HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit -:.•. . Planning&Development Services . • •° _ Building&Code Regulation Division - 2300 Virginia Avenue a r, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2565 or 772-462-2172 Fax: 772-462-6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re: Permit.# -1 -6 - 1, { l' licensed as a( )Contractor* ngineer/Architect (Please print ame&circle license type) *FS4 mg Inspector *General,Building,Residential or Roofing Contractor or any individual certified under.468 F.S.to make sutli an Inspection. On or about 1 did personally inspect the roof deck nailing (Date) work at: (Job site address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit Manual (Based on 553.844 F.S.) Sten ture an eal License# STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF r— Sworn and subsc i ed before me this, day of /J 20 1 by' V Who is personally known to me or o has produced- as identification. Notary Public,State of FloridaF Signature of Notary: Commisslon Number: �' q (Seal) En 01/19/2011 DAVID VANDEFIFLIIER y:.klk_ MY COMMISSION#FF099560 �o�fl�r EXPIRES March 9,2618 faffj 3g8-0ts3 FlorideNalaryServIeffcoM REQ��v E TOO# Ztiti'ON BZB899VZLL ouI `Oza-eW Ka�0 60:0 GTOZ/OT/TO