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Notice of Commencement
JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT' LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4254394 OR BOOK 3938 PAGE 2905, Recorded 12/05/2016 04 :02:20 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT c� Permit Ha.SI.C- tt�1 "b�{�_ Tan Folio No, [i1 TV 3+R IA—00L--0O0 —'c� State of Florida 'otfnty of St.facie The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,aid in accordance with 31apter W.,Florida Statutes, the follovringinformation ispra4dedIntiisNotice of+:ammencement. �- ,rtJ 6q]AS-- a e L1p0 �f ter r , (OZA street� C'r�l�t�(11�% tt'b" 1 V ©9 Nu� ��/ �(J-�JPi ye IRu ler Is A5 0 FT TAW//- f General descriptlon of lmprde menta-- R r' i'�-+��- l� �J.� /� 13 f OwnerInforgr or Le ee infer tion XI,#s _lrLcdj�"ment: Nene i Address �i1 :' l- C11C e Jr't , nJ" interest in property: Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if different from twiner listed above): Contractor's Name: Y\U tJ lC t5 0 +V S //V _ Contracto'Address: Phone Nmirbe .2-5 V Surety(if applicable,a copy of the payment bond is attached);Amount of bond:5 i Name and address: ff Phone ntirtber! Lender Name: J Phone Number: Lender's address: Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be srvad as provided by section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: )a j Name: Phone Number: m Address: In addition to hinwetfor hemelf,Owner designates of to receive a copy of the IJenor's Notice as provided in`moon `A_{1!(bl,Florida Statutes Phaie number of person or entity designated by avner: Expiration date of notice of commencement;(the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and fined payment to site contractor,but wilt be i year from the date ofrecardatg unless a different date'ts specified) WAR MRS T-OWHEF.AM'PAYMENTS NIA0E VN THE�'-VlHER AFMELTHE EXPIFW 1710H 4f THE NOTICE OF O-1MMENCEMENT ARE G'tJ.iL,EREL IMP&OPER PAYMENTS UNCfR CRAMER 723,PART f,SEr:T1,DN 71.13,FL0F1IGA STATUTES, JA ANEE N RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TV'JKE FC R IMFFxJVEIIIEN7,T<?Y-:Uk P :?PEf:N.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT NSL15Y Be fiECORt (M MXE JOS SiTE eBEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IFYUNdTEN[Tt; .STAINFiNANCIN+,, .CiNfLILTWrrHY-:URLENDER{RA VFA MENCIN�WORK C-R RE:CiRL4W:3YQur,rtsn:E:,Fi _'wtteENCEMENT. THIS'IS TO COTIIFYrTrHAT THIS IS A Under penult,;of perjury,i declare that i have read the foregointgno6ce of cormnencemel5k ���he t�ctY3��t Gpflirypt wfb t r r rriyknowl andbetief. SMITH, CLERK {Sign tree of itero- ssee,or Cnvner's or Lessee's Authorized Gfficer/Efrector/Partn I a epu Cl k cre c f S' oLo �� o {.dgnatary's TiKep:tffice) The foregoing instrurnent was acknowledged before me this dayl , :.0 wGL(r.5 Jr as n J r for: 10A4,c, ;bra 3f T-4 i:sPo rt ae. Name of Person Type ofauthority(e.g.officer,trustee) ' party on behaIl''of,whwainstrumentviasexecuted � L Personally knovin V a'produced klentif+cation {S natty of Notary Ftdtlic-:rate of Flor {f' t e,or5tamp Commissioned Nanteublic) MAttti MA110m Type of Identification produced �r My OMSSION F FF IM E)MS:OWW 21,2DIS ers+NtiwtYwiyrsmotladseer.s ,