HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-36-40 (2)BOARD OF COUNTY COMMUNITY COMMISSION6RS D6V6LOPM£NT ADMINIST TOR TERRy L VIRTA. AICP March 11, 1993 Mr. Dale W. Johnson 5009 Silver Oak Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: Lot Split - Lots 1 and 2, Blk 7, Indian River Estates-' Unit 1 Dear Mr. Johnson: Your request to divide the referenced property into two parcels described as; the W 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2; and, the E 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2, according to the submitted surveys, is hereby a~p~_r_o3~. Please be aware that Section 11.03.04 of the st.'Lucie County Land Development Code provides that no further division of an approved lot split is permitted unless a final record plat is prepared and approved in accordance with the code. _Sincerely, . Terry L. ~ -- AIC Community Development Administrator TLV:JU:sr 2300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 · Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 · P~anning: (407) 468-1576 Property Acquisitions: (407) 468-1720 · Codes Compliance: (407) 468-157 ~ PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO_ (407) 878-4898 L~ClE FOR $25.00 ~ P~oposed ~n approva1 ~ Piero~ ~'nmStrat~_ "~ement D~-J . =partmen~ _~ =u ~o be ~, ~-~or' ~on Bui - ~v~S~on ' ~ or Co the la~ - ida, 34982 ~ ldlng,-.7~n, '.R°?m 201 "~ z-ecords of S~ '~ny divi~fju~Jirglnia ~o~. Lucia Without this - .~-' ~uci~ ~- ' -- ~z n~_ . ~venue faitin~ t~ re~moit~ ~.~.~ountv a~ ~perty~]~_ ~ ~ae PrOpert,.~'~ ~onin~ ~_ ~dmug the 1.) Co~]~ -ng the following: - pe~y effected-- ~ ~~, d~identificati°n,of - ~ ny t~ being with legal description, the PrOpe~y Created.tract land fro-~, Wnic' . 2.) Compigte ~ · · h the dzvlsi~_ . 3.~ ~_, ' ~ posed for div~°~· With legal ~ ' ~uentific~=~ ~Slon; '-. = Uescri~= Property ~_ys affecti,~ ~.tlng or nro~- ~U~eyor- ~xi be ' ~glStere~ =~=pared a-~ ~ ~n the St~'*~ sealed b-- - Section 11.03.04. of the St ' ' requ/res that ~ un,nco all dm · - - Lucia S~]=~ '_rPOrated ~__ vmsmOns o~ County r-_-- - · ~ner i~-~- -- ~u con4 .... --=view-~__ = ~ue Lot -un of this Code~ o~ ~ _~_ ~rz, s. ~o "~"~'~-~ ~'~t~OE~U~°~ ~ o~~ 7. P~OR ~ ~'u~'03' ~ ox:. L~CIE ~'~r_ ~D D~~~D ~QUI~D._ ~PROV~, PROOF OF ~ACITy FOR UTILI~ UTZLI~y, _ 1. ~I~EN PROOF OF EXISTING ~PLIc~TION: ~OM ~HE ~ILITy CO~; C~ACITY ~0 SERVICE ' ~ YO~ NEEDS 2 ~I~EN ~PROV~ ~O~ '' - '~G~TIONs T~ ~ ~ DEp~T~NT OF · Y u~.i~ ~~y ~' - _- . -,- ~S C~cI~y '~ aVAI~L~ ~ BE p~ W~H DENS - - - - .... ~D ITIE - · ~'~ WA~ DATE ADDITIONAL iNFOP, i~.TioN RECEIVED: CHECK ~OR ~XZMTiNG STRUCT~ 1990. ******* DO THEy ~ET SETBACK , S~PT~C S~~~~, ~ ~ NO '~ . ~c~) ? ~o ~ACH LOT : ~ ~S CONTAIN AT G~D: ~ By WHOM: 1'1-03.04 PROCEDURE FOR MINOR REPLAYs AND LO~ SPLITS ~he C0~nity ~evelo~e Section . ~eels that .... lng ~vid~ :-- P or B~ ~pLICATIoN CON~E~S - A developer r~est~9 a ~nor Replat following materials with or Lot Split shall s~t the C°~tY Development an aPPlication fo~ Provid~ by the D~ector along with an application fee as descried ~ Section 11.12.00: 1. A stat~ent iU~catin9 Whether water and/or sanity_ 2. Semite is ~vail~le to the property; sewer Land. . descriptions ?~a% and propos~5_~Creage or S~uar~ ~ · ~ ~ucn drawings ~_~ _Q~g snowing the Prepared by a Profession~ land S~eyor registered in the = ~u a~V%sions shall be State of Florida. In the event a lot contains any Principal o~ accesso~ St~ctures, a the lot Shall accompany the SU~ey showing the structures on application; and August 1, 1990 Xf-60 ' Sectionll.03.04 3 An identification of any similar instruments that and all-easements, rights-of-way or may be found on or adjacent to the property sUbject to the Minor Replat C. or Lot PROCEDURE FORREVIEW Split. 1. The Community Develo-me - - the pro_cee~ ... ~ nt Director - ~__ _ ~ u ~Ltnor Re--]~ shall transmit a cnn,,- 2. _ ~ ur review and ~ une appropriate comments. The review w~a~~ Minor Replete an . .= . accordance ~ =ne procedures ~l~,L~t.Sptmts shall be 3. de-~mme~ mn Section 11 02 0~n If the proposed Minor Re ~f this Section an ~lat. or Lot Split mae - . ~ ~aws and ordin~,2~ ~?~erwlse Complies w~s ~e conditions Replat or Lot ~]~ ~,e Director sh~ ~u all applicable ~u Dy signing the an~7~Pr°~e the Minor D._ STANDARDS FOR REVIEW r~u~ulon ~orm._ AilStandards:b~n°r Replats o~ Lot Splits shall conform to' the following 1. Each proposed lot Code. must conform to the requirements of this 2. Each lot shall abut a Public or private street (exce t as hereinafter provided) for the required min~ ...... P for the. Zoning Distr%ct where the lots a~-um~°~d frontage. 3. tfany ab t --- ~= moca~e~ t°t''-u~s %'~rett rmg~-°f-way that does not c shallt° thebedes~ga Specmfmcatmons ~vmded in this Code, the~mowner required to dedicate one-half the right-of-way necessary to meet the minimUmdesign requirements, width E__~. RECORDATION Upon approval of the Development Dlre~+~- ~lnor Replat or Lot - maps and ~ .... ~ snell reco~ ~ -S~!it ~_ . ~=uments_ a_~ _~ .~ --~ une remlae ^~ , the Community ~z~ reD±at {~ ~ - '~ ~nal± =~ ~- . ~ .... the appropriate ..... une public reco~H~u~n~.developer,s expense, record F. RESTR/CTio~ No further division of an approved Minor Replat or Lot Split is- permitted unless a final record plat is prepared and submitted in accordance with Sections 11-03.01 through 11-03.03. August 1, 1990 t~O00 4.,I LEGAL D~SCRIP'T'ION: t'xl.: T~I.:,ST O,~l-;-t!^!,F ('IF LOTS I&? AOCORDIf4~ TO ~E PLAT THEREOF, PUDUC RECORDS OF 8~.. ~UC]E , CO-. FLA. SURVEY NOTES: 1. ~ND5 8HO~ HEREON ~RE HOT AB~AC~D DY ~E SUR~YO~ FOR RIgHt-OF-WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR O~IERSH1P. Tq,OCK 7, fNDI. A~'i RTVI'-;R E;,TAETL,~ U~';"'i'i AS RECORDED IKI PLAT BOOK i0 PAGE 43 SAID LANDS LYING IKI .... -...-,~-" - ;-,_-'7.-T-~ CO., FLA, 2. THE LAFJD DESCRtPTI'ON AND EASEMEI',ITS SHO~I',I HEREON ARE IN ACCORD WITH THE DESCRIPTION PROVIDED_By THE CLIENT. 4. FLOOD ZONE ,3. BF_ARINOS REFER TO THE PLAT UNLESS O'THERWISE NOTED, 5. ALL DISTANCES/A"GLES ARE PER PLAT UHllm~;.~' OTHERWlb'"F._ SHOWN, CERTIFIED TO: ~NU SERVICES, ;[NC, HAKBOR. FEDEILAT., SAWfNCS AI~D LOAN AS~OCf. ATION. / i;40;:.85 0280 F' 8.~i9-9~t CERTIFICATE: _l?~.-romT OIr I HERE~IY CERTI,rY mAT THE SKE'TCH OF SURVF..Y HEREON IS TRUE SURVEYED UNDER MY D!RE.C~_O_I4. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SURV~_'.~"I~'EETS./THE MINqMUM I~CHNICAL STAt. ID~D~.'.-'~i[T'~:~R?H lt,,I RULE 21HH-{I ADOPI~D ~BY TIlE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYO~S;'PURSUj~qT TQ.J~LORIOA ABOVE ~ROUI, IO Ef~cRoA'CHMENT~ O13~ER THAN 'rl{osE SHOWN H.F,,R£ON. SU..~BdI~C~,,'~r',,~h~JE..~IUALIFiCATION~S NOTED HI~RE0fl, NO? VAUI ATLANTIC .LAND DESIGN__, INC., PROFESSIONAL LAh~D SURV~..YINO ~OUNDARY SURVEY J--:: i--q3 I - JOe NUMD£R F~ (~7) ~g~ r~ (~) eoe-o4~e AS-DUILT SURLY / LEOAL DESCRIPTION: Tltl~ F.A,~T ONF,-MA1,F OF t,OTE; ACCORDING TO T~E PLAT THEREOF, PUBUC REcORI)S OF 5~- SURVEY NO~5: 1. ~NDS SHO~4 H~EON ~RE NOT ABSmAC~D mY SUR~YOR FOR R~Hm-OF-WAY AN~/~ EASEMENTS OF 5. BEARINOS REaR TO ~E PLAT UNLESS O~ER~SE NORD. CER~FIED TO: ~A[.~ MND SERVICES, lNG. H~BOR FBDE~ SAVINGS ~D {~OA~ ASSOCIATION 'BLOCK 7, ih,-l)iA19 R'I'YEK ESTATI'.3S 'UNi.'[' C, NF, AS RECORDED II'J PLAT BOOK I0 PACE ii3 CO., FLA. SAID LANDIS Co., FLA. ?.. Tile LAND DESCRIPTION AND EASEMENTS ~tO~q HI~EOI ARE IN ACCOR[) ~ ~4E ~SCRIP~ PRO--OEO GY ~4E CUENT. CERTIFICA'TE: Cl-t OF SURVEY HEREON IS roUE AND CB~TO THE eESt OF MY KNO~L[tDOF- HEREBY CERTIFY THA_T.__T~I_E_.?.K. ET ...... "CERTIFY TI{AT 'tHIS SURVE;C'"MEETS/'TH[ MINIMUM TECHNICAL B~ ../ ;L~ ,~ ~ ._ --' ~" ~:' / RICHAR~ D, AO~S JR. ATLA T]C LAND DESZGN, INC.~FLORIDA REGISIR~ON NO 3366 ,, p~O~ESSIONAL ~AND'' gUR~NO BOUNDARY SURLY " ~ · P~T ST, LUO~ ~'=34gB3 ~DO. ~ ~-g~5 F~ 8~-8428 __ m fr. m m I I I J .. 0 (OD U~ 0 u.. u~ CO co LU m ~.. o ' Z Z Z D 0