HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-34-40 (5)BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS D rERRY' L. VIRI'A BrUce Abernethy Jr. Neil l Griffin Jeffries & Lloyd 311 South Second Street Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Re: Dear Bruce: July 17, ~989 Zoning Verification for Property Owned by HOllan~ 1406-113-0001_000/3 (property east of Old Dixie 1406-113-0002_000/0 (Property lying between U S Old Dixie Highway) ' · The Property described in your letter .of July 5, been Combined into two parcels ApPraiser.,s records, according to the The parcel lying east of Old Dixie (1406-113-0001_ currently ZOned Residential, Medium Density _ 5 units (R~-5) . According to the Property ApPraiser, s records, this parcel is Unimproved. Therefore, thor, violations of any existing zoning and/or buildin~ regula The Parcel lying between U.S. No. 1 and Old Dixie ( 1 406-113-"0002_000/0) is currently ZOned Commercial, (CG). According to the Property ApPraiser,s records, th has several improvements. The only Structure that Woul any COncern is a single family residence which is conforming Use in Commercial, General Zoning. There Violations of any existing Zoning and/or building regulat If you need anything further, please let us know. Sincerely, Joyce D. Braun JDB/jb Dev. Regulation Reviewe~ ~t. VERT L. FENN, District No. 1 · JUDY CULpEpp£R, DistriCtcounryNo. 2 Adr~inistratore JACK K~i£G£R,~ WELDoNDiSrrict No.BEOLEwiSe R. DALE TR£FELNER, District No. 4 e J 2300 Virginia Avenue e Fort Pierce. FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-1590 · Building: (407) 468-1553 · Planning: (407) 468-15'76 Zoning: (407) 468-1.553 · Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 NEILL RICHARD V. NEILL CHESTER B. GRIFFIN MICHAEL UEFFRIES ROBERT M. LLOYD U. STEPHEN TIERNEY, ~ HAROLD g' MELVILLE BRUCE R. ABERNETHY, UR. RICHARD V. NEILL~UR. RICHARD m. CARNELL, UR. St. Lucie County Building and Zoning DeDartment 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34 982 Dear Sirs: ~e: Certificate LAW OFFICES (3RI FFiN d EFFRllES CHARTERED' 3~1 SOUTH SECOND STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 349B0 July 5, 1989 verifying zoning LLOYD MAILING ADDREss: POST OFFICE BOX FORT PIERCE, FL 34954 TELEPHONE (407) ' FAX This law firm is . ~co~nc,erning that nro~_~hand.lln~ a real esta~ ~xniDit ,,n,,~ __.~ ~. ~-cy which i-~ - ~= cransacti ~=&n.. F _ -,-.,=,-u ano . · .. .~ '-, -,-. c,.,,-.L Cl. ' · h~ ~ ..... or your re~-er~~-. .... by this rer-e~ .... .Y escrlbed on t}_.~ ~uo3ect re . . ~.~'~'~=.' I have r ._ . P Perry whl . _ also encl ~ P ated P operty in 1,,~ ch laa~ be ye ¥=u. en ::, - - -'- -,- ',.j z z 'c e ct to indicate the My cl. ient,s lender has requested that verification of 'the existing zonin~ of the subject property be provided. Accordingly, I would, appreciate your written, verification of the existing zoning of all of the highlighted addition, I Would request that you verifyproperties that the property' In is not CUrrently be-in~ used in a manner which Violates any of your existing zoning and/or building ordinances or regulations. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. Sincerely, BRA./j ih Enclosures cc: Mr. ~. Calvin Holland S CI.___-IE DULE A -.--_. . PARCEL 1 - That p'ortion of the North ]./2 of the Southeast 1/4 o~. Northeast 1/4 of ,:qection 6 To , wn:;hi;) 3,i ..qouth ~.ange ,;0 Lucie County, .... .Flor';da, a.]..]. ]..~ Di>:ieU'S' !-{igh::,ay NO.andl a · Z'[.ighwa,,, Portion of the t';o--th"~~.~/2". o,.~Ythe""i:: of the Southweot .]./,l of, tl~e Norl:hea~-tLuc:[e Court1/4 of Section 6, 34 Sout~,I, I~ange. 40 Ea..q the East of the Eastern rigl~t-of-way line of U -.:'- l'Iighwq, LESS AND EXCEPT THEREFROM that parcel described as- Be the North line of the Norl:h 1/2 of tho North 1/2 of tho 1/4 of tlae Northeast 1/4 at the East right-or-.way line o Highway No. 1, thence run South alOnq tho East righ[:-of .of U.S. Highway No. 1, a distance of 76 feet; thence run distance of 200 feet, thence run NortD parallel to 'the Ea right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 1, a distance of 7.6 thence run West 200 feet to the East right-of-way line of Highway No. 1, and the point of beginning. t, St, n.e of Old h 1/2 ship s to 1. g at st a t ! PARCEL 2- ...-- part thc North i/,l lying between the west i9]~t of-way I ne of ~:~e f'/o-~,t r - . ~ '. ,' :Lb r Coast Railroad and the Ea,'-t right-of_way line ['o~ Old :.qixi Highway. Ail of ti~e above lying in and being a pa",t o'" ~ 6, Township 34 South Range 40 East ~ oe Florida. ' , in St. Lucie County, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE CONPANY A Reliance Group Holdings Company I:ii¢ No. ST-48,993 PARCEL ONE: "SCHEDULE A" l'olicy No. 107-265484 Section 6, Township 34 South, Range 40 East. FrOm the intersection of the right of way for .U.S Highway No. 1 and the North line of 'the Northeast o quarter, run Southwesterly along 'the right of way of U.S. Highway No. 1 88 {eet for Point of Beginning. Then continue Southwesterly along U.S. Hi No. 1 354.5 feet, thence East 241 feet thence South 150 feet to a point on South line of the Noz*th one h'al:f of the Northeast one quarter, thence East 489.51 feet to Old Dixie Highway, thence Nor'thwesterly along Old Dixie Hi 51'7.44 feet, thence West 550 feet to point of beginning. PARCEL TWO: Section 6, Township 34 South, Range 40 East. Begin at the intersection of South line of 'the North one half of the Northeast one quarter and the East of way line of Old Dixie Highway. Run Northwesterly along the right of way o Old Dixie Highway 518.11 fee't, 'thence East 80 feet n~re or ].ess to the West~ right of way of the Florida East Coast Railroad, thence Sou'theasterly along r.igt'~t of way o'f 'the. FEC Railroad to a pein'l: whJ. ch is due F, as t of the Poin't Beginning, thence West 110 feet to 'the Point of Beginning. PARCEL THREE- Section 6, Township 34 South, Range the North one half of the N°r.theast 40 East. Begin at the Southemn boundary o'£ one quarter and the Eastern boundary of u.S Highway No. 1' thence run .Northerly along the right of way for U.S. Highway No.' 1 154.5 feet: 'thence run East 241 feet, thence .run Sou'th 150 feet to the South line of tine North one-half of the Northeast one quarter, thence run West 250 feet to a Point of Beginning. PARCEL FOUR- Section 6, Township 34 South, Range 40 East. Begin at a point on the East right of way of U.S. Highway No. 1 and the North line of the South one half of the Northeast one quarter, thence run Southerly along the right of way for U.S. Highway No. 1 76 feet, thence East 200 feet, thence Northerly parallel to U.S. Highway No. 1 76 feet, thence West 200 feet to the Point of Beginning. I.'¢)R,X} 2()()2 ((:onfinllalj,)n) 2 0 U 0 0 i / . .. ,/ /