4.0 1/07 #- Consult Guide to Archaeological Site Form for detailed instructions Site Names) Fort Pierce: Midden west Multiple Listing (DHR only) Project Name Fart Pierce Golf Course Survey Survey # (DHR only) ownership: ❑private -profit ❑private -nonprofit ❑private -individual ❑private -nonspecific ❑x city ❑county ❑state ❑federal ❑Native American ❑foreign ❑unknown � r USGS 7.5 Map Name FORT PIERCE USGS Date 1983 Plat or Other Map City/Town (within 3 mhos) _ In City Limits? ❑yes ❑no ❑unknown County Township 35s Range 40F Section 15 %.sectiorl:❑NW ❑SW ❑SE ONE Irregular -name: Township Range _ Section _ '/. section: ❑NW ❑SW ❑SE ONE Landgrant Tax Parcel# 241513300010006, 241512100020006 UTM Coordinates: Zone ❑16 ❑17 Easting ® Northing Other Coordinates: X: Y: _ Coordinate System & Datum Address/Vicinity/Route to: i6co s 3rd Street: East side of_South 3rd street between Georgia Ave and Virginia Ave Name of Public Tract (e.g., park) i 0 SETTING STRUCTURES OR FEATURES FUNCTION ❑x Land (terrestrial) ❑Wetland (palustrine) ❑ log boat ❑tort ❑road segment ❑campsite ❑Lakeli (lacustrine) ❑usually flooded ❑agricifarm building ❑midden ❑x shell midden Z extractive site ❑RiverlStreamlCreek (riverine) [-]usually dry ❑burial mound ❑mill ❑shell mound Z habitation (prehistoric) ❑Tidal (estuarine) ❑CavelSink (subterranean) ❑building remains ❑mission ❑shipwreck ❑homestead (historic) ❑ Saltwater (marine) ❑terrestrial ❑cemeterytgrave ❑ mound, nonspecific ❑subsurface features ❑farmstead [-]aquatic ❑dumpirefuse ❑plantalion ❑surface scatter ❑xvillage(prehistoric) ❑ earthworks (historic) ❑platform mound [-]Well ❑town (historic) Other Features or Functions (Choose from the list or type a response.) [-]quarry 1. Possible burial com onent 2. i i R ABORIGINAL []Englewood ❑Manasota ❑St. Johns (!nonspecific) ❑Swift Creek (nonspecific) NON -ABORIGINAL ❑Alachua ❑Fort Walton ❑Mississippian ❑St. Johns I ❑Swift Creek, Early First Spanish 1513-99 ❑Archaic (nonspecific) ❑Glades (nonspecific) ❑Mount Taylor ❑St. Johns 11 ❑Swift Creek, Late ❑ First Spanish 1600-99 ❑Archaic, Early ❑Glades I ❑Norwood ❑Santa Rosa ❑Transitional ❑First Spanish 1700-1763 ❑Archaic, Middle ❑Glades II [--]orange ❑Santa Rosa -Swift Creek ❑Weeden Island (nonspecific) ❑First Spanish (nonspecific) ❑Archaic, Late El Glades lit ❑Paleoindian ❑Seminole (nonspecific) ❑Weeden Island I ❑British 1763-1783 ❑Belle Glade ❑Hickory Pond ❑Pensacola ❑Sominole: Colonization ❑Weeden Island II ❑Second Spanish 1783-1821 ❑Cades Pond ❑Leon -Jefferson ❑Perice Island El Seminole: 1st War To 2nd ❑Prehistoric (nonspecific) ❑x American Territorial 1821-45 ❑Caloosahatchee ❑Malabar I ❑Safety Harbor ❑Seminole: 2nd War To 3rd ❑Prehistoric non -ceramic ❑American Civil War 1861-65 ❑Deptford Eli It ❑St. Augustine ❑Seminole 3rd War & After ❑Prehistoric ceramic ❑American 19th Century ❑American 20th Century Other Cultures (Choose from the list or type a response. For historic sites, give specific dates,) ❑American (nonspecific) 1. 3. ❑ African -American Potentially eligible individually for National Register of Historic Places? Ayes Ono ❑insufficient information Potentially eligible as contributor to a National Register district? Oyes ❑no ❑x insufficient information Explanation of Evaluation (required if evaluated; use separate sheet if needed) The site is potentially eligible under criteria A and D. This site is likely associated with SL3, evidence of the adjoining portion obscured by construction of the FEC Railroad. Recommendations for Owner or SHPO Action Preservation or Phase II documentation 1 !] 1! 1 IVA 0 ff I • NR List Date SHPO — Appears to meet criteria for NR listing: Oyes [-]no ❑insufficient info Date Init.— KEEPER — Determined eligible: ❑yes Ono Date ❑Owner Objection NR Criteria for Evaluation ❑a ❑b ❑c ❑d (see National Register Bulletin 15, p. 2) HR6E045R0107 Florida Master Site File I Div. of Historical Resources I R. A. Gray Bldg 1500 S Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 3239960250 Phone (850) 245�64401 Fax (650)•245.64391 E-mail SiteFile@dos,state.n,us Page ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FORM site#8 SL03269 � •tip r SITE DETECTION SITE BOUNDARY ❑no field check ❑x exposed ground ❑screened shovel ❑bounds unknown ❑ remote sensing ❑unscreened shovel ❑x literature search ❑posthole tests pscreened shovel-if4' ❑none by recorder El exposed ground ❑screened shovel ❑informant report ❑auger tests ❑screened shovel-1f8" ❑literature search ❑ posthole tests ❑block excavations ❑remote sensing ❑unscreened shovel ❑screened shovel-1116° ❑informant report ❑auger tests ❑estimate or guess Other methods; number, size, depth, pattern of units; screen size (attach site plan) 6 45 x 45 cm shovel tests to 80 cm depth & all sediments screened: metal detection Extent Size (m2) _5, 5o_o Depthtstratigraphy of cultural deposit 20-60 cm Temporal Interpretation - Components (check one): []single component ❑p multiple component ❑uncertain Describe each occupation in plan (refer to attached large scale rnap� and stratigraphically. Discuss temporal and functional interpretations: Integrity - Overall disturbance: ❑none seen ❑minor []substantial ❑major ❑redeposited ❑destroyed -document! ❑unknown Disturbances I threats I protective measures Surface collection: area collected m2 # collection units Excavation: # noncontiguous blocks Total Artifacts # Ocount Oestimate COLLECTION SELECTIVITY ❑unknown ❑p unselective (all artifacts) ❑selective (some artifacts) ❑mixed selectivity SPATIAL CONTROL ❑uncollected ❑general (not by subarea) []unknown ❑controlled (by subarea) []variable spatial control ❑other (describe in comments below) Artifact Comments Surface #_ Subsurface # ARTIFACT CATEGORIES and DISPOSITIONS A - Aborig_inal ceramics_ A - Bone -animal or unidentif 5 She11-Unwork_ed A - .Metal select a disposition from the list below for each artifact category selected at left A - category always collected S - some items in category collected 0 - observed first hand, but not collected R - collected and subsequently left at site - irformant reported category present U - unknown DIAGNOSTICS (type or mode, and frequency: e.g., Suwanee ppk, heat -treated chert, Deptford Check -stamped, ironstone/whiteware) 1. Sand -tempered plain N= 1 4. N=_ 7. N= 2. N= 5. N= 8. N= 3. N= 6. — N--- 9. N= 7117 Nearest fresh water: Type -.-.River Name Indian River Distance from site (m) zoo Natural community UPLAND IiARDWOODs _Topography_ Dune -coastal Elevation: Min_ 3 m Max 8 m Local vegetation oak, sabal palm Present land use calf course SCS soil series Soil association Accessible Documentation Not Filed with the Site File - including field notes, analysis notes, photos, plans and other important documents �) Document type All materials at one location Maintaining organization Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc. I Document deserption Field notes and photas File or accession#'s 2004.50 2) Document type Maintainingerganization Document description File or accession N's r r r : rnano Informant Information: Name Address I Phone ! E-mail Recorder Information: Name Carr, Robert S. Affiliation Archaeological and Historical Conservancy Inc Address I Phone t E-mail 4800 Sod 64 Ave Ste 107, Davie FL t954) 792-9776/9954 archlllsouth.net Required O PHOTOCOPY OF 7.5r USGS QUAD MAP WITH SITE BOUNDARIES MARKED and SITE PLAN Attachments Plan at 1:3,600 or larger. Show boundaries, scale, north arrow, test/collection units, landmarks and date. Mue:clP+l tl L101 `•. _ ra` " sdia Mast 00 USGS map of 8SL3269. TOWNSHIP 35S, RANGE 40E, SECTION 15 0 750 1500 FT USGS map: FORT PIERCE 1983 0 150 300 M Page ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FORM Site#8 SLO3270 Field Date 6-25-2004 DOriginal40 FLORIDA MASTER SITE FILE Form Date 10-18-2004 ❑Update Version 4.0 I107 Recorder# Consult Guide to Archaeological Site Form for detailed instructions Name of Public Tract (e.g., park) SETTING STRUCTURES OR FEATURES ❑x Land (terrestrial) ❑Wetland (palustrine) ❑log boat []fort ❑x road segment []campsite ❑LakelPond(lacustrine} ❑usuallyf€ooded ❑agriclfarmbuilding ❑midden ❑shellmidden []extractive site ❑RiverlStreamlCreek (riverine) ❑usually dry ❑ burial mound []mill ❑shell mound ❑habitation (prehistoric) ❑Tidal (estuarine) ❑CavelSink (subterranean) ❑ building remains []mission ❑shipwreck ❑ homestead (historic) ❑Salmater(marine) ❑terrestrial ❑cemeterylgrave []mound, nonspecific ❑ subsurface features ❑farmstead []aquatic ❑dumplrefuse [_]plantation []surface scatter ❑village (prehistoric) ❑earthwor%s (historic) ❑platform mound ❑well []town (historic) Other Features or Functions (Choose from the list or type a response.) []quarry 1MOM ABORIGINAL ❑Englewood ❑Manasota ❑St. Johns (nonspecific) ❑Swift Creek (nonspecific) i NON -ABORIGINAL ❑Aiachua ❑Fort Walton ❑Mississippian ❑St. Johns I ❑Swift Creek, Early ❑First Spanish 1513-99 ❑Archaic (nonspecific) []Glades (nonspecific) ❑Mount Taylor ❑St. Johns 11 ❑Archaic, Early []Glades 1 ❑Norwood []Santa Rosa ❑Swift Creek, Late ❑Transitional []First Spanish 1600-99 El First Spanish 1700-1763 ❑Archaic, Middle ❑Glades 11 ❑Orange []Santa Rosa -Swift Creek ❑Weeden Island (nonspecific) El First Spanish (nonspecific) []Archaic, Late El Glades II] ❑Paleoindian ❑Seminole (nonspecific) ❑Weeden Island 1 ❑British 1763-1793 ❑Belle Glade ❑Hickory Pond ❑Pensacola []Seminole: Colonizaiion ❑Weeden Island €1 i ❑Second Spanish 1783-1821 ❑Cades Pond ❑Leon -Jefferson ❑Perko Island ❑Seminole: 1 st War To 2nd El Prehistoric (nonspecific) Z American Territorial 1821-45 ❑Caloosahatchee ❑Malabar I ❑Safety Harbor ❑Seminole 2nd War To 3rd El prehistoric non -ceramic []American Civil War 1861-65 ❑Deptford ❑x Malabar 11 ❑St. Augustine []Seminole: 3rd War & After El Prehistoric ceramic El American 19th Century []American 26th Century Other Cultures (Choose from the list or type a response For historic sites, give specific dates.) ❑American (nonspecific) ❑African -American 1 3 2. _ 4. 6 Potentially eligible individually for National Register of Historic Places? ❑yes []no [Jx, insufficient information Potentially eligible as contributor to a National Register district? [-]yes ❑no pinsufficient information Explanation of Evaluation (required if evaluated; use separate sheet if needed) Additional documentation required; evidence in archival maps combined with uncovered artifacts indicate this site was likely a gateway of Seminole war Fort Pierce onto the military trail. Recommendations for Owner or SHPO Action Preservation or Phase II assessment OFFICIALDHR USE ONLY , DHR USE ONLY NR List Date SHPO — Appears to meet criteria for NR listing: [I yes ❑no []insufficient info Date Init.— KEEPER — Determined eligible: ❑yes [:]no Date ❑Owner Objection NR Criteria for Evaluation: ❑a ❑b ❑c ❑d (see National Register Bulletin 15, p. 2) HR6E045R0107 Florida Master Site File! Div. of Historical Resources 1 R. A. Gray Bldg 1500 S Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Phone (850) 245.64401 Fax (850)-245.6439 f E-mail SiteFile@dos.state.fl.us Paget ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE FORM Site#8 SL03270 � � a SITE DETECTION SITE BOUNDARY ❑no field check 0exposed ground ❑x screened shovel ❑x bounds unknown ❑remote sensing ❑unscreened shovel ❑x literature search ❑porthole tests ❑screened shovel-114° ❑none by recorder ❑exposed ground El screened shovel ❑informant report ❑auger tests ❑screened shovel-718" ❑literature search ❑posthole tests ❑block excavations premote sensing ❑unscreened shovel ❑screened shovel-1116" ❑informant report ❑ auger tests ❑estimate or guess Other methods; number, size, depth, pattern of units; screen size (attach site plan) Extent Size (mz) 1000 Depthlstratigraphy of cultural deposit io cm Temporal Interpretation - Components (check one): Elsingle component ❑multiple component ❑uncertain Describe each occupation in plan (refer to attached large scale map) and stratigraphically. Discuss temporal and functional interpretations: Segment and/or staging area of Semino7.e War military trail connecting Fort Pierce with Fort Capron north and Integrity -Overall disturbance: ❑none seen ❑minor [Esubstantial ❑major ❑redeposited ❑destroyed -document! ❑unknown Disturbances I threats I protective measures 1ZPdevelopment Surface collection: area collected m2 # collection units Excavation: # noncontiguous blocks e Total Artifacts # Ocount Oestimate Surface # Subsurface # COLLECTION SELECTIVITY ARTIFACT CATEGORIES and DISPOSITIONS []unknown❑x unselective (all artifacts) A class _ selects disposition from the fist below for each artifact category selected at left ❑selective (some artifacts) A Metal [I mixed selectivity i A Miscellaneous historic A - sornecategitemsry in category c SPATIAL CONTROL —_ - __ S -some items in category collected ted ❑uncollected ❑general (not by subarea) R -observed first nand, but no leftcolat site ❑unknown ❑controlled (by subarea) — _ R informancollectedt and subsequently left at site ❑valiable spatial control — - I -informant reported category present ❑other (describe in comments below) - U - unknawrr Artifact Comments DIAGNOSTICS (type or mode, and frequency: e.g., Suwanee ppk, heat -treated chert, Deptford Check -stamped, ironstone/whiteware) 1. Musket balls N=_4_ _ 4. N= 7. — N= 2.13uttar, N= z 5. N= 8. N= 3. Lead seal N= 2 6. N= 9. N= 47-1 Required O PHOTOCOPY OF 7.5' USGS QUAD MAP WITH SITE BOUNDARIES MARKED and SITE PLAN Attachments Plan at 1:3,600 or larger. Show boundaries, scale, north arrow, testicollection units, landmarks and date. USGS map of 8SL3270. TOWNSHIP 35S, RANGE 40E, SECTION 15 USGS map: FORT PIERCE 1983 Municipal -r'Yatht Basin SL3270 0 750 1500 FT 0 150 300 M