HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-34-40oF county D LOPM NT J. 6~R¥ ~E. NT Septembe~ 28, 198 b4r. Na~k Walters ICBS, Inc. 2500 SE NidPo~t Rd., Suite 440C Port St. Lucie~ F3. Oricla 34~52 Subject:. Dea~ Nz'. ProPerty Status Walters · 0"0003-000/1 P/ease be advised, in ~ega,~d to YOu~ ~ecen Septembe~ 21, 1987~ t:ne ri~s~ 200 ¢ee~ o~¢ the above P~ope~t.y ls Parallel-to the.. east ~ignt-o¢-way tine #1 and P~esently ZOned-Commercial Gene~al. The P~ope~ty is designated RS-2 (Residential,. dU/ac.). Single g~an~.~a~_~ lette~,. ,,o., - s sit. e wiiz b~eJ. ~n this Pro~e~ ~ a. eszre' t - ii ~inimum ~_~.~ilOwed to .']Z Cry. Tne.-exis,._ o ~nst ~~ ~eaith a~ ~__~.ma. zn Prey' .uz¢-~g mob ~**_ a~cu in acc "~ ~retv .... Zded ~t ~_~ ~- ' ~~er mobile h~_~z'oance wZth ¢ ~uoes and ha ~ · .~,,,us may be ,,~- St. Lucie C- .... s been accordance ~Ztn these regu2atZons. The Several mobile P~.~ced on th~s s~~'cy ~eguz. .-~u unzess t Previously d~d exist on tD~s S~te ~e~e not aUtDorlzed, carry no g~andfatDer~ng Privilege S~ou/d One b-e ava/lab In ~egard to t~e ,,garage_ba~n,, De aOVZsed~ tD~s structure/use structure in t~ls s~t Subo~dznate to tDe residential use ofmaYtDere~a~np~operty,SO lOngzf tDe residentially ZOned POrt~Ons of tDe Property. It as a bona f~de commercial Operation ~ if located d'esl gna ted area of tDls Property P~ov&dea all standar requ&rements are met. L. FENN. Disrr,cr No. 1 ® JUDY CULPE.PPE.R, DistriCtcountyNO. 2 ®AdrninisrrotorJACK KI~IE. GEF{,. WE'LDoNDiStrict No.B. LEWIS3 ® A. DALE. TREFE.LNER. District No. 4 ® JIM 2300 Virginia Avenue e Fort Pierce, FL 33482-5652 ~ Phone ('305) 466-! 100 rot, Exr, 396 e BUilding: Ext. 344 ® Planning: F.x~'~ 3i6 , Zoning: Ext. 336 ® Code Enforce Sept eml:)e~, 28., Page .2 ' - 1987 Z t~ust tn/s, a'nsWe~s, you~ fu~tne~ assistance, please /.et DJM/mg BRYAN1 (816) c: Zoning A:oministrator Code: Enforcement Aaministrator quest.Lons, US know. uz'pn.y Plannez, / o r any