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I ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BEA -CEPTED Date: 1/27/2017 Pei mit Number: s Building Permit Application Planning and Developmen t Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial I Residential X I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click a row at the end of line Address: 5 GRANDE CAMINO PLACE Legal Description: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CARD PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PROPERTY I.D. CARD PLEASE SEE PROPERTY ID CARD Property Tax ID #: 1301-111-0001-000-5 PLEASE SEE PROPERTYIID CARD Lot No. Site Plan Name: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PROPERTY I.D. CARD Block No. Project Name: PLEASE SEE PROPERTY I.D. CARD PLEASE SEE PROPERTY I.D. CARD Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: + Side: p A/C CHANGE OUT TO A 3.5TON 14 SEER PKG UNIT RUUD UNIT MODEL #RSPMA043JK000AUA 10 KW Additional work to a erormen under tispermit—check a app HVAC Gas Tank []Gas Piping _ Shutters ❑ Windows/Doors 11 Electric ❑Plumbing []Sprinklers ❑Generator ❑Roof ❑ Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S. Ft. of Firs Floor: Cost of Construction: $ Utilities: Sewer ❑Septic Building Height: Cr: R r Name IRIS TURNER Name: JONATHON WALSH Address:5 GRANDE CAMINO PLACE Company: POLAR EXPRESS AIR CONDITIONING, LLC City: PORT SAINT LUCIE State: FL Address: 654 2ND LANE Zip Code: 34951 Fax: City: VERO EACH State: FL Phone No. 425-877-9923 Zip Code: 32962 Fax: 772-774-7660 E -Mail: Phone No. T72-774-7784 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E -Mail: INFb@POLAREXPRESSFL.COM from the Owner listed above) State or Couinty License: CMC1250512 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of ape St. Lucie Count makes no representation that is granting apermit will authorize which is in coniNt With any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws oI structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your de In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, Ido hereby agree that in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie C The following building permit applications are exemptfrom undergoing a full con accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and acct WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commenceln improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must I before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult FLORIDA OF INDIAN RIVER The forgoing Instr ent was acknowledged before me The forgoing ins thisg-A day of �J 20 ,aby this i -A day of JONATHON wAL& JONATHON WALSH (Name of person acknowledging) (Name ofpersol (Signature of Notary Public -State of Florida) (Signature c Personally Known OR Produced IdentificationPersonally K Type of Identification Produced Type of Iden Commission No z�:MARLI�gQWTIiDOBtfR�' Commission Revised all respects, perform the work cy review: room additions, uses to another non-residential use lay result in your paying twice for :orded and posted on the jobsite lender or an attorneybefore acknowledged before me _V�20 An_ by Public -State of Florida ) K OR Produced Identification ion Produced MY COMMISSION #FFI72303 REVIEWSFRONT MORTGAGE COMPANY- Name. X Not Applicable DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not Applicable Name; Address: Address: I City; State: Zip: Phone: City: 7 Zip: Phone: I 5tate: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER, x Not Applicable Name: BONDING CO MPANY: Name: X Not Applicable Address: Address: �l City: City: I DATE Zip: Phone: Zip: I Phone: ,I I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of ape St. Lucie Count makes no representation that is granting apermit will authorize which is in coniNt With any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws oI structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your de In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, Ido hereby agree that in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie C The following building permit applications are exemptfrom undergoing a full con accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and acct WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commenceln improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must I before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult FLORIDA OF INDIAN RIVER The forgoing Instr ent was acknowledged before me The forgoing ins thisg-A day of �J 20 ,aby this i -A day of JONATHON wAL& JONATHON WALSH (Name of person acknowledging) (Name ofpersol (Signature of Notary Public -State of Florida) (Signature c Personally Known OR Produced IdentificationPersonally K Type of Identification Produced Type of Iden Commission No z�:MARLI�gQWTIiDOBtfR�' Commission Revised all respects, perform the work cy review: room additions, uses to another non-residential use lay result in your paying twice for :orded and posted on the jobsite lender or an attorneybefore acknowledged before me _V�20 An_ by Public -State of Florida ) K OR Produced Identification ion Produced MY COMMISSION #FFI72303 REVIEWSFRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS ; i Th's combination qualifies for a Federal Energy J& "impo Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31, 2016. Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 3588628 Date: 10/12016 Product: Year-Round Single-Package Air-Conditioner, Air-Cooled Model Number: RSPM-A043JK Manufacturer: RHEEM SALES COMPANY, INC. Trade/Brand name: RHEEM; RUUD Region: All (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NO, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, Wl, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, 2015, are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016, central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional a iciency requirement. Series name: RHEEM RSPM SERIES Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination lis RHEEM SALES COMPANY, INC. Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240-2008 for Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accurac by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 42000 EER Rating (Cooling): 12.00 SEER Rating (Cooling): 14.00 IEER Rating (Cooling): ' Ratings followed by an asterisk (`) indicate a voluntary renate of previously published data, unless accompanied) ith a WAS, which indicates an involuntary rerate. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and listed in the configurations directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reprodyced; personal and copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except( personal and confidential reference. for the user's individual, AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org, click on "Verify Certificate" link we make life better"' and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom right. C RTIFICATE NO.: 131198313604225874 ©2014 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute Michelle Franklin, CFA --Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser—All rights reserved. Property Identification Sile Address: 14LA VILLA WAY a Parcel ID: 1301 -III -0001-0065 Account#: 317 Map ID: 13101N [Ise Type: 28M Zening: PUD City/County: Saint Lucie County Ownership WM HWldingc . 128904 5W nd Ave 1Niani, FL 33 ]3186 V Legal Description r l 134 39E I2 LESS AS IN 0752639.2263:2652 -2429:2669 -2695:2678478,381:268&516:2701 -276:3025 -2962:303e - 1191:3M. 036 1191:3050.1230:3051 -394:30661182:300528)8:308&205:3096 -1463:31338%5:3145356:3148-543:3158-3V 3181- 260:3196 -2462:3208.2519:3219 -920:324&1216:3279-1480:3346-8]3:3354:2677:3354-2680335&974:336 4974:3365- 1980:M67-1366:3376-2196:3390-10: 3427-2558:3429-2130:3434-368:34562260:345&2756: MIN -37:3488-2952 3492 -2952:349&739:3496 -750:35214029:35242041:3524 -2045:3535-1558:35332560:354&2148:3561-2567:3564856: 36(Q -2800,3605 -25:36161484:3619-293:3613-164:3630.1126:3646.125:3653-2611:37 Y2 S,A11: 3108-22843711-97. 3249-876:3749-916 AND LESS ADDL 2.47AC-AND LESS 3SH-2115:380&2120:38361729:3834553:3832-350: 384&1494:385&840:38584829,2861,2871:3864759,766771:3886-1972 389&1037:3901-2642:392&667,677:3939-1075- (309.44AC-13,429,206 SF) (OR 3242191; 404907) Current values J.,WarkmValue; $28,307,000 Asmssed Velue: S2%307,000 Fxereptimrs: so T.SE1s VsIm,. $28,307,000 Taxesforthispateel: SLCT-Collec1oh Oflcc& DOWrlloed TRLM for Us parcel: Download PDF I2 27,450 Total Areas FinkhmYCI.der Air (SF): 20,125 Gross ARS ISE): 27,450 Land Sae(acres): 309.44 Land Sise ISE): 13,479,206 Sale History Date Iaa 1, 1980 Book/Pagc: 0324/2491 me Code: =W Deed: CV GmWr: Price: 5950,000 Doe: Nov 1, hET HoOlt/Page: 0307/1544 Sale Code: XX00 Deed: CV Grantor: Price: mq%ooe, Building Information (1 of 5) FinishedAma: 1 SF Gross Tmd Area: ISE Extedar Data Vierv' Raaf Cever: RmfStructre: Building Type: SEEK Y.Builk 1992 Frame: GmdeY C Fdf dive Year: 1982 Primary Wall: Story Height I sooty No. Unit N32 Sccendary Wall: Interior Data Bmruoms: 0 Electric: Primary Tot Well: Full Bohs:0 Heat Type: Avg HgVFleor:o HelfHuth,; a Heat Fuel: Prunany Floors: A/C W o% Heated %:N/A% Sprinklet %:0% view: Building Type: CUTS Grade Y D+ Story Heigha 1 Smry Bcdrooms:0 Full Baths:0 Haif3whs:0 A/C u: Iw/. Building Information (2 of 5) Finished Arm: 3,500 RF Gran Tolol Area: 3,5W SF E%tenorDdtd Roof Cover: Asph Smngle Ye Built 1985 Effective Yea: 1985 No. Units: l Interior Data Electric: MA%iL Heat To: FrcdHotAG Heat Fm4: ELEC Hm� %:109% view. Building Typc: DGAR Grade:Y D Story Height 1 Story Bedrooms:0 Fug Bmhs:0 H01fBoft 0 A/C %:0% Building Information (3 of 5) FiaisbedATea: 8M SF Gross Toml Arca: 1,570 SF Exledor Dam Reef Cover. Dim Sldngle Y..Baht: 19M ERevhveYear: 19U No. Units: I Interior Dam Bleciric: MAXIMUM Heat Type: Heat Fuel: Heated %: % sms tt> moom.rvhen P yarl SMviN 95 Roof S=Isr e: FiaiAhW F.s Primary Wall: M Stucco Secondary Wer@ Primarylnt Wall: Avg HgMom:0 Privlary Fl0ors: carpet Speiaded%:0% Rri [pRW Roof Structure: Gable Frame: Primary Wail:Ahm Siding Secondary Well: WceN$haadi NimarylotWO: Avg Hgl/F1oor:0 Primary Floors: CONC GRD Spriaktl %:W. View: Building Type: DGAR Grade:Y C Story Height I Ste, Boom.. 0 Full BeRs:0 HalfBeths:0 A/C %:0% W (a0) 10 Building Information (4 of 5) Fivfied Area: 768 SF Gross Total Arca: 2,826 SF Exterior Data Rcof Cover: Dim SH ,b Year Euflt20A8 F crdveYmr: 2005 No. Units: o Interior Data Hleswo4 WxlI M Hm Type: HeatFuel: Heated %: n% t4 13 e,la (AP) Raof Slmcrure: Hip Frame: Pr coy WA M Smcco Secondary Wall: Primarylat Wall: Ayg HgVPloor. o Pnetery Floors: CONC GRD Sprinkled%:0% (xael (xxl Roof Strvcturc MUSLed Frame: Primary Wall: CB Smcco Secondary Wall: Primary ht Wall: Avg Hg/Floor.0 Primary Floors: carpet Spri lsd%:0% Building Information (5 of 5) FinisTcd Area: 14,966 SF Gross Total Mea: 19,553 SF E.Wi0r Data View: Raof Cover: Tar & Graval Building Type CLTIS Y. Belt On Gmde:Y C EOredve Year; 1982 Story Height: l Sorry No. Units: 1 Tnteiior Data Bedroems' 0 Elechic: MAXIMUM Full Botts' 0 Heat Type: FrcMoWr HelfBatha: o HsstFuek ELEC A/C %: l00% Heated %:100% 13 e,la (AP) Raof Slmcrure: Hip Frame: Pr coy WA M Smcco Secondary Wall: Primarylat Wall: Ayg HgVPloor. o Pnetery Floors: CONC GRD Sprinkled%:0% (xael (xxl Roof Strvcturc MUSLed Frame: Primary Wall: CB Smcco Secondary Wall: Primary ht Wall: Avg Hg/Floor.0 Primary Floors: carpet Spri lsd%:0% Special Features and Yard Items Type: COMPOOLAVG Qumdty: I Unix: 2)20 Y=Built 1982 TypC C NLINK 10 Qvmdt, I Units: 200 Y.BuOt 1982 Type: CEMENT CURB Quendty: l Units: 695 Y.BUEL 1982 Type ASPI HIGH Quantity: I Units: 199380 Year BUHL 1982 Type: CONCRETE LOW Q.ftT. I Units: 5952 Year H1WC 1982 1),pe ASPIHIGH Qu.dty: 1 Unix: 360000 Year BUOt 1982 Type: LTiA DIK 6' Qumdty: I Units: 665 YeazBudt 1982 Typo'. CHAINLINK4 Qumdty: I UNts: 160 Year BuOt 19M Type: POOL DK -AVG Quantity: l UU;N; BIG Y.Built: 1982 Type: CONCRETE LOW Qumdty: I U,du- ]200 Ywr Built ` 19M Type: COMPOOLAVO Quantity: I Units: 1800 Ycu Bpilt 1985 Type: POOLDK-AVG Quantity: I Units: 3927 YwrBUHL 1985 Current Year Values Cunent Venues Breakdown Building: 519,187,000 Jaud: 59,120,000 J.vm.ket: 528,307,000 Ag C}ediL 50 Curcmt Yem' Exempfiov Ualne Bicakdowv s veum Hornsm luk Cep: iev Assessed: 828,307,000 FxempGon(s): so ]burble: 52$301,000 GlureutYeer Special Assessment Breakdown charged for special assessmens is reflected m the most currem lax statement Historical Values Permits Number: Issue Date: Jan 9, 2017 Description Arnmot s0 Fee s0 Number: C1502,039 Issue Dnte: Feb 24, 2015 Descsipticn: Air CCMi4oving Only Amount so Fee: s0 Number: CISM-0134 I.OeDffie: Rb 11, MIS Description: Blccnic Amount M F. so Number. C1503-0018 Issue Date Mm's, 2ms Dauipdon: Air C-suicnios Our Amunm: so F.: so Number: CtSO4 043 Issue Dam: Apr 2, 2015 De, uri,dmn Air Con&fioninSlOnly Amount: s0 Foes $o Number. C1504-0385 Issue Date: Apr 21,2015 Description: Air COMirioningOnly Amount s0 Fre: so Number: C150�0391 Issue Dale: Apr 21, 2015 Description: Air Cmldifi 6,Ouy Amount s0 Fee: s0 N.ber. CIS0LW18 Is. Dale: Apr 23, 2015 Descripfiou: Air Comliffum Only Amount so Fs 50 Number: C15o5-0006 Issue Dale: M=Y 1, 2015 Deserpomn: Air Con&lioninS Only Amount so Fee: s0 Numbee C150S0193 Issue Date: May 14, 2015 Descriplum: Ddvmvay Amount 80 Fee: s0 Number: CI595-0196 Issue Date: Airy, 14, M14 Description: Air Conditiwing Only Amewt so Fee 50 Number: 01505-0313 Issue Dale: Mzy21,MI5 D.a i,tmu: Air Conditiv,ing ONy Acmuat so Fee: s0 Number: 015060320 I ... eD.: An, W, MIS Description; Rnnr '.., Amount So F. s0 Number: C1509-0336