HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) rlonua nuuumg�t.oue vnme rage 1 ox L RECEIVED IAN 2 s '' ,Si�a�' �` x y. -^+F�' r. '' � rT'_gi;`5'i•et :e"�v:n, '.fit 'Ksf E,?—�;,� a - _ �1 f v cavy' 1� ,„ "f :• FI'• ' �C,�, Bas Nome tng m us"R WT&mh I HatTooks ! SSbMR Surcharge Sims ik Fars PobD FSC Smff ! Bt35 Site Map ! links= Search Wda ProductAPProval r HLE C7.- Product Approval Menu a eroduR orJ o0nratlon sh±ardr a Apolicanoo tkt>AppNotlan DMU FL O F 18355-R2 Application Type Revision Code version 2014 Application Staters Approved Comments Archlved L Produ t Manufacturer TAMKO Building Products,Inc. Address/Phone/Emall PO Box 1404 70pna.MO 64802 (417)624-6644 Ext 2305 kerrl_eden®taniko.00m Authorized Signature Kerd Eden kern ellen@tamlW.hbm Technical RepresenMtJve Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Reprgentathre Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Arddtea or a Ltcensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R.Priest Evaluation Report Florida uoense PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/07/2019 Validated By LDdta Bowden Validation Cheddist-Hardcopy Recehred Certificate of Independence F 18355 R2 Col TBP15001 2 EK 2014 Product Evatuation Reoert Shinales.odi Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) SlandarAd YM ASTM D 3161 2009 ASTM D 3462 20D9 ASTMD D 7158 2008 I TAS 100 1995 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr appdtl.wpx?param=wGEVXQwtDgirvosrHazGXQ... 1/23/2017 Cerir}rcate ofArt#oi0 N CREEK 37S2Edinburgh Dr Tampa,FL 33647 TECHNICAL.SERVICES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALJJATiON REPORT FLoRWASURMING CODE 5r"Eamon(2014) Manufacturer. TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Issued December 14,2015 220 West 0 Street Joplin,MO 64801 (417)624-6644 Manufacturing Plants: Joplin,MO Phillipsburg,KS Frederick MD Dallas,TX Tuscaloosa,AL Quality Assurance: UL LLC(QUA9625) SCOPE Category= Roofing Subcategory: Asphalt Shingles Code Sections: 15ff25,15072-7.1,1523.6.5.1 Propertles: PtWcal properties,Waal Resistance,Wind Driven Rain REFERENCES En' RegodNo. ShindaidYear PRI Construction Metwists Terhnofogies(IST5878) TAP-043-02-01 TAS 100 1985 PRI ConshuctionMaterials Technologies MMS) TAP-051-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materiels Techndogies(tST5078) TAP-054-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRl Constnrctlon Materials Tedulotogies¢87ma) TAP-114-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Catlsfn Materials Tecwwkgiw(TST5878) TAP-117-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Corsbuction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAR 130-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Constracion Maters Technoiogtes(r'ST5878) TAR131-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Conshuctlon Materiels Technologies(M=8) TAP-1654)2-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Mded ais Teclhnotogles(TS 150 TAP-260-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construdbn Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-303-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Conshuction Materials Technologies(TS75878) TAP-W-02-01 TAS 100 1996 PRI Gartishuclion Maters Technologles(TST5878) TAP-31442201 Rev 2 TAS 100 1995 PRI Cor>strudlon Lblerlels Technologies(TST5878) TAP-015-02-01 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)ei PRI Corskidon Materials Teohn tagtes(IST5878) TAP-017-02-01 TAS 100 1995 UL LLC(TS18826) 02NF%w7 ASTM D 3161 20tl9 UL LLC(TST9828) 04NKMM ASTM D 3462 2009 UL LLC(rST9828) 05NK=06 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 UL 2390 ASTM D 7158 2008d UL LLC(TS ma) 06NK(3898 ASTM ASTMo 3346 20M UL LLC(TST9828) 08CASM32 ASTM D 3161 2009 UL LLC(TST9628) 09NKVM ASTM ASTMD 3462 2008 UL LLC(TST9828) 10CA50498 ASTM D 3462 2009 UL LLC(TS1716 11) 10CAS4882 ASTM O 3161 an UL LLC(TST9828) 11NK14014 ASTM TM D 3� x009 UL LLC(rST9626) 12CA245S1 ASTM D 31611 2009 UL LLC VS7962m) 4786110543 ASTM O 6361 2008(2013)e1 UL LLC(1579628) 4787043752 ASTM D 3161 2009 UL LLC UST9628) 4787146746 ASTM D16ATM 7158 2008 ASTM D 3462 2009 TOP160012 - FL18355-R2 Page 1 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product apprmvai ender Rute 61G203. 'The manufacturer sha4 notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of mW product drarses or quak assurance dranges throughout the duration for which this report Is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,fnstallaticn,recommended use.or other product attributes that are W speditcaify addressed herein. ��✓"�'REE TAMlCO 8Ug1?!NG PRQDLlCFS Aaphait ShirGtes TECHNICAL51MVICES,LLC Pmxw=DEscFvnoN Elite Glass-Seaw 12-114"x 36.ASTM D 3161.pass F and ASTM D 7156,Class H self-sealing,3-tab (Frederick,Joplin& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated on both sides v th asphalt and sudfac ad With Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D$462. GNdss Seal 12114"x 36".ASTM 0 3161,Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H sW-seating.3-tab (Frederick S asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated on both sides hnO asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 34W- Glass-Seal 12114"x W.ASTM D 7156.Class H self-sealing.34ab asphalt shingle with fiberglass (Joplin) mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462 Si incles shellba-used In the non-HVHZ(nly, Hedtage® 13.114' x 39.318'. ASTM 0 3161. Class F and ASTM D 7158. Mass H fiberglass (Dallas,Frederick, r+eirdbrced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules Joplin,Phillipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462 Tuscaloosa) Heritage!Premium 13-114' x 39-318'. ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7156, Crass ti hbemwss ()alias.Frederick, reinforced. laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules Phillipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462 Tuscaloosa) Heritage®Premtum 12'x 36°,ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158.Class H MmUlass reinforced. (Frederick) laminated architec Unai asphalt shingle surfaced wish mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462 Heritagev Vintage® 17-112'x 4W,ASTM D 3161.Class F and ASTM 0 7158.Class H fiberglass rehrfomed. (Philii rig) lam'utated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462 HerttageOWoodgate 13-114" x 39,W, ASTM D 3161. Class F and ASTM D 7168. Class H McMiass (Dallas&Frederick) reinforced. laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462 Heritagee Woodgate 12, x 36„'318, ASTM 0 3161. Class F fiberglass reirdomed, laminated anfiibecWrai pederhtk} asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules c amply ng with ASTM D 34W- Shingles shall be used in the non-HVHZ only. Hip and Ridge Shingles 1211,r x 12°. ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, hip and ddgs asphalt (Frederick&Joplin) shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Vintage*Hip and Ridge 12°x 120,ASTM 0 3161,Class Fiberglass reinforced.hip and ridge asphalt shingle (Phillipsburg) surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. TSPi50012 FL183554;2 Page 2 of 11 This eraluatian report is p vjded far State cf Florida product approval under Rule 61020.3. 'The mmtufacrrrw shalt no*allFEK TedmW Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes vowgitmut the duration for vd th tlhls report is valid. This evaluation report does not w9ress nor imply warranty.installation,recommended use,or other product attnbutes chat are not specifically addressed herein. J � C R K TM MO SUMMNG PRODUChinglesTS Asphalt S TECHmcAL SERVICES,LLC INSTALLATION Elite Glass 80410 Basic VAnd Speed(Vda, Max.194 mph (Frederick.Joplin& Basic Wind Speed(Vee): Max 150 mph Tuscaloosa) Deck(HVH4. In accordance with FBC regUirements; & Solidly sheathed min.19132 in.plywood or wood plank for Glass-Seal new construction; Min. 15132 in, plywood existing (Frederick.Joplin(Non- construction. HVHZ)&Tuscaloosa) Deck(Nan-HVHZ). In accordance with FBC requirements, Solidly sheathed min.15132 in.plywood or wool plank for new construction;Min.7116 in.OSB existing construction. Undedayment In accordance with FBC requtremerds. Mn.slope: 2-12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturers application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greaW than 21:12- Installation 1:12Installation(HVHZ): Installed with 5-116 inch exposure in accordance wilt RAS 115 and manufacturers published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using'6 Nail Patterrr detailed below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5-118-inch exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufaktruers published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either*4 Nail Pattern'or'6 Nail Pattern'detailed below. NAILS -- ---- --- — --- $-711 AM 5-1f8" butt Edge Figure 1. EUte Gh=-Seal&Glass-Seal 4 Nail Fathom(NOn-HVHZ only) NAILS �- 6-716° Area 5.118" Bust Edge Figure 2 Elite Glass-Seall&Gims-Seal 6 Nail Pattem TBP150012 FL18355-R2 Page 3 of 11 This evaluation report is praAded for Stats of Florida product approval under Rule 61G2D-3. The maraitadutW shall notify CREEK Technkal Services.LLC of arty product charges or quality assurance dranges throughout the duration for this report is valid This evaluation report does not express nor imply uramudy.installation,recommended use.or other product attributes thst are not spedfica111r addressed herein. " R " CREEK TAMK4BU1}S41 haakR{}UUMIes TECHmCAL SERviCBB,LLC Heritage® IBasic Wind Speed(V,a): Max.194 mph (Dallas.Frederick,Joplin, Basic Wind Speed(Vwd): Max 15d mph Phillipsburg&Tuscaloosa) Dent{HVHZY In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed min.19132 in.plywood or wood plank for Heritage®Premium new construction; Min. 15132 in. plywood e)dsling (Dallas,Frederick construction. PhiCpsburg&Tuscaloosa) Deck(Non-WHZ- In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed min.15132 in.plywood or wood plank for Heritage®Woodgate new construcKon;Min.7/16 In.OSB existing construction. (Dallas&Frederick) Undedayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope. 2:12 and in accordance with FBG requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. installation QWH4 Installed with 5-518 in.exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufactruees published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using-6 Nail Pattern"detailed below. installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5-518 in. e):powre In accordance with FBC requirements and manufachu es published Installation instructions. Shingles shall be alladted using eilhrr*4 Nall Pattern"or 16 Nail Pattern'detailed below. FASTENERS NAIL ZON E COMMON BOND G'1/8rr EXl�OSURE 5-SIS'" 12-1/211—► —12-318" — -- 12-112" �1--1" Figure 3. HeritageQ,Heritages Premium,and Heritage®Woodgate(Dallas) 4 Nail Pattern(non4WHZ only) FASTENERS NAIL ZONE COMMON BOND 61 EXPOSURES-6/8" 1=-!� �7'1!2"-�rt-T-il2°-tr�l-7�3f8A"�f-�'�2"-►�-?-if2'� h--1° Figure 4. HeritageO&HeritageV Premium 6 Nail Pattem TBP150012 FL18355-R2 Page 4 of 11 This evaluation report Is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G—& The amams[actom shall no*CREED Tedirucal Services,LLC of any product Manges or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report Is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor Imply warranty,installation,recommended use.or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. yt V RE E KTRMKD BUILDING PRODUCT'S r Asphalt shingles TECHNICAL.SERVICES,LLC NAII ZONEI ASCE C OMMONSOND' f-1/8g jO(POSIUESU" Figura 5. Heritage®Woodgate 6 Nail Pattern -+ �----12.112°-----► . 12-1f2"---►;:1"{•r ®Cornsrton Bond M «- + t LO a wo 1 -Eg—le Figure 6- HeritageO,Heritages►Premium,8r Heritage®Woodgate Alternate 6 Nail Pattern PAJNT LINE INAIL ZONE 6-'118 DGE OF COMMON 'BOND EXPOSURE I. 5-61W ACCEPTABLE FASTENER LOCATION DO NOT FASTEN 4 OMMON BOND PREFERRED FASTENER LOCATION Figure 7, Heritage*(Tuscaloosa) Expanded Nall Zone Nal!patterns from Ftgures 3,,&and 6 may be placed In the nail zone as described above TSPI60012 FL18355-R2 Page 5 cif 11 Vie evaluation report Is provided for Slate of Florida product appmval under Rule 6f GM-3. The manufaclurer shat!nobly CREEK Tedu*w senvices,LLC of any pmdud changes or quality assurance changes ihmughout the duration far which this report is valid. This evaluation report does nd express run'imply warranty,imstaiwdm recommended use,or other produd attn'butes ttot are not spect'kally addressed herein. J • � . y L . 1 C F E TAMKO SUILDIM PRODUCTS i Asphalt shingles TEc"NiCAL SERVICES,LLC Hedtagee premiurn Basic Wind Speed(V„o): Max 194 mph (Frederick) Basic Wind Speed(Vasa): Max.154 mph Deck(HVH;* in accordance with FBC requcrernerds: Solidly sheathed min.19132 in.plywood or wood plank for new construction: Min. 15132 In. plywood existing construction. Deck(Non-1WH4. In accordance with FBC requi emenW. Solidly sheathed min.15/32 in.plywood or wood plink for new construction:Mtn.7116 In.OSB existing construction. Undertayrnent: in accordance with FBC requirements. Wn.slope: 2:12 and In accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instmcdons when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. lnstaAa m(HVH4 Installed with 5 in exposure In accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shalt be attached using 06 Nall Patten"detailed below. Installation (Non-IiVHZ): Installed with 5 In. exposure In accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published Installation hwbuc Uoas. ShIngles shell be ansched using eOher"4 Man Pattern'or'6 Nail Pattern'detailed below. NAIL ZONEf FASTENERS � COMMON BOND SIM F0'0JRE 5° Figure L HeritageO Premium(Frederick) 4 Nall Pattem(non-HVMZ only) NAILZONFJ FASTENERS 'COMMON BOND EXP Sun r Figure 9. Heritage*Premium(Frederick) 6 Nall Pattem TSP150012 8.18355-R2 Page 6 of 11 This evacuation report Is provided for State of Florida product approval ender Rale 610,20-3. The manufachm Shall cooly CREEK Tedmic al Services.LLC of any product tomes or quardy assurance changes throughout the duration for uhich this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation.recommended use,or other product alldbutes that are not spedstcatiy addressed herein. CREEK TMWO BUiUXW PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC HeritageO Woodgats, Basle Wind Speed(V a): Max 194 mph (Frederick) Basic Wind Speed(V., }: Max 150 mph Deck(Non-HVHZ): to accordance with FBC r+equirerrrenW. - SolYdiy sheathed min.15/32 in.plywood or wood plank for new construction,Min.7116 in.OSB existing construction. Undedayment in accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in atmordance with.FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when Installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. Installation (Non4WHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published insiailation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either 04 Nall Pattern'or"6 Nail Pattern'detailed below. NAILMWJ t�ISTENtERS /CIDIWONBOND 5`112" EXPOSUFE Figure 10. Heritage®WOodga%(Frederick) 4 Nail Pattem(non-HVHZ Only) NALZONrd CotllMON BONG FASTENERS F 5.11r EXPOSURE r j 1Q� �9-1J2g�,�d"�►� 8-iP�� �"Z" Figure 11. Herltags@ Woodgate(Frederick) 6 Nail Pattern TSP15W12 FL,1ti3S5412 Page 7 of 11 lids evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product apProvat under Rude 9 the duration far virtuch this report is valid. Teduftel Services.LLC of arty product draMes or quardy assurance changes This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty.instdaff0m recommended use.or other product atin'Dutes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC Asphalt Shingles HeitageV Vintage® Basic Wind Speed(VQ: Max 194 mph (PhOpsburti) Basic wind Speed(V=k Max 150 mph Deck"VHZk In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min.19)32 in.plywood or wood plank for new construction. Min. 15132 In. plywood e)Mng construction. Deck(Non-HVH2T. in accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min.15132 In.plywood or wood plank for now construction;Mn.7116 In.USB exWM construction. Undedayment in ac Wance with FBC requirements. hft slope. 2+12 and in accordance with FOC requlremerts. Refer to the manubdurees application Instructions when Installing Installation shingles at slopes greater than 29.92 {HVHZj: Installed with 5 in.exposure in arta ante with RAS 115 and manufracturees published Installation in*uctigts. Shingles shall be attached using '6 Nail Pattern'detailed below. Installation {Nom-HVtiZi. Installed MO 5 in. exposure to accordance with FBC nrgrirrements and manufacturer's published Installation 1116t1u011ons. Shingles shall be attw*ed using either-s Nair Pattern er'6 Nall Patter"detailed below. M awcpw�m r 11 ....... ......-- ----+-- - 17-W s raposuoe re 9, vvr PAW Figure 12. Hw tageO Vintage® 5 Nail Paf rn(non-HVHZ only) gra i I NOW i�----uvea--•! Figure 13. HerltageG►WrftgeP 5 Nail Padem TBP150012 F118355-R2 Pages Of 11 This vaduatforn repot is provided for Stere of Florida product approval under Rule 61x20 3. The rant cutter shall notify CREEK Tetullcad Serer,LLC of any product drapes or quality assurance changes throughord the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor Imply warranty,mstalloan,recommended us%or,other pro Id atrnUtes that are not wecificaily addressed herein. CREEKTAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Aspieatt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC Hip Ridge Basic Wind Speed Me). Max 194 mph (Frederick&Joplin) SaslcWmd Speed(Vood): Max.150 mph Deck(HVH4 in accordance wish FBC requirrenents; Solidly sheathed min_19182 in.plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15132 In. plywood existing construction. Deck:(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC regirinemer►!s; SOMY sheathed min.15M Im plywood or woad plank for new construction Min.7116 in.OSB existing construction. Underlayment: in accordance with FBC;requirements. Mn.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requ►rements. Installation: Installed with 6416 inch exposure in accordance with the FSC and manubcWtees published Installation instructions. The direction of the exposed end shall be away from the prevaiturg wind. DIreCBtn Of pimmiling vAnd 5-1W wqdsum iart Figure 1 ht 5-1W 19 4 V or ♦, Figure 2 114" Figure 3 Figure 14. Hip&Ridge(Frederick&Joplin) T6P150M2 R.1B355412 Page 9 of 11 This evaGr bn report Is provided for Stale of Florida product approval ender Ruta MGM.& The manufacturer strati rxstify CREEK TeeW*W Services,LLC of arty product dranges or guafity asstuance draages vmxjghmd the'duratiore for wvfeich this report is wafid. This evahtatlon report does not express nor imply warranty,irrsffit afti,recommended use.or other product aliftules tteat are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAWO BUII.Mi+IG MODUMS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL.SERVICES,i_i..0 Vh tageD Hip&Mdge Basic Wind Speed(V e): Max 194 mph (Phillipsburg) Basic Wind Speed(Vowy Max.150 mph Deck(HVFIZ): in accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed m1n.19)32 in.plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15132 In. plywood existing construction. Deck(Non-tMay In accordance with PBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min.95132 In.plywood or wood plank for new construction;Mn.T116 hr.OSB existing construction. Undedayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope: 212 and In accordance with IBC requirements. Installation: Installed with 5 inch exposure In accordance with the FSC and manufacturer's putat dW htstaita*m Instructions. The direction of the exposed end shall be away from the prevailing wind. Direction of pre Wring wind ftp 5"exp�ure /1 11 Start hem 5"exposure Figure f 1" M $ice' �'�-5-fJ2" '�-5►-1J2� Figure 2 U4 Figure S Figure 15. Vintage@ Hip h Ridge(Phittipsburg) T13131=12 F118355-R2 Page 10 of 11 Ttns evatuarlon report Is pnxidW for Siete of Rodda product approval under Rule 61 W 3. 'the rrranuhlClu r shelf nay CREEK Technical Services.LLC of any product dwSm or quality asurance rdranges throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty.instaMork"Moue nded use.or other product attributes that are nut specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO BUILDi t ShIng MCHMCAL SERVICES,LLC LIMITATIONS 1) Fire Classification Is not Wft the scope of this evaluation. 2) The roof deck and the roof deck attachment shall be designed by others:to meet the minlmum design loads established for components and cladding and In accordance with FBC requirements. 3) The mean roof height shell be restricted to a maximum 33 It in the HVHZ. 4) Classification to ASTM D 7158 applies to exposure 8&C with a building mean roof height of 33-ft or less. 5) Deck substrates shalt be dean,dry,and free from any Irregularities and debris. AU fasteners in the deck Shoff be dhedked for pm halon and corrected prior to undedayment application. 6) Shingles shall be installed starting at the eave in horkontat layers such that the kips shed water front the deck. 7) Instellation of the evaluated products shalt comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufac uref:s published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist behveen these sources,the more restrictive and code compliant detail strap prevail. 8) All products listed In this report shag be manufactured under a quality assuninoe program In compliance with Rule 61G20-3. COMPLIANCE STATErNIENT The products evaluated here6h by Zachary R Priest,P.E.have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Cade 5Edition(2014)as evidenced In the referees documents submitted by the named manufacturer. G�Q.RY.R:.pRj��i, 20 !5. 1 2.14 .� No 74021 �: 1 3,44.1 • .10 STATE OF .'4f 06. = �: /�''•'� V = ♦ . Zachary R.Priest,P.E. �i�s •» R ,.• ��� Florida Registration No.74021 ... .E �*4 (}rganization Itlo.ANE9641 trtfeerieetNe' CERnRCAMON OF DWE►ENIMCE CREEK Tedtnicai Services,LLC does not have,lar will it acgo%a fir anciM interest in any company manufaduring or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEKTechnIcW Services.t1.0 is not owned,operated,or controlled by any c MMM MMIacuring or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R Priest.P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a finandai ingest in any canparw mamrfarxudng or dislbuting products underthis evaluation. ZadM R.Priest.P.E.does not have.nor wig acquire.a financial interest in any other Odity involved in the approval process of the product. END OF RMIORT TBPt50012 FL18355-R2 Page 11 of 11 This evaluation report is p Aded for State of Florida product approval under flute MGM-3- The manufacturer sthedt ratify CREEK Technical Servim.LLC of any product chariges or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for v&dch this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor hnpty warranht.installation,recommended use,or other product albibutes that ate not specifically addressed herein. _ Florida Building Code Online Page L or L Data saw 1xJlelzass omvmbBd 12JISJ2Q15 OahePmWbv FOC AWavai 12/ssl2als Date Approved VA012M6 or Products FL 114odeIr Number or fft t loosidattan F=APP=Ved 1 .Eft Gla wseat,tterimg% as7M D 3462 agft it shirtgW mid hIP amt rtd0e SIMUtes OFra:dtasr,NapaYmedpate,m. .t8P and Rt=mid end ttW Std tee or Llso tdoa IaSErtl for use In HVHZz Yes lx2 tt-rHP2cnR2.2 rat 203tet Eyaivalltm Appar"d for use outride HVKft Yes IMWCt ROSistiutr MIA Ves&fed Br-Z xhW R.Most PE-74021 Design Pressure WA Created by IadepBndertt*Mbd Pw -Yes Others see awnedon tepow for umtts pt the EvsltWaa Reports FL1835S R.2 AE 72MM.2 FBC 2014 Prodid E+ UaMon Reaprt Shinn t Created IhIrd Party Yes eIMrStamRued_Tiftba ee, l 3ZW RUMM I2RANZ2e24 Vm-lase Of FAAft is an MMM arplprlf.�QmrrbM tAtde Fbadat tatr.ettuileddttssm ate peDiit:reaDtdt,.tfre4 dD its temtyrturalttaFi eQQtpS3 rdees�M eapemelp m PO6�'resttcfs d0 notmbtYetrONc meQ W tilts fa>aY-8tshradr Cpnte4'tl1eOfMe b►Pd+tte W ly lrt>dlamn0 rNtL If71Oe mty!fay .Weese asttlaa850.tg7.3395.'pucrtnt W SaRtaN�4$5.27$ (L},Flasida Statetas,tlltClveOctabaL Zptit.t bcatvW tmderAt�c455,F3.tmst iforHe lite QeyatOtRte wCh en emeu addrasU leer daveotte.Thu ett»tus provided mar 6e steed fare8lde!ocnerarclntictt wtt6 rids poerere.NOrreuttremeil addresses ate Pebtic retrnd.wren do act rmtt to spPPlr a Persa»eiaddre� PSeasaPjwtdelhetkPamttadwftlsanemaSaddresswhkheanbemadea��rtdeDallQe.Todthmtlne0t'eumaaanderC�r4S5,FS..Pleasa Prod"AppmVId Aoeeptet Credit Gard Safe appOd.aW.param-wGBVXQ'�vtDquvosrHaZGXQ... 1J23J2017