HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-34-39 (16)t~ Etd 0 R A N D U Fl .... J?ai I& 77 . 15 7'8 ~ / 'P' ~s : !Z I "R. s, )o 15, 0 ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT [ ] PARCEL ID [1301-607-0145-000/8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:DURAN, JOHN F ] 09/14 SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/34S/39E iEWOOD PARK-UNIT 7- BLK 75 LOT 14 (MAP 13/02N) (OR 792-2936) IS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA PAGE FMT ON (TYPEOVER) KBD vl.61 NC ~ W&dtN&#?V O~IO ' II&MGG , "'~:~']p!it ~e~of U ~00~,~ X~ ~l&t ~ok !1, . ,St' 'Lucre I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this da.y, .~fore me, in officer duly .I If&Cl IItOW POI tlCOIItl IJIl authorized in the State aforesaid ' ~iust' ': ~' Csrloo L Duran and ~. :f. Duran, husblGd and v~fe cra Psr~ BXWL. F~, PLorco, F~ortda -334S0 ,, ~ the Grmntor doit hereby .~l!ly wlirint ~Ao ttUe to ioid lind. ond will dofend the IMM Nitnmt ~ho Iowful ololmm of mil I)orlom whowvor, -ixo0i)t Mx# for v#r 1985 endmM0quont, liKI reWi~lonl, rellivltloM, timltitioM, Govenonll, md enemen~ of record, if ony,'~ ' ("GrmRor end Ormn'm-" lie uud ..... herein for lln~ili or .IMurol, the dne"lli.,: d11dl lnd~Jl the plureJ, end my Condor dllll'ln~ucle Ill .eMldot!, :II ~mtext require,) .- . end Delivered InOUr '~ ~ ,Ststo of Floridt SC. 'Lucie (SEAk).:, ....... .......................................... (SEAL) ....' .. I HERIEBY CERTIFY, ~hot onthis 7th. day of Hatch, 1985, IMfom me, an offk~ :':~' X~chae! XLeko ?. to me k~own to be the pefsm~(m)'doK~ib0d tnlrKl~ WhO exe(x,'IKl the fMieo, t~ C~!IVeYMKil end Id(,.q~. before ml (M,,m !heV61v llemd · mmm, mm mmm %301-607-0%4s-000/8~,_ 118,JSB6 md#Il Imllm lB Wiiiell (Sum) 8'FATE OF Flefldm ' . ~)~ or hdhmmm. P 719 2;'P~£2 9:3 6 7143 ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSME UEST [ ] PARCEL ID [1301-607-0149-000/6 ] L - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:KINCAID, THOMAS R SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/34S/39E EWOOD PARK-UNIT 7_ BLK 75 LOT 18 (MAP 13/02N) (OR 228-213) S INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE '& N~ NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA PAGE FMT ON (TYPEOVER) KBD vi. 61 OX~EVflA ~. PAL~EY, a single adult ~OMAS R' K~NCA2:D az~ ~ L. ,.~N~A~D, hia vlf. e ~,,~ t, er(,i,,.~h.r cuJl~,~l It,,, ,r. nh, e: ' Lot 18, Blook ?~, LAKEWOOD PAF~ ~ 7, aooor~lns to +.he Plat thereof as regarded in Plat l~ook 11, ~age 13, of the Public Reoorde of' St. Luole Oo~ty, ~orida. ~,d~e flpperlalr~inff. To ~g and t0 ~o~, ,~. --,. ~.. ,,.,~ ~..,. er.r,~or t, ere~y I.lly merranl, the lit~ to ,aid ~nd and mill de/end lac .amc agad~ t~e ~m/ul c~i~ el ,11 per. ori~ mhom~oeuer; and t~al ,aid ~d ~ I~e of oil ene~b~,, except taxe. ~uing ~ubseq~nl 1o December 31. 19~. in ~itngss ~h.eof, ,~...,~ ,~.,.. ~., ,,..,d ..d ,..~d ,~... ,~...,. ,~. d., ..~ ,... lirst a~oue mrilten. COUNTY OF ~. ~U~E author~ed :in the State a[ore~aid and in Ihe County aJore~Jd m ack~Wled~enls/ ~rmnally appeared ..... ~ FILED AN P ~~',eq. ~~, a sin~e ~t ~T ,~eiE RECOR~ ';~ ~;FIFD ~ ' g[~~gt~~ ~d she acknowledsed ~fore me that ' 'e~~S m? hnnd and official ~1 in the ~ty ~nd ,~.: ',. ' - ~;~., ~/,,A, . 19 4 ~"r ..... ~' -.,~~,,~ :~AC~. ~ ,"l~t'~ This instrument S~by: was ~repar ............. _ ..... of Peninsular T~tle Insurance Company, 1807 Okeechobee Road, Fort FlOrida 33450 as ~ necessary mcsaent to lhe fulfillmont of conditions contained Jm ~ htle in;ar~nC~ comm,tment is'iued by IN~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( RE~ EST [ ] PARCEL ID [1301-607-0151-000/3 ] 09/14/92 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME: KASTNER, JOSEPH F SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/348/39E LA IWOOD PARK-UNIT 7- BLK 75 LOT 20 (MAP 13/02N) (OR 732-0578) * Ti S INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRA 810 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 1-LI 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA PAGE FMT ON (TYPEOVER) KBD vl.61 NCR 30 WAIIRANTY D&ll~O ~ ' - ' ' ~.. -,~.~ .- l,.~.h,.l~ r"ll.d d,~ ..r.. ..... ',~" -- ~~~~~~~ /'/  ' i . ' "'- ' . olo_~___t..2.0, ~lock. 75, ~ PARK, U~!T 7, as per Plat ~I~'~.~,~_ ~ n,~. ~, ~3. o~ ~ ~bl~, ~o~, o~ Jlk;l' TO: ~onditions..a tions eil~tm(~lltSr Of record' restrictions, reservations, l~dta ' PPl-~_c_~blo zoning ord~umces, taxes ' .assOssnmnts for tho ~a~,1~78 ~ s~s~uont years-. ' , . . , lo /).c.m~r ~1, 10'77 '"::'"' ' , : ,, , '- m me known., to be ., fm'e#oin~ . e.~ecuged Iih~ flame.' . . WI: .Slate laU sTaT COUNTY OF.~ J HEgEBY. CERTIFY' Ihal on this ~y, ~i~c ~, "an o/firer duly' authorized in the S~te, alore~ '~nd in !he ~mf: .~owm~ lo ~ke ack~w~K~nts. his .,., t CORP. M~LLI~R P. O 3845 Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 She dldy qulJ~jed lad letJnf perlof~ rqromn~ttve l;~rt ¥ or tM flrK part, and A. CHARLBN~ HAPNBR W~ ~t ~tiN ~dr~ b: 5510 8p~U~e D~lve~ Fo~t Pte~oe, F~ 34~2 ~ln ¥ ot the aw)nd pin, WITHEM~H; TJut WH~, ....................................... COtIIK~0 Fbridl0 01t _Dso&tuber 2 5 WI~Rr, A~, tMe to iltd pro~l~y pimd to tM. Mat ¥. or the meond put mm or &M dote or ~ dooodont's (kith puraMnt to fbi pro~al or b dooldut's LMt Will ired TNtlment, whieb was idmltted to probate mid rooord by b CkeuA Gourt fol ~R,_. :..~ r.,,~ 4,. ~-~unty, Florida, Probte Divimlon. in.game No.==.=e0-261./.~_p.mlJ~~tob.~toftlmpert Y orbhpmtto#U or 4incumber the properly for tho plfrpolo or defjm~':~, eoet8, ~ expeneel or 8f~l_m_i~r~n o! deeoden¢'i eKite; amd WHEREAS, the party or the first port wbhel to distribute mid property to the pert y or the ~cond pert md .evidenee the NbeM or the !X'OINmty .fYom slid rfiht to leu or eneumber, NOW THEREFORE, in. ~imtlon or tim foNfohl md in eonnoetion with the distribution or tim emro or loM deeedent, tb ~ y or tbeflmt part Jm fi rebemd to tim perf~ o~* the aoeoml-pert the rlfht to leu or ene~~ propetF and Irant4d, eonve~od and conr~ unto the part y or the second part, her' heirs and aedfna fOMv~,, all or the lntefut or mid 'decedent in- end m-~ md pro~y sitlmtod in St. LUcie - - ~ County, Florida, described n follows: Lot 20, Block 75, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 7, pe]: Plat the~:e.o£, on £ile tn Plat Book Page 13, oE the Public Records of St Lucie County, Flo2:ida. P.s.0tl FJorMo Bdir INi4 700 Tbb instrumont prepared b/ WZL~,ZAM ~. RAZKgS, Post Ot..'i. CO BOX 2520 FOF~ Ptegco, F~ 34954 A,D, ~ 'il 1103516 111 ~lJJl ~. P2~ .. 07 lit Sm~kenmseuWskq~~ aT. LUOXE XW PLAT ~' ~,& lf~4lli~ lO OIf~ I'UBLJ:O AiO0~8 fo~ tim ou~on~ ye4~, ,., · Add Itl ...... I ~ .CERII~ shin on this ds~, ~ mr.. an dt'K~ A. OHARLEJfE IM, PII&R ~'~ N~flTNF. SS n~ hnnd and dltcial sad in the County end .Sram last; N~¢A . A.D. 199 · PREFARKD BY: BETSY NOULTqB. ST' LUOXI COUMTY, XMO' 30:2 80UTH ~JlO 8TR~gT ]fT. PXKJ~E, ~',LORX.2A 34900 ' ffA,Ze ~ ifa ox-oa ooo8 onfl .~u,;~2 ~0578/ . fkOJtlOi N4V Jl, INIZ dfo~d ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSES UEST [ ] PARCEL ID [1301-607-0150-000/6 L - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:MICHAEL MLEKO BUILi~ SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 02/34S/39E PARK-UNIT 7- BLK 75 LOT 19 (MAP 13/02N) (OR 757-2523) S INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE -NA 3-NA 4-NA PAGE FMT ON (TYPEOVER) KBD vl. .Loc' rO~or · ''1 li!d '; !ileoord~nl to cbs pJ. ac chereof ia bO~rd!:~! lc, Lu~e County, Wammly. d Ml&lttdl 27 U. STE~"AN ~), of September ~~r ~ ~b~ at, mcr, to MZOHAIgL ICLlgg0 BUZLDZNO C;ONTRAC~ORS, iNC. 8006 PASO ROBLK.$ BLVD. FOR/' PZgROg, ~PL 34951 A.D. 191992 1137 FILl fO AND st. r, uc~e com~, ~ LOT ,19, 'BLOCg 7&, LAK~NOOD PARK UNZ~ &~VEN, ACCORDING TO PLAT THgR~.0F, RECORDED. ZN P~AT BOOK 11, PAO~ 13, OF TH~ PUB~ZG R~CORDB O~ BT. LUCZg C~UN~Y, ~LORZDA. ~orSUBJ~T~he curr~ntTO Covenan~,yl~r. restrictions, ealemen~, o~ record ~nd and con. v~Cu~on o~ the Sta~e of ~or~da ~n ~ha~ nei~he~ Or~n~or(a) o~ any memberl o~ the househo2d o~ Orantor(e) reside thereon. Parce2 Zdent2~2cat/on ~umber.: 230'2-fi07- . T~ ~ ~:~ ~~.- ~g,;~= ___ .. ~250 000/6 Rec Fee $---.-'~.._ OOU~L. AS DIXON · Doc Tax l~_ Cte,t C,,cu.t Court and in the County aJ'orelaMl HERF~Yto takeCF-RTIFY~lm,tlm on tl~p0~day, bc~~e, dme. an o/ricer duly authmiamJ in tim Sta~ slormaid u. $~ra:~,Juv voa~r., to me. known to be tl~ person(s) described in nd who executed tl~ foreloi~ imrumcm and aclmowkdled bc~;c sm that he ....... C ~.x~.j~tr, d the same. day of -',rqmtp~'dr.:bl sld~~ County and Stat~ la~ aforesaid this 2 7 '""~,.'~- ........ '~. A.D. 19 -':fA' R,FZt:mll ".', .' A '~0': Z-