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Florida Building Code Online. haps:flfloridabuiiding:org[pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGFVXQ.wtDq,.. RECEIVED JAN J 0 i tuc iJv'�dr�i' i d' BCI5Home Lng-In UserRegStralip Hot Topics Submit;Surcharge . Stats.&Facts-;'.PubkoU6nv :.FBCStaff_s BCSSte Map:; t;61& Search usines °P FIS, COPY t i.0 Fed Ct Approval Professi nal: User cc§lat _.- . due:.Foo�iYslLC�&nu�Ereil�.t.9'.Rnu�iraticn�ea_rSf?�:ARDCKaUark l;?�>Npplketion D6Ca� FL# FL15012-R2 Application,Type, Revision 'Code-V'ersion, ;2414; Application.Status iApproved;_,,. *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by.:OBRR shalt he reiitewed.and ratified by the FOC and/or.the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived r'' "Product Manufacturer C,M:i,Overhead Doors Address/Phone/Email 1485.Sunrise Delve Arthur,.IL.61911: (217)543 235' Ext4273: jcamp6ell @chiohd.com a AuthorizedSignature. Jim Campbell jcampbell@thiohd:corn Technical Repcetentailve Address/phone/Email 4 Quality Assurance;Representative Address/Phone/Email 1 r 'r Category Exterior Doors S' 3 Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies. Compliance Method Evaluation Reportfrom a Florida Registered-Architect'or a Licensed Florida Professlonal'Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name Who developed-John E.Scates the Evaluation Report Florida I.Icense PE=51737' Qual.it}r Assurance Entity Architectural Testing,Inr:, Quality:Assurance Contract.ExpiratIon Date, 1'2131%2018 Validated By Gordon Thornas,0.E E Validation,Checklist:-Hardcopy Received:. Certificate of'inclependence int 1012 R2 COj; ert_Qf_And_Sspteq_5.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of'Standard} kandartl' X@aC ASTM.E1886' 2005 ASTM,E1996. 2005 ASTM E330 20Q2 DASMA 108 2002. DASMA 10.8: 2005 DASMA 115; 2005 1 of 7 6/9/2016 9:45.AM FloridaBuilding:Code Onlinehttps://floridabuilding.org(pr/pr^app_dtl.uspx?param=wGEVXQwtDq.. applications.Large missile impact(9 pound missile)and FL15012 R2 'AE Eval Rept ! pdf Cycling tests conducted to accordance with ANSIJDASMA ELI 5012 RZ AE�FZ4i 16 015ISs:odf 111S,,ASTM E1886 and ASTM E1996.:Static tests conducted{ Created,by Independent Third Party:Yes f. In accordance with ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA 108 1 These are accepted test methods per 5th edition�(20 14) FBC Sections 1609 and 1715.:See drawing FZ4i-16-01515 for pressures a-22.2(0s!)/-243(psf)at widths up to 16'400"-] 15012:18 rg;2240,2241,2250,,2251,, 08'-0011 wide through 16'-10'wide by 20'high steel 4240,4241,4250;4251i5240' sectional door:with.or without polystyrene insulation. i t '5241,5250,5251. E Limits of Use 'Installation Instructions: i Approved for uae'in H4/HZ;NaFL150;1'2 'R2`2I�.7amb�Attach:Drawinns-s;L7df Approved tqr use outside HVHZ:YesEmL1501;29 _IL Suppieinental .Instructions Pan s.pd,` ImpactResi nt:No Verified By:John E.Scates;P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:No Other;Sectional.doors provided for windload'applications. .Evaluation Reports. ! Tested in accordance with ASTM.E330 and'ANSVEiASMA Fl1SQ:12 R2_AL Eval Reot s PAI`108,wh ch.are accepted test methods'per 5th editlon L15012 R2 AE F25-36-01315s_ed( (2014)Florida Building Code Section 1.715.See drawing Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 15 toe for pressures and:widths +52.4(psf)/ 5.8.3(psF)at 08'-00h,through ' +23.7(psf)/ 26.3(psf)at 16-10" 15012:19 rh,2240,2241,2250 2251: (12 00'wide'through 24'-00"wide by 20'High steel I -4240,4241,4250,4251,15240, l sectional door with or without polystyrene Insulation. y !!!!!!€5241,,5250,.5251 j Limits of.Use i Installation Instructions € rApproved.for use in HVHZ:No FL150.12 R2:II Jamb gttach"RLdtivEngs s:edf i Approved for use,autside HYt12:Yes FL15012 R2vtI SuppLelTtental Instruciogs.Fait s Qdf i i impact Resistant..No Verifiied By:John Ei States,P.E.FL-51737 Design Pressure:N/A Created by independent Third Party:No. j } Other.Sectional doors.provided for wlndload applications. Evaluation Reports ! Tested In accordance with ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA i L1 012 R2_At___F,_ UR90 s odf. 108,which are accepted test methods perSkh edition FL1 Q_12 R2 AE�Lo 16;-01 15s pd' (2014)Florida Building Code Section 1715.See drawing Created by IndeperidentThird Party:.Yes. FZ&16-01315-for pressures and widths +40.1(psf)/-44.7(psf)at 12'-00"through j +13.4(psf)1-14.9(psf)at 24'-00"' 15012:20 rhl, 2240,2241,2250,2251; Up to 16'-0.0"wide by 20'highsteel sectional door with or 1 l 4240;4241,4250,4251,5240, vuithout'polystyrer)e Insulation. 5241,5250,5251 Limits of Us® Installation instructions: Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL15012 R_ Jamb M.-ach Drawin s s;pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:.Yes FLiS012 132 II Su iemental InstructioOs Pan sof. # Impact[resistant:Yes Verified 13y.John E Scates P.E.FL S1737 Design Pressure:+30.61-34.1 Created by Independent.Tt lyd Party:,No Other.Sectional doors provided for potential"code plus" IEvaluation Reports applications:.Large Missile impact(9 pound missile)and FL15012 R2 AE Evai Rept s.pdf Gyciing tests.airiiliicked inaccordance.with.ANSi/DASMA FL15Q .7_ R2 AE FZ6f.;16 Al jiSs , 115,ASTM E1886 and ASTM E1996-Static tests conducted i Created by Independent Third Party:Yes In accordance with ASTM E330 and ANSI/DASMA 10t3. i These are accepted test methods per 5th edition(2014) FBC Sections 1609 and 1715.See drawing FZ61-16 01515 for'pressures+3M(psf)/-34.1(psf)at widths up to 16-00" 1 _ — _.......... Go to Page Page f/2 )loch it' contasl.Sls::J34lLPioitL+.[hgprue'Street.TaY:if?a8��FL 32399 Phone:850-48T-1$�4 The Stateof,..Floriiaisan.AAJEF.Oempioyer:S.ARYJiOht2007-2013-_State9.LF,JIlE�sI=,-; ia1SY5taterneni:i,ASrgbbitv--Stggp; RefundStaternQpt .._ _. Unifier Florida law,email addresses are public.records:If you.do.notwent your e-mail address released in response to a pubic-records-request,do.not'send eie-c"nic malltp this entity-Instead,contact the office by phonearty tradiLbnai malt.if you have arty quastions,please contact 850.487.130S.'Pumuaht to Section 455.275(1),Fbrala Statutes,eHectNe.October 1,2012,rcensees licensed under,Chapter 455 F.S must provirde the Department with an email addiess_if they'have one.The ernalls provided may be used for oftic'e,l communication wBfi the:licensee.However.ernail addresses are p0blic recoil:lfyou do not wish to supply a- 'pertohal address,plopse,provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the.puoilo.To determine ifyou area 1&nsee under Chapter 4551*.Sl,please cdkk'b9M_. Prcidudt ApprovalAoo pts Ej WR ctrref M. 6.Of7 6/$/2016 9:45 AM Q I 4 i 3 2 ! 1 161-0"(see.not es:for other widths) - Window Options: j C j tdonal Standard Lues 3B: intennediatc: I/8 DSB: 4f), hinge 1/d' Tempered Glass _ (see window optitms) / . lC 1 4t Put earbonate / f � : f 2 7/1U^rutilatotl class D top fixture flag 7/.3.6 Tampered Insulated Glass.,. D _d. T_ bracket Mia daylight opening 38 39- x:12-1/2"L3 . F' r 4D .- 2 end stile 1B - .. . .. _ • -: �- - �. ,..- ° �;e W yr trick ) IL2 b Y 3B f•y brlckeL Door Height �' �y H 3 end hinge T-6"to F-0" 5 4, C. G __... 4 4A Z bottom-fixture _�__• __._. - ; _-. - r t0:-9"to 12'3" 7 13 6: i lZ`=6'to 144" 8 15, 7 ✓j I 22 JJ 14'-a Yo 1.5-9 9 17 8 This doof has heen' rihinted in accordance with ASTM E 330-02 and ANSI/DAShIA-108-62 and 108.05. strtit attachment `9trtit ifi-0 to LT-6" 10 19 9 ev Supporting st ucttual elenients.to txdesigned byregistered professional engineer for specified wind loads. i.T-9"to I9'-3" 11 21 10; If door is noaelectrically operated,alock mustboinsaatled, 19'-6":to 20'-0" 12 23 11 Maximum,door height:20'-0" Maximum section height,21" B 'frack bucket quantities shown are ror use with l3 Per ASCE?-]0 I3esigti Pressures(IJP)typically.meet to exc�eecl the requirements for,tae following wind spe��ls. These exposure:"B"wind speeds are for T.highdoors on 31Y tall buildings. grado2 or better southern pine jambs When using softer mod-species like spruce-pine-fir(SPP)iise Width D I raim Pressure, Wind S Windows Cerner Stiles r the,quant!ty of track a t�kets specified in the chaff 24',00 13A( /"-14.9(.., :.122 th h) YES :9 � pins three track braekefs,per side, .:. 22'-00" ;15.9( / 17.7( sf) 133.m h YES 9 Supplemental Instructions contain details 21'-00" 17.5 /'-.19:4 140(mph) `YIDS. 9 for doors up to 20'0".high.'lliese are required in 20'-06" 183 e 20A 143(mph) YES 9.. addition to this drawing forutstallation,Always' -. 2U-00" 19.3 1-21.4( sII 146;(m h) 'YES 9 use supplemental instructions in addition to this 19'-06, 20.a( I-22.6( 150.roh 'YES 9 John E.Scates,P.E. drawing dating door insinuation. 19-UO" 21.3 sf)/=23:8( sf) 1.54(MvhI I YES 9 3121 Fairgate.Drive tats . 18-06" 225 f)/-25A sf) 158 rn 11YES 9 �� � �� 18!-W' 23.8( 1 26.5,(s 162'(ruh) ..''YES .7 CF-1 otda.P Texas 1737 t� "09.2015; 17-06" 25;2 J•28.0 s 166:(m h) YES 7 Plotida.P.E:#.'51737 26,7( 1 29.7(st)" 171(Tph) YES 7 Modelst2240 2241;2250 2251,4240'x241, 16;00"_'30.1 1-.33.5 s 181.m w YES' 9 J 4250 4451.5240 SZ41,5250,;5251 . A. A 15 00" 32.1( 317 187 m h YES 7 401 Spst)/-44.1(psi)at I T-00"dirougli 14-00 `34.4 -f)/-'38l3(sf) 193'mph 1115 t' (-'C(i �O� r1Q�l 13.4(pst)/ 14.)(ps�nt.24'00" 13-00 37.0 /:=41.2 sf' 199 m h) YES 5' FL (J IJ ij'll2C L J 1 12'-QQ" 40.1 -44:7: s 2Q7'tii ) YEs s C.11 1.Drawinz.. Ez6•tcrol315 Center stile gttantliy is u4nimum per sectioti:." Professional Engincers seal provided only for verification of ivindload consrivctitni details page 1_of 4 3 i) 3 ... 2 r ..Strut Of applicable),not shown for clarity: Details on so.me views may havo,been onittted forclarity, I(059);Zalvanized steel top fixture; Each fixture"attached j The vertical wood jamb fasteners may be counter sunk to provide a flat mounting surface With four J/4 x 314"screws; 1 See jamb attachment details:for mom'informationabout attaching jambs to structure. (.086)galymlized steel D 7 �- flag bracket fastened:to x 7)16"(nominal)stop molding to be seemed wiili vrood jamb with three °° u / minimum 8d'nail or 2-1/2"long screw on 5"spacuig. 5/16"'z 1-5/8":wood lag push nut f 1 Stop molding not required when door is more than.l"`wider than opening. screws. (,034)end tile j �• / F nominal(:0185)galvanized steel minimurn / t i f: Flag bracket attached to horizontal truck L--, t ..J r r with two 1/4'x 5/9' (.109)galvanized steel top .' j: r nuts. �+a+sa track bolts and j I future. Eachfixture attached with vib 1/4"x.3/4"screws. = r Y C C 034 center stile Flag bracket anached to - { ) 2"(titin)x 0485(min}* push nue galvanized steel track. vertical,track with tnd nuts.,x 518"track bolts and nuts... r ^(;034)end stile End Hinge ® f Intermediate:lige Or two 7/4`x 1.1/32"rivets. Ai�a` galvanized steelfastened (,OSS)gaivarnzeilsteel' {;102).galvanized steel=ck.�;� ._ to section with Q". 'fastened to section with bracket fastened to wood:jamb six 14',x 3/4"screws. four 1/4'x 3/4"screws. with one 5/16"x 1-5/8"wood o Q lag screw per bracket. 4 Optinnai7ow head roots top bracket: l..l .� Push:nut z ?,(max.for(,069) hick) - ....._..._ 2 3J4„ 4"(max.far..109 thick Each track bracket attached.wrth B ) one 1/4"x 5/8"track bolt and nut: B Or two 1/4"x 11/32".rivets. nominal fd 2"(min? ""t .—a.l-- 3-1/2'{min:)stein 10(min)ball roller ! 1` with Wyton or steel tread. -.._..._ _ push nut -+ 3" -� :Jtihn E.Scates P:E. .� i 3121 Fairgato Drive _..1 jl...__. _.. r � � .I-7/8" Cait+ollton,'Cexas 75007 Bu / '• • -- ..• --.... f- Plorida•F:E.# 51237- . �, � - _�� (� n t�CIlpswE coo L} " m rats (.102)galvanized steel _ Qsl 50 Iasi galvanized.steep 04-99-2015 bottom bracket Each strut'attached.with two 1/4"x 3/4" bracket attached with four, r Models:'2240,224 t,:2250,2251;4240,4241, screws per stile;or hinge plate. red.1/4'x 3/4".screws. - (.109)galvmtized steel bottom 4250,4251;5240 524f,5256,5251 A bracket Each bracket,attached 40.1(psi)1-44.7(pst)at 12 00!'tliroygh — push nut. with four red 1./4"x 3/4"'screws: �L 1.501��� L 13.4(psY)/ 14:7(ps0nt24-0¢° Vinyl \._.....Aluminum extrusion Optional low head room bottom,bracket J� weatherstrip C.FI;I.Ihawing:.F7,6.i6-01315 Professional:Engineer`s seal provided,only for verification ofwindloadconstuction details: page-2-of 2 3 2 Anchor.rrWTa - .. Tia. kapanchsteaclea6f -t.,, /'`' ^•� . . pcoaat Tapron[37rorSimpson Stm¢3- anYbacK.pmb \^f 1TµRmrse4RcdheadTapron,Its"diameia mmintfm.1:510n vntltwasher tli<iamfdrsas to ANSf7718.12.t rytc&. atmcbinrattuteaml 1TµRamscYr/ dhmdLago IAnma[ei'Tapcoa 318 diameter mioimm�4"tong xitliwashrr the corGtamstaiiN5IB1832.1 type 8;' t Simpson Thai 60,3l6- 6unimtms 4r Imp;lvhh wssbir thatcm7pvns t6 ANSI BI8.221 tyFoe: �i .SimpsonWWE6-A71;3/B".dtnmetsr:minunum an to aith wasbrt,tito wnfomos,ta AN51.81822t 4*K R2enapplyiag bnekjambs ovacdry mall er.odmrn0n stractani wollewenty„nulmigertsarmta itisvroiat¢uinetiemta't5uenesa�pilret4 y!eadc Thu charapplics to vood species whb specific gsavity.8reater thin or egoal(6042 ir`ludmgs<^mce pine fa(SPFI and scud=vim(SP7. See chap facmia6tmtit washer dfamcra. Wcshesdiamomrs in elan ore based on use ofSprc ePm<Fir.Wcgtieis'may>x lOYa snm3krwten Soinhd6Picc.is owd: 8- Seechaicfurniiniroumeigedisucice nxltiircd. l.onrstmchwtobo}peatvr ihant6e mmnaom ldgo dismttee up.&om dmtbQrare9 kss',ilma.)It•ioeius:fmttiilie lAwl,. i � .. FASTENER0.5PAONCs(Inches) , 2500 psi concrete fined CMU Simpson .• ITW-Tapcdri strong-Tia DOOR WIDTH(feet and Inches)at a given DESIGN PRESS'k(PSF) 1W l[_3&E 3 S"11LIr 24psf iT se I ZMsf 24asf I 28W 3W 36cif i sf 44 sf 1 43psI sNpsf ISOpsfJ63psfsf OW I 070d 93 If 24 24' <24 r1 24 •24 24 1-9 18'-9 15-11:13'-3 11'-4 9'Si 8<10 T-11 1'3. 6'•7 61-0 r S'-6. 5.0 4'-7 a'•3 T-11 n 5 _n o 1 `• 24 22 24 .24 24 24 24'-3 20'-0 17'-0 14-1 12'-1 111.7 �5•fi' 7'3 r-0 _54 5'•10.:5.4 W-11 4'.6 '.4!-2'.n/a f�. i a 24 20 '14 .24..24 16.x.26:6 71'-9 18'.6 IS'-5. 13-3" ll'-7 101-31-9p-3 ®'-5 r-s r•o 6'-4 9=20 S'-0 8-11.44 4'3. 3'-33 - 24 18 24 22 24 36 23=10 231-9 20'316'-10YI`3.12-7 9r-2 d0'-1 9'-Z. .0'+ST•7 ..5'-10: -S'-0 4'-lls 41.7 4'-4 24 17 24'- 20 24 I6.31 9 25 2 22-3 IV-6�]5-10 39'-10 II-4 il'-1 10'•1 9'-3 84 T'*e: :7=0i b'•5 5-11 9'3:: 24- 15 24 18 24 26 SN-a 18'-2 24'-0.20'-0 it-1. 15.0 13'-4 Le-Q 10 10 10,10. 9.0 8.3 r-7 6'-11 6'4 5'-11 7 � r inuallod y. 20. 35 24 17 lb Ifi. 36'3 29%10 25'-4 21'-2. 38'-1 35•:10 30'-1 12'-8 11-ii.-10'•7 9-7 8-4�.8'0' r4 b'-06'3. 5-10 5-5 .less[�high of doar6petiaig. 22 13`. 24.. 15 I6 :8 ala 3?-3 2T3 2V-M 19-7 17••1 15'-2 23'-8 12-5 11'-5 -10'-0 T-5 8'-0 .7'-11. 7-3 V9.,,6'•3- V-10 21- 13 24 15 16 B n a. 33'-20 28'-9 24'-0t M-b 18'-0 16'-0 14'=4 13'•1.12=0 10'-W 9'-11 9'-1 S4 r,8 7-1.. .0'-7 6'-2 �..-pis..twy rc be e,.etdy spsce86nleeo s 'SE 24 _24....36_ 8 n/p:. n/aR 314 26-1.22-S 19'-7 .17'-5 3V-8, ia'-3 .13'-0 il�-l0 10'-9 9=11,4-1 8'-4 :7'$ -7'-2. b'-tt ceheydetunA thefboc. - ': 16 10: 2i4µ 12 16 8 .nja, n/a 3 -o 3 -o 2v-a 22•-6 20'-0 18'-0 16'4iv-a-13'.7:S.Z'4 1_7'-9. 10•-5 I 9'-7 I W-M. .8'-3 7'-8. - 16 1024 11 8 8 _na el. via 317-9 27'-2 13'=9 21'+2 19'-0 lr3 15-20144 33'_1.; 1A 8.: .24. 10 .:8 8 nja: 'nja, h/a. 35A 3IYaf 26'•1023=10 21'-S_25.6 1r-10 16-2 14':9 13.7 3Y-5 Ir-S 10=7'.9-10 9'-2 32 7 20 9 :8 A nja n a n a n/a :n a 34'-11'1T-S 24'-B-22'3.3D'-T 16.8 ir-0 15.8 7A'-4 13'-2 22'-2 11.4 10•7 -r2s6 srnantalgiidc7umb�c. 11 T.'20_ .8•. a 8' nja_ n/a. n/a. n/a ,:n/a 31-10 28'-3 2W4 23•"2 Zl•-3. 191-2 3r-1 .16'-2 14}9 13'•7 SZ•-7;,11'-8 10'-31 A(ny be countn6oted ap to 318."daep ti a n/a. it/e rtra n!a a a n a 3r-0 ZS'-9 26'•2 24'-0 21--8 14.10 SSD'-3. 16'•8 15'4-14'-2 .33'4 1 IT-0 y;�chatichorlxayon l0pio iQeS s a a n a nJa_-."!a._�!a ,n/a n!aa 32'o:is•1 ass jai 'D sw 3; 36'c 1�-0 1s g la's '-s n n moa a ag:6da«. s n%a 13 6 n/a n/a. nJe .n/a nja nja n/a a n a n/a n/n)30'-.11 28 0 :25-Y 23.6 21 6 29--9::18-3 17 0 15-31 n/a. n/a 22 o/a. n/at .rt/d nJa- n/a n/a. n a. n/a. .:n/a a n a h :nja.'32'-0 Z9'-7.:27-3 24'•10 22'-10 21'-2 29'-8 18=5 14pst 37taf Zaps(' aapsf 28psr 32ps( 36pif 6Piat..41psf C8psr:Pilaf 701' 63p}f fi90st 76ps!'83f�sf 87p5f 93psf • .. } -Z500.psl:ccncrete RUM CMU - f-Furt onctwrto scuff amasctcthah ba7f1he tas[etieripacpg dmta and r ' "'DOOR WIDTH feet and Inches)at a given DESIGN)PRESSURE(PSF) n6 ias ham d e®vc um ailed s a ci.: I7WTapwn tTW 187 st1°a as t n 1/4" SJV: 3J8°-3 8" 3 8" 3/8".FaSTENBi dA.'V�TFa 2.75 L75 -2.51 2:5'27$'268.FMg60MEN[EOMM 1ua T/6 s-1./a ;1" 1• a 1- a.WAswtBDIAMEMM r.. {1111t!� - . z ur 2-Ili+ �• 3" 4" 4•: m d Iltdraxts ����t1 d ��j/ `"fsonealunmu d en r:a tri 1. csigratay n ae `� .a ,' ff Pro utemecrfars✓Grilmdsm WAiritroattt Mii7ti 5088 3190.8598 37in 48W 340Y rASTMERIAADCUA(IiV \ +! Thna,o>v ,to�.swi ;r�amllmt>>v.uaelitnwt w�a�rz C`�1GRPld�...� /� naciencct 7amMucBcanciutsm 4 wnhtyf 11Lat-ntbn • / p�rpas:i-'1`E�buMi.'�R��YstesF6na'bielox nuwGnb iLv t� "~�. 8J 71O4'ylJfll 4t`b/fl)!•3`y i ,ombtua8i-nsff vvmcmymedoarinviuulinti 7Lit- t edrat•stamtzmsold-nr.pe-baraionn<wwi%k 6c ar&isam •�. C7G"Ut,:f;E4:rL iu£EN A3.PE8F0 pmfessicnA e..q,iccdmaYCPP.,aMJ en.hgt+iive dlfV, Manufaciuver's installation mstnrctions most be fgllobred. Maximum--spacbtgShovm 5t chart �. QQQ .001ie; 1Esser5pacing may be iced to avoid iidcsfctencc vriM door h2idWare 7121 F it am P.E. •� •dy�a C1QQ 31zt rb a� �a�o�o QQQ and orfastening aysmm,tiutnot lessthan6". Carmlm�exasb7506'7 �' �1$-20.1$ i"d perjamb,=OSx door width x max positive pressure x d6orhei0t. Back Jamb-Attachment DetaU -B.CMUbloc-kwilLs.shallcvmplywhhASTMC90. 'iXPE16308;Fz2D3tJtf19.11�1�� use adnbnum 2000 psl gmutarconc;de wbM filling C-Mu. J Concrete Anc)7e3S C4IU fa tgner-spacing distance may:vay+/-1' .. - Ptot'6ssionnifingiaeees seal provided only for ->. C:H.I.Drawing: BJA-201 Rev.-07- Southern MO.'(SP)specific gravttq_p,55;allawablO60 pa wichor.=62o pounds: - - VI- M1N �n.MIN i?, (SPF) Px' gravity^ per' po nfni. S unoPinefru SPF s efmilA2;ailowabhilcxrd unehar=R82 ands: TPA Use ,A'iTACNM[.V'CAF. Usa SP values only if both striicmie and,pmba,e sivirth rt 01.i. - 2xb W4,lOP lA!NB Usa Slat yaiues,when spruxginsloris gtesent:n sRtsxtpe -jatnbrna[trial. 2s5 WOODIAMN Lag scrow,7J8",diargiKerx:`S"mi6irnum IoiiE;iauit Gonicurrt taANSiJA,Sbi.B$18.2:1 %":SiiFA3'1V,tiC. 'ONS13EAI7nNG Washer 1 i18";minfmttm uarssde diameter,must conformto Allsftu ?2itypeA,- Pre-drill i%A"diaioe r pilot#ii lsg for:lag aciew m erti. 1 1/l MIAM um tag xrnw:edge distance inquired, fA9n#A %t"x 3-1/2'LAG5CRc1y5 DOOR WIDTH i�setand inchea'ata given DESIGN PRESSURE PSFX -=-- � e?rna SPF. SP 14 xs alany tixk d4 I7f X 41psi'ZRpsf 28psf 32pst 36psf 40 44psf 48psf 53 f 5 f 63ps1 69 f 75psf 110A67psf 93pii pmb ttpxbn evt 24, 24 34' 28`•4 2W-1 20'0 1r-2 I5-0 13'-4 IY11 10'- 16'-0 V-1 8'-3 7A.,7 V-11 6`-5 5'-13 V-6 -6.=2 / rasuucs 22. 24 n/a' 32-4 271•6 72'-1 19.8 17'4 is,4 131•9 12'-6 11'S 10',4 9 5 W-8 7'41 7'4 6`-9 V-351.-11 24 24 n/a 34-0 28'-1 *-1 20,;.7 19'-0 lwo 14'4 IVA 12'4 10'4921 0--2,'8-4 7'-8 7=1 W-7 W4 e' ! 19, -24 fila 36-5 314 iV-IC 22'4 1W•4 I74 1S'•6 14-1 12'43 111=9 10'.8 9'-10.8-11 8'=9 7-7 7'1 6'4 1f! 23 nja 11/3 0-1 2W-412'» ZW-C 17%I IG-O 14-7 13'-4 32-1 11',-0 d0'-2 T-3 W-6 7"11 T`-4, 6'10 16 121 n/a p/a 35=4 29-6 25-3 22'4 19'-8 17'-8 16'-1 14',9 I3'=4 12 2 11.-2 103 9-5 814 8'-1 7.7' { 16: 20 11/a fila 361-1 301-1 25 9 22'-7 20A 18'-0 16"-5 I5'-0.I3'4 12r-5 11'-5 W4 W-7 8'11 6'»3 7'-9 3 s i ..::.- IS 20 n/a ija e/4 31'-0 2b-6 23'2 20'-8 18'-7 16-1 15'-6 14-0 12--9 11'-9 10'»9 9'-11.9'-2 8,41, 8,-0 14' 18 p/a nja nja 34'-5 29'-6'25'-9 22'-Il 20'-7 18'9 17':Z 1S'-7 14'2 13-1' it 1 11:-0 10'-2 9-S 13' 16,fila n/a nja n/a 32.9 27'-9 24-t{ 22-2 20-2 18.'-4 16`-9 15.4 24'-1 12 111'=1 Sts- 10'-2 9'-6 f 12 16' n/a n/a n/a Ala 3W-Z 20-4 25 1 23'-3 21`4 19'-4 17'•6' 16.0 14'•9 ivs, 12'4 1T-$ 20'-8 101-0 12 1$, fila n/a. nja fila nja 3t1-i 2" 24.1 21 1C 261.0 18'-2.IW-7 ],5'3 13.1 11'-1 11`411'-0 18'•4 12 Iii• n/a n/a n/a n/a, n/a 32'-1 Z9--2 26'-3 iW-u 2i'-I 19'-1 18=1 16:5 35'-2 24'0 17-12 12-1 12-3 10 14- fila n/a' fila fila n/a. 33-2 29'6 26'6 24!-k 22'-1 20',-q 38'-3 i6'-1 15',414'-2 I3'-1 12 2:11'-S \ 4 l✓1 `' :f 10 12'. n/a nja fila fila n/a rt1a 32--1 28-41261-3 2dPA 22'-9 19'-1 194 I6'=9 1S'-5 14'4 28-4 12'-5 7i t 9 12 n/a n/a n/a plat n/a n/a n/a. 311.0 28-2 25'-1 23'.,4 21'-4 19-8 17'-1 16'-6 16'3 14'3 13!4 w. least as high is datt6p`niir8. 9 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a p/a n/a. nja 32'-1 29-2 26'-9 2473 22`-I 20'4 W-7 IT-1 IS-1 x$=s, 13'-9 8 11 0/0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a p/a n/a. 34'-8 28'-2 25'"6 23-3 2i'-5 I9'•7 18'-0 26'-8 I51•8-IVA st;e header m;3 mo ooei. 8 10 n/a n/a n/a nja n/a n/a n/a. n/a 32'-2 3q'-1 27-3 2W-11 22'x1, 20'•1 19'-3 1T-1 16'-7 15'=6 7 10: n/a nia n/a. n/a n/a n/a nja n/a n/a .31:0. zw-q 2V-7 2X-7 2i'-6 I9'-1 1a'-4 17-1 16-6 7 9 111a.10/a n/2 fila n/A. n/a' n/a n/a n/a 0/8 rK/a 32'-2 28'-5 26'-2 23'-1 22'-0 261.4 SS'-1 17'-9 j 6 8. nja nja n/a, nls fila fila fila plat fila fila nja: Sz'0 29 6. 26'<i 24",.8 2r-112r-4`20'gss"°e""att a"t . M1lay,ba cuc?s3aMxad up W 3Js".rdcep K '. 1 4 6 n/a: fila fila n/a..n a fila ,nja nja fila n/a n/a n/a n/a. 33'-0 30'-728'-6 26'-8 caenancko toczdonto vaso :. SPF Sp-I4is#V7W,,i0lfj24p0j28last 32psf 46pst 40psf 44psf Agpsf�53psf 58psf fi3pSt 69psf 75psf $1psf 87pasf 93pif DOOR`!li IDTH betand.inehe$ ata fifers DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF): i 4a2t 62911 .. . 11111 i 11ld t.oAADER; at to scut ato6mis tan j vAensrim 'v�. a fj r�halr 8,iasieaera ' ♦/�p� r auaarmd {ppyads leas tb}1r U,e m7arnVRl Ca$Y S=t 'A M¢tirnamlaa6,per jamb=05`x(dvar height)x(dcorvd t))((mazimum_(atciiirep surey =,s •lt �y ( � M Whcnapplyingback jambs overdrywallor.ctberrwnstnwitutatvaullcoveiIng, tiCi3TLNihas2EEyAL7 REG nse:la)fgor tags Screws ra insure,F 1(Z-minimum es8brximenrrcgoirecL vVC31635dt3ls'3�"A' Y3Ei7 �.. I I„ 11.( � QQ� none.. Lesser spacing may be surd to avoid Wed mitre with doorhardtvnre and or iasseautg system �„ _ lJ LIU LLII m-,ii,mumspxrag.shownmthsis: ynbnE.Scares,P.fi, ✓ `♦♦ s q ❑ Q QCI�C3 2-I821}15 Thtsuchanadohot:addteSsspring pasirwr�r,ertien5tamebuMing. 3iza>.i�gar.nr;:e "".r�.t 4`t+O�td 't���� tack.Jamb.AttachmpntUelail Alternative dasign'may be approved by a zeo*ed p[ofelionai enonenn, Carmilton.7tau75tAI Supporting Aruttiral elemen4 shall be designed by a rcgiste9al fnniess noal Florida Plx X 51737 fj✓/ jON+�11' 't�°Lti` La$. L �'i: engineerforuInd#cads i..6d0ne tn,atherhlads: H2 7XP6S5.30S'F-2293 ,!/t��i�� �� _G:�-i,�. ,R' .CY, Professional ineees seal'rovidedmily tor,vmItcanan or wmatoad eon'stfusli non ps ji:il]ri'; $d�. .°flJ`.