HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 01/26/2017 09:56 7724626448 SLC CODE COMP PAGE 02/02 ."--n—Hs wr'=l ; -. From;Larry Noeii--- 0"• 72)462-1 148 1 1 '3 PILE # 54 PAGF, 86, Reeo=da 4260274 01Z ROOK 39 01/18/2017 02:51:21 PX The undo WipcdJlM+Y given notice thtaimproycrnent will br made to ceftox real property,and in accordance with CK;tp%cr7l3, Floddism"the following information is-povidedin EbeNdUct of cammenearneal, 1,09SCRKMON Oir PROF.) (Legal description and strvet uddmg)TAXPOM0 NUBM, G4-000-2 SUBDIMIDN 9 C 92—T X A C-T__L 0 T. 9,1_0 B;.0C.'—UN1T—.— 199 RIVER PALM DR Fort Pierce,FL 34946 2,GENWRAI.DFSCRW"ON OF fmpRovEKENT.Re,faof 3.OWM DWORMATZON, a,Namel inda Sommons A&h=199 River Palm Dr,Fort Pleme,FL,34946 I c.interest in pr*ny.EW—n9J' owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S IWAM14 ADDMRS AND PHONE NVb"M Larry Neese,LLC 21301 Sunrise Blvd.,Fare,Pierce,FL 34982 772-361.fi580 S.SURETY-8 NAME,ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBIFIK AND BOND AMOUNT, 6.LENDER'S N4XE,AIMIR ESS AND PRONT N11'MVFR.- 7.ftrsomi witMnthe State of flerida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other ducuftevIIR may be smcdu provided by Seddon 713.13(l)(s)%FlorEda St2tuto.m. NkNM A DDUP-39 AND PRONE NIJMM to addlt'ma *a Ownff dWiRflaIMAC 110110MnSto rw diVe A espy afthe ir NAWM AVVIRM AND PHOM NUMURR- 9-FxpinaliCo date of ao6ca of commencement(the dxpirAtion d#jo is I year from the data of rft6rdiag unlez a&fmhr date is 11,13,EW .LDA S t.0 -opco—mmm ifQWrm Ot print Nat"end 1pluvideS,11griatarrS TitleMce rA wner'sAvithatizcd 0=ctr/Dhvctor1Psrtner1Mauaavr ommida, e-5 is m cotulty or9>CMI,= IL ca ra P'1- C.3 I.—sWf 'rho fbr*,gnlnSiwqtrumcnrww,%aoknowlcdgcdbototemethis C-F dayor (Mancotperson) (Type ofauthority..e.g.Owrier.officor,mstce,attomay in ro� far I (Name bfpatty anbaalf of wham Insauracrit VW executed) Per-%UnzllYKnown.*rprod%jod the W"kaf W: STATE OF'FLOFWA Vrinted Noma of NtW7 Public) EVWM 7127f.6= Und4r pcisaltirs of rmm!nry.I declare that I have read the ferreping une tifut the facts in it xtt ave to the btwr of my�know;adge and belief(se"iun 9=5,Paoli StanEtex). Sip*txe(s)of Owapxe(s:)or Owner(s)'Authorized OffkerfMrsctor/;t'artn.er/N1 i nagerwho qgIded.abwo., By_